Customer manual
LFM LP Reader Rev.1.2
Protocol description ASCII, SECS/HSMS Customer manual Version 1.2
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0. Table of contents
0. Table of contents 2
1. Introduction 5
2. Version history 7
3. Used abbreviations and designations 7
4. General instructions 8
5. Safety instructions and warnings 9
5.5.1 Regulations and certifications 14
6. Functional description 15
6.2.4 Test module 16
6.3.1 Top view 17
6.4.1 Power supply and current input 20
6.4.2 Device labels 21
6.4.3 Device Label FCC ID 2AP5OLFM-LP 21
7. Installation 22
7.5.1 Positioning the antenna 25
7.5.2 Antennas dimensions 26
7.6.1 Tuning push button 27
7.6.2 Test push button 28
8. Commissioning 29
HERMOS AG Gartenstrasse 19 Tel. +49 (9279) 991-0 D-95490 Miste lgau Fax. +49 (9279) 991-100
Protocol description ASCII, SECS/HSMS Customer manual Version 1.2
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9. Operating 34
9.2.1 General 34
9.2.2 Automatic protocol detection 34
9.2.3 Triggered protocol change 34
10. ASCI-I1 Communication protocol 36
10.4.1 X – Read data 44
10.4.2 R – Automatic read 45
10.4.3 W – Write data 46
10.4.4 G Query parameter 46
10.4.5 F – Query parameter 47
10.4.6 P – Set parameter 48
10.4.7 N – Reset 49
10.4.8 e – Error message 50
10.4.9 H – Heartbeat 50
10.4.10 V – Query software version 51
10.4.11 L – Lock data area 52
10.4.12 I – Adjust RF module 53
10.4.13 J – RF module Queries the vote 54
10.4.14 A – Sensor event object removed 55
10.4.15 B – Sensor event object detected 56
10.4.16 O – Set output 57
10.4.17 Q – Querying the status of the inputs and outputs 58
10.8.1 Reader operation mode and sensor triggered reading 66
11. SECS / HSMS Communications protocol 71
11.3.1 Stream 1 (system state) 86
11.3.2 Stream 2 (system control) 87
11.3.3 Stream 3 (Material-state) 89
11.3.4 Stream 5 (Exception handling) 91
11.3.5 Stream 9 (system error) 91
11.3.6 Stream 18 (control and data transfer) 93
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12. Service and Troubleshooting 115
13. Disassembly and storage 119
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These operating instructions correspond with the "Radio and Telecommunications Terminal.
Equipment Act and Directive 2014/53/EU (RED) "
These operating instructions are intended for the operator who must pass these on to the
personnel responsible for installation, connection, use, and repairs of the machine.
The operator must ensure that the information contained in these operating instructions and in
the accompanying documents has been read and understood.
The operating instructions must be kept at a known place that is easy to reach, and they must
be consulted if there is the slightest doubt.
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for damage to persons, animals, or objects or to the unit itself arising from the improper use or the disregard or insufficient consideration to the safety criteria contained in these operating instructions or based on modifications of the unit or
the use of unsuitable replacement parts.
The copyright for the operating instructions lies solely with
Track & Trace - RFID Division
95490 Mistelgau, Germany
or its legal successor.
Reproduction or circulation of this document to third parties only by express written permission
of copyright holder. This also applies if only excerpts of the document are copied or circulated.
These same conditions apply to the disclosure of the document in digital format.
As of: Juli – 2017
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1. Introduction
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Danger of injury due to unauthorised modifications
There are risks from unauthorised modifications on the device. Only original spare parts from the manufacturer must be used. No modification,
attachment or conversion may be performed on the device without the permission of HERMOS AG.
Danger of injury and interruption of operation due to improper use
There are risks through the improper use of the device. The device must only be used according to its intended use.
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Using the device
The device is exclusively used to read and write passive LF transponders. Any other use of the machine or any use beyond its intended purpose is considered non-intended and
thus improper. In this case, the device safety and the device protection provided may be compromised. HERMOS AG
is not liable for damages resulting from such use. The device was developed for the use in an industrial environment as a built-in device in other systems.
It was not developed as a stand-alone or mobile device in a non-industrial environment, such as domestic, vehicle or open air use.
Intended use also includes the following:
Following all the operating instructions  Following all the safety instructions
Improper use, which can endanger the unit, the user and third parties, include:
The use of the device contrary to its intended use  Changes to the device as well as attachments and conversions  Operating the unit when there are obvious problems
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Initial version of customer documentation
FCC, additional Parameters
Radio Frequency Identification
Low Frequency 134,2 kHz
Semiconductor Equipment and Materials
SEMI Equipment Communications Standard
High-Speed SECS Message Service
Power over Ethernet
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
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2. Version history
3. Used abbreviations and designations
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4. General instructions
All previous versions of this document lose their validity with the issue of this version.
We compiled the information in this document according to the best of our ability. HERMOS AG does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in this document and is also not liable for consequential damages based on faulty or incomplete information.
Objective of the product manual
The product manual serves as support and contains all the necessary information that must be followed for general safety, transport, installation and operation.
The product manual with all safety instructions (as well as all additional documents) must be:
Followed, read and understood by all persons working with the unit (especially
knowledge of the safety instructions)
Easily available at all times to all persons  Consulted if even the slightest doubt arises (safety)
Prevent accidents  Increase the service life and reliability of the unit  Reduce the costs of production downtime
Warranty and liability
The "General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery" of HERMOS AG shall apply. The warranty period is 24 months beginning with the delivery of the device, which is verified by the
invoice or other documents. The warranty includes repairs of all damages to the unit that occur during the warranty period, and
were clearly caused by material or manufacturing defects. Warranty and liability claims in the event of personal injury or property damage are excluded if they
arise from one or more of the following causes:
Improper use of the unit  Disregarding the information in the operating instructions  Unauthorised structural modifications of the unit  Insufficient maintenance and repairs  Disaster events due to impact with foreign objects or force majeure
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Risk of death, injury and property damage.
There is a risk of danger due to disregard of the product manual and the safety information contained therein. Read the product manual carefully before putting the unit into operation for the first time. Fulfil all required safety conditions.
Risk of injury due to disregarding the safety symbols.
Risks exist when disregarding warnings in the operating instructions. Follow all warnings.
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5. Safety instructions and warnings
Scope and symbols
Follow the general safety instructions as well as special safety instructions included in the chapters. The unit was built according to state-of -the-art technology and recognised safety regulations. In order
to prevent danger to life and limb of the user, third parties, or the unit, only use the unit for its intended purpose and in perfect condition with regard to safety.
Bodily injuries and/or property damages resulting from non-compliance with the instructions provided in the operating instructions are the responsibility of the company operating the unit or the assigned personnel. Faults that may compromise safety must be eliminated immediately.
Safety symbols - according to DIN 4844-2
The following special safety symbols in accordance with DIN 4844-2 are used at the corresponding passages in the text of this product manual and require special attention depending on the combination of the signal word and symbol.
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Observe additional information
Use safety goggles
Wear ear protection
Wear safety shoes
Important note
Warning of a hazardous area
Warning of hazardous electrical voltage
Warning of electromagnetic radiation
Warning of flammable substances
Warning of explosive substances
Warning of electrostatically sensitive components
Unauthorised access is prohibited
Fire, open flame and smoking prohibited
Switching prohibited
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5.2.1 Mandatory signs
5.2.2 Warning signs
5.2.3 Prohibition signs
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Dispose of packaging material according to rules and regulations
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5.2.4 Other signs
5.3.1 Operator’s obligations
A safe condition and use of the unit is a requirement for a safe operation of the unit. For that reason, the operator has the obligation to ensure that the following points are adhered to:
The unit may only be operated by trained and authorised personnel.
Prohibit unsafe or dangerous working methods! If necessary, check the conduct
and actions of its personnel!
Have personnel who must be trained, instructed or within the scope of general
training work only on the unit under the supervision of an experienced person!
Have the personnel confirm by their signature that the operating instructions have
been understood!
Precisely establish responsibilities according to the various task areas (operation,
Operating personnel must be required to immediately report any occurring and
identifiable safety deficiencies to their superior!
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Risk of injury due to insufficient personnel qualifications
There are dangers to personnel and the proper operation due to inadequately qualified personnel. Only trained personnel may operate the unit. New operating personnel must be instructed by the existing operating
personnel. The operator must precisely regulate the personnel’s areas of
responsibility, competence, and monitoring precisely. The personnel for the areas of responsibility mentioned above must have the corresponding qualification for this work (training, instruction). If necessary, this can be done by the manufacturer on behalf of the operator. In case of disregard, all warranty claims are void.
Static electricity can damage electronic components in the unit. All persons who install or maintain the unit must be trained in ESD protection.
ESD protective measures must be applied when opening the unit.
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5.3.2 Responsibilities of operating personnel
The operating personnel are obligated to contribute to the prevention of work accidents and their consequences by their personal conduct.
5.3.3 ESD Instructions
Disconnect the power supply prior to removing or adding components!
Observe the basic principles of ESD protection
Take the appropriate ESD precautionary measures
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Danger caused by electrical current
Electrical residual energy remains in lines, equipment and devices after shutting down the device.
Only qualified electricians may perform work on the electrical supply system.
Disconnect the unit from the power supply system if active parts of the unit can be accessed using tools. Access is only permitted by authorised personnel.
Regularly check the electrical equipment of the unit. Regularly check all moving cables for damage within the scope of maintenance and repair work.
Dangers of fire and explosion
There is a risk of fire and explosions in the vicinity of the device.
Smoking, exposed flames and fire are strictly prohibited in the vicinity of the unit. Do not store any flammable liquids within the hazardous area of the device.
A fire extinguisher must be kept in the vicinity of the device.
Warning of electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic radiation develops when transmitting and receiving data. Arrange the antenna in such a position that it is not in the vicinity or make contact with the human body while transmitting.
The device satisfies the standard EN50364:2010 (Human Exposure).
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Residual risks
Despite all precautionary measures taken, there may still be residual risks that are not apparent. Adhering to the safety instructions, the intended use, and the product manual as a whole can reduce residual risks.
Supplemental instructions
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Read and understand all safety and operating instructions prior to installing and
operating the device.
This documentation was written for specifically trained personnel. The installation,
operation and error handling may only be carried out by specifically trained personnel.
Keep these instructions. Keep this documentation in a location that is accessible
to all personnel involved with the installation, use, and error handling of the device.
Follow all warnings. Follow all warnings on and in the device and in the
Install the unit only in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Use only the accessories and cables from the manufacturer.
Troubleshooting that is not described in the chapter service and
troubleshooting may only be performed by the manufacturer.
When connecting cable connections, only pull on the plug and not on the cable.
Only use spare parts specified by the manufacturer.
The provisions of the accident-prevention regulations of the government safety organisations always apply to all work on the unit.
Applicable, legally binding accident prevention regulations.
Applicable binding regulations at the place of use
Technical standards for safety and professional work
Existing environmental protection regulations
Other applicable regulations
5.5.1 Regulations and certifications
The electrical design and documentation satisfy the DIN / VDE, EN / IEC regulations.
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6. Functional description
General information
LF reading devices are radio frequency identification systems that use radio transmission to read or write data of LF transponders (134,2 kHz), which operate as tamper-proof electronic tags. The LF reading devices communicate with common transponders according to ISO 18000-2 and ISO 11785 that are available on the market. The data is transmitted via the existing interface with the preset transmission parameters. If several interfaces are available and connected to the host, the transmission is always carried out on the most recently used interface. The data is embedded in a defined communication protocol and exchanged between the reader and host.
Basic functions - operating modes
During normal operation, the LF reading device supports various basic functions:
Heartbeat function, software version query  Reading data  Writing data  Locking data  Setting and reading out parameters  Setting and querying inputs and outputs
The LF devices can be set in 3 other operating modes by setting the parameters: Polling operation (optional), sensor-triggered automatic reading and test mode.
6.2.1 Normal operation
During normal operation, the LF reading device is immediately ready for operation after a reset. It does not perform any automatic actions in this mode (standby). During normal operation, actions are triggered by protocol commands from the host. A scanning procedure or reading in the data area is initiated by a command of the host system using the communication protocol. In addition to the actions triggered by the host, a corresponding message can be automatically sent to the host and an automatic reading operation can be started by activating or releasing a sensor. When the reading operation is successful, the read data is immediately transmitted to the host. If several antenna ports are occupied simultaneously, the reading operations are processed sequentially. Writing actions (data saved to a transponder) are generally only possible via commands from the host.
6.2.2 Polling mode
LF reading devices can be set into a continuous reading state, which is referred to as polling mode. The device then performs reading operations at regular intervals and outputs the corresponding data of the read LF transponder. The reading device also continues carrying out protocol messages in polling mode. This may, however, result in delays in the poll rhythm. The polling functionality is optional customer-specific available!
6.2.3 Sensor-triggered operation
Device versions with IO port offer the function of a sensor-triggered automatic reading operation. The reading device automatically performs a reading operation when the input is triggered. The type of action
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(inventory/reading) can be defined with the parameters „Read mode“ and „Read page“. The read data is automatically sent to the host. The result of the reading operation (successful, not successful) can be optionally output via I/O s of the antenna port.
6.2.4 Test module
The HERMOS LF reading devices support a test mode that facilitates setting up the antenna and checking the reading ranges during commissioning. These test mode can be activate with a push button.
If the device is in test mode (maintenance mode) three tri-colour LEDs shows the state of the test mode. The chapter "Status LEDs" describes the behaviour in test mode.
see also chapter „push button switches
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Power supply
M12-A plug for 24V DC power supply.
Antenna connection
Lemo antenna connector
--->see page 28
Push buttons
Tuning push button switch starts an automatic antenna tuning. Test push button activates the read test mode. On a long press the
write test mode is activated.
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6.3.1 Top view
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Ethernet interface
Depending on the device model, the reading device features a 10/100 BaseT Ethernet interface.
RS232 interface
Depending on the device model, the reading device features a RS232 interface (9-pin Sub D female).
Optional is a GPIO port available, M8 connector
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HERMOS AG Gartenstrasse 19 Tel. +49 (9279) 991-0 D-95490 Miste lgau Fax. +49 (9279) 991-100
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Technical data
Voltage (protected against reverse polarity)
24VDC (18 – 30 V DC)
Current consumption @24V (passive, reading, pulse 50ms)
50mA, 200mA, max.580mA
Fuse type Nano2
375 mA
Operating temperature
-0 bis 50 °C
Storage temperature
-20 °C bis 70 °C
Permissible humidity at 50°C
25 – 80 %
Transmission frequency
134,2 kHz
Serial Interface
Ethernet interface
10/100 BaseT
Housing material l
Aluminium, black and white anodised
Reader dimensions
115 x 82 x 35 mm
250 g
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Technical data
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Voltage (reverse polarity protected)
V (DC)
Current consumption (Read/Write Pulse 50ms)
200 350
Current (passive)
50 mA
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The device label with the CE label, article and serial number are located on the side of the reading unit.
6.4.1 Power supply and current input
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6.4.2 Device labels
The device label is located on the reading unit housing. It contains a CE mark, article/serial number and the MAC address.
1. Designation
2. Article number (variants)
3. Serial number (example)
4. MAC address (only for ethernet type)
5. Manufacturer
6.4.3 Device Label FCC ID 2AP5OLFM-LP
- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warns the users that changes or modifications to the unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
RF exposure statement (mobile and fixed devices)
This device complies with the RF exposure requirements for mobile and fixed devices. However, the device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.
- FCC §15.105 (a): NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
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The unit is exclusively designed for indoor use in an industrial environment. The unit may only be installed indoors with a temperature and humidity level with in the range of the specified technical module parameters.
Never use the unit near or in water. Never pour liquids of any type over the unit. However, if the unit should still come in contact with liquid, disconnect it and have it checked by a technician.
Do not install the device near heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other devices (including amplifiers) that generate heat. Do not install the unit in a flammable environment.
Never expose the device to extreme temperature fluctuations, since condensation otherwise develops inside the unit and causes damages.
Do not install the device in the vicinity of voltage lines or other power lines with which they could collide (for example, drilling), which could result in serious injuries or even death.
The device (especially the antenna) should not be installed in the immediate vicinity of electrical equipment such as medical devices, monitors, telephones, TV sets and magnetic disks, and metal objects. This could result in reduced read and write ranges.
Never use the unit in explosive areas (such as paint warehouses).
Do not use the device in areas where it is exposed to vibrations or shocks.
The installation location must be adequately illuminated during the installation.
Never install the unit during a lightning storm.
Make sure that the installation meets the requirements of the FCC (country specific) for human exposure to radio frequencies.
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7. Installation
Follow the basic safety instructions in the chapter Safety instructions.
Safety instructions
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The unit must only be installed by specially trained personnel. If you have any doubts about the qualifications, please contact the manufacturer.
If the unit is operated by untrained personnel, the reading device and or connected devices may be damaged.
The packaging material consists of cardboard and foil. Dispose of these materials separately under the respective regulations of your country.
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Qualified installation personnel
The LF reading device and the accessories can be packed customer-dependent in clean room conditions. In order to maintain this condition, the devices must be unpacked in clean room conditions.
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The mounting surface must be stable, non-flammable, dry and clean. If necessary, clean it before you install the device. Only use components, cable and mounting materials provided by HERMOS. Only mount the components at the designated locations and make sure that the operating and ambient conditions specified in the technical data are always maintained.
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Mounting the device
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When installing the antenna, observe the required reading and writing ranges. The reading device can only be used properly, if the transponder is located within the reading and writing range of the antenna. Tune antenna after a new antenna installation!
Tune antenna after a new antenna installation!
The tuning function can be started with the tuning button.
Transponder is outside the
antenna range
Transponder is within the
antenna range
Transponder is outside the
antenna range
Transponder is within the
antenna range
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Installing the antenna
7.5.1 Positioning the antenna
The removal and alignment of the transponder to the antenna is critical to ensure reliable reading and writing. The following diagram displays the optimum alignment and position of the transponder to the antenna.
After positioning, the antenna must be tuned to the ambient conditions. The tuning function can be started with the tuning button.
Transponder parallel to the antenna axis:
Transponder vertical to the antenna axis:
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7.5.2 Antennas dimensions
Block antenna Mini2
Rod antenna M, (HRF.A.LFX.SM.LS.20)
The type of connector is only symbolic and may vary!
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Use the antennas and antenna cable from the manufacturer to ensure optimum reading and writing ranges.
Tune antenna after a new antenna installation! The tuning function can be started with the tuning button.
+24V DC
0 V
There are risks if the device is supplied with the incorrect voltage. Only use cables, plugs and adapters from the manufacturer. Observe power ratings provided in the technical data.
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7.5.3 Connecting the antenna
Connect the antenna at the antenna connection at the rear of the reading unit.
Power Supply M12-A connector The device can be connected to the system's internal power supply or an external power supply.
If the device is connected to the power supply, the Status LED lights green (->parameter 35).
7.6.1 Tuning push button
If the pushbutton is held down for a defined time (->parameter 54+55), the status of the pushbutton is changed and an automatic antenna tuning is initiated when enabled (->parameter 33 and 36).
If the Reader is in test mode, the test mode for the automatic antenna tuning is briefly interrupted when enabled (->parameter 33).
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7.6.2 Test push button
If the button is held pressed for a defined time (->parameter 56+57), the status of the button is changed. If the state changes from "Off" to "On", the test mode Read is started when the Test push button is enabled
(->parameter 36). If the push-button is then held without interruption for a further defined period of time (-
>parameter 56), it switches to the Write test mode. If the state of the button changes from "On" to "Off", the
test mode Read or Write is terminated. The current state of the test mode is indicated by a unique status LED (->Status LED).
Status LEDs
Status LEDs: The status LED is a tri-colour/RGB LED. The white or blue status LED indicates the status of the test mode. If the reader is in maintenance mode or the reading test mode is running, the white status LED flashes at about 1 Hz in reading testmode and 2 Hz in maintenance mode. If the reader is in maintenance mode and the writing test mode is running, the blue status LED flashes at about 1 Hz. If the reader is in normal operation mode, the green status LED is permanently shining (->parameter 35).
Test LEDs: The test LED is a tri-colour/RGB LED. The red and green Test LEDs are used for the reading and writing feedback in test or polling mode. If the read or write process is successful, the green test LED remains permanently lit. If the read or write process fails, the red test LED shines.
In normal operation mode the red and green test LEDs are used for the last reading and writing feedback. In this mode the red or green test LED will light for 5 seconds (->parameter 84) after the last reading.
Tuning LEDs: The tuning LED is a tri-colour/RGB LED. The red and green tuning LEDs are used for the tuning feedback. After a successful antenna tuning, the green tuning LED is switched on for 5 seconds (->parameter 84). If no valid antenna tuning is found during antenna tuning or if an invalid tuning is detected during a read operation, the red tuning LED flashes quickly for 5 seconds (->parameter 84 and 85). During automatic antenna tuning, the blue tuning LED flashes.
After a powerup reset, the Tri-Colour LEDs undergo a short self-test and then display the set communication protocol for one second: SECS: The red status LED goes on briefly ASCII: The red test LED goes on briefly
RS232 connection
The serial interface is implemented as a Sub-D plug connector (9-pin, female). A serial connection line (1:1 circuit) can be used.
HERMOS AG Gartenstrasse 19 Tel. +49 (9279) 991-0 D-95490 Miste lgau Fax. +49 (9279) 991-100
Protocol description ASCII, SECS/HSMS
LED out
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GPIO connection (optional)
A M8 socket (4pos.) is used as connection socket for the GPIO
8. Commissioning
Operating conditions
The following requirements must be fulfilled for smooth device operation.
1. The operating temperature must be within the scope of the values specified in the technical data.
2. The device must be connected to the power supply).
HERMOS AG Gartenstrasse 19 Tel. +49 (9279) 991-0 D-95490 Miste lgau Fax. +49 (9279) 991-100
Protocol description ASCII, SECS/HSMS
Baud rate
Data bits
Stop bits
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3. An antenna must be properly connected to the reading device. If the antenna has not yet been tuned (->Status LEDs), then the automatic tuning must be carried out.
4. A transponder must be within the reading and writing ranges of the connected antenna.
5. After startup the reader works in operation mode.
The serial interface parameters
The following settings of the serial interfaces are set on delivery. The baud rate can be changed in the in the SECS protocol (->Parameter 0x01). If you want to change the baud rate in the ASCII protocol, then
please contact the manufacturer HERMOS.
HERMOS AG Gartenstrasse 19 Tel. +49 (9279) 991-0 D-95490 Miste lgau Fax. +49 (9279) 991-100
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