Hasselblad H2 - 9.1.0 User Manual

User Manual
(Manual (V1/English) for camera firmware version 9.1.0 or later.)
Int r odu c ti on 3 Part s & Co m pon e nt s 6 Qui c k St ar t 7
Fu nc ti on Co n tro l & D is p lay 13
G ri p LC D 15
Came r a Bod y 22
C ar ry i ng s tr ap 23
B at te ri e s 23
Re c ha rg ea b le b at te r y gr i p 23
V ie wf i nd er s c re en 25
Ac c es so r y co nn ec t io n 26
P C-c o nn ec t or 26
View fin der 27
Pa r ts & C o mp on en t s 28
At t ac hi n g an d
r em ov in g th e v ie wf i nd er 28
Ey e pi ec e ad j us tm en t 28
Lens es 29
Pa r ts & C o mp on en t s 30
At t ac hi n g a le ns 3 0
Re m ov in g a le n s 3 0
L en s ca p 30
Fi l te rs a nd ac ce ss or i es 30
L en s sh ad es 30
S hu tt er a n d ap er t ur e co nt r ol 30
D ep th -o f- f ie ld c a lc ul at i on 31
D ep th -o f- f ie ld / v i su al p re v ie w 31
I nf ra re d f oc us s e tt in gs 31
Fo c us in g a id 31
CF ad ap te r 32
Fi lm M a gaz ine s 33
Pa r ts & C o mp on en t s 34
LC D p an el 34
LC D i ll um in at i on b ut t on 34
C ha ng e up b u tt on 34
C ha ng e do wn bu tt on 3 4
Fu n ct io n s el ec t or 34
Fi l m pl an e in d ex 35
D ar ks li d e in di ca t or 35
D ar ks li d e ke y 3 5
Fi l m ta b ho l de r 35
Fi l m ho ld er ke y 35
M ag az in e se t ti ng s l oc k 3 5
D at ab us i nt e rf ac e 35
M ag az in e op e ra ti on 3 6
B at te r y 36
B at te r y re pl ac em e nt 37
At t ac hi n g an d re mo v in g th e ma g az in e 37
M ag az in e se t ti ng s 3 7
Fi l m sp ee d s et ti ng 37
Fi l m sp ee d s et ti ng / Ba rc od e 37
Fi l m le ng th / nu mb er o f f ra me s 37
D at a im pr i nt s et ti n g 3 8
Fr a me c ou nt er se tt in g 3 8
L ow -b at te r y sy m bo l 3 8
Fi l m lo ad in g 39
Fi l m wi nd o f f 39
Dig i ta l Phot o grap hy 40
Light Met e rin g & Exp osur e Cont rol 44
M et er in g me t ho d 45
E xp os ur e m et ho d 4 6
M an ua l ex p os ur e mo d e 4 6
Au t om at ic e x po su re m o de 47
AE - L b ut to n 4 8
E xp os ur e c om pe ns a ti on 49
Gen e ral Fu nct ion s 5 0
Po we r - O N 51
Po we r - S ta nd by 5 1
Po we r - O FF 5 1
M an ua l fo c us 51
M an ua l fo c us m od e 52
Au t of oc us o ve r ri de i n m an ua l mo d e 52
Au t of oc us 5 2
Si n gl e Sh ot 52
Co n ti nu ou s 53
Au t of oc us m o de 53
D ri ve 5 4
Si n gl e 5 4
Co n ti nu ou s 5 4
M ul ti e xp o su re 54
P ro fi le s 55
M ak in g a pr o fi le 55
C ha ng in g a p ro fi l e na me 56
Advance d Fea t ure s 57
G en er al o ve r vi ew o f c am er a m en u 58
S el f Ti me r 5 9
B ra ck et in g 6 1
I nt er va l 6 3
S et ti ng s 6 4
Cu s to m Op ti o ns 6 4
Cu s to mi za b le b ut t on f un c ti on l is t 68
I ma ge I nf o 6 9
I mp ri nt 69
I mp ri nt t ex t 7 0
D at e & Ti me 72
Sy s te m st at u s 73
Fl as h 74
Fl a sh m ea su r e 7 7
Opt iona l Acce ssori es 78
Appe ndi x 80
G lo ss ar y 81
Te ch n ic al s pe c if ic a ti on s 85
Eq u ip me nt c a re , se r vi ce a nd g ua ra nt e e 89
Welcome to the flagship of the H System. The H2 builds on the H1, adding the ability to utilize the latest advancements in digital backs, increased mobility, integrated power, and improved image quality. The H2 is the most advanced digital or film medium format photography plat­form on the market today, and a worthy addition to the famed Hasselblad line.
The specifications and capabilities of the H system exceed the demands of most photogra­phers. This allows the system to expand and develop. It’s one of the reasons that so many pro­fessional photographers around the world are discovering, or re-discovering, the creative and professional possibilities provided by the Hasselblad system.
The H system is the result of the most intensive technical development programme ever un­dertaken by Hasselblad, the most prestigious medium-format camera manufacturer in the world. It reflects an unprecedented wealth of knowledge and experience tightly interwoven with the latest technological developments that combined to produce an unrivalled world­class creative tool for the discerning photographer.
Hasselblad had its beginnings during the last fifty years of the last millennium. Within twenty years it was present as mankind took the first small step on the moon. Now, Hasselblad makes its own giant leap forwards into the future. A new foundation on which to build, ensuring the utmost in image-quality, handling and versatility resulting from the most reliable and effi­cient solutions to meet photographers’ expectations.
The H system presents a list of features coloured by superlatives. What was once considered optional is now integral. The potential of this outstanding professional equipment straight out of the box is tremendous.
But there is no trade-off in quality for the sake of the latest technology. The three pillars of the Hasselblad reputation remain: Reliability, Versatility, Interchangeability. Stainless steel and aluminium for no-nonsense professional use and durability. Silicon chip control for basic practical support as well as sophisticated facilities to span all demands. A system to trust and build on, that will develop and grow in pace with tomorrow’s discoveries.
The list of features is long, varied and comprehensive. For example: automatic focus with in­stant manual override, dot-matrix LCDs, rapid button and control wheel user interface, inte­gral grip, integral fill-flash, multi-mode exposure metering, TTL flash control, automatic film speed setting with bar code, instant 120/220 interchangeability, integral dark slide, automatic film advance and film wind off, custom imprinting on frame edge including exposure data,
name, symbols, etc., immediate cable-free compatibility with digital backs, presentation of digital information such as histograms and grey balance on the LCD, extremely accurate elec­tronic leaf shutter, flash sync at all shutter speeds to 1/800s, eyeline viewfinder with 100% view, dot matrix viewfinder LCD, lithium or rechargeable battery options, shutter speeds from 18 hours to 1/800s, user customization of functions. And that’s not all! Bracketing, interval timer, rapid access user button, flash measure, independent LCD illumination on magazines, integral diopter adjustment in viewfinder, zone system capability, time-lapse photography, customized profiles and so on.
In addition H cameras use a format allowing for digital capture with sensors more than twice the physical size of today’s 35mm sensors. The sensor is therefore capable of using more and larger pixels, which secure a high-end image quality in terms of moiré free colour rendering without gradation break-ups in even the finest highlight areas or noise in the shadows.
And, apart from the practical aspects, the H2 also exudes a feeling of superb design and ergo­nomics that makes the camera a pleasure to own as well as use. For handling and convenience of use it is second to none.
So Hasselblad, the most distinguished pioneer in medium-format photography, yet again takes the vanguard position. We are confident that you are going to incorporate this camera inseparably into your photographic life. We are also confident that you are going to produce images you are proud of. Some of these will remain as a documentation of the history of our world, perhaps even beyond. That’s how it is with Hasselblad.
The primary goal of all camera development is of course the seamless and unobtrusive produc­tion of superb images, regardless of situation. The H2 has abilities and features that you may not think you need, yet. Each individual has their own way of working. But the H2 has tremen­dous scope for fine-tuning your technique possibly beyond your present ambitions .
The Quick Start Guide should have you up and running in minutes. The H2 will function equally well as an automatic point-and-shoot or as a total-control, ultra-professional instrument.
The user manual is intended to be the standard reference manual. In it you will find full user descriptions, LCD charts, specifications, etc. For the sake of simplicity, a film magazine and standard lens are normally shown in most illustrations.
Take your time to learn the intricacies and potentials of the H2. Go at your own pace and ex­plore the possibilities when you feel ready for the next step. Results will be good from the word go, that’s guaranteed, but when you want to make improvements or work more efficiently per­haps, the H2 can provide support.
The supreme Hasselblad potential is there, it’s up to you to exploit it!
Finally, please check occasionally on the Hasselblad website — www.hasselblad.com — for any updates regarding user instructions, changes, news, or other information concerning the H system. If you have no Internet access, please contact your Hasselblad dealer or distributor for the latest information.
What’s in the box
Your new Hasselblad camera may have been supplied in kit form or as separate items. There are a number of possible combi­nations depending on factors such as offers, bundles etc. Please ensure that all the items noted on the accompanying packing information have been supplied and are correct.
Contact your Hasselblad dealer or distributor immediately if anything is missing or seems faulty in any way, quoting the serial numbers and purchase details where appropriate.
Familiarise yourself with the various parts and components. Leave protective covers on as much as possible and avoid touching glass surfaces and inserting fingers into the camera body. The H2 has a robust construction and is capable of withstanding fairly rough treatment but nevertheless is a precision instrument and will serve you longer if treated with respect from the beginning.
Please keep purchase details and the warranty in a safe place.
Illustration shows the H2 with a Hasselblad CFH digital back.
1. Flash unit hot-shoe
H1, hf.eps
2. Rubber eyecup
3. Exposure mode and metering method selector button
4. Exposure compensation button
5. Eyepiece adjustment dial
6. Magazine LCD
7. Magazine LCD illumination button
8. Magazine control buttons
9. Magazine settings lock
10. AE-L button
11. Film wind-off button
12. User button
13. Rear control wheel
14. Grip LCD
15. Support strap lug
16. Camera control buttons
17. Magazine databus
18. Front control wheel
19. Shutter release button
20. Battery holder button
21. Release cord socket
22. Stop down button
23. Battery holder retaining lever
24. Mirror up button
25. Battery holder
26. Flash unit
27. Viewfinder screen
28. Focus assist light
29. Mirror
30. Distance and depth-of-field scales
31. Focusing ring
32. Lens shade bayonet
33. Filter screw thread
34. Databus connection
35. Viewfinder release button
36. Flash unit catch
37. Viewfinder attachment hook
38. Viewfinder databus connection
39. Magazine release button
40. Flash PC socket
41. Camera strap lug
42. Lens release button
43. Magazine support
44. Databus connection
45. Quick coupling tripod plate
46. Film tab holder
47. Magazine darkslide key
48. Film holder key
49. Magazine support groove
50. Databus connection

Quick Start

This section is a quick start guide to assembling and preparing your new. From separate items, the assem­bly process should take no more than several min­utes to complete and you will be able to take simple and straightforward photographs immediately.
You can, of course, skip the sections on loading film if you wish to just assemble the camera to begin with or when using a digital back immediately.
All the information is repeated later on in the man­ual, as well as much more in-depth information, under the relevant sections and headings for easier search access.
H2-Kit only / H2- Separate items
If your new H2 was supplied in kit form, you will only need to insert the camera batteries to make it useable immediately. After completing steps 1- 4, you can go straight to 6-7 and 9-10 (marked in red) and then direc tly to the section after step 17 to activate the camera.
immediately, please see separate instructions under the ‘Camera Body’ heading for use and then go straight to step 4).
If, however, the equipment was supplied as separate items, you will need to follow the whole sequence for full assembly and use.
(Please note:
if you want to use a rechargeable battery pack
1. Remove the battery holder from the grip by depressing the battery holder button and simultaneously swinging the battery holder retaining lever down until it stops. Pull battery holder downwards.
2. Depress the red button on the battery holder until the battery cassette is released. Withdraw the cassette from the holder.
3. Load three CR-123 Lithium batteries into the cassette, en­suring the polarity of each battery is correctly oriented (see the ‘+’ markings on the cassette). Re-insert the cas­sette into the battery holder, ensuring the red button clicks back into its retaining position.
4. Holding the battery holder flat against the grip and align­ing the two upper lugs with the slot in the grip, slide it back into position as far as it will go. Swing back the bat­tery holder retaining lever until it clicks back into place.
5. Remove the front protective cover from the camera body by keeping the lens release button depressed and rotating the cover counter-clockwise until it is released.
6. Remove the lens shade by turning it clockwise.
7. Remove the rear lens cap by unscrewing it in a counter­clockwise direction.
8. Attach the lens to the camera body by firstly aligning the red
index on the lens mount with the red index on the camera mount. Grip the lens by the metal barrel (not the rubber focusing ring) and turn it approximately one quarter turn clockwise until it clicks into place.
9. Remove the front lens cap by pinching together the two retaining clips.
10. Attach lens shade to lens by aligning the indexes and turn­ing the shade clockwise a quarter turn.
11. Remove the rear protective cover from the camera body by pushing the magazine retaining latch to the right and inwards simultaneously.
If you decide to attach a digital back instead of a film magazine at this point,
please check with the appropriate user manual for details.
12. Remove the protective cover from the film magazine by placing your thumb on the upper recess and pulling the top of the cover away from the magazine. Push downwards on the cover to release the lower catch on the cover from the magazine retaining bar.
13. Rest the magazine retention groove on the magazine sup­port on the camera body ensuring that they are correctly positioned.
14. Swing the magazine towards the camera body and firmly press into place with a click. If there is resistance, the magazine retaining hook has probably been inadvertently released. Push the magazine retaining latch to the right and inwards simultaneously again to reset it.
15. Remove the top protective cover from the viewfinder screen location by lifting a corner.
16. Remove the protective cover from the viewfinder by depress­ing the viewfinder release button.
17. While holding the viewfinder at a slight angle, locate the front section into place on the front edge of the viewfinder screen recess in the camera body ensuring the central locat­ing lug and databus interface are positioned correctly. Swing the viewfinder downwards and press firmly until it clicks into place. Ensure that both sides of the viewfinder are seated correctly.
18. Point the camera at a smooth toned area. Turn the eyesight adjustment dial until you achieve optimum sharpness of the markings on the viewfinder screen.
The camera is now complete. If you press the ON.OFF
button A for half a second, the camera will activate. If the camera enters STANDBY mode (the LCD screen will show the H2 symbol only), reactivate it by press­ing the shutter release button B halfway (or the ON.OFF button).
You can now explore the menus, buttons, control
wheels, etc observing the changes on the LCD on the grip as well as the LCD in the viewfinder.
film loading ...
19. Fold out the film holder key.
20. Turn the key counter-clockwise 90° and withdraw the film holder completely. (Remove the protective slip from the internal battery compartment if necessary)
21. Place an empty take-up spool in the upper spool holder by pushing one end of the spool against the sprung spool retaining arm to engage the stud in the spool end. Position the other end of the spool over the fixed stud in the holder. Rotate the spool a little if necessary until clicks into position.
22. Completely remove the retaining paper band from a new roll of film and place it in the lower spool holder in the same manner as the empty spool. Ensure you do not place the new film spool the wrong way around! See diagram for correct orientation.
23. Pull 8–10 cm (3–4 in) of paper backing from the film roll and insert the tongue of the backing paper into the slot in the take-up spool.
24. Turn the take-up spool one complete turn to ensure the tongue is firmly held in place by the overlying paper back­ing. Check diagram for correct film travel direction.
25. Re-insert the film holder into the main body of the film magazine ensuring the correct orientation. Press firmly inwards towards the magazine and pay particular atten­tion to see that both sides are level with the magazine body before turning the film holder key clockwise 90° to lock the film holder in place and fold the key back into its stored position. You might find that increased pressure on the left hand side of the film holder will more easily ensure a positive and correct positioning in the magazine.
26. The film will now be wound automatically by the camera to the first frame position if the camera is in active mode. Otherwise, activate the camera by holding down the ON/ OFF button for half a second.
27. Fold out the magazine slide key and turn it counter clock­wise 360° until it stops. Fold the key back into its storage position.
28. Ensure the magazine setting lock is in the forward (unlocked) position.
29. If the film has a Barcode, go direct to step 32. If the film has no Barcode, press the function selector button
film magazine repeatedly until a figure and ISO appears. Press either the change up
until you see the correct ISO rating for the film in use.
30. Press the function selector button
until you see the film length designation (120 or 220).
31. Press either the change up
until you see the correct number of frames correct for the film (8 Fr, 16 Fr or 32 Fr).
32. Insert a tab from a film carton in the holder on the back of the magazine to remind you which film you have loaded.
or change down buttons
repeatedly again
or change down buttons
on the
and finally ...
33. From the inactive mode, press the ON.OFF button until you see the H2 logo on the grip LCD. The LCD then in turn dis­plays the ‘main’ screen. If the camera is already in ‘standby’ mode (the H2 logo will be visible on the grip LCD) click on either the shutter release button or the ON.OFF button to activate it again. (Note that a ‘click’ action is a quick press. See later section for a description of different button pressing actions)
If, however, the main screen does not appear, proceed as fol-
34. Click the ON.OFF button. The LCD then displays the Profile screen.
35. Turn either the front or rear control wheel until ‘Standard’ is highlighted.
36. Press the AF / Load button.
That’s it!
Your Hasselblad H2 is now operational in fully automatic mode. In aver­age lighting conditions the camera will act as a point and shoot camera producing extremely fine results without the need to touch any other but­ton than the shutter release!
If you have attached a film magazine just raise the camera to your eye for framing and gently press the shutter release button. The camera will auto­matically focus the lens, take a light reading, make an exposure, advance the film, and reset the camera ready for the next exposure.
If you have attached a digital back you can now go directly to the ap­propriate user manual for further information about how to proceed for digital capture.
Familiarize yourself with the H2
Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the H2 and its various controls. Note the difference be­tween a long press, a short press and a ’click’ with some buttons. For example from the main screen a click of the ON.OFF button will take you to Profiles while a longer press will turn the camera off.
With your right hand holding the ergonomic grip for security and control, your thumb and fingers have immediate access to all the controls without letting go. The H2 sits comfortably in the palm of your left hand for support but leaves your fingers free for eventual manual focus adjustments.
Note the changes on the LCD as you press the various buttons and rotate the control wheels. Notice too the changes in the viewfinder LCD as you do the same. You cannot damage the camera by pressing the wrong buttons or controls or using them in the wrong order. The worst that can hap­pen is that you might get ‘lost’ in the menu or you might activate a certain action that takes time to complete. In this case simply click on the escape button ( ON-OFF - PROFILES / ESC) to return to the ‘main’ screen again.
Attempt a half-press with the shutter release button with the camera set at autofocus too see how the lens focuses and the light metering reacts. Notice that the lens barrel does not revolve in auto­focus but you can immediately change the focus manually and immediately revert to autofocus again by using a half-press again.
Note the readily accessible customizable buttons that provide direct access to most functions (in­vestigate how you can exploit this excellent function to the full in a later section).
Note the safety features integral in the magazine so you cannot remove a magazine without the darkslide in place or (unless set otherwise) make an exposure with the darkslide in place.
Feel for the stop down button positioned between the lens and the grip.
Press the AF button and then turn the front control wheel to change from AF single to AF continu­ous to Manual to try out the differences in how the camera behaves in these different modes, for example.
Press the EXP button on the viewfinder and then turn the rear control wheel to change the metering method to see the changes in sensitivity of the exposure meter.
Quite simply, just explore the camera for a little while to feel at home with the general handling and the idea of control buttons and wheels and LCD information, etc. The sooner you become accus­tomed to moving the controls instinctively the sooner you will be able to effortlessly use the finesses on offer.
The remainder of this manual will slowly take you through, stage for stage, each feature and setting so that you can master this marvellous piece of photographic equipment and exploit it to the full.
Finally, remember to check occasionally with your camera dealer or on the Hasselblad website on the Internet to see whether a firmware update is available. The functions and options described in this manual refer to firmware version 9.1.0 and later. The ability to update camera firmware is an advantage you should not forget to make full use of to maximize the capabilities of your H2!
Function Control
& Display
LCD and LED displays on camera and viewfinder
Pixel based display
Upgradeable firmware
Rapidly accessible menu
Interactive display
Customizable functions
All functions and settings on the H2 are accessed and altered by the control buttons and wheels on and around the grip aided visually by the LCD user­interface. The information on the LCD is in menu format and has a great deal in common with those found in modern computers, cell phones, etc. It is pixel based and therefore has a greater capacity to produce user-friendly symbols.
Below is an overview of the primary functions of the control wheels and buttons. Some controls have dual or triple func­tions according to the state of the menu or setting. A full description can be found further on in this manual.
Shutter release button
Activates camera and releases shutter.
Lock settings to avoid inadvertent change. Also accesses flash settings.
AF button
Accesses focus modes.
DRIVE button
Accesses the various drive (film frame advance) modes.
Front control wheel
Accesses and changes various settings.
MENU button
Accesses menu.
Illumination button
Illuminates grip LCD.
Turns the camera on and off. Accesses Profiles and acts as escape button for other functions.
Rear control wheel
Accesses and changes various settings.
M.UP button
Raises and lowers mirror. Can be reassigned to another function.
Remote release cord port
For attaching a remote release cord (electrical).
STOP DOWN button
Stops down aperture to current setting. Can be reassigned to an­other function.
AE-L button
Locks light reading made in both automatic and manual exposure modes. Can be reassigned to an­other function.
Film wind-off button
Winds off film before film is finished.
USER button
User assignable-function button.
Eyesight correction adjustment wheel
Personal eyesight adjustment facility.
EV correction adjustment button
Produces EV compensation.
EXP button
Accesses exposure mode and me­tering method.

Grip LCD

Typical camera grip display. (The information in brackets describes this particular example).
Flash condition indication
(No exposure compensation, normal flash synchronisation)
Aperture setting
Exposure Value display
(EV 9.3)
Exposure mode indication
(Aperture priority setting)
Focus setting
(Autofocus setting, single shot mode)
Metering method indication
Typical camera grip display when changing settings.
Drive condition
(Single setting)
Shutter speed setting
Film speed rating
(160 ISO/ASA)
Low battery symbol
Film magazine information
(10 frames)
Command indication
The upper row on the screens describes commands (which change according to the setting). The button immediately above each command effects the change. So in this case, for example, you would press the FLASH button to ‘exit’ from the screen. See note below.
Settings symbols
Symbolize the options available when settings are changed. The active symbol is depicted by a drop shadow.
Control wheel description and direction
Arrowheads symbolize which control wheel should be used to change the setting they are beside. In this case, the Bracketing option is chosen by the front control wheel and the number of exposures in that option is chosen by the rear control wheel.
. . .
= front control wheel
= rear control wheel
Setting information
The lower row on the screen displays information about the cur­rent state of the setting. In short, the upper row displays what you can do, and the lower row displays the current state of settings or what you have done.
The basic principle behind making changes is that the appropriate button is first pressed to access the menu and then settings altered by way of the control wheels. The appropriate control wheel is designated by arrowheads alongside the setting description.
Some buttons have a toggle function, the ON.OFF button has a quick
‘click’ action as well as a longer (half-second) ‘press’ action and the shutter release has two positions: ‘half-press’ and ‘full-press’.
Several buttons on the grip are multifunctional, according to the state
of the menu. In the example illustrated here, the FLASH button func­tions as the EXIT button, the AF button functions as the ON button and the DRIVE button functions as the SAVE button.
At very low temperatures the LCDs require a few seconds to display new settings.
The following is a list of the various terms describing the various actions that appear in the menu (on the grip LCD):
Enter : moves screen down one level on the menu.
Exit : moves screen back up one level on the menu. Does not save any
Off : deactivates the particular function being set.
On : activates the particular function being set.
Sel. : Select - selects the character marked when imprinting text and
profile name.
ESC : Escape - terminates an action and returns to the main screen. Does
not save any settings.
Save : saves a setting and also moves screen back up one level on the
menu. Can save many changes made in a setting sequence.
Remember the following groupings of ‘saved’ and ‘not-saved’ actions when making settings changes:
‘Quick save’ - half-press shutter release button
Save - press save button (DRIVE button)
Escape - press ESC button (PROFILES /ESC button)
Exit - press exit button (FLASH button)
Viewfinder LCD
Typical viewfinder display. Note the LEDs will only be visible when activated (by the camera or a setting).
(The information in brackets describes this particular example).
Exposure method indication
(‘aperture priority’ mode)
Flash LED
Warning triangle LED
Exposure compensation setting
(+0.7 EV)
Aperture setting
Exposure compensation setting reminder symbol
Shutter speed setting
(0.4 second)
Metering method setting
Focus Aid LED
Film magazine status
Some examples of various viewfinder LCD screens visible with standard settings and when specific control buttons are pressed.
Standard settings
Normal screen Normal screen in AE lock state Normal screen with �xposure compensation set
Flash mode
AF mode
Drive mode
Menu mode
Exposure compensation mode
Exposure method and metering method
Menu charts – general
Throughout this manual you will find charts to explain the steps and procedures required to alter the various settings. These charts are laid out to graphically illustrate in a simple manner how to navigate through the menus. While they include all the information that would be presented on the LCD relevant to that section, they cannot illustrate all the possible combinations of the various symbols seen on a screen at one time as that would be impractical and too confusing. If you are at all familiar with cell phone menus, for example, then the design of the layout and working practice will not be unfamiliar
You should find that, in practice, working your way through a menu on the camera is a good deal simpler and more obvious than the written explanation implies!
In the descriptions, various terms are used regarding menu navi­gation. Menus have ‘trees’, for example, which describes their im­aginary graphical layout where you could trace a navigational path along its ‘branches’. Each new section, or stopping off point on the branches, seen on the LCD is called a ‘screen’. Therefore a screen is the graphical display on the LCD of where you are on the menu and represents the current state of settings.
The H2 features the advantage of multiple customization of settings. This means that your personal choice of settings, and thereby appearance of various combinations of symbols on the LCD at any time, will not necessarily be the same as many of the screens illustrated in this manual.
To simplify the descriptions, reference is often made to a ‘main’ or standard screen. Apart from default settings, there is no ac­tual standard setting in the normal sense and therefore you cre­ate your own ‘standard’, which of course can be changed at any time.
The ‘main’ screen is therefore the one you have currently created and is the one visible on the LCD when photographing (except where a particular mode is in actual operation, such as self-timer, for example).
Symbols used in the charts
Use front control wheel
(direction depends on user setting)
Use rear control wheel
(direction depends on user setting)
Press button or turn wheel
MENU button on the grip
Choose ENTER
(by pressing DRIVE button on grip)
Choose ON
(by pressing AF button on grip)
Choose Save
(by pressing DRIVE button on grip)
e new setting will be saved and cho­sen action can be carried out. Setting will be retained until changed.
Functions in loop on menu
A loop means that the available func­tions on that particular branch of the menu can be successively accessed in either direction of the control wheels without a break in flow. at is, you could turn the wheel clockwise or anticlockwise to arrive at the desired function.
Main direction of path through menu
e main path traces step-by-step the path that has to be taken through the various branches of the menu tree as they appear on the LCD to reach the relevant functions.
Shutter release button A
is button has half-press and full-press positions. By pressing half-way (or soly) the camera, auto focus function and exposure meter can be activated. By pressing all the way down (or more firmly) the shutter will be released (or the chosen exposure procedure will begin, as relevant. For example, the self timer is activated with this button)
is is a triple function button. If you press the button for one second, the beeper will sound (if set) and a key symbol will appear on the grip LCD signifying that the controls (except the shutter release) have been locked and therefore cannot be altered unintention­ally in use. Press the button for one second again to unlock (this function can be altered to lock all controls or control wheels only in ‘Custom options’).
Quickly clicking the button will access the flash settings information on the LCD from the main screen. See separate section for full details.
is button also acts as the EXIT button for many other settings.
AF button / (ON) / (SEL.) C
is is a triple function button. Press this button to go directly to the autofocus/manual focus choice screen from the main screen. See separate section for full details. It also acts as the ON and SEL. (= select) buttons for many other settings.
DRIVE button / (SAVE) / (ENTER) D
is is a triple function button. It will access the drive settings screen on the LCD from the working screen. See separate section for full details.
It also acts as the SAVE and ENTER buttons for many other settings.
Front control wheel E
e front and rear control wheels are turned to make changes in exposure settings in the main screen as well as to access the various loop sections of the menu for settings. e effect of the wheels’ direction is programmable.
MENU button F
Accesses the first level of the menu for settings changes.
Illumination button G
Press to illuminate the LCD. Remains active until camera enters standby mode.
Press the button for a half second to activate the camera. e H2 start-up logo will ap-
pear and then the main screen. Aer a few seconds (customizable) the camera will enter Standby mode. A press of the button will turn the camera off completely whereas a quick ‘click’ on the button will access the Profiles section of the menu from the main screen.
Note the difference in results between a long press and a quick click of the this button.
Rear control wheel I
e front and rear control wheels are turned to make changes in exposure settings on the main screen as well as to access the various loop sections of the menu for settings.
Acts as quick access exposure compensation control. e effect of the wheels’ direction is programmable.
On the rear of the grip, as well as the rear control wheel, there are a further three control buttons:
AE-L button J
is button can lock a light reading made in both automatic and manual exposure modes. It can also be used in Zone mode to take a new reading.
Can be reassigned in Custom Settings to another function.
See section on the AE-L button (chapter 8, Light Metering and Exposure Control) for full details.
Film wind-off button K
Pressing this button will automatically wind-off the remaining unexposed film rapidly without having to go through the normal film advance / expose cycles to reach the end of the film. e button has been purposely designed to avoid inadvertent pressing, so use the tip of a ball-point pen or similar to activate it. e grip LCD will display a message which you must confirm before this procedure is carried out.
USER button L
is button is purely user programmable to rapidly access a chosen function or screen. For example, you might use bracketing a great deal and so by one press of this button you could access the bracketing function without having to navigate through the menu. e AE-L, Mirror -UP and Stop Down buttons are also user-programmable but are by default assigned the functions according to their names
The reassignable capability of these buttons is particularly useful and can save you a great
deal of time and effort depending on how you work. You are advised to investigate their potential fully. See under ‘Custom settings’ for full details.
On the front of the grip there are two more control buttons plus the remote cord release port:
M.UP button M
Press this button to raise the mirror and press again to lower it (toggle function). A quick double press of the button (two within a half second) will immediately access the ‘Self timer’ function.
Can be reassigned in Custom Settings to another function.
Remote release cord port N
For attaching a remote release cord (electrical). e Hasselblad accessory jack plug socket is protected by a captive rubber plug.
STOP DOWN button O
Press this button to make a visual check of the depth-of-field on the viewfinder screen at the chosen aperture. e aperture will close according to the setting and remain closed as long as the pressure is maintained. You can alter the aperture at the same time to see the changes taking place.
Can be reassigned in Custom Settings to another function.
There are also two control buttons on the viewfinder, as well as the eyesight cor­rection adjustment wheel:
Eyesight correction adjustment wheel P
e personal eyesight adjustment facility has a diopter range of -4 – +2.5, to suit most users.
EV correction adjustment button Q
Press this button to access the EV compensation screen. Settings are made with either the front or rear control wheels. An EV correction symbol appears on the grip and viewfinder LCD as confirmation.
EXP button R
e EXP (Exposure) button accesses the exposure mode and metering method options screen. Settings are made with the front and rear control wheels and the appropriate symbols appear on the grip and viewfinder LCD accordingly.
Camera Body
Aluminium cast in one piece
Stainless steel shell
Integral Quick coupling plate
Digitally controlled
Upgradeable software
Modular design
Integral ergonomic grip
Pixel based LCD user interface
The H2 camera body is a robust construction of cast aluminium with a stainless steel shell for extreme durability. The workings of the camera are controlled by silicon technology that provides tre­mendous opportunities for sophisticated operation. To take just two examples, the mirror return is slowed down at the last mo­ment by controlling the motor to decrease vibrations and the cur­rent usage of the camera, lenses, film magazines, etc is recorded and freely accessible for service intervals, etc.
The integral ergonomic grip houses the main control interface and also contains the battery holder. An auxiliary shutter in the rear opening of the camera body protects the film from exposure dur­ing the various camera procedures. Please take extra care when handling the camera body without protective cover or magazine in place to protect the auxiliary shutter. Likewise, the front opening of the camera body reveals the mirror when unprotected by a cover or lens. Do not touch or attempt to clean the mirror. Slight marks or some dust particles on the mirror will not affect results. More notice­able problems, however, should be taken care of by a Hasselblad Authorized Service Center. The camera body also contains the view­finder screen, which can be easily removed or exchanged without the use of special tools or adjustment procedures.
Carrying strap 1, 2
e carrying strap is attached by firstly withdrawing the safety collar. e hook is then freed and attached to the strap lug (fig. 1). Slide back the safety collar (fig. 2) to ensure the hook remains in the locked position. e collar is purposely a tight fit and might need some effort to slide.
Batteries 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
e H2 requires batteries for all actions. ere is no mechanical reserve facility so it is advisable to always have a spare set of bat­teries or exchange set if using a rechargeable battery pack. As is the case with most batteries, problems might be encountered when used in very low temperatures. In this situation it is advisable to keep an exchange set in an inside pocket, for example, to maintain them near body temperature.
e battery holder is located inside the removable part of the grip. While keeping the battery holder button depressed, swing the battery holder retaining lever downward until it stops (fig 3). e battery holder will now be released from the grip. Press the red battery cassette retaining button inwards on the holder to release the battery cassette (fig 4). Load three CR-123 lithium (or equivalent) into the cassette, ensuring the polarity of each battery is correctly oriented (see the ‘+’ markings on the batteries and the cassette) (fig 5, 6). Re-insert the cassette into the battery holder, ensuring that it is seated properly in place and that the red button returns fully into the locked position. Holding the battery holder flat against the grip and aligning the two upper lugs with the slot in the grip, slide it back into position as far as it will go. Swing back the battery holder retaining lever as far as it will go into the locked position.
Battery life is dependent on a number of variable factors and therefore cannot be exactly predicted.If the camera is le in the active state instead of standby for long periods, for example, then battery life will be reduced. A low-battery state is indicated as a symbol on the grip LCD (fig 7).
When the batteries are almost completely exhausted, a warning message ‘Low battery’ will appear on the grip LCD (fig 8). e camera will not function at all when this message appears and battery change is essential.
e rechargeable battery pack is an optional accessory that re­places the standard battery cassette and is an economical option for full time users. Please see specific user manual supplied with the rechargeable battery pack for further information.

Rechargeable battery grip

e Battery grip rechargeable 7.2V (3043348) provides a replenish­able power source to replace, or complement, the standard lithium dry cell battery grip for the H2 camera.
Please note the Battery charger BC-H Li-ion 7.2 VDC (3053568) is designed for use with Battery grip rechargeable 7.2V units only.
The battery charger 1, 2
e battery charger unit is supplied with five plug attachments to suit various types of domestic electrical sockets available worldwide. Other types of socket will require a domestic socket converter. Attach the chosen plug (fig 2, A) by sliding into position, ensur­ing that the two electrical contact prongs on the charger correctly enter the two contact sockets on the plug attachment. Removal is by the reverse procedure.

Charging the battery

2 3
If attached, remove the protective cover (fig. 3, B) from the battery by pulling outwards and upwards on the locking clip. Replace the cover aer charging if you do not intend to attach the battery to a camera immediately.
With the battery grip removed from the camera, insert the jack plug from the battery charger into the socket (fig. 4, C) on the bat­tery grip. Insert the battery charger into a standard (100–240V~ /50–60 Hz) domestic socket. e red LED indicator on the battery charger signifies the following:
On (not flashing) = battery is charging
Slow flashing (0.8 Hz) = charging is complete and condition is being maintained.
Or occasionally
Rapid flashing (3 Hz) = deeply discharged battery is charging (with reduced current)
Please note that rapid flashing of the LED indicator is not to be expected. e battery will not normally be so deeply discharged because the camera will shut down automatically before complete battery discharge takes place. e indicator might also flash rapidly for a few moments in some instances when the charger is connected to the electrical supply.
e normal indication is therefore either ‘not flashing’ or ‘slow flashing’.
Attaching the battery to the camera
e rechargeable battery grip is attached and removed in the same manner as the standard battery grip.
Please note if you want to use the rechargeable battery with an H1
model, the firmware in the camera must be version 8.2.2 or later for the battery grip to function properly.
Rechargeable battery grip – general
The battery should be charged before first time use.
Maximum batter y capacity is reached only after the bat tery has been charged
and discharged several times.
The battery is an environmentally approved Li-ion type and has no ‘memory effect’
of practical importance. This means the battery can be charged before it is fully discharged without loss of capacity or performance.
The battery should be charged at an ambient temperature of 10 −30° C.
When removing a battery from the charger and immediately replacing it with
another, allow a few seconds to elapse so that the charger can automatically reset for the next charging procedure.
It is perfectly normal for the battery to become warm when being charged.
A slight temporary loss of battery per formance might be noticed at very high or
low temperatures. Take the approriate measures if this is the case.
Long-term storage of batteries with very low charge is not recommended.
• The battery has a limited life and its performance is gradually reduced over
It is advisable to follow the recommendations and precautions in this manual for
product performance and safet y reasons.
Rechargeable battery grip – precautions
e following precautions should be adhered to:
Battery grip rechargeable 7.2 V:
Connect the battery grip to the camera correctly.
Keep the protective cover in place when not in use. (Short-circuiting across keys
in a pocket, for example, could cause a fire risk).
Do not use the battery grip for anything other than the H1/H2 camera.
Do not immerse the battery grip in liquids.
Do not incinerate the battery grip. Please recycle or discard in an environmentally
approved manner.
Do not use any other charger than the Hasselblad battery charger BC-H Li-ion 7.2
VDC (3053568).
Battery charger BC-H Li-ion 7.2 VDC:
Read the instructions before using the charger.
Use indoors only (protect against moisture).
Do not use charger for anything else than charging of Battery grip rechargeable
7.2 V (3043348).
Do not short-circuit the jack plug.
• Do not alt er the cha rge r i n an y w ay oth er than ch ang ing th e pl ug
Viewfinder screen 9, 10
e H2 is fitted with a Spherical Acute-Matte D viewfinder screen
for extreme brightness, clarity and even illumination. An optional accessory screen with a grid pattern is also available.
To change a viewfinder screen, remove the viewfinder to access the viewfinder screen. To remove the screen, place the tip of a ballpoint pen or similar in the viewfinder screen removal lug and pull upwards. To replace the screen, position the right side of the screen in place so that it sits correctly in the recess. Place the tip of a ballpoint pen or similar in the viewfinder screen replace­ment indentation and press downwards until the screen snaps into position. Try to avoid touching either surface of the screen with bare fingers.
Do not attempt to clean the screen by immersing it in water, or
use any kind of cleaning fluid. If the screen becomes damp, do not use hot air to dry it. Use a soft cloth on the upper surface only. Seek advice from an Authorized Hasselblad Service Center if the screen becomes particularly soiled. Remember that particles or greasy marks on the screen might impair the viewfinder image but have no effect whatsoever on the recorded image.
Accessory connection 11, 12
On the le hand side of the camera body are two accessory retain­ing screw threads (M5), as well as a databus connector, protected beneath a cover. e screw threads are a future-safe design feature for new products while the connector is for service only at this point in development.
e cover can be removed by inserting a pointed object, such as a pen, in the small hole and then sliding it to the le, as in the il­lustration. e retaining clip can then also be removed to access the connector.


A PC connector for non TTL-flash synchronisation is located on the le side of the body. It is protected by a captive rubber plug.


Multi-mode light metering
Full exposure information
100% image
90° viewing angle for eye-line composition
Full image for spectacle wearers
Integral dioptre adjustment
Integral flash unit
The 90° viewfinder provides a laterally corrected 100% image at eye-line level. It features a wide-range diopter adjustment to suit most users. The viewing distance is designed to provide full frame view even for eyeglass wearers. The bright Spherical Acute-Matte D focusing screens (located in the camera body) are interchange­able to suit preference, each of them naturally indicating the spot light metering area for accuracy in exposure estimation. The in­formation display located beneath the viewing frame is continu­ally updated and visible and is back lit for optimum visibility. This LCD also duplicates much information visible on the grip LCD for immediate checking. In addition to the LCD, there are four LEDs providing general warnings, flash and focus information.
The viewfinder also features a pop-up fill-flash unit for added convenience.
The viewfinder requires no batteries as it is supplied with power from the camera body and can be easily and quickly removed. Please see section on ‘Flash’ for full details.
See the ‘Camera Body ‘ section for details about the viewfinder screen.
The exposure compensation button and exposure mode button are described in the ‘ Function Control ‘ section.
Parts & Components
A. Rubber eye cup E. Exposure method / mode button B. Hot shoe F. Integral flash unit C. Eyesight adjustment wheel G. Flash unit button D. Exposure compensation button H. Viewfinder release button
While holding the viewfinder at a slight angle and resting it on the top of the camera, slide the viewfinder forward until the front locating pin is in position in the recess in the front edge of the viewfinder screen aperture on camera body. Press the rear part of the viewfinder firmly downwards until it clicks into place.
Ensure that both sides of the viewfinder are seated correctly and that it has been firmly attached. Failure to do so could cause an intermittent malfunction if the databus interface connections between the viewfinder and camera body are not positively secured.
To remove, grasp the viewfinder in the right hand and while depressing the viewfinder release button, li the rear of the viewfinder up and away from the camera body.

Eyepiece adjustment

Attaching and removing the viewfinder
No corrective lenses are needed to adjust the eyepiece to suit most requirements. e diopter range is from -4 D to +2.5 D. Eyeglass wearers can rapidly and accurately change the settings according to whether they wish to wear eyeglasses for viewing or not.
Personal eyepiece adjustments can be carried out by pointing the camera at the sky or similar smoothly toned area. While holding the camera in your le hand, you can with your right thumb turn the adjustment wheel until the markings on the viewfinder screen reach the optimum sharpness for your eyesight.
If you normally wear eyeglasses for distance viewing and intend to wear them for camera use then do not remove them for the above procedure. If, on the other hand, you prefer to remove your eyeglasses for camera work, then repeat the above procedure without wearing your eyeglasses.
Rubber eye cup
Two rubber eye cups are available for the H2. e one supplied is suitable for users who do not intend to use eyeglasses when photographing. e second shorter eye cup is for those who either prefer to position their eye further from the viewfinder and those who wish to wear eyeglasses.
e eye cups can be rapidly changed by a Hasselblad Authorized Service Center.
Integral flash unit
See section on ‘Flash’ for full details.
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