The Hasselblad H1D is the first fully inte-
grated medium format auto focus DSLR
camera. It provides the professional pho
tographer with a flexible digital camera
based upon the markets most powerful
22Mpix sensor merged into the newest
Hasselblad camera platform.
The new H1D digital camera gives you the power and free-
dom to capture your best images from an entire world of
subjects. Offering all the benefits known from the H1, now
direct digital. With digital controls of all key settings using
the H1D controls, including ISO speed rating, white bal
ance, exposure mode and focus mode. The Hasselblad
H1D grip display shows all camera settings and a detailed
histogram of your exposure. Combined with the H1D
colour preview display and acoustic exposure feedback,
this powerful digital camera delivers immediate image and
exposure checking.
On location, you can take a new high-resolution shot every
two seconds and keep shooting for up to 850 images, all
of which are saved straight to the hard drive of the H1D
Image Bank. You never need to change CF cards, micro
drives or other storage media.
In the studio you can connect the H1D to your computer
and work tethered. On Mac or PC. You are in command.
Fastest medium format auto focus camera
Ongoing research has produced an auto focus system so
fast and accurate that it rivals even those systems found
on the latest 35 mm cameras. For example, when using
an 80 mm lens, it takes just 400 ms to focus from close-
range to infinity. Furthermore, its unique instant-focus-
override feature gives pros the extra control they need to
capture even the most challenging images.
Hasselblad lenses for best digital image quality
The Hasselblad H1D uses the full range of high-resolu-
tion H1 lenses that are specially designed for capturing
digital images. Latest additions to the range are the HC
2.2/100mm, HC macro 4/120mm, and HC 4.5/300mm.
A CF adapter offers access to use of all V system lenses
with the H1D.
A large viewfinder for superb image composition
The Hasselblad H1 90° reflex viewfinder provides 100%
field-of-view, even for people wearing eyeglasses. Com
bined with the high-quality focusing screen, it offers the
large, bright viewfinder image you need to compose your
best images.
H1D Image Bank
The H1D is a digital camera system that includes a
separate 40Gb Image Bank that safely and fast stores
all images. Up to eight hours of constant computer free
shooting is provided on a single charge, up to 850 image
storage capacity, two inch color preview display with image
browsing and ultra fast zooms. When you return to the
studio, your computer shows an automatic contact sheet,
with active image browsing and 100 images transferred
every 2.5 seconds.
To ensure maximum shooting speed throughout its life
time, the storage media is specially sectored and format
ted to prevent fragmentation. Using the Image Bank is
easy because you never need to plug in into a wall socket.
When connected to your computer, it takes power straight
from the FireWire cable. While on the road it can be pow
ered with a standard L-size rechargeable battery.
Document ID: 2004-11-23 - V1.2 Specification subject to change without notice.

DDC Technology
In a digital camera it is vital to keep the CCD as cool as
possible. Electronically generated heat not only repre
sents wasted energy, drained from your batteries, but it
also creates noise in your images, thereby limiting the
dynamic range, density and image quality. Thanks to its
unique Double Duration Circuit technology (patent pend
ing), the H1D runs more than twice as cool as similar dig
ital camera systems, giving you cleaner images, true 16bit
color depth and double the battery life.
Powerful and easy-to-use software
Perfect shots have never been easier to take. With easy-
to-use tools, full process color management, fast preview
downloads, and a large output accurate preview, you can
easily control your capture. No surprises await you when
you open your images in Photoshop or roll them off the
press. The software prepares all your digital originals for
straightforward use now and in the future, with Tiff tags
including preview, metadata, and history log of all setting
used with the raw image data.
Film capability
The H1D handles film to even further expand the possibili-
ties and to make sure you capture the perfect image in all
conditions. Situations where film is a relevant choice are:
- Extreme temperatures
- Ultra long exposures
- Infrared photography
- To give the image a special look only provided by a
particular film/development process
Film also provides a safe backup solution in situations
where battery charging is difficult or impossible.
Document ID: 2004-11-23 - V1.2 Specification subject to change without notice.