Features in this manual are only available on the Heatmiser Plus with the software version 5.4
Revision 2
Revision 2 18th August 2002 Page 1
Heatmiser Plus User Manual
Contents Page 2 & 3
KeyPad Layout4
Standard Terms5
Installation Notes
Control Specification
Normal RUN Mode
Scroll Screens7
temperature temporarily
View Technical Screen (Log)7
Service Mode8
Override Function8
Holiday Function8
Program Mode
DATA- Program switching times and temperatures9
TIME- Setting the current time and date10
CODE- How to change the User Code 11
HOLIDAYS- How to program the holiday periods11
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Heatmiser Plus User Manual
Configuring the Heatmiser Plus
Configuring the system12
Resetting the System back to the factory defaults14
Engineers setup- Setting up the individual
1.Calibrating the sensors
2.Setting the maximum override time
3.UP Arrow key “Offset Limit”
4.DOWN Arrow key “Offset Limit”
5.Setting Up Boiler Sequencer (Fixed Flow)
6.Setting Up Boiler Sequencer (Variable Flow)
7.Setting Up Compensated zones
8.Setting Up Optimised Zones
9.Setting Up HiLo Zones
2. Programming the zone & relay titles 27
3. Changing the code28
4. Monitor - View temperature log28
5. Hours Run28
6. Clear Monitor 28
7. Override / Alarm inputs29
8. Wiring instructions 30
Wiring Diagrams31-37
Heatmiser Sensor Information38
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Heatmiser Plus User Manual
Keypad Layout
Back Lit LCD
HOLS Button
VIEW Button
Arrow Keys
Run Prog/ Override
Key Copy
Back Lit LCD - The Heatmiser Plus has a 40*2 character back lit LCD. The back light is
activated when any key is pressed and remains active for 5 minutes after the last key press.
Delete Key
Scroll forward key
HOLS Button - The Heatmiser Plus features a HOLS button which allows the user to put the
control in to a holiday condition. This will put all zones in to a night setback condition. To
switch the Holiday condition off repeat the process.
VIEW Button - Pressing the VIEW button on the Heatmiser Plus allows the user to see the
following information per zone. Day Maximum/Minimum Temperature, Night Minimum
Temperature, Occupancy On Time, Reached Set Point, Maximum Preheat, Rate Of Change,
Hours Run.
Up/Down Arrow Keys - The Up/Down arrow keys allow the user to increase/decrease the
temperature temporarily for the current switching period only. At the start of the next
switching period, the temperature will revert back to the programmed Day temperature.
Up/Down Arrow Keys-The Left/Right arrow keys allow the user to scroll left or right
through the different zones on the system.
Run Key - The Run key is used at the end of programming to put the control in to the
normal RUN mode.
Program / Copy - The program/copy button is a dual purpose button and is used to enter
the programming section of the control and to copy the switching times from one day to the
Override-Used to override the heating on/off. Used in conditions where the building is
being used outside of the programmed switching times.
Delete - The Delete key is used to correct any mistakes made during programming.
Scroll-The scroll key is used to scroll between the different zones screens. The zone screen
shows the relevant information for the particular zone, including actual and required
temperature and relay status.
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Heatmiser Plus User Manual
Standard Terms
Self Learning Optimisation is a system whereby the Heatmiser control will automatically
calculate the start up time to ensure the building is up to temperature for the programmed
switching time. It does this by monitoring the internal temperature readings, so that for example
in milder weather conditions heat up times are reduced - thus saving energy.
Compensation is a system whereby the Heatmiser monitors the Internal and External
temperatures and regulates the flow temperature according to the preset slope setting in the
control. By monitoring the internal and external temperatures the Heatmiser can calculate the
flow temperature needed to maintain the programmed room temperatures.
Pump Overrun To help dissipate the heat from the boiler, a pump overrun time can be set in
the Heatmiser Plus. When enabled, the pump will run on for a number of minutes
(programmable) after the zone has switched off.
Boiler Sequencing The Heatmiser Plus can sequence up to 6 modular boilers providing the
most efficient way of heating a building.
Alarm/Override Inputs The Heatmiser Plus has 8 inputs which can be used as zone overrides
or alarm inputs. When set as an override, the zone will override on/off when the input is made or
broken. The alarm input mode allows the Heatmiser to flash on screen an alarm message when
the input is made.
Preheat is the number of hours the control can come on before the programmed switching time
(when in optimising mode) This is set under the Engineers code and can be set to no more than 8
Rate of change is the time it takes to raise the building 1’C. The factory default for this setting
is 20 minutes but the control will automatically adjust this according to the fabric of the building.
Override Using the override button on the Heatmiser Keypad allows the user to override the
zone for a selected number of hours, to allow for unscheduled use of the system. A maximum can
be set to stop users entering long override periods.
Switching period status:
•Day is when the control is being controlled to an actual switching time. (For example
Between 07.00—18.00 the control would be in a DAY condition. Outside of these hours the
control would be in a NIGHT condition.
•Night is when no switching times have been programmed. At these times the control is set
back to the NIGHT temperature.
The Heatmiser Plus has two different types of RUN mode screens. The first is the Time/Date
screen and the other is the Zone information screen. The Zone information screen layout will
change depending on how the zone is setup.
Week Number External Temperature Communication status (PC Only)
Zone Title Required / Actual Zone Status (Day or Night)
1 HEATING ZONE NO1 (20): 21 STATUS DAYZone Information
OUTPUT OFF FLOW (32): 35 PUMP ON 18Compensation Screen
Relay Status Flow Temperature Pump Overrun status
Required / Actual
Zone Title Temp - Required/Actual Zone Status
HEATING ZONE NO1 (20): 18 STATUS DAYZone information
OUTPUT ONOptimiser Screen
Relay Status
These are the functions available to you in the Normal RUN Mode.
Scroll Screens Using the scroll key you are able to scroll through the scroll screens from
zones 1 through to 7. Using the left or right arrow keys you are able to cycle through the Zone
information screens in any order.
Increasing/Decreasing the room temperature temporarily
To alter the required temperature temporarily you can use the Up and Down arrow keys.
Viewing technical screen
Pressing the VIEW button on the zone you want more information will present the following
Zone Title Day Max Temp Day Min Temp Night Min Temp
OOT07.30 RSP08.30 MPH03 ROC20 HR03.00
Occupancy Reached Set Maximum Rate Hours Run
On Time Point Preheat of change
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Heatmiser Plus User Manual
Service Mode
Pressing the program button and then pressing the override button four times will put the
Heatmiser Plus into Service Mode. This activates all relay outputs for 1 hour. Pressing the same
sequence again will cancel this function.
Important Note: When you are using power open/power closed valves it is important that you
observe the wiring instructions at the back of this manual. Failure to observe these
instructions may result in damage to the valve when using the Service mode.
The Heatmiser Plus has an override function. This allows the user to override the programmed
switching times to allow for unscheduled use of the system.
To override the system first make a note of the zone you wish to override.
zone you wish to override. YOU WISH TO OVERRIDE (1-7): 01
•Now you are prompted to Do you want to override the zone
select whether you wish to 1> ON (Day Temp) or 2 OFF (Night Temp)
override the zone On or Off.
the number of hours you wish PERIOD (08 HOURS MAXIMUM) : 00
to override the system.
•When you have finished1 HEATING ZONE NO1 (20):18 STATUS OR D01
programming the override, you OUTPUT ON
will see on an indication on the
display. In this case the display shows STATUS OR D01, which means the system has been
overridden to a DAY condition for 1 hour. N01 would be shown to indicate the system has
been overridden to a night condition.
To cancel an override. Repeat the steps outlined above, reducing the number of hours to 00.
Holiday Function (On the keypad)
The Heatmiser Plus has a holiday button on the keypad which can be used to shut the entire
system off.
will display the screen shown.
Pressing ENTER will activate the holiday function and will put all zones enabled to accept
the holiday function in to a Night setback condition.
•Pressing any other key will cancel this operation.
•To cancel the Holiday condition repeat the steps outlined above.
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Heatmiser Plus User Manual
Normal RUN Mode Screen
DATA- Programming the DAY temperatures and Switching times.
From the Normal Run mode screen pressing the PROG key will display the screen below.
•At this point you are prompted A SECURITY CODE IS REQUIRED TO PROGRAM
to enter your user code. This will THIS UNIT. PLEASE ENTER THE CODE:
be a 4 digit code.
You must press enter when you have entered your four digit code.
As a factory default the User code is set to 0000. It is recommended that you change
this code after installation.
•Should you have mis-typed or ** THE CODE YOU ENTERED **
forgotten your user code an ** WAS INCORRECT**
error screen will be displayed for
5 seconds. You should contact your installer where you have forgotten your user code.
•Afterentering your user code 1> DATA 2>TIME 3> CODE 4>HOLIDAYS
you will be prompted with the Press <1-4> for required option.
following screen. You should
select option 1 for DATA to program the switching times and temperatures.
•As the Heatmiser Plus is multi- PLEASE ENTER THE NUMBER OF THE ZONE
zone, you are first prompted YOU WISH TO ALTER. <1-7>
to enter the number of the zone
you wish to alter.
•We are now prompted to enter (OCCUPANCY PERIOD E.G 20 C) : 20
the required DAY temperature.
This is the temperature the control will maintain during the programmed switching times.
Use the number keys to enter the required DAY temperature.
•We are now prompted to enter ENTER THE REQUIRED NIGHT TEMPERATURE
the required NIGHT temperature. (SETBACK OR FROST E.G 04 C) :04
This is the temperature the control
will maintain outside of the programmed switching time. This setting is normally used to
give frost protection.
Note ! - At any time when programming the Heatmiser, you are able to use the ENTER key to
accept the programmed setting and continue or the RUN Key to accept the programmed setting
and return to the DATA menu.
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Heatmiser Plus User Manual
DATA- Programming the DAY temperatures and Switching times. (Continued)
The Heatmiser Plus has 4 switching periods available per day per zone. It is important to use 24
hour clock notation when programming the Heatmiser Plus. You do not need to program all of
the 4 switching periods simply leave the unused periods at 00.00.
When you have programmed the DAY and NIGHT temperature settings you are prompted to
program the required switching times for the selected zone.
•You will be prompted with the Enter switching times for period 1 Mon
following screen. START: 08.00 END 17.00
At this screen you should enter
the required Start time, for example 08.00 and then press Enter. Then you should enter
the End time, eg 17.00.
•When you are happy with the programmed switching time press Enter to accept it and to
continue programming.
•You are able to program the timesEnter switching times for period 2 Mon
for period 2 Monday. START: 22.00 END 23.50
Enter the required time in the
same way as you programmed the switching time for period 1.
•Repeat for periods 3-4
•You are now prompted to enter Enter switching times for period 1 Tue
the switching times for Tuesday. START : 08.00END 17.00
•At this point you can enter the
switching times in the same way as for Monday, or you may press the COPY button which
will copy all of the switching times from Monday to Tuesday. The control will then display
Wednesday Period 1.
•Repeat for the week.
Setting the current Time/Date
The Heatmiser Plus has an internal timer which is extremely accurate. Furthermore, the
Heatmiser Plus features automatic GMT ( Greenwich Mean Time ) correction.
To correct the TIME/DATE setting follow the steps outlined below;
•Press the PROG key and Enter the USER code.
•Select option 2 for TIME.
•You will be presented with the The clock is now set at : 13.37
the following screen. PLEASE ENTER A NEW TIME:
•Enter the correct time using 24 hour clock notation.
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Heatmiser Plus User Manual
Setting the current Time/Date (Continued)
•We are now prompted to enter The date is now set at : 19-08-02
the date in DD-MM-YY format. PLEASE ENTER A NEW DATE:
• Enter a new date and press ENTER when you are happy with the programmed setting.
•Press RUN to return to the Normal RUN Mode.
Changing the USER code
•To change the USER Code, press PROG and enter the user security code.
•Then press ENTER
•Select 3 for code.
•Now enter a new 4 digit code The old USER security code was : 0000
and press ENTER when complete. PLEASE ENTER A NEW CODE (4 DIGITS) :
•Press RUN to return to the Normal RUN mode.
Programming the Holiday periods.
The Heatmiser has 5 holiday periods available which can be used to program the holiday periods
for the year.
•To program a holiday period press PROG and enter the USER code.
•Then select 4 for holidays.
•You are now presented with the PLEASE ENTER HOLIDAY PERIOD NUMBER 1
screen for holiday period 1 START DATE : 00-00-00 LENGTH : 00
•To program the holiday period enter the start date followed by the number of days the
heating should be off for.
Important Notes
1.The holiday period should be entered in DD-MM-YY format.
2.In holiday mode, the Heatmiser Plus will maintain the NIGHT setback temperature.
3.When programming holiday periods you must program forthcoming holidays. You cannot
enter a holiday date which has passed. If you do this the control will not recognise the
holiday and the Heatmiser will work to the programmed switching times.
3.Should you wish to delete a holiday period which is currently running, you will need to
perform the following steps;
•Press the HOLS button on the Heatmiser Plus front panel.
•Press the ENTER key to turn the holiday function ON
•Press the HOLS button on the Heatmiser Plus front panel again.
•Press the HOLS button to turn the holiday function OFF.
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Heatmiser Plus User Manual
Configuring the system
The Heatmiser Plus is our multipurpose control and has a wide number of configurations
available. This section aims to guide you through the configuration process.
To configure the Heatmiser Plus follow the steps below;
•Press PROG and enter the configuration code which will be located on the reverse side of
the Heatmiser keypad or alternatively on the Heatmiser enclosure back box.
•When you have entered the code you will be presented with the following screen.
•At this point you are able to begin 1) SYSTEM CONFIG 2) SYSTEM RESET
the configuration process or you !! WARNING!! Read instructions first !!
are able to reset the system back
to the factory defaults.
•Press 1 for Config
•You are now presented with 5 possible zone types for Zone 1. These zone types are
explained as follows.
<1> OPT <02> COMP <03> HILO <04> BS FIXED
1.OPT = Optimiser. The control will automatically calculate the start up time to ensure the
building is warm by the start of the programmed switching time. It does this by monitoring
the internal temperature and adjusting the amount of preheat required.
2.COMP = Compensator. The control will automatically calculate the flow temperature
required to maintain room temperature. By monitoring the internal and external sensor
temperatures, the flow temperature can be increased or decreased to suit demand. This
calculation is worked from a slope factor which can be altered on-screen. The slope factor
is set to 06 as a factory default. In this setting for every 1 degree rise in external
temperature the flow temperature will be decreased by 3 degrees. If the slope factor
is increased to 07 - for every 1 degree rise in external the flow will be decreased by 4
3.HILO = This setting gives control over high/low heaters. A high/low differential setting can
be set which is the number of degrees below the required temperature that the high flame
will switch off.
4.BS FIXED = This option is used when you are sequencing boilers and you have a
hot water cylinder or more than one heating zone on the boiler circuit. The control allows
you to enter a fixed flow temperature.
5.BS(VARIABLE) = This option is used when you have only one heating zone on the boiler
circuit and no hot water cylinder. This option gives you the setting to control the minimum
and maximum flow settings as well as the slope factor which is mentioned under
Compensation above.
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