Henny Penny FGE 621, FGE 215, FGE 115, FGE 121, FGE 221 Service Instructions Manual

Service in­structions
Translation from the original document • FM05-115---DE • 1/31/2018
Copyright by MKN Maschinenfabrik Kurt Neubauer GmbH & Co. KG Halberstaedter Strasse 2a D-38300 Wolfenbuettel Telephone 0 53 31 / 89-0 Telefax 0 53 31 / 89-280
2 Service instructions
Directory of contents
3Service instructions
1Introduction......................................................................... 7
1.1About this manual ............................................................................ 7
1.2Warranty............................................................................................ 7
2Safety information.............................................................. 8
3Function descriptions........................................................ 9
3.1WaveClean ........................................................................................ 9
4Opening the unit............................................................... 11
4.1Control panel .................................................................................. 11
5Service menu - unit test................................................... 12
5.1Service menu .................................................................................. 12
5.1.1Calling service menu ...............................................................................  12
5.1.2Service menu - overview .........................................................................  12
5.2Software display (Sof).................................................................... 13
5.3Buttons and display test (bdS)...................................................... 14
5.4Relay test (rEL) ............................................................................... 15
5.5WaveClean test (CLe)..................................................................... 17
5.6DynaSteamTest (H2O).................................................................... 18
5.7100°C + KT calibration (CAL)......................................................... 19
5.7.1Check calibration - single chamber 6.x / 10.x..........................................  19
5.7.2Check calibration - double chamber unit 20.x .........................................  20
5.7.3Calibrate cooking chamber sensor - single chamber unit 6.x / 10.x........  22
5.7.4Calibrate cooking chamber sensor - double chamber unit 20.x ..............  23
5.8Draining water (-H2) ....................................................................... 25
5.9Exporting error memory (EEP)...................................................... 25
5.10Deleting the error memory (ECL)................................................ 26
5.11Software update (SFL) ................................................................. 26
5.12Diagnostic memory (dia) ............................................................. 27
5.13Equipment settings (Opt)............................................................. 27
5.14Backup of (PEP) ........................................................................... 29
5.15Recovering data (PIP) .................................................................. 30
5.16Configuration settings (Con)....................................................... 30
6Software update ............................................................... 32
7Exhibition mode................................................................ 34
8Electronics ........................................................................ 35
8.1Overview of the control ................................................................. 35
8.2Layout of control board ................................................................. 36
8.3Assignment of control board ........................................................ 37
8.4Overview of fuses........................................................................... 39
Directory of contents
4 Service instructions
8.5Use of spare relay K6..................................................................... 40
9Gas technology ................................................................ 42
9.1Basics.............................................................................................. 42
9.2CO2 setting ..................................................................................... 43
9.2.1Checking the settings ..............................................................................  43
9.2.2Adjusting the settings ..............................................................................  44
9.3Converting the gas type ................................................................ 49
9.4Checking the connection pressure .............................................. 52
9.5Checking the offset pressure........................................................ 53
10Gas orifices and C02 values up to S/N 16212355........ 55
11Gas orifices and C02 values after S/N 16212356......... 56
12Error messages .............................................................. 57
12.1Description.................................................................................... 57
12.2Overview of fault messages ........................................................ 57
12.3Err 01-23 (not possible to start fan)............................................ 62
12.4Err 01-24 (not possible to start upper fan)................................. 63
12.5Err 01-25 (not possible to start lower fan) ................................. 63
12.6Err 06-13 (emergency rinse not possible).................................. 63
12.7Err 07-10 (cooking sensor defective) ......................................... 64
12.8Err 07-11 (top cooking chamber sensor defective)................... 64
12.9Err 07-12 (bottom cooking chamber sensor defective) ............ 65
12.10Err 07-13 ((cooking chamber sensor emergency program) ... 65
12.11Err 07-14 ((cooking chamber top sensor emergency program)... 66
12.12Err 07-15 ((cooking chamber bottom sensor emergency
program)................................................................................................ 66
12.13Err 07-16 (water vapor sensor defective) ................................. 67
12.14Err 07-18 (cooking chamber temperature too high)................ 67
12.15Err 07-40 (core temperature sensor defective)........................ 68
12.16Err 07-50 (control board temperature too high) ...................... 68
12.17Err 07-51 (risk of frost)............................................................... 68
12.18Err 07-60 (fan defective or temperature limiter triggered)...... 69
12.19Err 07-61 (upper fan fault or temperature limiter triggered.).. 70
12.20Err 07-62 (lower fan fault or temperature limiter triggered) ... 71
12.21Err 07-70 (water pressure too low) ........................................... 73
12.22Err 07-72 (water pressure during WaveClean too low) ........... 74
12.23Con (configuration required)..................................................... 74
12.24SFL (CAN connection faulty / update required)....................... 75
12.25SHO in right-hand display ......................................................... 75
12.26SHO in center display ................................................................ 75
Directory of contents
5Service instructions
13Gas faults and error messages..................................... 76
13.1Err 08-01 (no gas) ......................................................................... 76
13.2Err 08-02 (no gas 1 - upper burner) ............................................ 77
13.3Err 08-03 (no gas 2 - lower burner) ............................................. 77
13.4Err 08-04 (no flame)...................................................................... 77
13.5Err 08-05 (no flame 1 - upper burner) ......................................... 77
13.6Err 08-06 (no flame 2 - lower burner).......................................... 78
13.7Err 08-07 (gas fan fault) ............................................................... 78
13.8Err 08-08 (fault in gas fan 1 - upper burner)............................... 78
13.9Err 08-09 (fault in gas fan 2 - lower burner) ............................... 78
13.10Checking the electrodes............................................................ 79
13.10.1Glow electrode ....................................................................................  79
13.10.2Ionization electrode .............................................................................  80
13.11Checking the gas magnetic valve and gas heat exchanger... 80
Directory of contents
6 Service instructions
7Service instructions
1 Introduction
1.1 About this manual
This service manual contains information needed by the service technician for professional and correct fault isolation, repair and maintenance of the unit. The service technician must also observe the contents of the installation instructions and the user manual.
Target group Target group for this service manual is qualified personnel who are
familiar with the technical functioning and operation of the unit.
Figures All figures in this service manual are intended as examples.
Discrepancies can arise between this and the actual unit.
Spare parts To ensure the reliability of the unit and the individual components, it is
essential that only genuine OEM parts be used. Spare parts can be identified exactly with the aid of the online database.
1.2 Warranty
The warranty is void and safety is no longer assured in the event of:
Modifications or technical changes to the unit,
Improper use,
Incorrect startup, operation or maintenance of the unit,
Problems resulting from failure to observe these instructions.
Safety information
8 Service instructions
2 Safety information
For servicing tasks, the service technician must be familiar with and observe regional regulations. In addition, the notes in the service manual must be observed.
Danger to life due to electric current
ü Disconnect power prior to performing gas and electrical work.
• Disconnect unit from the mains supply and secure it against restart.
• Check to ensure absence of voltage.
Risk of fatal injury from gas
ü Disconnect the unit from gas supply prior to performing gas installation
• Lock site gas supply and secure it against restart.
Function descriptions
9Service instructions
3 Function descriptions
3.1 WaveClean
Overview of functions
a b c
a Solenoid valve K12 c Pump G24 b Pump G16
The following purification stages are available on the fully automatic cleaning WaveClean:
Short: duration of about one hour
Normal: duration about two hours
Extra: duration approximately three hours
Description 1. Testing the cooking chamber temperature.
Automatic cooling of the cooking chamber, if > 55°C.
2. Inserting the WaveClean cartridge.
3. Water exchange of siphon content by the siphon pump G24 and solenoid valve K12.
4. Circulation of water by means of pump G16. Thus pre-cleaning of the cooking chamber. Then anew siphon water exchange.
The heater heats the oven to 55°C.
Function descriptions
10 Service instructions
5. Start cleaning.
Fan motor and WaveClean pump G16 active.
Heating active. Heating the cooking chamber to about 70°C.
The first layer of wax melts in the WaveClean cartridge. The cleaner falls into the cooking chamber and mixes with water.
The fan motor operates in both directions of rotation and at different speeds.
The cleaning phase duration depends on the selected program.
6. A new water exchange of siphon content by means of the siphon pump G24 and solenoid valve K12.
7. Start of rinsing.
Identical to step 5 (cleaning).
Differences: Heating of the cooking chamber to 92°C. The second layer of wax melts in the WaveClean cartridge. The rinse agent drops into the cooking chamber and mixes with water.
Final rinse to bring the pH value to the normal level.
8. In the programs "normal" and "extra" additional drying of the interior occurs by means of hot air.
9. Finally, an indicator for withdrawing the WaveClean cartridge appears, and has to be confirmed.
Despite different cleaning durations, all cleaning steps require the same
amount of water.
During the cleaning process about 3 liters of water are provided by the steam-
ing unit into the oven.
WaveClean termination
WaveClean forced rinsing
The WaveClean forced rinse is automatically started by the operator in case of
failure or premature termination. The duration is 12 minutes. An entry is made
into the HACCP and in the diagnostic memory.
Opening the unit
11Service instructions
4 Opening the unit
4.1 Control panel
Opening the control panel Unlock the control panel with an Allen wrench, size 5. The control
panel pops up automatically.
Closing the control panel Close the control panel by repeatedly pressing the left side
(particularly in the upper left). The control panel locks noticeably at multiple points.
Damage due to vapor / moisture
There should be no gap between the control panel and housing.
Service menu - unit test
12 Service instructions
5 Service menu - unit test
5.1 Service menu
Description • Functional testing of individual components
Error analysis
Change basic settings
Software update
The graphics shown may deviate due to changes and different software versions.
5.1.1 Calling service menu
Calling service menu
Switch on unit "I" Turn the
knob to the Settings symbol.
Press the "START STOP" button.
The left display shows "PASS".
The right display flashes "----". Turn the right knob and select pass word. Press the "START STOP" button.
Jump to the service menu.
Quit the service menu
Turn the
knob to a different position.
The password for the service menu is 1967
5.1.2 Service menu - overview
Selecting a menu element
Select the menu item using the left rotary knob.
Left display shows the selected menu item. Press the "START STOP" button.
Menu item is selected.
Service menu - unit test
13Service instructions
Exit menu item
Press the "STEP" button.
Service menu overview
Designation Description Function
Sof Software display Displays the installed software
bdS Buttons and display test Individual testing of buttons, dials and displays
rEL Relay test Individual control of the relays on the I/O board. Check of the
connected actuators as well as relays.
CLt WaveClean test Option. Test program for automatic cleaning.
CO2 CO2 – calibration Only for gas version. See CO2 – calibration
H2O DynaSteam test Functional test of the DynaSteam steaming unit
CAL 100°C calibration Calibration function for cooking chamber and core temperature sensor
-H2 Drain the water Water draining by means of the connected compressed air on both
water connections.
EEP Export error memory Export error memory to USB stick
ECL Delete the error memory Delete the entire error memory
HCL Delete the HACCP memory Delete the entire HACCP memory
SFL Software update Software update via USB
dIA Display the error memory Display the fault messages from error memory
Con Configuration area Internal configuration level
PEP Export I/O parameters Export I/O parameters from USB stick
PIP Import I/O parameters Import I/O parameters from USB stick
5.2 Software display (Sof)
Description Query about installed software versions.
SOF1 1
Display Software version
Press the "START STOP" button.
Display on the left shows the software version of the unit.
Display on the right shows the software version of the control board.
Exit selection
Press the "STEP" button.
Service menu - unit test
14 Service instructions
5.3 Buttons and display test (bdS)
Description Individual check of all buttons, knobs, and indicator lights.
8888 8888888
Start checking
Turn the left and right knob one after another.
The values on corresponding display changes.
The decimal points of corresponding display go out. Press the
buttons in succession.
The value in the center display changes.
The decimal points in the middle display go out. Turn control knob
fully to the right.
The indicator lights of the 6 positions go off one by one. Turn the
knob to the
The indicator light of the symbol
goes off.
Press the "Programs" button.
A signal is output. Press the button
, "START STOP" and "STEP" in
The corresponding indicator light goes off. Press the
Fan speed
button several times.
The indicator lights of the 5 positions go off one by one.
Exit selection
Press the "STEP" button.
Service menu - unit test
15Service instructions
5.4 Relay test (rEL)
Separate control of the relay.
Testing the relay.
Testing the connected components.
Relays K1 and K16 are switched on permanently.
A plurality of relays are switched on simultaneously.
r1 ONreL
Select relay
Use the left knob to select relay.
Display on the left shows selected relay.
Display on the right shows the switching state of the selected relay (ON / OFF).
Switch on relay Relay with push-button switch
Press the "START STOP" button.
Relay is switched on.
Display on the right shows the relay count divided by 100.
Switch on the relay long-lasting
Press the "START STOP" button for 3 seconds.
Relay is switched-on permanently until "START STOP" button is pressed again.
Display on the right shows the switching state of the selected relay (ON / OFF).
More relays can be additionally selected and switched on.
Switch on the time-controlled relay
Setting the switch with rotary knob right. Display on the right shows the set time in seconds.
Press the "START STOP" button.
That is, the relay is switched on for the set time.
Press the "START STOP" button to turn off relay prematurely.
Exit selection
Press the "STEP" button.
Service menu - unit test
16 Service instructions
Relay overview
Relay ConnectorNo. Description Informatio
K1 X10 2 Main contactor Q1 230V AC
K1 X11 1 POS A 230V AC
K2 X11 2 POS B 230V AC
K3 Solenoid valve for manual rinse 230V AC
K4 X12 3 Solenoid valve for vapor
quenching K12
230V AC
K5 X12 4 Siphon pump G24 230V AC
K6 X12 5 Backup relay K6 230V AC
Not in use
K8 X17 1 Lift magnet fresh air M8 230V AC
K9 Junior fan left / right direction
K10 X13 1/2 Control for condensation hood Potential
K10 Junior fan on/off
K11 X14 2 Cooling fan G7 230V AC
Not in use
Not in use
K15 X1 2 Cooking chamber light 230V AC
K16 X9 1/2 Supply for control panel (MMI) 24V DC
K17 X12 1 Circulating pump G16 230V AC
K18 X31 1 -4 Steaming unit (switched directly,
not via relay)
24V DC
Service menu - unit test
17Service instructions
5.5 WaveClean test (CLe)
The WaveClean test is included only in the selection, if the unit has Wave-
Clean option features.
WaveClean test program for function check.
Circulating pump
Siphon pump
Solenoid valve for filling water
Door gasket / door area sealing
Starting test
Press the "START STOP" button.
Testing the cooking chamber temperature.
Automatic cooling of cooking chamber, if > 70°C.
The right display indicates the remaining time.
Siphon flush and fill.
Discharged by pump G24.
Filling by means of solenoid valve K12.
Recirculating and heating.
The circulating pump G16 is switched on.
Heating the cooking chamber to 55°C.
DynaSteam and siphon flush
DynaSteam steaming unit is switched on.
Anew siphon water exchange.
The test is completed after 30 minutes.
Abort test
Press the "START STOP" button.
Automatic flushing of the siphon and test abortion.
Exit selection
Press the "STEP" button.
Service menu - unit test
18 Service instructions
5.6 DynaSteamTest (H2O)
Description The DynaSteam test allows the function test of the DynaSteam
steaming unit. Calibration of the steaming unit is not possible / necessary.
Access to the water supply pipe in the cooking chamber.
Left hooking-in point or tray trolley removed.
Air baffle in the cooking chamber unlocked and unfolded.
140 0H20
Starting water test
Press the "START STOP" button.
Display on the left shows "INI".
An automatic pre-purge begins. Setting the amount of water with left rotary knob
Display on the left shows the amount of water in ml. Press the "START STOP" button.
Control of the DynaSteam steaming unit.
The water runs from the water supply pipe into the cooking
Check the water quantity Collect the water from the supply pipe with a measuring container.
Starting water test.
After the predetermined amount of water has gone through, the
steaming unit stops automatically.
Compare amount of water with the set value. A deviation of +­10% is within tolerance.
Exit water test.
Press the "STEP" button.
Dual-chamber units (20.x) have two DynaSteam steaming units with parallel
control. The specified quantity of water refers to one chamber. Perform Dy-
naSteam test for each chamber separately.
Service menu - unit test
19Service instructions
5.7 100°C + KT calibration (CAL)
Calibration for cooking chamber sensor and core temperature sensor.
Testing the calibration.
Performing the calibration.
The cooking chamber sensor and core temperature sensor calibration is performed in one step.
The units are factory calibrated. Recalibration is required only in exceptional
5.7.1 Check calibration - single chamber 6.x / 10.x
Requirement Calibrated temperature digital meter.
The temperature in the cooking chamber is < 100°C.
Fixing the internal core temperature sensor and temperature sensor from the external instrument in the cooking space.
For this purpose, use a grill.
Align the sensor tips upward in order to avoid measuring errors.
96.6 -0.5CAL
Testing the calibration
Press the "START STOP" button.
The cooking chamber is heated to 100°C.
Display on the left shows the current temperature in the cooking chamber.
Wait until the display to the left indicates 100 °C (± 1°C).
Compare the left display with temperature on the external meter.
The external meter must indicate a temperature between 99°C
- 99.5°C.
If the value is within the range, terminate checking.
Press the "START STOP" button.
If the value is outside the range, calibration is carried out.
Continue with calibration (see „5.7.3 Calibrate cooking
chamber sensor - single chamber unit 6.x / 10.x‟, Page 22).
Service menu - unit test
20 Service instructions
5.7.2 Check calibration - double chamber unit 20.x
Two-chamber appliances (20.x) are equipped with two cooking chamber sen-
Separation of the two
chambers required
A separation into two regions (chambers) is required for temperature measure-
ments. This can be achieved, for instance, by placing a baking sheet on the
middle shelf of the tray trolley.
Prerequisite Two calibrated digital measurement devices or two-channel
measurement device. The temperature in the cooking chamber is < 100°C.
Fix the temperature sensor of the two external measurement devices in the middle of the top and bottom chambers in the cooking chamber respectively. Fix the core temperature sensor in the middle of the bottom chamber.
Use a grill rack for this.
Point the sensor tips upward in order to prevent measurement
96.6 -0.5CAL
Checking the calibration
Press the "START STOP" button.
The cooking chamber is heated up to 100°C.
Display on the left shows the current temperature in the top
cooking chamber 1.
Display on the right shows the current temperature in the
bottom cooking chamber 2. Wait until the display to the left and right indicate 100°C (± 1°C).
Compare the left display with temperature on the top external
Compare the right display with temperature on the bottom
external meter.
Both external meters must indicate a temperature between
99°C - 99.5°C. If the values are within the range, terminate checking.
Press the "START/STOP" button.
Service menu - unit test
21Service instructions
If one of the values is outside of the range, calibration must be done.
Continue with calibration (see „5.7.4 Calibrate cooking
chamber sensor - double chamber unit 20.x‟, Page 23).
Service menu - unit test
22 Service instructions
5.7.3 Calibrate cooking chamber sensor - single chamber unit 6.x / 10.x
Perform calibration check
and do not turn off the unit.
(see „5.7.1 Check calibration - single chamber 6.x / 10.x‟, Page
Left display on the left shows 100°C.
Display on the right shows the stored offset value.
96.6 -0.5CAL
Adjusting offset value with a rotary knob on the right.
Allow 10 minutes adaptation time to pass.
The external meter must indicate a temperature between 99°C
- 99.5°C.
If necessary, adjust offset value with a rotary knob on the right.
Allow 10 minutes adaptation time to pass. If the value is within the range, store calibration.
Storing calibration
Press the "START STOP" button.
Termination of calibration and storage of offset value.
Automatic calibration of core temperature sensor.
Aborting calibration
Press the "STEP" button.
The calibration is terminated.
Exit calibration
Press the "STEP" button.
Service menu - unit test
23Service instructions
5.7.4 Calibrate cooking chamber sensor - double chamber unit 20.x
Two-chamber appliances (20.x) are equipped with two cooking chamber sen-
Separation of the two
chambers required
A separation into two regions (chambers) is required for temperature measure-
ments. This can be achieved, for instance, by placing a baking sheet on the
middle shelf of the tray trolley.
Prerequisite Execute
Check calibration
and do not switch appliance off.
(see „5.7.2 Check calibration - double chamber unit 20.x‟, Page
Display to the left and right indicate 100°C.
-0.5 -0.5CAL
Calibration Press the
button to switch between the display of
cooking chamber temperature, offset value, and PWM value.
Press the Ready2Cook button until the display of the offset values appears.
Adjust the offset value for top cooking chamber 1 with rotary knob on the left.
Adjust the offset value for bottom cooking chamber 2 with rotary knob on the right.
Press the Ready2Cook button until the display of the cooking chamber temperatures appears.
Let 10 minutes adjustment time elapse.
Both external meters must indicate a temperature between 99°C - 99.5°C.
If necessary, adjust offset anew with a rotary knob on the left and/ or right.
Let 10 minutes adjustment time elapse.
If the values are within the range, store calibration.
Saving the calibration
Press the "START/STOP" button.
Termination of calibration and storage of offset values.
Automatic calibration of core temperature sensor.
Canceling the calibration
Press the "STEP" button.
The calibration ends.
Service menu - unit test
24 Service instructions
Exiting the calibration
Press the "STEP" button.
Service menu - unit test
25Service instructions
5.8 Draining water (-H2)
Description Water drainage removes water residue from the unit to prevent frost
damage during transport and idle period.
Both water connections are connected to compressed air.
The pressure may not exceed 6 bar.
The cooking chamber temperature is < 130°C.
120°C 02:00-H2
Start water drainage
Press the "START STOP" button for 3 seconds.
Start automatic water drainage.
Display on the left shows cooking chamber temperature.
Display on the right shows the remaining time.
Aborting water drainage
Press the "START STOP" button.
Exit water drainage
Press the "STEP" button.
5.9 Exporting error memory (EEP)
Description Export function of the error memory on a USB stick.
USB flash drive is in the USB interface.
Exporting data
Press the "START STOP" button.
Left display shows "USb".
The right display shows "---" continuously.
The right display shows "
" after complete transmission.
The right display shows "no" when USB stick was not detected.
Exit selection
Press the "STEP" button.
Service menu - unit test
26 Service instructions
5.10 Deleting the error memory (ECL)
Description Deleting the entire error memory.
Deleting the memory
Press the "START STOP" button for 3 seconds.
The right display shows "rdy".
Exit selection
Press the "STEP" button.
5.11 Software update (SFL)
Upgrade of the software using the USB interface.
Image: USB stick or software update not detected
Image: USB stick with software update detected
Image: Software update active - do not turn off unit
Perform update
Implementation as described (see „6 Software update‟, Page
Press the "START STOP" button for 3 seconds.
Update begins.
The middle display shows "---".
The update can take up to 20 minutes to complete.
Automatic restart of the software.
+ 58 hidden pages