+ This appliance is design certified by CSA International under the ANSI Z21.11.2b-1998
Unvented Heaters, ANSI Z21.60-1996 CGA 2.26-M96, Decorative Appliances
for Installation in Solid-Fuel Burning Fireplaces. ANSI Z21.60-1996 CGA 2.26-M96
only applies to manual and millivolt control valve units and does not apply to
thermostat control units. State or local codes may only allow operation of this
appliance in a vented configuration. Check your state or local codes.
+ This appliance must have a fireplace screen in place while the appliance is operating
and, unless other provisions for combustion air are provided, the screen shall have an
opening(s) for introduction of combustion air.
+ The flue damper in an existing vented solid-fuel burning fireplace must be closed at all
times when operated as an unvented room heater.
+ No solid-fuels shall be burned in a fireplace where an unvented room heater is
+ This appliance must not be installed in a bedroom, bathroom or any room where an
occupant could possibly be sleeping.
+ Always have glass fireplace doors open completely and have fireplace screen closed
when operating this appliance.
+ When installing this appliance in a fireplace with a mantle, always follow guidelines
listed in the Installation Clearances section of this brochure.
+ If a hood is required to be installed on your fireplace due to mantle clearances,
contact your dealer or HEATMASTER, INC. for availability of the hood.
Any outside air ducts and/or ash dumps in the fireplace shall be
permanently closed at the time of the appliance installation.
This room heating appliance is factory designed to produce a flame having a clean and
virtually transparent appearance. If at any time the appliance begins to appear
abnormal due to excessive yellow flames, noticeable odor, or any carbon deposits on
the logs, immediately turn the appliance to the “OFF” position and contact a
qualified service technician or the gas company.
+ While operating this appliance using propane (LP) gas, the flame burning
characteristics may vary as the gas level in the LP tank approaches empty or less than
¼ full.
+ Unvented gas logs are intended for supplemental heat and are not to be used as a
primary heating source. When operated for an extended period of time this room
heating appliance can produce moisture that could create condensation, requiring
additional ventilation to the home. (EXAMPLE: Partially open a window, partially
open the fireplace vent, if applicable.)
+ Do not remove from this unit any of the attached metal plates which contain
important safety and operating information.