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H. Pierre Sallé
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ccredited By:
AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display
Instruction Manual
Software Version 1.1.0
MARCH 2010
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PC IP: ""
Multi-Level Device ID: “02”
Gateway: ""
Multi-Level XY GUI PC
PC IP: “”
Multi-Level XY GUI Device ID: "01"
GV matrix router
Introduction and Installation
The Jupiter Basic XY and Multi-Level XY Soft Panels are applications that
are used to control a matrix router switcher. These Soft Panel applications
run on the English version of the Windows XP Professional operating
system. The computers that are running these Soft Panel applications must
be able to communicate, through a network, with a Jupiter CM-4000
System Controller running AccuSwitch (See
Control board supports up to 64 devices, which can include any combination of hardware and soft panels.
Figure 1). Each AccuSwitch
NoteThe number of entries in the Control Panel’s Input, Output, Level, Sequence
Figure 1. Jupiter System with Basic XY and Multi-level XY Soft Panels
and Override sets will have an effect on the System Controller’s memory.
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual1
Section 1 — Introduction and Installation
Software Installation
PC Requirements
Verify that the PC has the following minimum requirements before
installing the AccuSwitch applications:
•Microsoft.NET 3.5 framework software (500 MB of disk space required)
•Windows XP Pro SP2 (English version)
•2 GHz Pentium processor
•1 GB of RAM
•Minimum of 13 MB disk space for each application
A minimum resolution of 1280 X 1024 and 32 -bit color PC monitor setting
is recommended for proper display of the Soft Panel screens. The font size
selected in the Appearance option on the Display Properties dialog (Con
trol Panels> Display> Appearance: Font size drop-down list) should be set
to Normal. Selecting either the Large or the Extra Large Fonts option will
cause application display problems.
.NET Software Requirements
The PC that is running a Soft Panel application must have Microsoft’s .NET
Framework software installed. The .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1 can be
installed on Windows XP Pro SP2. Other Microsoft-specified requirements
are listed in
NoteGrass Valley only supports the English version of Windows XP SP2 for the
Table 1. System Requirements for Installing .NET Framework 3.5
Hard DiskUp to 500 MB of available space may be required.
Installation DriveThe .NET Framework 3.5 default installation location is the PC’s system drive (the
Ta bl e 1.
Basic XY, Multi-Level XY, and Visual Status Display.
Recommended: 1 gigahertz (GHz) Pentium processor
Recommended: 256 MB
drive that boots your system). Ensure at least 500 MB is available on the system drive.
2JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
Installing the Soft Panel Application
The following instructions show the steps that are needed to install both
soft Panel applications. The Basic XY Soft Panel screens are used as exam
ples. However, the Multi-Level XY instructions steps are identical to the
Basic XY instructions.
Follow these steps to start the Soft Panel application installation process:
1. Insert the supplied software CDROM into the computer’s CD Drive
and follow the prompts.
NoteThe CD should automatically start the installation process. If not, browse to
the CD, using Window Explorer, and then click the setup.exe icon.
2. If this is an Initial installation, you may see a message asking if you
want to install Microsoft .NET Framework. If so, select the
(The 3.5 SP1 version of .NET is located on the Soft Panel Installation
Depending on the version of the computer’s OS, the system may reboot
automatically during this process.
Software Installation
Yes button.
NoteAfter an auto reboot, it may take several minutes for the system to display the
Soft Panel installation welcome screen.
The Soft Panel Welcome screen will then appear (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Soft Panel Installer Welcome Screen
3. Click the Next> button to begin the installation process. The License
Agreement screen will then appear (Figure 3).
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual3
4. Click the I accept the terms in the License agreement radio button.
5. Click the Next> button to begin the installation process.
6. Follow the instructions on the following installation screens; click the
Next button as needed (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Soft Panel Installation Screens
7. The InstallShield Wizard Completed screen will appear when the
installation process is finished (Figure 5).
4JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
Software Installation
Figure 5. Installation Completed Screen
8. Click the Finish button. The Installation application will then close.
Soft Panel Desktop Icon
As part of the installation process a Soft Panel shortcut, for the type of soft
panel that was installed (Basic XY or Multi-Level XY), will be displayed on
your PC’s desktop (
installed soft panel. The Soft panel must be configured to meet your needs
NoteSee the Configuration section below for the configuration steps.
Figure 6. The Soft Panels Shortcut Example
NoteThe Soft Panel application still needs to be configured with your Jupiter
AccuSwitch system before it will become operational.
Figure 6). Clicking this shortcut will launch the
Performing Maintenance on the Soft Panel Application
When a Soft Panel application already exists on the PC when the installation program is run:
•If the version is older than what is being installed, then the installation wizard will ask to perform an update.
•If the version is the same as what is being installed, then the
Welcome screen displays a Modify, Repair, Remove message.
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual5
Section 1 — Introduction and Installation
Clicking the Next> button allows you to make changes to the Soft Panel
installation (
Select the preferred task and then click the Next> button.
6JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
Soft Panel PC IP Settings
Connecting to the Network
The PC, on which the Soft Panel application is installed, must be configured
to communicate with the Jupiter AccuSwitch Controller. Consult with your
Network administrator for this information.
The Soft panel and the VSD connect to the network using one of two ports.
These ports are either:
•Port 420
•A port number that is the Device ID added to 50000. For example, if the
Device ID is 21, the port number would be 50021.
NoteIf the GUI panel is behind a firewall, the ports listed above will need to be
opened for the Soft panel and VSD to communicate with the AccuSwitch
Control module.
Router Connection Settings
During the following steps, you will need to know the IP address of the
primary AccuSwitch Controller (and the secondary, if it is installed) that
will be associated with the Soft Panel and the PC’s IP address. Use the
Jupiter File Server JNS Control Center application’s Board Info tab to deter
mine the AccuSwitch Controller IP address (the Control Center application
is described in the Jupiter CM-4000 Installation and Operating manual).
NoteConsult with your Network administrator if you do not know the network
values to enter.
Follow these steps to set the Router Connection settings:
1. Launch the Soft Panel application. This will display the main Soft Panel
screen (Figure 8).
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual7
Section 1 — Introduction and Installation
Figure 8. Basic XY Soft Panel Startup Display Example
2. Select Route Connection from the File menu (File> Route Connection).
The Router Connection Editor dialog will then appear.
3. Enter the name for the setting in the Setting Name field. The Setting
Name field can be changed when configuring a new connection, before
Save button has been selected.
NoteThe maximum length of a Settings name is 16 characters.
4. Click the System Connection (file Menu) button to enable the System
Connections option and save the connection to the File menu. This menu
option provides a list of available connections that have been saved and
can be used to connect to a server.
5. Select the Protocol from the list.
8JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
NoteCurrently, the only selectable option for the Protocol list is ES-LAN.
Figure 9. Router Connection Editor Dialog
Controller network Settings
1. Enter the IP address of the AccuSwitch Controller that is associated
with this Soft Panel in the Primary IP Address field.
2. Enter the IP address of the secondary AccuSwitch Controller in the
Secondary IP Address field. Leave the field blank if there is not a
secondary controller.
3. Enter a number between 1 and 64 for the Device ID field. This number
must be unique from all panels that are associated with the same
AccuSwitch Controller. The Device ID is also entered on the MPK
Devices table, as described below in the MPK Table Entries section.
NoteThe Device ID number selected here corresponds to the MPK table Address
entry that uses two digit leading-zero numbers (01-09).
4. Select the IP address for the PCs NIC card from the PC IP Address drop-
down list, if it is not already selected (See Soft Panel PC IP Settings on
page 7).
NoteIf you have more than one NIC card, consult your IT department to determine
which IP Address will be able to communicate with the Jupiter Network
(AccuSwitch control board).
5. Click the Connect button.
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual9
Section 1 — Introduction and Installation
The Save
Saving the Device Settings
Save the settings by selecting the Save Settings option from the File menu
(File> Save Settings). The Save Device Settings dialog will then appear.
Follow these steps to save the device settings:
1. Create a name for the settings file. For example, the Panel Name “ES-
LAN2” could be used.
2. Click the Save button (Figure 10).
Figure 10. The Save Button
The current connection settings are then saved to the "NetworkSettings.xml" file, which is located in the installation directory for the specific
control panel. For example, C:\Program Files\Thomson\Jupiter Basic XY
would be the location for the settings for the Basic XY panel.
Clicking the Close Button Without Saving the Settings
The Save Network Connection(s) dialog (Figure 11 on page 11) will appear
if a new connection has been created or if changes have been made to an
existing connection and then the
Save button.
The Save Network Connection(s) dialog will prompt you to save the
Close button is clicked before first clicking
10JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
Figure 11. The Save Network Connections) Dialog
•Click the Yes button to save the changes.
•Click the
the Router Connection Editor dialog without saving the changes. You
will no longer be prompted to save changes when you exit the program.
•Click the
and return to the Router Connection Editor dialog. However, no
changes will be saved.
No button to close the Save Router Connection(s) dialog and
Cancel button to close the Save Network Connection(s) dialog
Clicking the Connect Button Without Saving the Settings
The application will attempt to reconnect using the new or changed connection settings if you click the Connect button on the Router Connection
Editor dialog. This attempt will happen whether the changes were saved or
not. These settings are temporary and will be lost if the application is closed
and the setting changes were not saved.
Assigning a Function Key
The Multi-Level XY Soft panel application allows you to assign a Function
key for the
Takes. This is not an option for the Basic XY soft panel.
Take button. The function key could then be used to perform
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual11
Section 1 — Introduction and Installation
Follow these steps to assign a function key:
1. Select the Assign Function Key.... option from the Settings menu
(Settings> Assign Function Key....). The Assign Function Key dialog will
then appear.
Figure 12. Assign Function Key Dialog
2. Select a Function key from the drop-down list. Any function key
between F1 and F12 can be assigned.
3. Click the OK button to save the selection.
Setting Password Protection
A password can be used to protect the settings file if that is your preference,
Figure 13. This setting is optional.
Follow these steps to set password protection:
1. Select Change/Set Password from the Settings menu (Settings>
Change/Set Password...).
Figure 13. Password Dialog
2. Enter a password in the New Password field. Passwords are case-
sensitive and must be from 1 to 20 characters in length. Any character
can be used, including spaces.
3. Re-enter the password entered in the New Password field into the
Confirm New Password field.
12JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
4. Click the OK button to save the changes.
Once a password has been set, you will need to log in before you can make
changes to the Soft Panel settings, see
Figure 14. Login Dialog, if Password Protected
Changing the Password
Once a password has been set and you want to create a new password, you
will need to enter the original password and then the new password.
Figure 14.
Follow these steps to change the password:
1. Select Change/Set Password from the Settings menu (Settings>
Change/Set Password...). The Password dialog will then appear.
Figure 15. Password Dialog
2. Enter the previously saved password in the Old password field.
3. Enter a new password in the New Password field. Passwords are case-
sensitive and must be from 1 to 20 characters. Any character can be
used, including spaces.
4. Re-enter the password entered in the New Password field into the
Confirm New Password field.
5. Click the OK button to save the changes.
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual13
Section 1 — Introduction and Installation
Option Button
Display Field
View Menu
Currently the only available selection in the View menu is Options.
The panel’s optional settings are contained in the Options dialog. The Soft
Panel’s background colors, font’s colors, styles, and size can be changed to
meet your needs. The Soft Panel application’s default colors are listed
below in the
These options are now associated with a connection, which means each
connection could have different colors and settings. The intent of this
optional change in color and settings is to make it easier to identify each
connection that you are using.
Follow these steps to modify the options for a soft panel and VSD:
1. Select View> Options... from the Menu bar. The Options screen will
then appear (Figure 16).
Default Colors section.
Figure 16. Options Screen
14JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
2. Clicking any one of the Option buttons, that start with “Pick. . .,”will
open the Color dialog (Figure 17). This color dialog allows you to use
standard windows colors or you can define custom colors.
Figure 17. Options Color Selection Dialog
3. Selecting a color and then clicking the OK button, in the Color dialog will
change the option’s example display field to that color.
4. Controls are also available that allow selecting the font size, bold, and
italic attributes (see Figure 16 on page 14).
Default Colors
The colors listed below are the default color settings.
Table 2. Default Colors
GreenCurrent Source/Status
CyanPreset/Next source
AmberMisc selections.
NoteIf a level on the Multi-Level XY is different from the first level, it will be dis-
played in Amber while on the Preset line; however, the Level will be displayed
in Green once it is on the Status line.
Requiring a Password to Change Settings on the Options Dialog
You can limit the ability to change the settings on the Options dialog by
requiring a password to make changes.
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual15
Section 1 — Introduction and Installation
NoteThis required password is the password that was set for the entire control
panel. See Setting Password Protection on page 12 for more information.
Follow these steps to make a password required:
1. Select View> Options... from the Menu bar. The Options screen will
then appear (Figure 18).
Figure 18. Options Screen
16JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
Require Password to Open
Options Button
2. Click the Require Password to Open Options button; the button will now be
highlighted (Figure 19).
Figure 19. Options Screen
A password will now need to be entered into the Login dialog open the
Options dialog (
Figure 14 on page 13).
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual17
Section 1 — Introduction and Installation
Jupiter File Server Settings
The following overview assumes that the reader is familiar with the Jupiter
Facility Control System. If not, please refer to the Jupiter CM-4000 Installation and Operation manual.
MPK Table Entries
Although the Soft Panel and VSD applications are not actually an MPKtype panel (it does not use the Message Per Keystroke protocol), the MPK
table is used for configuration purposes.
MPK Device - Enter a name, up to eight characters in length, for each Soft
Panel. This name must be unique system-wide.
Type - Select type “CP-ESLAN” on the pull-down menu. Select
“CPESXTND” for use with 98 categories.
Expansion - Leave unchecked not used for Soft Panels.
Password - Enter 90-99 in the Password column to enable the Force Unlock /
Unprotect option. Devices can now be configured to force unlock and force
un-protect any destination regardless of what panel locked or protected it.
See the 7.8.1 version of the Jupiter Control System Release Notes(part #
071827511) for more information.
Board - Enter the name of AccuSwitch Controller associated with this Soft
Panel. The source of this name is the Network Description table.
Port - This field is not used for Soft Panels.
Address - Enter the panel address from 01 to 64. The address must be unique
for panels that are associated with the same AccuSwitch Controller. This
number is referred to as the “Device ID” on the Soft Panel “Devices> Set
tings” menu.
Input Set - Enter the name of CP Input Set to be assigned to this panel. The
usual practice is to have one CP Input Set, which contains the names of all
sources, be applied to all panels. However, a special CP Input Sets that list
only selected sources could be created. Such a set could be used to prevent
certain panels from selecting specific sources.
NoteWhen entering the information for the VSD, you want all inputs, outputs, and
In Panel - This column is not used for Soft Panels.
Out Set - Enter the name of the CP Output Set to be assigned to this panel. If
the entry is an actual CP Output Set, then the control panel will be able to
control all the destinations listed in that Set. Depending on the contents of
the set, this would allow for full-matrix or multi-bus control. The source of
the destination name is the Switcher Output table.
18JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
Out Panel - This column is not used for Soft Panels.
Level Set - Select the CP Level Set name.
Override - This column is not used for Soft Panels.
Sequence - A Sequence Set can be created and named, which, when assigned
to a panel, makes the sequences in that set available on that panel.
NoteSequences are not used in the VSD application.
Control Panel Sets
The router sources and destinations for the Soft Panels are specified by creating a CP Input/Output set of type of CPESXTND for device type
CPESXTND, or CP-3800 for the device type CP-ESLAN. Soft panels use
level and sequence sets of type CP-3800.
These sets are assigned to each panel using the MPK Devices table.
The CP Input and Output sets are also the source of the eight-character
mnemonics displayed on the panel.
Jupiter File Server Settings
VSD Control panel sets must contain all Sources, Destinations, and Levels
to display the status correctly. The VSD does not support duplicate Source,
Destination, and Level entries.
Before the panel can be used, the edited Jupiter set must be compiled and
the appropriate configuration set made active using the Control Center. For
more information, please refer to the Configurator section in the Jupiter CM-4000 Installation and Operating manual.
Ordering Information
Table 3. Soft Panel Series Ordering Information
JUP-Soft Panel Series Software Control Panels
JUP-SP-Basic XYBasic XY soft panels featuring source to destination routing
protect of all levels or individual levels, configuration save and recall.
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual19
Section 1 — Introduction and Installation
20JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
Basic XY Soft Panel
Basic XY Soft Panel Screen Description
Clicking the Jupiter Basic XY desktop icon (or running the BasicXYPanel.exe file) will open the Basic XY Soft Panel screen see Figure 20. The
Destinations and Sources will be displayed on the buttons once the panel
has been configured.
Figure 20. The Basic XY Application
Section 2
The Menu Bar
The Menu Bar contains different menus for the application. This Menu bar
follows Windows standards, with some additional application specific
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual21
Section 2 — Basic XY Soft Panel
File Menu
Router Connection: Opens the Router Connection Settings window. This
window is where the Setting Name, Device ID, and the IP address of the
server to which the Soft Panel will connect.
NoteThe maximum length of a Settings name in the Router Connection Settings
Router Disconnect: Disconnects Soft Panel from the server.
Router Reconnect: Reconnects to the server using the most recent settings.
System Connections: Provides a list of available connections that have
been saved and can be used to connect to a server.
Exit: Closes the Soft Panel application.
Settings Menu
Change/Set Password: Opens the Password window. See the Setting Pass-
word Protection section for more information.
window is 16 characters.
Skip Empty Category: Groups the categories together when this option is
selected. When it is not selected, the application will display the spaces
between categories that are in the category table.
View Menu
Options: Opens the Options window. See the Options section for more
Help Menu
The Help menu currently has the About Jupiter Basic XY option. An About
screen will appear when this option is selected. The About screen has the
following information: Copyright information, the name of the application,
and the current version number of application. An example of the About
screen is shown below in
Figure 21. The About Screen
Figure 21.
Click the OK button to close the About screen.
22JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
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