GSi pinnacle User Manual

Read and understand thi s entire instr uction manual b efore using this s tove. Keep thi s instruction manual for f uture refer ence. Prac tice using this st ove before he ading out on your trip to familiarize your self with it s function and d angers. If you d o not understand this manual or h ave any questi ons, please call G SI Outdoors, I nc. at 1-800-704-4474, +1- 509-928-9611, email us at or visit our website at Do not attempt to use this s tove: (1) befo re reading and f ully underst anding this instruction manual; ( 2) if you are not p repared or co mfortable a ttending to a b urning and/or hot stove at all time s; (3) if yo u observe, sm ell or hear leakin g fuel; or (4) i f you observe any condition w ith the stov e system or in th e surrounding e nvironment t hat would make operation of an op en flamed devi ce dangerous. F ailure to follow th ese directions can cause an uns afe situatio n leading to fire or a n explosion, re sulting in serious bodily injury or dea th.
Do not use stove if parts a re missing or bro ken, or with repl acement par ts not specif ic to your stove model. Use of s tove with missi ng or broken par ts, or with re placement parts not specific to y our stove mode l, can result in bur ns severe injur y or death. Do not attempt to modif y or use this stov e in any way for any p urpose othe r than described in this instru ction manual
This stove is designed for OU TDOOR USE O NLY for boiling water a nd cooking foo d. Use of stove within any encl osed space, or f or a purpose ot her than boiling w ater or cooking food can cause fir e, explosion or p oisoning result ing in serious bo dily injury or death. You are responsible f or your own saf ety and the sa fety of thos e around you. This manual is not intended to r eplace your go od judgment. I f you have any ques tions or concerns contact G SI Outdoors, I nc. at 1-800-704-4474, +1- 509-928-9611, email us at or visit our web site at .
IF YOU SMELL GAS: 1/ Do not attempt to light app liance. 2/ Extinguish any open f lame. 3/ Disconnect from fue l supply.
Do not store or use gasoline or o ther liquids wit h flammable vapo urs in the vicinit y of this or any other appliance.
a: Pot Supports b: Bu rner Head c: Val ve Body d: Fl ame Adjuster Val ve e: Flame Adjuster
Nominal Heat Input Rate:
8,768 BTU/h.
2.59 kW 187 g/h.
(51CL392 1-2010 ) 2009/142/ EC
Nominal Heat Input Rate:
Clearance to combus tibles : top 4 ft. ( 1.2 m) , sides 4 ft . (1.2 m)
*Nominal Heat Input Rat e varies depe nding on tes t procedur es of the par ticular st andards ag ency.
This stove can easily ignit e surrounding m aterials and flam mable liquids or vap ors. Keep stove and cartri dge away from o ther heat sour ces. If you det ermine that a windscreen is needed use O NLY the GSI Ou tdoors Pinna cle Windscre ens that are designed for exclusive use w ith the GSI Out doors Pinnacl e Stoves in their p rescribed fashion.
Never let children use this st ove. Superv ise children in th e cooking area a t all times, keeping them at least 10 feet ( 3+ meters ) away from t he stove.
This stove uses a liquid pres surized gas ( LPG) car tridge that is h ighly flammable a nd explosive. Use only GSI Ou tdoors isoBu tane Fuel Car tridges of Is obutane and Propane mix (4 oz./110 g or 8 oz. /230 g) . Because GS I Outdoors ca nnot assure th e quality and safety of ot her manufac turers’ fuel c artridges , do not attemp t to fit other types or makes of gas car tridges to t he Pinnacle Sto ve. Follow this sa fety information when using GS I cartridg es: !/ Listen and smell for leaking g as. Leaking ga s is a serious haza rd. Natural L PG is
invisible and odorless; s trong odora nt additives h ave been added t o the fuel mix but can fade over time. Lea ks are not alway s detectabl e by smell. Do not use t his stove if it is leaking, damag ed, or does not op erate prop erly.
!/ Check that the stove and f uel cartri dge connect ion is secure and t ight. If the
connection does not look o r feel secure, or i f you hear or smell le aking gas, do not use stove or cartridg e. Move stove to a w ell-ventilat ed area away f rom any ignition source to locat e and stop the lea k. Only check f or leaks outdo ors using soapy water. Bubbles will for m if the soapy wa ter is poured ov er a leak. Do not t ry to detect leaks using a flam e.
This appliance can produce carbon monoxide which has no odor. Using it in an enclosed spa ce can kill you. Never use this stove in an e nclosed spac e such as a camper, tent, car or hom e.
USA, Canada and other ap plicable Count ries
Limited Warrant y :
GSI Outdoors, Inc. USA ( GSI Outdoor s) to the origin al owner (“O wner”) , under intended use and maintena nce, warrant s the enclose d product (“ Product” ) to be free from defects in materi als and workma nship for the life of t he Product . No warrant y against defects in mater ials and workm anship will apply if P roduct is (i ) altered in any way, (ii) used for purpose s inconsisten t with Produ ct’s intended p urpose or desig n, or (iii) improperly mainta ined. Warrant y will furth ermore be void ed where Own er/user (i) failed to follow Produc t instruct ions or warning s or (ii) subject ed Product t o misuse, abuse, or neglect. During the warranty p eriod, original p roduct par ts determine d by GSI Outdoo rs, Inc. to be defective in mater ials or workman ship will be repair ed or replaced as O wner’s sole remedy. GSI Outdoor s, Inc. reser ves the right to r eplace any disc ontinued product with a new produ ct of compar able value and fun ction. A retur ned Produc t deemed irreparable be comes the pro perty of GS I Outdoors, In c. and will not be returned. EXCLUDING THE LIMI TED WARRA NTY PROV IDED ABOV E, GSI OUTD OORS, INC., IT S AFFLIIATES AND TH EIR SUPPL IERS, TO THE M AXIMUM E XTEN T PERMIT TED BY LAW, MAKE NO WARRANT IES, EXP RESSED OR IM PLIED, AND DIS CLAIM A LL WARRANTIES, DUT IES AND CONDI TIONS, WHE THER EX PRESSED, I MPLIED OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPE CT TO THE PRO DUCT, INCLUDIN G WITHOU T LIMITATION
!/ Only change the cartri dge outside and a t least 25 feet ( 7.6 meters) fr om people and
any source of ignition.
!/ Always position stov e on a stable, solid le vel surface b efore using st ove. Check
and if necessary clean t he seals for dust , proper sea ting or any wear be fore connecting a new fuel car tridge to th e stove. Do not us e stove if seals a re damaged or worn.
!/ Keep stove and fuel car tridge at leas t 25 feet (7.6 meter s) away from o ther heat
sources. If you expose t he fuel cart ridge to high hea t, the cart ridge will explo de or leak resulting in serious bo dily injury or dea th. This stov e can ignite comb ustible materials, flammable liquids a nd vapors cre ating a situati on where fire, bu rns severe injury or death ca n result.
!/ Follow all warnings on fuel car tridges re garding use and s torage.
ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, AGINAST LATENT DEFECTS, FITNESS FOR A PARTI CULAR P URPOSE, OR C ORRESPO NDENCE TO DES CRIPTION . Warranty Service. To ob tain servic e under this warr anty, the war ranty-eli gible Product must be prese nted to GSI Out doors, Inc. by c alling 1-800 -704-44 74 [M-F, 8:00-4:30 , PDT] or emailin g info@g sioutdoors .com. Owner is responsible for all c osts associ ated with ret urning Prod uct to GSI Outd oors for service. Where at i ts sole discret ion GSI Outdoo rs deems Prod uct eligible for warranty repair or rep lacement, GS I Outdoors will p ay the shipping a nd handling associated with retu rning repaire d or replaced Pr oduct to Ow ner. In instance s where GSI Outdoors deems a ret urned produ ct ineligible for wa rranty ser vice, GSI Out doors will, if possible, repair produ cts for a reas onable charge t hat includes re turn shipping and handling. For warrant y return se rvice detail s, please go to Limitation of Remedies. S hould a court of c ompetent jur isdiction find t he limited warranty set fort h above breac hed, GSI Outdo ors’ only obligat ion will be to, at its option, either repair or re place Produc t. Should the af oremention ed remedy fail o f its essential purpose, GSI O utdoors will, in ex change for re turn of Produ ct, refund t o Owner Product’s origin al purchase pr ice. THE FORE GOING REMEDY I S THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE RE MEDY OF THE PU RCHASER AG AINST GSI OU TDOORS, I TS AFFILITAES AND TH EIR SUPPL IERS, REGA RDLES OF LE GAL THEOR Y.
Limitation of Liability. GSI O utdoors’, its af filiates’ and t heir suppliers’ m aximum
liability is limited to incident al damages not t o exceed the or iginal purchas e price of the Product. GSI OUT DOORS, ITS A FFILITATE S AND THEIR S UPPLIER S HEREBY DISCLAIM AND EX LUDE ANY RE ASON WHATS OVER. THI S EXCLUSIO N AND LIMITATION APPLIES T O ALL LEGA L THEORIE S UNDER WHICH D AMAGES MAY BE SOUGHT, AND WILL APP LY EVEN IF ANY R EMEDY FAILS O F ITS ESSENI TAL PURPOSE. This limited warranty gi ves Owner sp ecific legal rig hts; Owne rs may have addi tional rights, which may vary s tate to stat e. Always completely follo w safety, use op eration, and m aintenance ins truction s for this or any other GSI Outdoo rs product . European Union custome r statutor y rights are no t affecte d.
GSI Outdoors, Inc. For product servic e and informat ion contact GSI Outdoors, Inc. USA 1023 S. Pines Road, Spokan e WA. 99206 U SA 1-800-704-4474 or 509-928-9611
Familiarize yourself wit h the parts of y our GSI Outdoo rs Pinnacle Ca nister Stove a nd the instructions for us e and storage b efore conne cting the sto ve to its fuel car tridge. Never use this stove in any ot her way than is de scribed in the f ollowing instr uctions.
For more information or v ideos on how to us e the GSI Outdoo rs Pinnacle Ca nister Stove visit our website at w ww.gsiout
#56002: Pinnacle® Canister Stove
© 2015 GSI Outdoors, Inc. 1023 S Pines Rd Spokane WA 99206 USA PO Box 132 Wakefield, England WF1 1XJ
1/ 2/
1/ 2/
3/ 4/
4 ft. (1.2 m)
25 ft. (7.6 m)
1/ 2/
3/ 4/
1/ 2/
1/ 2/ 3/
4/ 5/
10 min.
1/ Unfold Flame Adjuster. 2/ Close Flame Adjuster Val ve (clockw ise rotation ). 3/ Carefully align the stov e valve body w ith the fuel car tridge nipp le and screw sto ve
onto cartridge (clo ckwise) un til connectio n is secure. Do no t attempt to t ighten this connection with any t ool.
NOTE: A small amount of gas may esc ape when conn ecting or disc onnecting fu el cartridge
!/ Always check for leaks a fter installin g the fuel car tridge. If in que stion, pour so apy
water gently over the sus pected are a(s) of t he stove and fu el cartridg e. Bubbles will form around leaking are as. DO NOT TE ST WITH F LAME. I f any bubbles
form, DO NOT USE the fu el cartrid ge.
Never over tighten fuel c artridge t o stove. Ove r tightening c an damage stov e or cartridge causing fue l to leak. Lea king fuel can c ause fire, burn s, severe injur y or death.
Use extreme caution w hen using st ove in temper atures bel ow freezin g. In freezin g temperatures O-r ings can bec ome hard and le ak fuel. Alwa ys check for f uel leaks be fore and after lighting sto ve. Use of a leak ing stove ca n cause fire, b urns, sever e injury or dea th.
!/ Keep children and pets at lea st 10 feet (3+ m eters) awa y from the sto ve.
!/ Keep combustible materi als at least 4 feet (1. 2 meters) aw ay from the bur ning
stove, or a stove that you ar e in the proces s of lighting. Kee p flammable liquid s and vapors at least 25 feet (7.6 me ters) away f rom the burnin g stove, or a sto ve that you are in the process of ligh ting. This stov e can ignite com bustible mate rials, flammable liquids and vapors c reating a situ ation where fi re, burns seve re injury or death can result. Keep ch ildren at least 10 fe et (3+ mete rs) away fr om the stove.
Never attempt lighti ng stove if fl ame adjuster v alve is left o pen. If flame a djuster val ve is left open, close it imme diately and th oroughly ve ntilate are a before ligh ting stove. F ailure to ventilate area can re sult in an explo sion that can c ause fire, bur ns, severe i njury or dea th.
!/ Never position your head o r body above th e stove while ligh ting, or cookin g.
Because stove maintain s an almost clear blu e flame which can not easily be see n in sun lit environments, plac ement of head o r body above st ove is an unsafe practice that can caus e fire, burns, se vere injury or d eath.
!/ Keep children at least 10 feet ( 3+ meters ) away from th e stove. Neve r leave a
burning or hot stove unat tended. An un attended s tove can lead t o fire and/or a situation where children , pets, or the unw ary can be bur ned, injured or k illed.
!/ Never move a burning or hot st ove. Always e xtinguish st ove and cool bef ore
moving. Moving a burning or h ot stove can ca use fire, burns, s evere injur y or death.
!/ Never use any cookware w ith a diameter l arger than 9.5 in ches (24.2 cm ) and
height greater than 6 inche s (15.2 cm) or sto ve-top ovens w ith a heat ret ention feature with this stov e; doing so can ca use the cart ridge to explo de resulting in serious bodily injury or dea th.
!/ Reflected heat can ove rheat the fu el cartridg e. Never place an d operate t wo or
more stoves together. Ne ver operate s tove with emp ty or dry co okware. Use o f stove in any of the procee ding manners ca n result in the fu el cartridg e exploding and causing fire, burns, sev ere injury or de ath.
!/ Never use cookware th at is not flat on th e bottom. Us e of stove with d amaged
and/or inappropriat e cookwar e can result in coo kware and /or stove ins tability resulting in a situation wh ere hot cookw are and/or c ookware co ntents can e asily spill causing fire, burns, sev er injury or deat h.
!/ Stove and components w ill be VERY hot fo r a period of time a fter shutt ing off.
Never attempt to remo ve or compact t he stove while i t is hot to the touc h. Doing so can quickly result in seve re burns and pos sible ignition of f lammable mate rials.
!/ Always disconnect st ove from car tridge befo re storing it . Failure to disco nnect
stove from cartridg e before stor ing may cause fu el to leak and caus e fire, burns, severe injury or death. A lways stor e the fuel car tridges in a well- ventilated location, well away from an y possible heat o r ignition sour ce such as: hea ters, furnaces, water heat ers, gas applian ces or pilot lights . Storing fuel c artridge s near any heat or ignition source o r where tempe ratures exc eed 120 F (49 C) , can result in fire, explosion or poisonin g resulting in ser ious bodily injur y or death.
1/ Select a non-traffi cked, level coo king area outd oors and clear c ooking area of
combustible materials an d flammable liquids o r vapors.
2/ Open Pot Supports b y rotating up pers until hori zontal then r otate lower su pports
out from Burner Head unt il they stop.
3/ Attach GSI Outdoor s Pinnacle Wind screen (if usi ng). 4/ Place stove assembly o n a solid, stable, e ven surface t o ensure stabili ty. !/ Use only GSI Outdoors Pin nacle Windscr eens. NEV ER USE A GENER IC OR
1/ Hold a lit match or lighter flame o ver the edge of t he Burner Head . 2/ Open Flame Adjuster Val ve (3/4 turn ) to release an d ignite fuel. 3/ Extinguish match or lig hter respon sibly. 4/ Turn Flame Adjuster Valve to de sired flame se tting.
1/ Close Flame Adjuster Valve w hen cooking is d one (clock wise rotatio n). 2/ After flames are out , wait 10 minutes for s tove to cool. 3/ Move stove assembly a way from any ign ition source s and unscrew fr om cartrid ge
by grasping the valve bod y (counter clo ckwise rot ation).
4/ After the stove has c ompletely coo led fold Flame Adj uster and close P ot Support s. 5/ Store in storage sack o r a clean dry env ironment. NOTE:
A small amount of gas may esca pe when conn ecting or disc onnectin g fuel cart ridge
1/ Add food or liquid to cookwa re. 2/ Place cookware ont o the center of t he stove. 3/ Turn Flame Adjuster Valve to a djust heat. (a pprox. 1/4 tur n for optimum ef ficiency)
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