320 SERIES OPEN FRYERS — Maximum cooking versatility
Boost your produCtivity
with the 320 Series
From freezer-to-fryer side items to freshly breaded products, Henny Penny’s 320 Series
open fryers offer the wide-ranging performance that today’s commercial kitchens
demand. Designed with built-in filtration and a host of easy-to-use oil management
features, the 320 Series combines high-volume capability with world-class efficiency.
And thanks to Henny Penny’s class-leading temperature recovery, the 320 Series helps
you truly do more.
a real KitcHen WOrKHOrSe.
Better PerFOrmance
tHrOugH Better deSign.
The 320 Series is all about versatility: more menu choices,
faster temperature recovery and greater throughput. No
matter the configuration, the 320 Series helps you cook
more loads per hour — making it an indispensable “go-to”
fryer for a wide range of applications.
cHOOSe yOur cOnFiguratiOn.
OFE models are available in 1-, 2- or 3-well
capacities, as well as full and split vat configurations.
With split vats in a multi-well fryer, you get the
flexibility to fry smaller batches of different products
simultaneously — helping you serve customers faster
while boosting profits.
Constructed from heavy-duty, easy-to-clean stainless
steel, 320 Series open fryers are designed with superior
durability in mind. Their narrow footprint helps operators
maximize valuable floor space while a smaller filter pan
makes them more convenient
to maneuver. On the inside,
Henny Penny’s next-generation
Computron® 8000 controls
offer simple, programmable
operation that makes it easy to
get the most out of your fryers.
KeePing an eye On Filtering.
No matter what you’re cooking, the 320 Series helps monitor
and track filtering in the most efficient way possible. Whether
it’s global tracking with preset counts from 1-99 cycles, mixed
tracking with food-specific percentage-based counts or
scheduled tracking for up to four unique daily times, the 320
Series helps you stay ahead of the curve.