The advantag es of LED backlighting technolog y:
• Superb contras t ratio
• Brilliant colou r reproduction
• Outstandin g picture sharpness
• Low energy con sumption
• Slim housing (Fine A rts 40", only 37 mm)
• Long panel ser vice life
With Edge LE D technology, sm all LEDs are arr anged on
all four side s of the monitor.
Grundig USB recording –
get a fi lm. Let the fi lm roll.
Turning your LCD TV into a U SB video recorder: you can
record fi lms and pla y them back, all without an exte rnal
DVD recorde r – this is USB recording. You only need a
Grundig LCD T V with USB recording func tions, a suitable
USB stick or an exte rnal hard disk. Whether yo u want onetouch recording of t he TV channel currently on a ir, a pre-set
recording, or th e time-shift function – m any Grundig LCD TVs
allow you to benefi t from the ad vantages of USB recording .
For the fi r st time, this function is als o integrated into the new
LED TVs wi th a 22" display diagonal.
• Direct recor ding of the digital TV chann el from a satellite
feed, cable or DV B-T reception onto a USB stick or exter nal
hard disk
Even broadcas t Full HD content can be recorded and , on our
3D LED TVs, 3 D shows received via digit al signal as well
• One-tou ch recording using the recor d button on the remote
• Pre- programmed recording v ia EPG or recording timer
• Time Shift function for telev ision with time delay
• Recorded content ca n only be played on the same LCD T V
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Sound & Vision 2011 Technology
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LED backlighting – for even more brilliance.
LED backlight tec hnology is a modern versio n of illumination in LCD monitors. G rundig uses “Edge LED” techno logy, with small
LEDs arran ged on all four sides of the monitor. They illum inate the entire surface of the p anel. The result is a pictur e display
true to nature, in br illiant colours and with out standing contrast. Usin g LEDs in LCD TVs also red uces energy consumption and
allows the housin g of these models to be incredib ly slim. Another advantag e is the long service life of th e LEDs used.
The new, integrated
Grundig multimedia player
the DivX Plus HD standard.
Grundig LCD T Vs with Digi SX chassis have an i ntegrated
multimedia play er,
certifi e d to the DivX Plus HD
DivX Plus HD is the new, s tate-of-the-art st andard for
compressing HD v ideos. Many video-on- demand platforms
already use th e DivX Plus HD standard. Paid co ntent
protected by the D ivX DRM code
can be played on Gr undig
with DivX Plus HD cer tifi cation. Mu ltimedia players
with DivX
Plus HD certifi cation have these advantages:
• You can play fi lms in numerous formats u sing the USB port
on the TV.
• Ju st like DVDs, DivX Plus HD fi lms with the “mk v” suffi x
contain ch apter markers, subtitles and s everal audio tracks.
• T he “AAC aud io” format integrated in DivX Plus HD e nsures
impressive surround sound.
You can savour this sou nd experience to the full if you
connect the digi tal audio output on the Grundig T V to your
home cinema sys tem.
• You can al so play automatic slide sho ws with MP3 back-
ground music via th e television’s USB port.
• P hotos in vertical format c an be rotated with the curso r on
the remote control.
Full HD 1,920 x 1,080 pixels.
The greater the numb er of pixels, the sharper a nd more
detailed the pic ture resolution. With 1,920 x 1,080 p ixels,
Full HD provides t he highest picture reso lution and the most
natural pict ure reproduction. The pi ctures are extremely
detailed and stunn ingly real due to the great depth effe ct.
2,073,6 00 pixels
or 6,220, 800 colour pixel s
1,049,08 8 pixel s
HD ready 1,366 x 768
Full HD 1,920 x 1,080
200 Hz technology.
The 200 Hz techn ology quadruples the num ber of pictures from
50 to 200 fi elds per second. Addit ional intermediate picture s
can be generate d between two origi nal pictures. This mean s
that each fi eld is only sh own for around fi ve milliseconds. The
result is outs tanding, blur-free pic tures with perfec tly fl uid
motion at all times .
Television stations broadcast 50 fi elds per second.
The 200 Hz technology generates additional fi elds and inserts them between
two original pictures. This results in outstanding pictures and completely fl uid
motion for sport scenes and ticker text, for example.
Motion Picture Improvement
by Grundig.
The new TV g eneration with visibly sha rper and
pictures. Gr undig television sets w ith Motion Picture
always prov ide excellent
playback . The newest high
speed proces sing chip set
calculates additional intermediate
and integrates the m into the appropriate
phases. Thi s ensures a natural
fl ow of mov ement and out-
standing pic ture quality for fast-mov ing scenes.
Without Mo tion Picture Im provement With Motion P icture Impro vement
Sharp pic tures, even wi th
fast motio n sequences
Blurred motion
Dynamic Contrast Plus.
The picture contr ast is the relationship bet ween the brightest
and darkest pic ture display. Our new dynamic co ntrast
optimi sation
ensures that the sc reen always guarantees
the best possib le contrast for the picture conte nt. And this
means optimally ad justed depth of focus.
High contra st with deep bl ack and
vibrant co lours
Low contrast