What The World Comes Home To '=
Thank You for buying a dependabb, energy saving and easy to operate
HALERroom air condifionen This manual contains usefuJinformation for
you to maintain, operate, in4aH and safely use your room air conditioner.
Your air conditioner deans, cools and dehumidifies the air in your room to
provide you with the ultimate Jevd of comfort.
Please read instructions carefuJJybefore using the producL AJso, do not
Forget to fiJl out and maiUthe Product Registration Card
Record Your Mo(JeJand $eriaJ Number.
For aHyour service calls during the warranty period the foJlowing
information will be needed_ Attach the sales receipt to this guide and keep
for future reference. This information can be obtained from the serial pJate,
which is on your air conditioner. This is either on the cabinet (side or back)
or you may have to remove the front grille to bcate iL
Modal Number: ..............................................................
Serial Number: ...............................................................
Date of Purchase: ...........................................................
Dealer's Name: ..............................................................
Dealer's Address: ............................................................
Dealer's Phone Number: ...................................................
RATEDVOLTS 125/60 250/60
AMPS 1S 2.0 15 20 30
_USE S(ZE ) 5 20 _ _5 20 _ 30
(c_ ¢it_u_ br_k_r) Pmug P|ug pmug
Air conditioner must be connected to proper dectricaJ outlet with the
correct dectricaJ supply. (see table)
Proper grounding must be ensured to reduce the risk of shock and fire.
not have a three-prong electric receptacle outlet in the wall, have a
certified dectrician install the proper receptacle. The wdJ receptacle
MUST be properly grounded.
Do not use if power cord is frayed or otherwise damaged_
Also avoid using it if there are cracks or abrasion damage
along the lengfh, plug or connector.
When installing your air conditioner in a window, make sure the window
is strong enough to hdd the wright of the air conditioner.
You also want to secure and correctly install your air conditioner properly
to prevent it from falling. Extra brackets and or support may be required
depending on your window.
6) Do not block airflow inside or outside the air conditioner with blinds,
drapes, protective covers, shrubs or bushes_
7) Be careful of sharp edges on the front and rear fins of the unit that could
cut and cause serious injury.
8) Be careful when lifting the air conditioner to install or remove the uniL
Always usetwo or more people for this.
9) Always unplug the dr conditioner before servicing it or moqng it.
A Word Fro_ Haier 1
Product Reglstratlon 1
$afe_y Precautions 2
Warnings 4
£UectHcaUSafety 4
Tips 5
Energy $avlng Gulde 5
Features 6
Operatlng Gulde 7-8
Normal Operating Sounds 7
Operating Instructions 7o8
Uns_Hations g- ]3
PartsSuppJied ] O
TooJs 10
Stepsfor JnstaJJation ] ]- ]3
CUean and Care Guide ]4
TroubUeshootlng ] 5- ]8
Warranty Jnformatlon ]7
i ¸¸¸%¸¸
FoJJowingthe safety messages is very important.
These messages can save you from being injured or kiJJed.
Warning symboJsaJert you to be carefuJ and means Danger. AJways
foJJowinstructions to be safe and reduce chances of iniury or deatk
Warning and Danger signs wiJJprecede safety messages.
Grounding: This room air conditioner must be grounded.
Grounding reducesthe risk of dectric shock by
providing an escapewire for the eJectriccurrent.
Thepower cord has a grounding wire with a
grounding pJug.PJugitinto an outJetthat is
properJyinstdJedand grounded_
Adapter PUug: We strongJyadvise against using an adapter pJug.
improperuseof thegrounding
pJugcan resuJtina riskof eJectricshock.
CaJJa qualified dectridan if you don't understand
thegrounding instructionsor if you are not
sureif theair conditioner is properJygrounded.
Jfthe waJJoutbt is not grounded, pJeasecontactan
eJectridanto haveit repJacedwith a properJy
grounded outJet.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the
third (ground) prong from the power ¢@rdo
• Whileinstallingunitbesure to flit air conditioner 1/4 degree ouhvard to
have the water drip outside the house_
o Install the unit on the north side as normalmythat is the shaded side. This
will enhance _heoperation of your unit.
_e Window has to be strong for installation_ Extra brackets and or support
may be required depending on your window. (Brackets and Supports
not induded in all models)
o Measure the window before installing, if the window is bo big for the
unit you may require professional installation,
_e Usecorrect electric voltage and proper ampere for the unit to run
_® Only let a certified electrician do any modifications to your electrical
Use a dedicated line for the operation of your air conditioner to avoid
the possibiJih/of an electrical surge,
e When installing your air conditioner make sure to seal all areas where
there is a possibilib, of air bakage,
Airflow should not be blocked inside either by curtains, drapes or
furniture or outside by shrubs or bushes_
• Do not needbssly use on ebctrical light or other appliances that
produce heat,
Keep the vent dosed on the air conditioner when in the coomingfunction.
Keep the blinds and the drapes drawn on all the other windows.
While cooking use an exhaust fan in the kitchen to remove the excess
heat produced_
Always usethe correct BTU size air conditioner to cool the room to
affain optimum efficiency.
4°way controB
11.Temperature Set Knob
This knob adjusts the temperature of the air_
Higher thesetting the coder theair temperature.
with this knob you can setthe bmperature to your
desired comfort bvel. Min, Cod being thewarmest
and Max. CooHbeing the coHdest
2. Functlor_ Se_ Knob
with this knob you can controJthefan speedas
well as the cooling speed.Thereare 3 knob
positionson the A/C for you to selectfrom. LO will
circulate air at the lowestvelocity MED at the
middle leve_ and HI will circulate at the maximum.
You have 2 FanOnly speedsto choosefrom HI and
3, 4 Way A_r I:mow
Theseair directional mouversletyou control the
direction of theairflow in your required direction
Theairflow can be directed
up - down - right side - left side
4. Window |n_aff Kit_
Enablesyou to installthe air conditioner in a
double hung window. Extra brackets or support
may be needed depending on your window.
H@ md ©pe o tiHg B@ ds
FdJowing soundsare normaJJyheard during the operation of an air conditioner,
Thermostatclicks. As the thermostatcycleson/off you will
hear this sound.
_'Cod airflow movementas dictated by the set fan speed
®Water sounds.This is normal sinceyour air conditioner actsas a
dehumidifier aJso_Thusyou wiJJhear water soundsfrom water drops
falling on the condensen
o As the refrigerant flows through the inner sealed tubing a
rushing noise may be heard.
_,RattJingor vibrating noisesmay be heard due to poor waJJ
or window instdJation.
High pitchcompressor sound may be heard.
@pe l'isg I sst di@Hs LO
(Seefig. # 1) FAN
Hm Hm
fig. # 1
4 7
I 10
.... M ED
5 6
E e/i h
After instaJJingyour air conditioner, pJug it into the proper
dectricd outRetin the wall
1) SelectMed. A/C on the Function Setknob.
2) SettheTemperature Setknob at the mid [eveJsetting.ThiswiJ[turn on
3) Youcan setthe thermostatfrom Min Cod to Max Cool Min Cod being
4} Your air conditioner has 1 or 2 Fanspeedsdepending on your modal
5) If your air conditioner has a Vent contrd make sure that it is on dose.
6) Letyour air conditioner run for a few hoursbefore adjusting to the
7) Remember the compressor of your air conditioner wiH riot work
8) Also when you shut oft the _i_" conditioner vv_it f_- 3 minutes
9) if you have any trouble in operating your air conditioner pJeaserefer to
your air conditioner.
thewarmest settingMax CooJbeing the cddest se_ting.
purchased and 3 A/C settings.
Leaveit open onJyif you need to recycle the stale room air. By Jeavingit
dosed you will retain the cod air in the room.
desired settings.
when the temperature goes bdow 65°F.
/bef___i'etul'ning it on again. This is thecompressor cycle time.
theTrouble Shooting section.
Before you install your air conditioner check the following:
The unit is free of aJJobstructions inside and outside the room e.g. drapes,
curtains, furniture, pJants,shrubs,bushes,trees,other structuresJikebuiJding,
garage etc.Air conditioner must have dear unobstructedairflow through the
condenserto remove the heat.
2) Thewindow is strong enough to hdd the weight of the air con@ionen
Extra brackets or supportsmay be neededdepending on your windows,
(Bracketsor Supports not provided in dJ modds)
3) Thewindow siJJand track are strong enough to hoJdthe weight of the
air conditionen
4) ThewaJJis strong enough to hdd the unit. Extrabrackets or supports may be
needed depending on the waR[ (Bracketsor Supportsnot provided in aHmodds)_
There is adequate and proper power suppJynear the air conditionen
DO NOT useadapter pJugs_
DO NOT useextension cords.
A 7)
DO NOT cut or removethe ground prong_
DO NOT modify the pJugor thedectricd waJJoutJetin any way.
if pJugdoes not fit the dectrical outbt havea certified dectrician do the
A10) DO NOT connecteJectricalpower to the unit before instaHatiom
A11) DO NOT useif power cord isworn out, frayed or otherwise damaged.
Avoid using if there are cracks or abrasion damage along the bngth,
pJugor connection.
12) DO NOT instaJJinto any existing cabinet or sbeve which does not have side
and top air vents_
window seal
curtain sash
screws 13/32"
You wiJJneedto have the following tools to hdp you in the instaJJationof
your air conditionen
oStandard Screwdriver
*DriJ[ and DriJ[Bits
*Tape Measure
basepan angle
installing Unit intoA Window
Window Opening Requirements
Theair conditioner is designed to fit into doubb or singb hungsashtypewindows. Eachof the
units comeswith an installation kit that provides adiustabJemounting Houvers,to fiJJthe gaps
between the sidesof the unit, and the window frame. Thechart below refbcts the dimensions
of theunitswith,and without installationkits. Measureyourwindow opening width and compare
it tothechart bdow to ensurethatit meetstheminimumandmaximumwindow width requirements.
odd Hw[_osxc3
Dimension _\
B(inch) 144"
C(inch) 14_"
D(inch) Max 34_4"
D(inch) Min
Case High 13 Jj,]"
Case width z_!: _'
Case Depth
Unpack unit on floor next to
installation bcation
Shde Jeff-hand curtain assembly into
Jeffends of top and bottom rails
Repeat [or rightohand curtain
assembly Fasten curtain refainer
strips to sides of outer case with six
13_32 _'screws
_nsped window frack_ sash, and sill
for itsability b support the weight of
air conditioner
Measure width bebveen window
mddings to ensure UnstantMount
will fit window frame Insiant Mount
models are designed for windows
(the detail see page 11 )
UnstantMount kit suppUiedwith unit
isdesigned for mounting in most
doubbohung windows without
s_rm windows. For ins_Hation in
window frame with storm window,
modify sill by adding wood strips(not D j U°
• . o
mdtl(Jed) to inner and outersills This raises o [. T
unit and eliminates interference of R_',,,
storrn window frame _;_.,_win_ox_.%q_. Or_
Stormwindow ins_lRotlon
Ufstormwindow frame does not allow
adequate clearance below sill (]/2"
required), remove stormwindow
frame or create clearance by adding
a wood strip (atleast ] 1/2" wide}
along entire width of sil_ Fasten
wood #rip to sill "withat least three
countersunk wood screws (not
supplied with kit) Thisprovides a
smooth surface for mounting air
conditioner //2"
MoblJe home wk_dow _nstamatlon
Add wood strip (at least 1 1/2" wide)
along entire width of window silJ
Thicknessof wood strip should match
height of front lip on window frame
Fastenwood strip to sill with a
minimum of three countersunk wood
screws (not supplied with kit) This
provides a smooth surface for
mounting air conditionen
Must be a minknu, n
of 1/2,_ fo clear
bongo,r, ralJ onuni_
Minimum _ Frame
I 1/2"_j_C/_ Window
Placeunit in window Lower sash
unt{l it restsbehlnd front flange of fop
rail Boffom rail must restbehind
window sill
_Window sash
Curtain assembJy cut
away for clarity
Back front attachment screw out
severaJturns and slip Basepan Angle
over screw head Snug screw with
angle resting on window ledge
UnstdlTwo 31/32" screwsthrough
angle into windg',,vledge Repeat for
opposite side
_xpand curtains as far as possible
Unstall(2) 31/32 _ curtain sash
screws Install (3) 25=ram top mounting
raiUFor hard wood or metal
window frames, drill a pilot hole
to start screw
|MPORTANT: Be careful not to drill
pilot hob too deep Add a piece J
tape to the drill bit as a depth
gauge Ako stay dear of glass Be
careful not to damage the function
of the window.
Cut window seal gasket to w_dfh of
window Stuff window seal gasket
beN/een outdoor window glass
and top of indoor sash This will
stop air bc_kagewhich reduces
51;¸i ;;
Always unplug your aF con(fitioner before cleaning.
• Air filter needs to be cleaned at least once a mouth fk_r your
unR to operate at opthnmn efficiency. The filter can be slid auf [ram
the side by pulling on the tab located on the middle right side of the front
mask. The filter may be washed or vacuumed. Remove the excess water from
the filter by gently shaking the {:ilter. This will remove dust and particles
trapped in the filter. After cleaning, reinstall the filter.
DO NOT use yam" ah" conditioner w_thout the ah" filter _n place.
To clean the fl'ont panels or tile cabinet DO NOT use harsh
chemicals, abrasives, ammonia, chlorine, bleach, concentrated
detergents, solvents or metal scom'ing pads. Some of these chemicals
may dissolve, damage and/or discolor your air conditioner.
Always use a soft cloth dampened with water or mild soap
and water solution to wipe tile fl'ont if tile cabinet.
Wipe dry with a soft cloth.
• Tosbre your air conditioner, after the season,remove the unit from the
window as per the installation guide. Repackthe unit in its original box
and store away. If your unit is installed in a wall or you do not intend to
remove it from the window thencover the outsidewith a winter cover.
Thiscan be purchased from the retaibr where you purchased your
air conditioner or Fromyour Rocalhardware store_
®Beforeputting away your unit make sure any water left in the pan is
removed and drained away. Water left in the pan could lead to Rusting
or damage to the electrical connections.
mfair ¢andi_ianer daes nat aperate:
Check if unit is plugged in. The plug may have come loose.
* Check if the unit is in "Off" mode.
Thefan controJmay be in "Off" position.
Air from air ¢andi_ianer is warm:
TheA!C selling may need to be raised.
Thetemperatureoutside the room is below 65°F. The compressorwill
not cycle on if the temperature outside is below 65°F.
ke farma_ian an caaUlng talus:
o Outside temperature too cold_ Setthe unit on fan only
settingto defrost ice_
o Lowertemperaturesetting.Temperatureseffing may be bo coJd.
Unit BTUmay be too high for the room.
Air conditioner working but room not cooUlng:
• Room may have appJiancesthat produce heat_Usean exhaust fan b
remove excessheat_
Ventmay be in theopen position. Vent has to be closed for
optimum cooRing_
• Redirectthe airflow. Removeany obstacles.
• AHdoors and windows need to be dosed socooJair does
not escape the room.
o Air fiJfer may need cleaning.
Unit BTUmay be too low for the required cooling area.
On extreme hot & humid days air conditioners may take
a Rifflelonger to cool.
A_r ¢ondltloner is maklng nalse when caoUlng:
Youmay hear soundsof air movement,water, compressorcJickingon and
off or window vibrafions_PJeaseread Operating Guide I NormaJ
Operating Sounds_(Seepage 7)
Water in the air condltlaner ¢ablnet:
This is normal as your air conditioner not only cools but also dehumidifies
theair. If there is water dripping insidethe room, check theinstallation of
the unit. The unit may need to be reinstalled. (Seepage 12)