Service Document
Exchange Set
GDP 3300
Materialnr./Part No.
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Änderungen vorbehalten/Subject to alteration
Made by GRUNDIG in Germany • HS-41 0704
Es gelten die Vorschriften und Sicherheitshinweise
gemäß dem Service Manual "Sicherheit", Material-
nummer 720108000001, sowie zusätzlich die eventuell abweichenden, landesspezifischen Vorschriften!
The regulations and safety instructions shall be
valid as provided by the "Safety" Service Manual,
part number 720108000001, as well as the
respective national deviations.
Disassembly Instructions
1. Cabinet Upper Part
– Undo the 8 screws A (Fig. 1).
– Bend the upper part of the cabinet from the rear side
(Fig. 1) off the base plate, and then detach the cabinet upper part from the unit.
2. Front Panel
– Undo the 2 screws G (Fig. 2).
– Undo the 2 screws K (Fig. 3).
– Undo the 2 locking lugs I (Fig. 2) and then remove the front
– Unplug the connectors if necessary.
3. VFD Driver and Key Control Board Units
– Remove the front panel (Point 2).
– Undo the 5 screws L (Fig. 4).
– Remove the VFD Driver and Key Control Board units.
4. Power Supply Board
– Undo the 3 screws B (Fig. 2).
– Undo the 1 screw J (Fig. 1).
– Remove the Power Supply Board from the unit.
– Unplug the connectors if necessary.
5. Main Board
– Undo the 4 screws E (Fig. 2).
– Remove the main board.
– Unplug the connectors if necessary.
6. Output Board
– Undo the 2 screws F (Fig. 2)
– Undo the 6 screws C (Fig. 1).
– Remove the output board.
– Unplug the connectors if necessary.
7. Drive Mechanism
– Undo the 4 screws D (Fig. 2).
– Lift the drive mechanism at its back part, slide it to the rear,
and then remove it.
– Unplug the connectors if necessary.
8. Opening the Tray of a Defective Unit
– Turn the toothed wheel H (Fig. 5) in direction of the arrow
until the tray moves then pull out the tray completely.
– Remove the DVD/CD from the defective drive unit if neces-
GDP 3300