Grundig 46 VLE 8160 BP, 55 FLE 9170 SH, 40 FLE 9170 SP, 40 VLE 8160 BH, 40 VLE 8160 BP Brochure & Specs

Sound & Vision 2011 | 2012
First-class in every sense.
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Sound & Vision 2011 Contents
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VISION LED-/LCD-T V Pages 14–27
SOUND HI-FI + WEB-RADIO Pages 28–39 | AUDIO-PORTABLE Pages 40–49
Photo: Hülsta , D-48702 Stadtlohn, w m
We’d like to make it easy for you to
decide on our products.
Making custome rs happy is actually quite sim ple. It’s just a case of knowing thei r wishes and needs and meeti ng them in each and ever y way. And that’s what we do.
Our customers w ant choice. From a small Leemax x as the ideal second televi sion to a 55" Fine Arts wi th features galore. Or a waterproof MP3 player to a wide range of Internet radios – we have everything you need in consumer electronics.
Our customers w ant state-of-the-ar t technology. You’ll be amazed by our high- end technology. Integrated HD du al tuners, CI Plus s lots, multiple HDMI input s, DLNA certifi cation, user-frien dly Comfort Guides, 3 D TVs and Web TVs, etc. – we have the ver y latest home enterta inment has to offer.
All our customer s insist on quality. Every s ingle appliance is high-qua lity, built to last and extrem ely easy to use. And for excellent v alue for money.
No matter why you c hoose our products , we’ll ensure you’ve made the righ t decision.
For good reason G rundig
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Our TV innovations –
get ready for the best in entertainment.
The new genera tion of Grundig LED TVs wil l allow you make full use of both cur rent and future entert ainment options. The ne w Grundig TVs, equippe d with the Grundig TV ch assis Digi TP and Digi SX, f eature an integrated HD triple tuner, several H DMI ports and a CI Plus slot , as well as numerous other tech nical innovations. Nav igation of the revolutioni sed user menu with the Comfor t Guide is particul arly user-friendly, allow ing you to make all the important settings intuitively.
Technological innova tions such as 3D television, SM ART inter@ctive T V and HbbTV are already set ting new standards: In th e future, your entertainm ent and all the detailed inform ation you need will be source d directly from the Internet – and at tim es, even in 3D quality. The intr oduction of DLNA cert ifi cation, on the oth er hand, has made life a lot simpler w hen confi guring h ome networks.
All certifi ed appli ances – even those from diff erent manufacturers – a re completely compatible in a home n etwork. This makes the LED T V an increasingly impor tant component of your home n etwork. Connois seurs of aesthetic sophisticati on will particular ly appreciate the Fine Ar ts design range. In any cas e, we can be certain that our ex tensive selection of di fferent sizes and equipme nt features will make it easy f or you to fi nd your own p ersonal favourite.
Photo: Hülsta , D-48702 Stadtlohn, w m
The advantag es of LED backlighting technolog y:
• Superb contras t ratio
• Brilliant colou r reproduction
• Outstandin g picture sharpness
• Low energy con sumption
• Slim housing (Fine A rts 40", only 37 mm)
• Long panel ser vice life
With Edge LE D technology, sm all LEDs are arr anged on all four side s of the monitor.
Grundig USB recording – get a fi lm. Let the fi lm roll.
Turning your LCD TV into a U SB video recorder: you can record fi lms and pla y them back, all without an exte rnal DVD recorde r – this is USB recording. You only need a Grundig LCD T V with USB recording func tions, a suitable USB stick or an exte rnal hard disk. Whether yo u want one­touch recording of t he TV channel currently on a ir, a pre-set recording, or th e time-shift function – m any Grundig LCD TVs allow you to benefi t from the ad vantages of USB recording . For the fi r st time, this function is als o integrated into the new LED TVs wi th a 22" display diagonal.
Direct recor ding of the digital TV chann el from a satellite
feed, cable or DV B-T reception onto a USB stick or exter nal hard disk
Even broadcas t Full HD content can be recorded and , on our 3D LED TVs, 3 D shows received via digit al signal as well
One-tou ch recording using the recor d button on the remote
Pre- programmed recording v ia EPG or recording timer
Time Shift function for telev ision with time delay
Recorded content ca n only be played on the same LCD T V
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Sound & Vision 2011 Technology
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LED backlighting – for even more brilliance.
LED backlight tec hnology is a modern versio n of illumination in LCD monitors. G rundig uses “Edge LED” techno logy, with small LEDs arran ged on all four sides of the monitor. They illum inate the entire surface of the p anel. The result is a pictur e display true to nature, in br illiant colours and with out standing contrast. Usin g LEDs in LCD TVs also red uces energy consumption and allows the housin g of these models to be incredib ly slim. Another advantag e is the long service life of th e LEDs used.
The new, integrated Grundig multimedia player with
the DivX Plus HD standard.
Grundig LCD T Vs with Digi SX chassis have an i ntegrated multimedia play er,
certifi e d to the DivX Plus HD
standard. DivX Plus HD is the new, s tate-of-the-art st andard for compressing HD v ideos. Many video-on- demand platforms already use th e DivX Plus HD standard. Paid co ntent protected by the D ivX DRM code
can be played on Gr undig
with DivX Plus HD cer tifi cation. Mu ltimedia players
with DivX
Plus HD certifi cation have these advantages:
You can play fi lms in numerous formats u sing the USB port
on the TV.
Ju st like DVDs, DivX Plus HD fi lms with the “mk v” suffi x
contain ch apter markers, subtitles and s everal audio tracks.
T he “AAC aud io” format integrated in DivX Plus HD e nsures
impressive surround sound. You can savour this sou nd experience to the full if you connect the digi tal audio output on the Grundig T V to your home cinema sys tem.
You can al so play automatic slide sho ws with MP3 back-
ground music via th e television’s USB port.
P hotos in vertical format c an be rotated with the curso r on
the remote control.
Full HD 1,920 x 1,080 pixels.
The greater the numb er of pixels, the sharper a nd more detailed the pic ture resolution. With 1,920 x 1,080 p ixels, Full HD provides t he highest picture reso lution and the most natural pict ure reproduction. The pi ctures are extremely detailed and stunn ingly real due to the great depth effe ct.
2,073,6 00 pixels or 6,220, 800 colour pixel s
1,049,08 8 pixel s
HD ready 1,366 x 768
Full HD 1,920 x 1,080
200 Hz technology.
The 200 Hz techn ology quadruples the num ber of pictures from 50 to 200 fi elds per second. Addit ional intermediate picture s can be generate d between two origi nal pictures. This mean s that each fi eld is only sh own for around fi ve milliseconds. The result is outs tanding, blur-free pic tures with perfec tly fl uid motion at all times .
Television stations broadcast 50 fi elds per second. The 200 Hz technology generates additional fi elds and inserts them between two original pictures. This results in outstanding pictures and completely fl uid motion for sport scenes and ticker text, for example.
Motion Picture Improvement by Grundig.
The new TV g eneration with visibly sha rper and
pictures. Gr undig television sets w ith Motion Picture
always prov ide excellent
playback . The newest high
speed proces sing chip set
calculates additional intermediate
and integrates the m into the appropriate
phases. Thi s ensures a natural
fl ow of mov ement and out-
standing pic ture quality for fast-mov ing scenes.
Without Mo tion Picture Im provement With Motion P icture Impro vement
Sharp pic tures, even wi th fast motio n sequences
Blurred motion
Dynamic Contrast Plus.
The picture contr ast is the relationship bet ween the brightest and darkest pic ture display. Our new dynamic co ntrast optimi sation
ensures that the sc reen always guarantees the best possib le contrast for the picture conte nt. And this means optimally ad justed depth of focus.
High contra st with deep bl ack and vibrant co lours
Low contrast
2010/1062 - 2011
40 VLE 7130 BF
Digi TP and Digi SX – making outstanding picture quality possible and increasing the high user convenience of Grundig TVs.
Digi TP – the next generation of the extremely successful Grundig DIGI SX chassis. Both boast high-end technology and grant the user a new quality of application options. Digi TP also allows access to HbbTV, the Web-based successor and dramatically improved upgrade of video text. The Grundig TVs equipped with the new chassis, members of the Fine Arts and Vision 8 family, provide a CI Plus slot, USB recording, 2 USB ports and HDMI CEC control, as well as numerous other innovations. These include picture improvement systems, a 32-bit CPU power processor, a digital audio output and 8,000 channel presets. Particularly user-friendly is navigation of the revolutionised user menu with the Comfort Guide: all of the most important settings can be made intuitively.
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Sound & Vision 2011 Technology
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Comfort Guide for more convenience.
All new Grundig chassis set standards when it comes to user convenience. Because the Grundig Comfort Guide really makes a difference in the new Grundig TVs with the chassis Digi TF, Digi SX and Digi TP. The user interface has been completely redesigned and its operation revolutionised. High tech is now perfectly simple thanks to self-explanatory menu structures, a logical user guide and quick and easy brightness, colour and contrast settings using the “Comfort Guide”. Even technophobes will soon have fun operating the TV. And what is so special? The split-screen setting allows the user, while watching how the picture is adjusted according to input on the one side of the screen, to see the previous state on the other side. You no longer need to look at the operating manual to get the TV setting you want.
Picture settings
Green to go – the Grundig energy-effi cient TVs.
How much electricity does a television consume in standby mode or when operating? From the end of 2011, consumers will be able to identify the power consumed by televisions by glancing at the EU energy label. The labels with the classes A to G indicate the efficiency. Green stands for high efficiency, red for low efficiency. Grundig has been working proactively for years to reduce the energy consumed by its televisions both when operating as well as in standby mode. As a result, all Grundig LED TVs fulfil the requirements for a classification in the highest “green” energy efficiency classes. All Fine Arts LED TVs, as well as the Vision 8 and 7 models with a 46" and 40" display diagonal, even comply with efficiency class A.
A result which we can be more than proud of. For this reason, Grundig will be introducing the A label even before labelling becomes mandatory.
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Sound & Vision 2011
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Experience television in a new dimension.
Plunge into the third dimension. Immerse yourself in the 3D technology which Grundig LED TVs are bringing to your living room. Featuring an optimal combination of LED backlighting and full high-definition resolution, the 3D models in the Grundig Fine Arts and Vision 8 family, with screen sizes ranging from 40" to 55", will fascinate you with an incomparable home cinema experience and crystal-clear pictures. They will bring you even closer to the action and your favourite films will seem even more real. Grundig TVs can handle all the different formats, such as top/bottom and side-by-side, for the 3D effect. The 3D effect is created by active shutter glasses, which cover the left and right eye in succession. This produces a judder-free and sharp three-dimensional
image. Should you choose, HD shows in 2D format can even be converted into 3D.
Of course, the Grundig LED TVs‘ USB recording function also works for 3D shows which are received via digital DVB signals.
Grundig LED TVs at the centre of your home network.
All new Grundig LED TVs (with a display diagonal of 26" or more) are network-capable and DLNA-certified. This means they can communicate effortlessly within a home network with other DLNA-certified devices, even those made by other manufacturers. Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) is an international association of entertainment electronics, IT hardware and mobile telephone manufacturers that aims to ensure perfect communication between IT devices in the home and personal use sector.
The system allows you to access all shared files in your network simply by using the remote control and to play them on the TV – so you don’t need to waste time connecting a USB hard disk or burning DVDs. Music, video and image files are transmitted to the LED TV via a wireless network (WLAN) using a wireless stick (USB dongle). HD video files can be loaded at an even faster speed using the cable network connection integrated in the LED TV. In addition, DLNA-certified Grundig LED TVs can also receive web radio via the “vTuner” service, offering a selection of more than 15,000 international radio stations to listen to in your living room.
Video and music
Router/ server
Each eye perceives an object at a slightly different angle of vision. The brain uses its experience to generate a spatial image. The Grundig 3D LED TVs optimise this effect using the latest technology, screening films in the best possible 3D quality.
Great cinema deserves great sound – Grundig Bass Boost.
Good picture quality and good sound have always formed a team at Grundig. And to put the icing on the cake, we have enhanced our large Fine Arts and Vision 8 models ranging from 40" to 55" by adding another two woofer loudspeakers to the rear of the device. Together with the SRS TruSurround HD technology, a sound is generated which will enthral you even in the lowest frequencies.
As diverse as your dreams –
the new generation of Grundig LED TVs.
This generati on has a huge range of designs , sizes and formats for yo u to choose from. Finding the op timal appliance which best sui ts you will be easy. So whic h one’s your favourite?
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22 VLE 8120 BF 22 VLE 8120 BM
21,6" / 55 cm
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40 VLE 8160 BH 40 VLE 8160 BP
40" / 102 cm
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46 VLE 8160 BH 46 VLE 8160 BP
46" / 117 cm
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Fine Art s 55 FLE 9170 SH Fine Art s 55 FLE 9170 SP
55" / 140 cm
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Fine Art s 40 FLE 9170 SH Fine Art s 40 FLE 9170 SP
40" / 102 cm
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Fine Art s 32 FLE 9130 SH Fine Art s 32 FLE 9130 SP
32" / 80 cm
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Fine Art s 46 FLE 9170 SH Fine Art s 46 FLE 9170 SP
46" / 117 cm
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40 VLE 7130 BF 40 VLE 7130 BM
40" / 102 cm
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46 VLE 7130 BF 46 VLE 7130 BM
46" / 117 cm
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26 VLE 7100 BF 26 VLE 7100 BM
26" / 66 cm
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22 VLE 7120 BF 22 VLE 7120 BM
21,6" / 55 cm
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32 VLE 7130 BF 32 VLE 7130 BM
32" / 80 cm
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32 VLE 8130 BH 32 VLE 8130 BP
32" / 80 cm
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HbbTV allows you to learn everything there is to know about your favourite show, and primes you for the interactive, multimedia future of television.
All Grundig LED TVs with integrated SMART inter@ctive TV are also HbbTV capable. HbbTV (Hybrid broadcast broadband TV) is a mode of interactive, multimedia and advanced teletext, which unites internet information and channel information on shows being broadcast. In future, once the full potential of HbbTV is being exploited, it will be making television more colourful and even more entertaining for everyone. All public broadcasters and larger private broadcasters already provide HbbTV content, for example as background information on programs currently showing. You access this information simply by pressing the red button on the remote control of your Grundig TV.
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Sound & Vision 2011
SMART inter@ctive TV: television entertainment and information directly off the Internet.
Along with the DLNA certification, SMART inter@ctive TV in all Fine Arts models and in the Vision 8 models from 32" to 46" completes the networked Grundig world. Because the future of television can be found on the Internet, from which you, as the audience, can source your entertainment and all the information you need. Thanks to SMART inter@ctive TV in the new Grundig LED TVs, a multitude of online services have already been integrated, allowing convenient, direct access, without having to take a detour via the PC. The online services appear on your screen in the form of “widgets” (graphic icons), which allow user-friendly operation and a high-quality graphic display. This gives you direct access to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reuters, World Weather Online – and many others
46" / 117 CM
For Scandina vian countries w ith integrated DVB-T2 and DVB -S2 tuners
55" / 140 CM
For Scandina vian countries w ith integrated DVB-T2 and DVB -S2 tuners
For technic al data, see pa ge 4 of insert.
55" / 140 CM
LED backlighting technology Energy effi ciency class A Supports 3D SMART inte r@ctive TV acce ssing online services HbbTV capabl e Network-compatible and DLNA-certifi ed WLAN st ick (USB dongle) include d Full HD resolu tion 1,920 x 1,080 400 Hz Pict ure Perfectio n Rate Motion Pict ure Improvement for n atural motion sequences Integrated M PEG 4-compatible c able and DVB-T tuner for HD TV signal recepti on 2 USB 2.0 por ts USB recordin g 4 HDMI DigiLink i nputs CI Plus slot for e ncrypted HDT V channels
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Sound & Vision 2011
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Televisions are curr ently undergoing rapid de velopment. The LED TVs w ith their slim housing and even mo re slender frames are currently the me asure of all things. Thank s to SMART inter@ctive T V, as well as integrated WL AN, they give you direc t access to numerous online s ervices, and combin ed with HbbTV, access to the mediathequ es maintained by public bro adcasters as well. This allows you to s ource your entertainment p rogram directly from the n et. To ensure you get optimum enjoymen t from the fascinating 3D te chnology in the Fine Ar ts 55", 46" and 40", two sets of 3D shu tter glasses are prov ided with these models . The Fine Art s 3D models feature two a dditional woofers in the rea r of the device, providing an ev en richer sound. And their c lear design, exemplifi ed by the br ushed aluminium housing, len ds these units their distin ctive character.
The new dimension in television –
Fine Arts LED TVs with 3D technology and SMART inter@ctive TV.
The 3D effec t is created by acti ve shutter glass es, which cover the l eft and right eye in suc cession. Used in com bination with
400 Hz Picture Perfection
, the result is a sh arp and judder-fre e three dimensional p icture. The high-tech 3D gl asses with their b uilt-in battery ar e charged using the USB charging cab le supplied, whic h is connected to the LE D TV. Two sets of 3D shutter gla sses are included w ith the Fine Art s 3D in 40", 46" and 55". Additional p airs of glasses ar e available as acce ssories.
46" / 117 CM
LED backlighting technology Energy effi ciency class A Supports 3D SMART inte r@ctive TV acce ssing online services HbbTV capabl e Network-compatible and DLNA-certifi ed Built-in WLAN module Full HD resolu tion 1,920 x 1,080 400 Hz Pict ure Perfectio n Rate Motion Pict ure Improvement for n atural motion sequences Integrated M PEG 4-compatible c able and DVB-T tuner for HD TV signal recepti on 2 USB 2.0 por ts USB recordin g (also for 3D content s) 4 HDMI DigiLink i nputs CI Plus slot for e ncrypted HDT V channels
Router/ Server
Video and Music
32" / 80 CM
LED backlighting technology Energy effi ciency class A SMART inte r@ctive TV acce ssing online services HbbTV capabl e Network-compatible and DLNA-certifi ed Built-in WLAN module DivX Plus HD- certifi ed multimedia player Full HD resolu tion 1,920 x 1,080 400 Hz Pict ure Perfectio n Rate Motion Pict ure Improvement for n atural motion sequences Integrated M PEG 4-compatible c able and DVB-T tuner for HD TV signal recepti on 2 USB 2.0 por ts USB recordin g 4 HDMI DigiLink i nputs CI Plus slot for e ncrypted HDT V channels
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Sound & Vision 2011
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Fine Art s 40" and 32" ca n, thanks to their DLNA c ertifi cation and integrate d WLAN modu le, be effortlessly incorporated into existing ho me network s. The system let s you load and pl ay any accessible fi l es in the networ k on your Grund ig LED TV simpl y by using the rem ote control – so you don’t need to wa ste time connec ting a USB hard disk o r burning DVD s.
Modern LED T Vs are now consuming consider ably less electricit y than the fl at scr een sets from previous g enerations. Exceptionally en ergy-saving panel s are used in all Fine Art s models, which ensure th ey are rated as energy ef fi ciency class A – good fo r the environment and gratif ying for your wallet . 3D technology (display dia gonal of 40" or more), SMART inter@ctiv e TV and DLNA certi fi cation all character ise the Fine Arts ser ies as cutting-edge T Vs which are equipped for the future. An d with their brushed alumin ium frames and elegant gl ass stand leaving no op tical wishes unfulfi lled, it is easy to come to the conc lusion: with these TVs, y ou can’t go wrong.
Elegant, economical, simply good.
The Fine Arts LED TVs are impressive from every angle.
For technic al data see inse rt, pages 5 an d 6.
40" / 102 CM
LED backlighting technology Energy effi ciency class A Supports 3D SMART inte r@ctive TV acce ssing online services HbbTV capabl e Network-compatible and DLNA-certifi ed Built-in WLAN module Full HD resolu tion 1,920 x 1,080 400 Hz Pict ure Perfectio n Rate Motion Pict ure Improvement for n atural motion sequences Integrated M PEG 4-compatible c able and DVB-T tuner for HD TV signal recepti on 2 USB 2.0 por ts USB recordin g (also for 3D content s) 4 HDMI DigiLink i nputs CI Plus slot for e ncrypted HDT V channels
32" / 80 CM
For Scandina vian countries w ith integrated DVB-T2 and DVB -S2 tuners
40" / 102 CM
For Scandina vian countries w ith integrated DVB-T2 and DVB -S2 tuners
+ 18 hidden pages