HAIER DW12-EFETS User Manual

Dishwasher DW12-EFET Instructions for Use
en de fr it es pt nl
Safety i n fo rm ati o n Installation
How to remove the top of your dishwasher Getting to know your dishwasher How to fill the salt container and the rinse aid dispenser How to fill the detergent dispenser Not suitable for the dishwasher Arranging crockery, glasses, etc. in the dishwasher Programme overview Washing dishes How to keep your dishwasher in shape Care and maintenance Fault finding Technical data Important information
2 4 6
8 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 24 24
Safety information
At time of delivery
Check packaging and dishwasher immediately for signs of transport damage. If the appliance is damaged, do not put it into use but contact your supplier or customer service without delay. Please dispose of packaging materials properly.
During installation
Site the dishwasher and connect it up in accordance with the installation instructions. The dishwasher must not be connected to the electricity supply while installation is being carried out. Ensure that the domestic wiring is properly earthed. The mains electricity supply must conform to the details shown on the dishwasher nameplate. Do not connect the dishwasher to the electricity supply via an extension cable. Built-under and built-in appliances should always be installed under a continuous work surface which is attached to the adjacent cupboards, in order to ensure that the appliance is entirely stable. After the appliance has been installed,the mains plug should still be easily accessible. The plastic housing on the water inlet contains an electrica lly oper ated valve .Th e co nnecting wires are inside the inlet hose.Do not cut through this hose and do not immerse the plastic housing in water. During installation, the power supply cord must not be excessively or dangerously bent or flattened.
During normal use
The dishwasher must only be used by ad ults for t he wa s hing of ho usehold dishes and coo k ing utens ils . This appliance cannot be installed outdoor, not even if the area in which it is installed is covered by a roof; it is also very dangerous to leave it exposed to the rain and elements. Do not place any heavy objects or stand on the door when it is open. The appliance could tip forward. The water inside the dishwasher is not suitable for drinking. Do not use solvents of any kind inside your dishwasher. They could cause an explosion danger. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating. There is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not touch the heating element during or after a wash cycle.
Fundamental rules to follow when using the appliance:
- Never touch the dishwasher when barefoot or with wet hands or feet;
- We discourage the use of extension cords and multiple sockets;
- If the appliance is not operating properly or maintenance must be performed, disconnect the appliance from the power supply.
If your family inclu d es children
The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Keep deter gent s out of t he r each of c hildr en, who m ust als o be k ept aw ay fr om the dis hwas her when it is open.
If a fault occurs
If the appliance m alfunc t ions , t urn off water supply to t he a pplianc e and disconnect the plug f r om the wall socket. Then, consult the section entitled, "Finding fault" .If you cannot solve the problem, contact a service center. Only specialised personnel are authorised to make repairs. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacture, its service agent of similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. To maintain the EFFICIENCY and SAFETY of this appliance,we recommend:
- call only the Service Centers authorized by the manufacturer.
- always use original Spare Parts.
When disposing of old appliances
Appliances which are no longer being used must be made inoperable by cutting the power supply cord and removing the door lock. Take the appliance to a designated waste disposal center.
Dangerous voltage
Children could get locked in the appliance (risk of suffocation) or get stuck in other positions. Therefore: Remove the mains plug, cut the mains wire and set aside. Damage the door lock so that the door can no longer be closed.
Positioning the appliance
Positioning the appliance in the desired location. The back should r es t against the wall behind it, and the sides , along the adja cent ca binet s or wall. The d ish wash er is equ ipp ed wi th w ater supp ly an d dr ain hoses that can be positioned to the right or the left to facilitate proper installation.
Levelling the appliance
Once the appliance is positioned, adjust the feet (screwing them in or out) to adjust the dishwasher, making it level. In any case, the appli anc e s hou ld not be inc lined more than 2˚. If the appli­ance is level, it will help ensure proper performance.
Cold wat er connectio n
Connect the water suppl y hose to a t hr eaded 3 / 4 ( gas ) c onnect or, making sure that it is fastened tightly in place (see fig.A). Some models are fit ted with an "Aqua st op" water s upply hose (see fig.B) in which the small filter is already housed in the threaded end. If the water pipes are new or have not been used for an ex­tended per iod of t im e, let the wat er run to mak e sure t hat t he water is c lea r a nd free of i m purities. If this p r eca u t ion is not taken, there is a risk that the water inlet can get blocke d and damage the appliance.
The appliance is to be connected to the water mains using new hose­sets and that old hose-sets should not be reused.
Anti-Flooding protection (for some models)
The dishwasher is equipped with a system that stops the supply of water in the event of a problem with the water supply hose, or leaks within the unit, in order to prevent damage to your home. If for any reason the box containing the e lectri cal c ompon ents ha ppen s to get da mage d, r emove the plu g f or the appl iance from the socket immediately. In order to guarantee that the anti-flooding feature operates properly, the "A" box with water supply hose must be attached to the water su pply tap as shown in fig.B. No other type of con nection is acceptab le. The water supply hose must not, under any circumstances, be cut, as it contains electrical parts which are live. If the length of the hose is not adequate to make a proper connection, the hose must be replaced with one which is long enough. This hose is available upon request from specialised retailers and service center.
Drain hose co nnect ion
Insert the drain hose into a drain pipe with a minimum diameter of 4cm, or let it run into the sink, making
sure to avoid bending or crimping it. If necessary, fit a syphon trap (U-bend) with a connecting piece for the drain hose ( fig.C) . The free end of the hose m us t be at a heig ht between 40 and 100 cm and must not be immerse d i n w at e r.
The connecting piece for syphon trap (U-bend) must be solidly fastened to the wall to prevent the drain hose from moving and allowing water to spill outside the drain.
Electrical Co nn ection
After making sure that the voltage and frequenc y v alues for the current in the home correspond to those on the rat ing plate ( locate d on the stainl ess steel inne r door of the ap plianc e) and that t he elec tric al system is correc t f or the max imum v olt age on t he r ating plate, insert the plug into an ele ctri c al soc ket which is earthed properly (the earthing of the appliance is a safety requirement mandated by law). If the electrical socket to which the appliance must be connected is not appropriate for the plug, replace the whole cable, rather than using adaptors or the like as they could cause overheating and burns.
The dishwasher plug must be accessible even when the appliance is installed as a built-in unit so that maintenance can be done safely.
How to remove the top of your dishwasher
Freestand ing dishw asher can also be used as built-in , according to following processes:
Getting to know your dishwasher
Close-up view (control panel)
ON-OFF Button "Fine" Light
Dishwasher in terio r
Handle For Opening Door Knob For Selecting Cycle
Upper Rack
Lower Rack
b c
Top Spray Arm
Silverware Basket
Bottom Spray Arm
Salt Container Cap
Washing Filter
Detergent and Rinse Aid Dispenser
How to fill the salt container and the rinse aid dispenser
The hardness of the water varies from place to place. If hard water is used in the dishwasher, deposits will form on the dishes and utensils. The appliance is equipped with a special so ftener that uses a sa lt specifically designed to elimina t e lim e and minerals from the water.
Loading the salt into the container
Always use salt intended for use with dishwashers. The salt container is located beneath the lower rack and should be filled as follows:
Remove the lower rac k and t hen unscrew a nd r em ov e t he cap from the salt container; If you are filling the container for t he f ir st t ime, fill it w it h w a ter; Place the end of the funnel (supplied) into the hole and intr o­duce abou t 2 kg of salt. I t is nor mal for a s mall amou nt of water to come out of the salt container. Carefully screw the cap back on.
The salt container must be filled when the "low salt indicator" (located on the control panel) lights.
To prevent the formation of rust, load the salt just befor e beginning a wash cycle.
Adjusting salt consumption
The dishwasher is designed to allow for adjusting the amount of salt consumed based on the hardness of the water used. This is intended to optimiz e an d c us t omize t he l ev el of s alt consumption so that it remains at a minimum. To adjust salt consumption, proceed as follows:
Unscrew the cap from the salt container; There is a ring on the container with an arrow on it (see figure to the side). If necessary, r otate the ring in an anticlock wi s e direction f r om the " - " setting towards the " + " sign, based on the hardness of the water being used.
It is recommended that adjustments be made in accordance with the following table:
Water Hardness
Salt consumption (Grams/cycle)
Clarke degrees
Selector position
Rinse aid
This product makes dishes sparkle and helps them to dry without spotting. The dispenser is located on
the inside panel of the door .
Autonomy (cycles/2kg)
Loading the rinse aid
Regardless of the type of detergent dispenser installed on your
applianc e, you m ust pr oceed as indic ated belo w wh en loadi ng the rinse aid. To open the dispenser, t urn the " 1 " cap in an anti-cloc kwis e dire c- tion and then pou r in the r inse aid, m aking sure not t o overf ill. The amount of rinse aid used for each cycle can be regulated by turning the "2" dose adjustor, loc ated bene ath the "1" cap, with a screwdriver. There are 6 different settings; the normal dosage setting is 3.
Proper dosage of the rinse aid improves drying. If drops of water remain on the dishes or spotting occurs, the dosage adjus­tor should be turned to a higher setting. If the dishes have white streaks, turn the dosage adjustor to a lower setting.
How to fill the detergent dispenser
Detergent specifically intended for use with dishwashers
must be used. The dispenser must be refilled before the st art of each wash cycle following the instructions provided in the "Programme overview". The detergent dispenser is located on the inside panel of the door.
Loading the detergent
To open the " 3" cover on the dispenser, press the "4" button. The detergent for the wash cycle should be poured into the " 5" compartment. The detergent for the pre-wash cycle should be poured into the “ 6” compartment. After the detergent has been placed in the dispenser, close the cover and press down until it clicks in place.
To facilitate closing the cover, remove any excess detergent on the edges of the dispenser.
Not suitable for the dishwasher
What you should not put into the dishwasher
Cutlery and t ab lewar e m anuf a c t ur ed in who le or part f r om wood .T hey bec om e f aded and unsightly in
appearanc e.Furt hermor e,the adhe siv es that are us ed are not s uitable for t he temper ature that occur inside the dishwasher.Delicate decorative glassware and vases, special antique or irreplac eable china. The decorative patterns on such items will not be dishwasher-proof. Plastic obj ects tha t are not resis tan t to h ot wat er , copp er a nd p ewter ut ens ils are al so no t sui tab le. Decorative patterns printed or paint ed onto t he s urface of crocker y, glas ses, etc.,aluminium and silver items tend t o bec om e disc olour ed or faded if was hed in the diswasher. S om e types of glass c an becom e opaque in app ear ance a fter t hey have b een wa shed many times in a di shwa sher . Highl y absorb ent materials, such as sponges and towels,should never be placed in the dishwasher.
Our recommendation
In future, only purchase table or kitchenware that has been confirmed as being dishwasher-proof.
Dishes or cutlery that have been soiled by tobacco ash, wax, Iubricating grease or paint, should not be put in the dishwasher.
Damage to glassw are and other dishes
Possible causes
type of glass or manufacturing process chemical composition of detergent water temperature and duration of dishwasher programme.
Suggested remedy
Use glassware or por celain dishes that have been marked ‘d ishwa sher-pr oof’ by the manuf acture . Use a mild detergent that is described as ‘kind to dishes’. If necessary, seek further inform ation from detergent manufacturers. Select a programme with a low temperature and a short duration as possible. To prevent damage, take glass and cutlery out of the dishwasher as soon as possible after the programme has ended.
Arranging crockery, glasses, etc. in the dishwasher
Before placing the dishes in the dishwasher, remove larger food particles to prevent the filter from be­coming clogged, which results in reduced performance. If the pots and pans have baked-on food that is extremely hard to remove, we recommend that they are soaked before washed. This will eliminate the need for extra wash cycles. Pull out the rack to load the dishwasher.
Load for 12 Standard Settings
How to use the lower rack
We recommend t hat you place the most dif f ic ult to clean item s on the bottom r ack: pots, pans, lids , ser ving dishes and bo wls, as shown in the figure to the right. It is preferable to place serving dishes and lids on the sides of the racks in order to avoid blocking the rotation of the top spray arm.
Pots, serving bowls, et c. m ust alw ays be plac ed fac e down. (see fig.D) Deep pots should be slanted to allow the water to flow out.
The silverware basket can be doubled (see fig.E) so that only one sec tion may be us ed when the sil ver ware l oad is light . This also makes s pac e for addit ional pots and pan s and it can also be placed in the upper rack.
Silverware should be placed in the s ilver war e bas ke t with the handles a t the bot tom ; i f the rac k h as s i de baskets , t he s p oon s should be located indivi dually into t he appr opriate s lots. Es ­pecially long utensils should be placed in the horizontal posi­tion at the front of the upper rack.(see fig.E)
(for EN 50242 test s )
Knives and other utensils with sharp points must be loaded in the basket with their points down or placed in a horizontal position.
How to use the upper rack
The upper r ack is des igned to ho ld more delic ate and lighter dishware, such as glasses, cups and saucers, plates, small bowls and shallow pans (as long as they are not too dirty).
Position t he dis hes and cook ware s o that they do not get
moved by the spray of water. The upper rack can be adjusted for height by using t he knobs located on both sides of the rack itself (see fig.F).
Adjust the upper basket to the hi gh er level and you h av e more space to acco m mo d ate those tal ler pa ns and trays in the bottom basket.
Lean tall glasses and thos e with long stems against the shelf­not against other items to be washed. Place glasses , cups and s m all bowls on t he additional cup rack. The additional cup rack ca n be s wivel led in o r out as req uired (see fig.G).
Programme overview
Light Wash (EN50242)
Type of crokery e.g. china, pots/
pan s,
cutiery, glasses, etc
Type of
Soups, casseroles, sauces, potatoes, pasts, rice, eggs, roast or fried food.
Soups, potatoes, pasta, rice, eggs, roast or fried food.
Amount of
a lot
a little
tion of
stuck on hard
loosely attached
Description of cycle
Pre-wash with hot water. Extended wash at 70°C. Rinses with cold water. Rinse with hot water. Drying.
Pre-wash use cold water. Extended wash at 55°C. Rinse with cold water. Rinse with hot water. Drying.
Pre-wash use cold water. Extended wash at 50°C. Rinse with cold water. Rinse with hot water. Drying.
Wash at 45°C.
Glass ware
Coffee,cakes, milk, sausage, cold drinks, salads
Very little
loosely attached
Rapid wash
For dishes that need to be rinsed and
dried only.
Rinse off if the dishes have been stacked for several days in the dish­washer prior to washing.
Rinse with cold water. Hot rinse. Drying.
Short wash at 40°C. Cold rinse.
Hot rinse at 65°C. Drying.
Short cold wash to pre­vent food residue from drying on the dishes .
5g 5g 10g 10g
5g 5g
5g 5g 5g 5g
Rinse Aid
Extended WashPrewash
25g 15g 20g 15g
25g 15g
25g 20g 25g 20g
25g 15g
15g 10g 15g 10g
( )
Duration in
94’ 132’ 114’ 112’
94’ 132’ 114’ 102’
90’ 102’
90’ 132’ 122’ 162’ 152’ 132’ 122’ 162’ 152’
( ) EN50242 test with rinse aid setting 5
Washing dishes
Program me selectio n
The most appropriate programme can be identified by comparing the t ype of crockery, cutlery , et c., as well as the amount and condition of food remains, with the details contained in the wash cycl e table.The corresponding pr ogr am m e s equen ce, durat ion and c onsum ption details ar e s hown in the right half of the overview. For example: Use the “Normal W ash” programme for dishes and ut ensils which hav e plenty of food remains stuck on hard.
Earn savings
If only a small nu mber of dis hes have b een l oaded int o the dis hwas her,s elec tin g a pr ogr amme t hat operates at the next lowest temperature will usually be sufficient.
Programme data
The stated programme data are based on standard operating conditions. The values can vary consider­ably according to:
different amounts of dishes temperature of mains water supply pressure of mains water supply ambient temperature fluctuations in mains voltage machine-related factors (e.g. temperature, water volume,...)
Turning on the Appliance
Starting a wash cycle...
Make sure that the plug for the appliance is inserted into the wall socket.
Make sure that the water supply is turned on to full pressure. Load the dishwasher . Pour in the detergent. Press the ON-OFF button, and the “Fine” light will turn on. Turn the knob located on the right of the control panel until the number or symbol for the cycle setting is aligued with the refrence mark (see the section entitled, program overview).If the knob r ightly aligned with the refrence mark you want to choose, you must turn the knob to with the mark of “Reset” .Then back to first step. After five seconds the “Fine” light will turn off, the wash cycle will begin.
At the end of the wash cycle...
When the buzzer constant ly beep s six times, the “Fine” light will turn on and the cycle has finished. Turn off the appliance using the ON-OFF button, turn off the water supply and open the door of the dishwasher. Wait a few minutes bef or e unlo ading t he dis hwash er to avoid handling the dishes and utens ils while they are still hot and more susceptible to breakage. They will also dry better.
Cancelling or modifying a wash cycle setting...
A cycle that is underway can only be modified if it has been running for a short time. Otherwise, the detergent may hav e alrea dy bee n used, an d the a pplian ce m ay hav e already dr ained the was h water. If this is th e case, th e detergent d ispenser m ust be refil led (see the p aragraph e ntitled, "Loading the Detergent").
Rotate the knob to the mark of “Reset” then select
right programme.
Notice Do not place the tablets in the tub or the cutlery basket as this will result in poorer wash results. The tablets should be placed in the detergent doser.
How to keep your dishwasher in shape
After Every Wash
After every wash, turn off the water supply (not necessa r y for models with “Aquastop” ) to the appliance and leave the door slightly ajar so that moisture and odors are not trapped inside.
Remove the plug
Before cleaning or performing maintenance, always remove the plug from the socket. Do not run risks.
No solvent s or Abrasive Clean in g P rodu cts
To clean the exte rior and rubb er pa rt s of th e d ishw ash er, do not use solv ents or abra siv e cle anin g products. Rather, use only a cloth and warm soapy water. To remove spots or stains from the surface of the interior, use a cloth dampened with water and a little while vinegar, or cleaning product made specifically for dishwashers.
Moving the Appliance
If the appliance mus t be moved, t r y to k eep it in a v er tic al position. If a bs olut ely n ec essary, it c an be positioned on its back.
One of the factors that cause odors to form in the dishwasher is food that remains trapped in the seals. Periodic cleaning with a damp sponge will prevent this from occurring.
The door should not be left in the open position since this could present a tripping hazard.
When You Go on Holiday
When you go on holiday, it is recommended that you run a wash cycle with the dishwasher empty and then rem ove the plu g fr om the s ocket , turn of f the wate r s upply and l eave the door of the appl ia nce slightly ajar. This will help the seals last longer and prevent odors from forming within the appliance.
Care a nd maintenance
Regular inspection and m aintenance of your applia nce helps to pre vent pr oblem s fr om o ccu rring. This saves time and aggravation.You should therefore caref ully inspect t he inside of your dishwasher from time to time.
Overall condition of appliance
Check that no grease or scale has accumulated on the inside of the dishwasher.
If you discover any deposits:
- Clean the interior of the dishwasher thorughly with a detergent solution.
The filters “7” , “8” prev ent larger par t ic les of food in the wat er
from reaching the pump.These particles may occasionally block the filters.
When the appli ance has finished washing , chec k the fil- ters for particles of food and, if required, clean. After undoing the c oa r s e m ic ro- filt er “ 7”, the fi lter unit 8 can be r em ov ed. Rem ov e any particles of food and rins e the filters under running water. Insert the filter unit “8” and tighten the coarse micro-filter.
Spray arms
Lime and remnants of food in the washing water can block the
nozzles in the spray arms “9” and “10 and the ar m m oun tings.
Inspect the nozzles in the spray arms for blocked holes due to remnants of food. If necessary, pull the lower arm “10 upwards and lift it off. Unscrew the upper spray arm “9”. Clean both spray arms under running water. Refit the spray arm s . Ensu r e that the lower arm has lock e d into place and the upper one is screwed tight.
Fault finding
Resolving minor pr oblems yo urself
Experience has shown that y ou c an r es olve m os t problems that rise during normal daily usage yourself,
without hav ing to call out a serv ice engineer .Not only does this s ave costs,but it also means t hat the appliance is av aila ble for use again that m uc h s ooner . The f oll owing list of c om mon oc c ur r enc es and their remedies should help you identify the causes of most problems.
...when the app liance is sw itch ed on
Appliance does not start up
Fault with fuse in mains electricity supply.
Plug not inserted in wall socket. Appliance door not closed properly. Programme button has not been pressed. Water tap not turned on. Blocked strainer in water intake hose.
- The strainer is situated in the Aquastop or supply-hose connection.
Do not forget that repairs should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. Improper repairs can lead to considerable equipment dam­age as well as danger to the user.
...with the ap pliance it self
When the buzzer go-and-for beeps as th is turn on 2 seconds and t hen turn off 2 second s.
the water is turned on and the hose is connected properly;
the water supply to the house i s on a nd has sufficient pressur e; the water supply hose is crimped or bent; the filter for the water supply hose is clogged. the drain hose is too low.
When the buzzer go-and-for beeps as this t ur n on 3 seconds and then turn off 3 seconds.
the drain hose is crimped or bent. the drain hose is too high.
When the buzzer go-and-for beeps as this turn on 6 seconds and then turn of f 6 seconds.
the drain hose is too low.
If you tak e all these chec ks and the dis hwasher s till does not functio n or your dish -
washer have any other error displa y , you can power the dishwasher OFF, and wait a few minu te s . Y o u ca n p ow e r the dish w a s he r o n , try it a ga in , if th e dis hwas he r s t ill d o e s no t function and/or the problem persists, contact the nearest authorised service center and prov i de th e m with th e fo l lo wi ng in fo rma ti o n:
the nature of the problem.
the model type number (Mod...) And the serial number (S/N...), which are indicated on the plate lo­cated on the side of the inner part of the door.
Lowe r s pray a rm ro ta te s w i th d iffic u l ty
Spray arm is blocked by small items or food remains.
Lid in detergent compartment cannot be closed
Detergent compartment has been overfilled.
Mechanism is clogged with remnants of detergent.
Indicator lamps do not extinguish after washing has finished
ON-OFF Button is still set to ON.
Remnants of detergent stuck inside dispenser
Compartment w as damp wh en it was filled up with deterge nt. Compartmen t must be dry befor e
detergent is added.
Water remains inside appliance after programme has ended
Blockage or kind in drainage hose. Pump is jammed. Filters are blocked. The programme is still running. Wait for the programme to end .
...during washing
Unusual amount of foam is creased
Normal washing up liquid has been poured into the rinse-aid container.
Remove any spilled rinse aid with a cloth as it could otherwise lead to excessive foaming during the next washing cycle.
Appliance stops suddenly while washing is taking place
Cut off electricity supply to appliance.
Water supply has been interrupted.
Knocking sound can be heared while washing is taking place
A spray arm is knocking against the dishes inside the appliance.
Rattling sound can be heared while washing is taking place
Crockery has not been stacked properly inside the appliance.
Knocking sound coming from inlet valves
This is c aus ed by the wa y the w ate r pip es have bee n laid and it has no eff ect u pon t he way the
appliance functions. There is no remedy for this.
...with the dishes,cu t lery, etc.
Remnants of food are stuck to the dishes, cutlery,etc.
Dishwasher was not loaded properly. Jets of water could not reach all parts of the dishes, ect.
Too many items in the rack. Items in the rack were touching each other. Not enough detergent was added to dispenser. Selected wash programme was not intensive enough. Rotation of spray arm was obstructed by dishes, etc. N ozzles in spray arm are blokcked by remnants of food. Filters are blocked. Filters have been incorrectly fitted.
Waste-water pump is jammed.
Plastic items are discoloured
Not enough detergent was added to dispenser.
Detergent has insuf fcie nt ble achin g prope rties . Use a deter gent contain ing a c hemic al bleac hing agent.
White stains are left on crockery, glasses have a milky appearance
Not enough detergent was added to dispenser compartment.
Amount of rinse-aid was set too low. Although water is quite hard, no salt has been put in appliance. Water softener was set too low. Lid on salt container is not screwed tight. If you used a phosphate-f r ee detergent , try a detergent c ontaining phosphat es and c om par e r esults.
Dishes,cultlery,etc.have not been dried
Selected programme did not include drying function.
Amount of rinse-aid was set too low. Items were removed from dishwasher too soon.
Glasses have a dull appearance
Amount of rinse-aid was set too low.
Tea stains or traces of lipstick have not been completely removed
Detergent does not have a sufficient bleaching effect.
Washing temperature was set too low.
Traces of rust on cutlery
Cutlery is not sufficiently rustproof.
Salt content in washing water is too high.
- Lid on salt container is not screwed tight.
- Too much salt was spilt while filling container.
Glasses become clouded and discoloured; coating cannot be wiped off
Unsuitable detergent was used.
Glasses are not dishwasher-proof.
Smears left behind on glasses and cutlery; glasses have acquired a metallic appear-
Amount of rinse-aid set too high.
Technical data
Width Depth Height
Capacity Mains water pressure Power supply Maximum current intensity Total absorbed power
12 standard place settings
220-240V~ 50Hz
60 cm 60 cm 85 cm
Important information
Notes on wast e dispo sal
Old appliances still have some residual value. A n env ironment -fri endly method of disposal will ens ure
that valuable raw materials can be recovered and used again. When an ap plianc e has reached the en d of i ts wor king li fe,un plug it f rom t he m ains.Cu t thr ough t he mains cable and dispose of it together with the plug. Destroy the door locking mechanism . This will ensur e that children at play ca nnot becom e lock e d insi de and are not exposed to the risk of suffocation. Your new applia nce was protec t ed by sui table packaging while it was on its way to you. A ll m at eria ls used for this purpose are environment-friendly and can be recycled. Please make a contribution to protecting the environment by disposing of the packaging appropriately. Do not allow children to play with any parts of the packaging. There is a risk of suffocation by the cardboard boxes and the plastic wrapping. Up-to -date information concerning options for disposal can obtained from your retailer or local munici­pal administration.
General inf o rmatio n
Measures must be taken to ensure that built-under and built-in units that are subsequently re-sited
as free-standing appliances cannot topple over. This can be achieved by bolting the dishwasher to the wall or fitting it under a continuous work surface which is screwed to the adjacent cupboards.
For Switzerland only: There are no r es t r ictions on i ns t alling t he a ppliance betwe en w ooden or plas t ic walls as par t of a fitted kitchen. If the appli anc e is not plugged into a wall sock et, it mus t be connected t o t he m ains v ia a separator for all poles within the domestic wiring system. This device must have a gap of at least
3mm between open contacts, in order to conform with relevant safety regulations.
Information on comparability tests implemented in compliance with EN 50242
Appliance loaded in accordance with standard specifications. Example of loaded dishwasher: See fig. 1 , 2, 3 and 4. Capacity: 12 place settings Comparability programme: Light wash Rinse-aid setting: 5 Detergent: 25g+5g
Height-adjustable top-basket must be inserted in the uppermost position. If the comparability tests do not comply fully with EN 50242, e.g., degree of soiling, type of dishes and cutlery, etc., contact the appliance manufacturer before starting the test.
A. Wring box B. Power swi t ch C. Power indicator D. Door switch E. Water level switch
The symbol on the product or on it s pack a ging indic ates that t his pr oduct may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collec­tion point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipm ent. B y ensur ing this prod­uct is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potent ial negative conseq uences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal ser v ice or the shop where you purchas ed the product.
F. Drain pump G. Dispenser H. Overflow switch I1. Inlet valve I2. Aquastop valve
J. Washing pump K. Program switch L1. Hiden heater L2. Open heater M. Softener Switch
Sicherheitshinweise Installation Die Abdeckplatte des Geschirrspülers abbauen Geschirrspüler kennen lernen Wie wird der Salzbehälter und Klarspüler gefüllt ? Reiniger Nicht geeignetes Geschirr Geschirr einordnen Programmübersicht Geschirrspülen So halte ich das Gerät in Topform Wartung und Pflege Fehlersuche Technische Daten Hinweise
2 4 6 7
8 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 24 24
Bei der Anlief eru ng
Überprüfen Sie Verpackung und Geschirrspüler sofort auf Transportschäden. Nehmen Sie ein beschädi gtes Ger ät nicht in Betr ieb, sondem nehm en Sie Rücksprache mit Ihrem Lieferanten oder Ihrem Kundendienst. Entsorgen Sie das Verpackungsmaterial bitte ordnungsgemäß.
Bei der lnstallat ion
Nehmen Sie Aufstellung und Anschluss nach der Installations-und Montageanweisung vor. Bei der Installation muss der Geschirrspüler vom Netz getrennt sein. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Schutzleitersystem der elektrischen Hausinstallation vorschriftsmäßig installiert ist. Elektrische Anschl ussbedingungen und Angaben auf dem Typens chi ld des Ges chir rspüler s müs sen eingehalten werden. Benutzen Sie zum Anschluss niemals Verlängerungskabel. Bauen Sie unterbaufähige oder integrierbare Geräte nur unter durchgehenden Arbeitsplatten ein, die mit den Nachbarschränken verschraubt sind, um die Standsicherheit zu gewährleisten. Nach dem Aufstellen des Gerätes muss der Stecker frei zugänglich sein. Bei einigen Modellen: Das Kunststoffgehäuse am Wasseranschluss enthält ein elektrisches Ventil, im Zulaufschlauch befinden si ch die Anschlus sl eitungen. S c hneiden S ie dies en S c hlauc h nic ht durch und tauchen Sie das Kunststoffgehäuse nicht in Wasser. Das Netz kabe l dar f bei der Ins talla tio n niem als zu s tark oder in gef ährli cher W eis e verbo gen oder gequetscht werden.
Im täglichen Betrieb
Der Geschirrspüler ist nur zum S pülen v on Haus halts- und K ochgeschir r ge dacht und s ollte nur von
Erwachsenen benutzt werden. Das Gerät darf nicht im Freien aufgestellt werden, selbst wenn es unter einem Dach steht; es ist außerdem gefährlich, den Geschirrspüler Witterungseinflüssen einschließlich Regen auszusetzen. Setzen oder stellen Sie sich nicht aut die geöffnete Tür. Das Gerät könnte kippen. Das Wasser im Spülraum ist kein Trinkwasser. Geben Sie kein Lösungsmittel in den Spülraum. Es besteht Explosionsgefahr. Die Tür während des Programmablaufs nur v or sichtig öffnen. E s besteht die Gefahr , dass Wasse r aus dem Gerät spritzt. Berühren Sie niemals die Heizelemente während oder nach einem Spülzyklus. Bitte beachten Sie die folgenden Vorschriften für den Einsatz dieses Gerätes:
- Berühren Sie den Geschirrspüler niemals nicht mit feuchten Händen oder Füßen.
- Verwenden Sie niemals Verlängerungskabel oder Vielfachstecker.
- Trennen Sie das Gerät stets von der Stromversorgung, wenn es nicht vorschriftsmäßig funktioniert oder gewartet werden muss.
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