SCALE COMPETITION......................................................................3
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS...................................................................3
ITEMS REQUIRED.............................................................................3
Hardware & Accessories .............................................................3
Adhesives & Building Supplies....................................................4
Optional Supplies & Tools ...........................................................4
IMPORTANT BUILDING NOTES.......................................................4
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS ...............................................5
METRIC/INCH RULER.......................................................................5
KIT CONTENTS .................................................................................6
ASSEMBLE THE WING .....................................................................7
Install the Ailerons .......................................................................7
Install the Aileron Servos & Pushrods ........................................8
Assemble the Wing Center-Section..........................................10
Install the Landing Gear, Wheels & Wheel Pants .....................11
ASSEMBLE THE FUSELAGE..........................................................13
Install the Stab, Elevators & Rudder.........................................13
Install the Engine, Fuel Tank & Throttle Servo ..........................14
Mount the Cowl.........................................................................16
Install the Radio System, Purshrods, Control Horns & Tail Wheel........18
Install the Receiver & Battery....................................................21
FINISHING TOUCHES......................................................................21
Apply the Decals.......................................................................22
GET THE MODEL READY TO FLY..................................................22
Check the Control Directions ....................................................22
Set the Control Throws..............................................................23
Balance the Model (C.G.)..........................................................23
Balance the Model Laterally......................................................24
Identify Y our Model....................................................................24
Charge the Batteries.................................................................24
Balance the Propellers..............................................................24
Ground Check...........................................................................24
Range Check.............................................................................24
ENGINE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS..................................................25
AMA SAFETY CODE (excerpt).......................................................25
IMAA SAFETY CODE (excerpt)......................................................26
CHECK LIST ....................................................................................27
FLYING .............................................................................................27
Fuel Mixture Adjustments..........................................................27
ENGINE MOUNTING TEMPLATE....................................................28
Thank you for your purchase of this aerobatic classic, Art
Scholl’s “Super Chipmunk!” We are proud of its great looks
and are sure that you will be proud to bring it to the field.The
fiberglass fuselage allows us to create a strong, goodlooking model that replicates the actual aircraft in great
detail.This airplane is capable of recreating all of the classic
air show maneuvers that Art performed for many years on
the air show circuit.We hope you enjoy the model as much
as we have enjoyed bringing it to you.
For the latest technical updates or manual corrections to the
Super Chipmunk 1.20 ARF, visit the Great Planes web site
. Open the “Airplanes” link, then
select the Super Chipmunk 1.20 ARF. If there is new
technical information or changes to this model a “tech
notice” box will appear in the upper left corner of the page.
We urge you to join the AMA (Academy of Model
Aeronautics) and a local R/C club. The AMA is the
governing body of model aviation and membership is
required to fly at AMA clubs. Though joining the AMA
provides many benefits, one of the primary reasons to join
is liability protection. Coverage is not limited to flying at
contests or on the club field.It ev en applies to flying at public
demonstrations and air shows. Failure to comply with the
Safety Code (excerpts printed in the back of the manual)
may endanger insurance coverage. Additionally, training
programs and instructors are available at AMA club sites to
help you get started the right way. There are over 2,500
AMA chartered clubs across the countr y. Contact the AMA
at the address or toll-free phone number below:
IMPORTANT!!! Tw o of the most important things you can do
to preserve the radio controlled aircraft hobby are to avoid
flying near full-scale aircraft and avoid flying near or over
groups of people.
The Great Planes Super Chipmunk 1.20 ARF is an excellent
sport-scale model and is eligible to fly in IMAA events.The
IMAA (International Miniature Aircraft Association) is an
organization that promotes non-competitive flying of giantscale models. If you plan to attend an IMAA event, obtain a
copy of the IMAA Safety Code b y contacting the IMAA at the
address or telephone number below, or by logging on to
their web site.
205 S. Hilldale Road
Salina, KS 67401
(913) 823-5569
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
Tele: (800) 435-9262
Fax (765) 741-0057
Or via the Internet at: