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TitleDelivery Manager Configuration and Setup Guide
This chapter explains role of the Delivery Manager module as iTX’s media delivery and asset
registration tool, as well as outline its architecture, supported endpoints, operational
modes and failure resilience models.
Delivery Manager is an iTX service that retrieves and manages the processing of media and
assets that have been stored on, or delivered by, third-party content management systems.
Delivery Manager uses automated workflows to manage end to end schedule-driven
content delivery, which eliminates the need for a number of labor-intensive user tasks that
are normally required to prepare new media for playout.
About Delivery Manager
Delivery Manager uses custom software plug-ins, called ‘endpoint drivers”, to interface
directly with third party media archives, content stores and network repositories. Each
plug-in is designed to interface with a specific type of content storage or archive system
and actively searches for and retrieves media from these endpoints as and when they are
required for playout.
Delivery Manager’s Endpoints
The supported endpoint types can perform a range of content management operations,
such as:
• Monitoring external network locations (i.e. drop folders)
• Acquiring assets when they are placed into the drop folder
• Working with content management software to retrieve media required for broadcast
and archiving media that is no longer required.
Once Delivery Manager has been configured to use specific endpoints, the retrieval and
archiving of media can be triggered manually by an operator or automatically by a
scheduling system, via iTX Missing Materials Manager or an iTX Workflow, as required.
About Delivery Manager
Delivery Manager’s Endpoints
Fig. 1-1: Overview of the relationship between Delivery Manager, Workflow, Missing Material
Manager, the endpoints and the iTX media store.
The available endpoint drivers are:
• FTP (File Transfer Protocol), which includes
• Ascent Media Pitch Blue Archive
• Grass Valley K2
• CIFS (Common Internet File Systems), which includes
• SMB (Server Message Block)
• Signiant Media Exchange Archive
• Front Porch Digital DIVArchive
• DG PathFire Media Distribution and Management System
• MassTech Archive Solutions
• Viz Ardome Media Management System
•SGL FlashNet Archive
• Core endpoint
For more information Delivery Manager’s content management features and which ones
each endp
oint supports, see Delivery Manager Feature Set, o
n page 83.
Delivery Manager
Configuration and Setup Guide
Each of these endpoints can be categorized in one of three ways, based on what type of
content archive, delivery systems or protocols they interface with, as described in the table
Endpoint categoryDescription
Network share endpointsNetwork share endpoints use an established IT network file
transfer protocol to monitor shared directories within a
network and transfer any files placed there using the standard
IT transfer methods. These are:
Third party archive and
content store endpoints
The FTP endpoint can also be confi
Omneon Spectrum video servers.
The CIFS endpoint can be configured to access content on
Omneon M
edia Grid servers.
These endpoints interface directly to either a proprietary third
ty media archive or storage management application.
gured to access content on
In these cases, Delivery Manager's endpoints do not access the
ored files directly themselves, they simply query and make
transfer requests to the third party system which then handles
delivery of the media to an iTX Location.
The third party system may use a standard IT file transfer
od to execute the copying of the stored files to a specified
iTX location, or it may 'restore' the requested media to a
network shared location that is part of the archive or storage
system, where Delivery Manager can then transfer the file into
Depending on the system, separa
te asset metadata (in the
form of an XML file) may also be requested for retrieval and
transfer into iTX.
These endpoints are:
• Front Porch Digital DIVArchive
• DG PathFire Media Distribution and Management System
• MassTech Archive Solutions
• Viz Ardome Media Management System
• Ascent Media Pitch Blue Archive (using the FTP protocol)
• Signiant Media Exchange Archive (using the CIFS protocol)
•SGL FlashNet Archive
Core endpoint (for legacy
media management systems)
Since there are major differences between iTX 2.x and the older
iTX 1.4 and Colossus database structures, these systems cannot
be integrated. Instead, Delivery Manager has a special
endpoint called the Core endpoint that interfaces with these
legacy systems (which are sometimes referred to as Core
About Delivery Manager
Delivery Manager’s Modes of Operation
Delivery Manager’s Modes of Operation
Depending on the endpoint driver being used, Delivery Manager can react to content
delivered to the monitored locations, actively seek content required for schedules or be
manually controlled by an operator. The mode of operation is defined by the selected
workflow or mode option in the endpoint configuration profile.
Content Changed (or Drop Box) Mode
This mode uses Delivery Manager's own internal workflow engine to determine which new
media files need to be registered or updated and at what time.
Content Changed mode requires that a networ
k share is configured as a monitored
location within the appropriate endpoint configuration. Delivery Manager monitors the
location for the presence of new or updated files. Delivery Manager processes new content
telligently, prioritizing material required for playout.
When new or updated files are detected, Delivery Manager does one of the following:
File statusDelivery Manager action
File is required by a currently active
New file that is not yet required by
y known schedule
An updated version of a file that
eady exists in iTX
File not yet required for playoutThe updated version of the file remains in the monitored
Delivery Manager moves the file to an iTX store and
es the database with the new asset's information
and availability by placing the task in the active jobs
Delivery Manager creates an Asset Record in the
database. In order to avoid unnecessary network
bandwidth, the file will not be processed until required.
When the file appears in a schedule it will then be
transferred to an iTX location and the Asset Record
Delivery Manager updates the Asset Record for that file.
If the new version of the file is required for playout it will
be transferred to iTX and the original version will be
location un
til it is required
The internal workflow that handles all Content Changed Mode actions needs to be selected
in the configuration options for the endpoint’s configuration profile, using the Content Changed Workflow field.
Search Media (or Missing Materials) Mode
When configured in Search Media mode, the endpoint responds to “Find Content” requests
from Delivery Manager clients. When a search request is received, the CIFS driver searches for
any configured file type with the same name as the search request in the configured search
folder, and any of its sub folders (if configured), excluding any specifically configured exclude
folders. If a matching file is found, the driver generates a block of Asset XML detailing the media,
and returns it to Delivery Manager.
The Missing Materials Manager can be configured to query Delivery Manager’s endpoints
when they attempt to locate and import the media required by channels that are not
currently located within iTX.
Once found, Missing Materials Manager then triggers a workflow that creates the new asset
(and its new location) in the iTX database, so that the media can be copied to an iTX
location. The workflow then requests the Delivery Manager endpoint to import the actual
media file.
The internal workflow that handles all Search Media mode actions needs to be selected in
the endpoint configuration profile, using the Cache Content Workflow field.
For more information on the additional setup required to operated in Search Media mode,
Additional Setup for Search Media mode, on page 63.
Manual (or Export) mode
In a busy and complex playout facility, manual media management might often be needed.
System administrators or media managers may need to free up space on content stores to
allow new content to be ingested. Late arriving content may need to be processed quickly
by hand, rather than queued in a job list, or last minute schedule changes may require
media to be pulled into the system rapidly.
Delivery Manager
Configuration and Setup Guide
Delivery Manager therefore allows users with CIFS endpoints to move media assets in and
out of the system on an ad-hoc basis.
These manually triggered jobs are initiated by action buttons on the Asset Layout of the iTX
Desktop or SmartClient:
• Move a clip to an externally managed third party archive system.
• Restore a clip from an externally managed third party archive system.
The following additional jobs may only be carried out in conjunction with a DIVArchive
• Partial Restore of a clip from an external archive (DIVA Only).
• Export of a ShotList to an external location (usually a network share) outside of iTX
(DIVA Only).
Unlike the Content Changed and Search Media modes, no workflows are required to
perform these manual operations.
For more information on the additional setup required to operated in manual or Export
mode, see
Additional Setup for Manual/Export Mode, on page 65.
About Delivery Manager
Modes of Operation and Endpoints
Modes of Operation and Endpoints
The table below shows which modes each endpoint supports:
Content Changed
Endpoint driver
Search Media mode
Manual (export)
Delivery Manager and Workflows
Depending on the task its performing, Delivery Manager uses one of two workflow
• To trigger automated workflow operations (ca
internal workflow engine.
• To transfer media (and any associated metadata) t
Delivery Manager uses the ITX Workflow service.
Custom workflows (in the form of XML files) can also be cr
enhance Delivery Manager’s functionality. These workflows may provide the ability to
process different types of content and trigger other jobs (such as QC or file verification) to
prepare media for playout.
lled ‘jobs’), Delivery Manager uses its
o the iTX content store and database,
eated in iTX Workflow to further
Post Media Import Workflows
The Post Media Import process is a series of jobs triggered by a workflow following the
import of a new piece of media into Delivery Manager. This workflow runs internally for all
endpoints and therefore all media import jobs, which includes:
• Generation of proxy media copies for SmartClient and Desktop viewing.
• Generation of key frames for viewing in SmartClient.
• Deep analysis of the media file for extraction of metadata about the media.
Note: The Post Media Import workflow is added to all endpoints by
default and is part of the standard Delivery Manager installation, but
requires FPP Transcode Service to function.
To generate proxy media, the Proxy Generation Service is required.
Configuration and Setup Guide
Delivery Manager’s Distribution and Resilience Models
Delivery Manager can be installed on one or more framework servers, each running one or
more instances of the service. Each instance of the service requires its own configuration
profile and each configuration profile can monitor multiple endpoints in different modes, in
order to manage different groups of content sources.
iTX can apply a single asset template (also known as clip templates) per monitored
ectory, so that media of different resolutions is deposited in separate (and appropriately
named) folders, each with their own configured endpoint. You can apply an iTX media asset
te to all clips, so that they are registered with the same characteristics.
Delivery Manager
For example, if you acquire both HD and SD med
be placed in a folder named “SD” and HD media should be placed in a folder named “HD”.
Each folder should have its own endpoint to monitor it, as it then applies the appropriate
asset template.
Figure 1-2 below illustrates the different combinations of server, configuration profiles,
instances and endpoints that can be used.
ia using a drop box, then SD media should
Fig. 1-2: Distribution models for single and multiple servers.
These different distribution models can also be used to provide uninterrupted service in
the event of software or hardware failure. Whether you are running multiple instances on a
single server or you have multiple servers, Delivery Manager can be configured to provide
one of two resilience models.
About Delivery Manager
Load balanced system
Load balanced system
Delivery Manager’s workload can be balanced by spreading the monitored endpoints
across multiple instances of the service. Some degree of load balancing can be achieved by
running multiple instances of Delivery Manager on a single server, but ideally the
monitored endpoints should be spread across instances running on their own framework
This is illustrated in Figure 1-3 below, where four endpoints (A to D) are shared between
two instances of Delivery Manager.
Fig. 1-3: Four endpoints load balanced between two instances of the Delivery Manager service.
By distributing your endpoints across multiple instances of Delivery Manager you reduce
the workload on each individual instance. Where each instance is also on a different
framework server, the workload is better distributed.
The table below shows how the number of servers and instances of Delivery Manager
ovide a sliding scale of load balancing effectiveness.
Load balancing
Servers InstancesEndpoints
OneOneMultiple in a single configuration profile Poor
OneMultipleMultiple per configuration profile
OneMultipleOne per configuration profile
MultipleMultiple per serverMultiple per configuration profile, per
MultipleMultiple per serverOne per configuration profile, per server
MultipleOne per serverOne per server Best
Endpoint monitoring system
In order to create an endpoint monitoring system you need to have Delivery Manager
running on two framework servers, using identical configuration profiles. When two
instances with the same name are started, the one that started first becomes the main (or
promoted) instance and the one that started second becomes the backup instance.
Delivery Manager
Configuration and Setup Guide
The backup instance monitors the main instance and if the mai
n instance stops responding,
the backup instance will promote itself and all jobs pass over to it. The backup will remain
as the promoted instance from that point on, even if the original main instance is restored.
The relationship is not hierarchical and
name under the control of one Delivery Manager instance.
it is not possible to have two instances with the same
Figure 1-4 below shows the same two endpoints (A and B) are configured on two instances
of Delivery Manager. Cloning endpoints reduces the risk of an individual endpoint failure
using media transfers to stall.
Fig. 1-4: Endpoint monitoring each instance must be running on a different framework server.
About Delivery Manager
Endpoint monitoring system
Installing Delivery Manager
This chapter explains how to install the Delivery Manager service itself.
If your facility stores content or has media delivered via servers or archives external to iTX,
then Delivery Manager should be installed on an iTX framework server. This should be done
as either a stand-alone service or in conjunction with any of the other framework services
that iTX requires in order to manage the delivery of media into the system.
• You will need to be logged on with Administrative Rights to perform the
• Whether or not you require workflows, the Workflow Service must also be
lled as a prerequisite of Delivery Manager.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
To install Delivery Manager:
1 Extract the contents of the iTX Zip file on the Framework Server you wish to install
Delivery Manager on.
2 Right click on the Se
Select Run as A
a If this is a fresh installation, the Option Selec
main installation screen.
b If performing an upgrade or addition to an existing server, click the Se
Software on the bottom left of the main Installation window. The Select
Software window appears.
3From the Sel
4Check Deliv
ect Software menu, expand External Interface.
ery Manager. By default, all the required components will also be
tup.exe that is contained within the iTX 2.x Suite folder.
tion Window appears in front of the
Installing Delivery Manager
What’s next?
5Expand Workflow.
6Check W
This will install the Workflow Service, which is required for Delivery Manager to
function correctly.
7Click OK.
8 On the main installation splash screen, you will see Deliv
list of components you are installing. Click Continue.
The Delivery Manager installation will start.
orkflow Server.
ery Manager added to the
The installer guides you through the installation st
iTX Domain and the means by which the service communicates with the rest of the iTX
Framework Services. For more information on installing iTX, see the iTX System
Administrator Guide.
Delivery Manager is installed to the standard iTX location of
What’s next?
Once Installation has completed, you need to perform the following tasks in order to use
Delivery Manager:
1 Create a configuration profile.
2 Add and configure your required endpoints. See the following chapters for more
3 Configure the Server Controller to run the Delivery Manager service. This may also
eps, including providing details of the
See Configuration Profiles and Endpoint Tabs, on
• Adding a CIFS Endpoint, on page 21.
• Adding an FTP Endpoint, on
page 24.
• Adding a Pitch Blue Endpoint, on page 26.
• Adding a DIVA Endpoint, on
page 27.
• Adding MassTech Endpoints, on page 32.
• Adding a PathFire Endpoint, on page 34.
• Adding Ardome Endpoints, on page 36.
• Adding FlashNet Endpoints, on
• Adding Core Endpoints, o
include configuring a
resilience model.
page 37.
n page 39.
C:\Program Files\iTX
page 15.
Delivery Manager
Configuration and Setup Guide
See Configuring the Server Controller, on page 51 and Setting Up Delivery Manager
Resilience, on page 55.
4 Set up your required resilience model.
See Setting Up Delivery Manager Resilience on page 55.
5 Finalize your Delivery Manager system by installing and configuring any additional
systems and services that are required.
See Finalizing the Delivery Manager System, on page 59.
Installing Delivery Manager
What’s next?
Configuration Profiles and Endpoint Tabs
Although Delivery Manager provides a blank Default configuration profile on first
installation, it is recommended that you create named profile, as this provides more control
should you need to change endpoints or set up either of the resilience models.
This chapter explains how to create a configuration profile, the basic steps for adding an
endpoint, an overview of the endpoint tab and how to remove a configuration profile.
1 From Windows, click START > All Programs > iTX 2.0 > Delivery Manager Config. The
Select Configuration dialog is displayed.
2 In a blank area of the Select Configuration dialog, right-click and select Add new
configuration from the context menu.
3 A dialog appears with a prompt for the new configuration name. The name you enter
will also be used to identify the corresponding instance in Server Controller Config,
e.g. “CIFS Search” for a CIFS endpoint configured in Search Media mode.
4Click OK to confirm your selection. The new named configuration profile appears in the
Select Configuration list.
5 Add endpoint tabs to store the configuration for each endpoint you required. For more
information see
Basic Steps for Adding an Endpoint, on page 15.
Basic Steps for Adding an Endpoint
To add a new endpoint to a Delivery Manager configuration profile:
1In the Select Configuration window, select a configuration profile and click OK. A blank
endpoint tab appears.
2 On the blank endpoint dialog, click Add new Endpoint. A blank “new” endpoint tab
Configuration Profiles and Endpoint Tabs
Basic Steps for Adding an Endpoint
3Click the Select button next to the Endpoint Driver field. The Select Delivery Manager
Driver dialog appears.
4 Select an endpoint driver and click OK.
5In the En
dpoint Name field, enter the name to be used as a reference in the iTX
6 Complete the dialog boxes that appear for the selected endpoint driver.
For information on the properties that are common to most of the endpoints, see
Generic Endpoint Configuration Settings, on page 17.
Specific instructions for each endpoint type can be found on the following pages:
• Adding a CIFS Endpoint, on page 21.
• Adding an FTP Endpoint, on
page 24.
• Adding a Pitch Blue Endpoint, on page 26.
• Adding a DIVA Endpoint, on
page 27.
• Adding MassTech Endpoints, on page 32.
• Adding a PathFire Endpoint, on page 34.
• Adding Ardome Endpoints, on page 36.
• Adding FlashNet Endpoints, on
• Adding Core Endpoints, o
7 If you wish to add another endpoint, click Ad
Another “new” tab appears. Follow step 2 to step 6 on
page 37.
n page 39.
d New Endpoint.
page 16 to configure each new
8Click S
ave then Close.
9 Restart the Delivery Manager service. See Restarting an iTX Service on page 53 for
more information.
About Endpoint Configuration Tabs
When a driver for an endpoint is selected, the corresponding configuration options are
displayed. Certain generic options are shared by all of the endpoints types, but each
endpoint also has its own options. The image below shows the interface for an FTP
Delivery Manager
Configuration and Setup Guide
The specific endpoint configuration options are described in each endpoint’s chapter.
Generic Endpoint Configuration Settings
The following configuration options are common to all endpoints and can be configured in
different ways. Therefore the following guidelines should be considered when adding and
configuring endpoints.
Content Changed
Content Deleted
Click the browse button, then select the workflow to be used when a
new asset is discovered. Click
Click the browse button, then select the workflow to be used when an
asset is deleted. Click
OK to confirm you choice.
OK to confirm you choice.
Configuration Profiles and Endpoint Tabs
Generic Endpoint Configuration Settings
Cache Content
Post Media Import
Generate ProxyThis checkbox is only available when the Post Media Import
Asset Template Name Click the browse button, then select an iTX media asset template, so
Max Concurrent JobsEnter a value for the total number of jobs that are allowed to run
Allow Media DeletesCheck this option if you want the endpoint driver to process and act
Maximum Concurrent
Delete Jobs
Keep Media LocationThis option appears within the configuration options for certain
Test Co nnection If available, click this button to connect to the endpoint using the
Click the browse button, then select the workflow used to move media
and assets from the monitored endpoint to the iTX store (which may
trigger other jobs also). Click
The Post Media Import is an optional setting. See Post Media Import
Workflows, on page 6 for more information.
versions of the media (e.g. smooth stream or MP4) will be generated
on import.
that all of the clips are registered with the same characteristics. Click
OK to confirm your choice.
For more information on creating asset templates see the iTX System Administration Guide.
simultaneously from the endpoint. The default is 5. A value of 0 is
equal to unlimited.
upon delete requests.
When an endpoint is operating in Content Change mode and is
monitoring a network repository where media is placed temporarily
(i.e. just for iTX to ingest) it is recommended that this option is
checked. This means that once new media has been processed and
ingested, the copy deposited in the Content Change folder is actively
deleted by iTX.
However, if an endpoint is running in Content Change mode but is
monitoring a permanent network store, such as a NAS, then the option
should be unchecked to prevent accidental deletion of media being
added to the storage.
Checking this option also makes the Maximum Concurrent Delete
This setting is only available if Allow Media Deletes is checked. The
maximum number of concurrent delete jobs you can set is 5.
endpoint types.
If you are exporting media or sending it an archive that is external to
iTX, you should consider checking this option. When checked, the iTX
database knows where the media has been moved to. Retrieving and
restoring the media to iTX is then a quicker process, as Delivery
Manager does not need to request all endpoints to search their stores
or archives when trying to find this asset.
current settings. This will confirm if the endpoint is correctly
is field is available. When checked, low resolution proxy
option appear.
OK to confirm you choice. .
Removing a Configuration Profile
If you have created additional configuration profiles they can be removed from the Delivery
Manager Config. However, once
Note: You cannot remove the Default configuration profile. If you no
longer require the Default configuration profile, you can remove all of the
endpoints configured within it. If a Delivery Manager service attempts to
use a blank configuration profile, the service will fail to start.
To remove a Delivery Manager configuration,
1 From Windows, click ST
Select Configuration dialog appears, listing all of the existing configuration profiles.
2In the S
3 Right click on the selected configuration profile and choose Remove Configuration.
4 A dialog appears asking you to confirm the removal.
elect Configuration dialog, click on a configuration profile name to select it.
a configuration profile has been removed it cannot be
ART > All Programs > iTX 2.0 > Delivery Manager Config. The
Delivery Manager
Configuration and Setup Guide
5Click Ye s.
Note: If you only want to remove a single endpoint, open the configuration
profile, select the endpoint table and click
Remove Current Endpoint.
Configuration Profiles and Endpoint Tabs
Removing a Configuration Profile
Adding Network Share Endpoints
This chapter explains the prerequisites and configuration steps required to add any of the
supported network share endpoints.
Configuring a CIFS Endpoint in Content Change (Drop Box) Mode
To add a CIFS endpoint in Content Change (Drop Box) mode:
1 Open an existing configuration profile or crea
tab, as described in step 1 and step 2 of Basic Steps for Adding an Endpoint, on
page 15.
2Click the Se
Driver dialog appears.
3 Select CIFS and
4In the En
database. For example, “
5 Click the browse button for the C
Changed’ Workflow... dialog appears.
6 Select the required workflow for performing drop box actions.
register an asset but not transfer the file.
7The Post Media Import Workflow field will be automatically populated with
lect button next to the Endpoint Driver field. The Select Delivery Manager
click OK.
dpoint Name field, enter the name to be used as a reference in the iTX
CIFS Drop Box”.
ontent Changed Workflow field. The Select ‘Content
te a new one, then add a new endpoint
This workflow should
For example
. . . . . . 24
. . . . . . 26
Note: If you have not got the FPP Transcode Service installed, you will need
to delete this entry.
8 If you are using a Post Media Import Workflow, you can also generate low resolution
versions of clips as they are imported by checking the Generate Proxy checkbox.
9 Click the browse button for A
10 Select the required template, so that all of the clips are registered with the same
acteristics. Click OK.
sset Template Name. The Select Asset Template dialog
Adding Network Share Endpoints
Configuring a CIFS Endpoint in Search Media Mode
11 Specify the Maximum Concurrent Jobs you want this endpoint to process.
12 Under CIFS Endpoint Details, select Drop Box.
13 In the Me
14 Complete the fields in the CI
Reference, on
15 Click S
dia Path field, enter the UNC path of the directory being monitored.
FS Endpoint Details, as described inCIFS Endpoint Details
page 23.
ave then Close.
16 Restart the Delivery Manager service. See Restarting an iTX Service on page 53 for
more information.
Configuring a CIFS Endpoint in Search Media Mode
To add a CIFS endpoint in Search Media mode:
1 Open an existing configuration profile or crea
tab, as described in step 1 and step 2 of Basic Steps for Adding an Endpoint, on
page 15.
2Click the Se
lect button next to the Endpoint Driver field. The Select Delivery Manager
Driver dialog appears.
3 Select CIFS and
4In the En
dpoint Name field, enter the name to be used as a reference in the iTX
database. For example, “
5 Click the browse button for the C
click OK.
CIFS Search Media”.
ache Content Workflow field. The Select ‘Cache
Media’ Workflow... dialog appears.
6 Select the required workflow for moving media and assets to the iTX store. For
7The Po
st Media Import Workflow field will be automatically populated with
te a new one, then add a new endpoint
Note: If you have not got the FPP Transcode Service installed, you will need
to delete this entry.
8 If you are using a Post Media Import Workflow, you can also generate low resolution
versions of clips as they are imported by checking the Generate Proxy checkbox.
9 Click the browse button for A
sset Template Name. The Select Asset Template dialog
10 Select the required template, so that all of the clips are registered with the same
acteristics. Click OK.
11 Specify the Max
12 If required, check A
imum Concurrent Jobs you want this endpoint to process.
llow Media Deletes, then Specify the Maximum Concurrent Delete
Jobs you want this endpoint to process.
13 Under CIFS Endpoin
14 In the Me
dia Path field, enter the UNC path of the directory being monitored.
15 Complete the fields in the CI
Reference, on
16 Click S
ave then Close.
t Details, select Search Media.
FS Endpoint Details, as described inCIFS Endpoint Details
page 23.
17 Restart the Delivery Manager service. See Restarting an iTX Service on page 53 for
more information.
18 To use a CIFS endpoint in Search Media mode, you must also complete the steps
described in
Additional Setup for Search Media mode, on page 59.
Adding a CIFS Endpoint in Manual Mode
To add a CIFS endpoint in manual (Export) mode:
1 Open an existing configuration profile or create a new one, then add a new endpoint
tab, as described in
page 15.
2Click the Select button next to the Endpoint Driver field. The Select Delivery Manager
Driver dialog appears.
3 Select CIFS and click OK.
4In the Endpoint Name field, enter the name to be used as a reference in the iTX
database. For example, “
5 Click the browse button for Asset Template Name. The Select Asset Template dialog
6 Select the required template, so that all of the clips are registered with the same
characteristics. Click OK.
7 Specify the Maximum Concurrent Jobs you want this endpoint to process.
8Under CIFS Endpoint Details, select Export.
9In the Media Path field, enter the UNC path of the directory being monitored.
10 Complete the fields in the CIFS Endpoint Details, as described in CIFS Endpoint Details
Reference, on page 23.
11 Click Save then Close.
12 Restart the Delivery Manager service. See Restarting an iTX Service on page 53 for
more information.
13 To use a CIFS endpoint in manual mode, you must also complete the steps described in
Additional Setup for Manual/Export Mode, on page 61.
step 1 and step 2 of Basic Steps for Adding an Endpoint, on
CIFS Export”.
Delivery Manager
Configuration and Setup Guide
CIFS Endpoint Details Reference
The table below describes the additional configuration options contained within the CIFS
Endpoint Details section of a CIFS endpoint.
Mode CIFS endpoints can operate in Drop Box (Content Changed) Mode,
Search Media mode or Export Mode.
Media PathThe UNC path of the directory being monitored.
Search Sub Folders
The endpoint driver searches any folders contained within the
designated media folder.
Adding Network Share Endpoints
Adding an FTP Endpoint
File Extensions
Default ExtensionIf restoring files that have no file extension from an external archive,
Exclude Folders
Keep Media Location
Remove File
Extension on Archive
List of file extensions to be processed. If you want all file types to be
processed, leave this field blank.
the extension entered here will be added to each file name when
they are transferred into iTX.
Using add/remove buttons you can add details of sub folders you wish
to exclude.
This is a search string, so the folders need to be typed in the dialog like
*\folder name\*
When using CIFS endpoints with Omneon essence based media, add
media.dir to the list of excluded folders to prevent Delivery Manager
viewing components from essence based media files as individual
This option instructs the database to keep the original location of the
media as part of the asset record (if the file is being copied rather than
Some archives and media stores do not support DOS file extensions,
because they only support one file type, meaning the extension is
not required.
This endpoint option removes the file extension from the file name
when it is moved to an archive.
Maximum Transfer
Adding an FTP Endpoint
FTP endpoints can be configured as generic FTP endpoints, a Grass Valley K2 or a PitchBlue
endpoint. They work in the same as any standard FTP client, such as FileZilla. Therefore, the
FTP endpoint's configuration options reflect standard FTP requirements and settings.
FTP endpoints only operate in Search Media Mode.
To add an FT P end poin t :
1 Open an existing configuration profile or create a new one, then add a new endpoint
tab, as described in
page 15.
2Click the Select button next to the Endpoint Driver field. The Select Delivery Manager
Driver dialog appears.
3 Select FTPDriver and click OK.
4In the Endpoint Name field, enter the name to be used as a reference in the iTX
database. For example, “
5 Click the browse button for the Cache Content Workflow field. The Select ‘Cache
Media’ Workflow... dialog appears.
This slider sets the throttle rate on network file transfer speeds for
each file. The default is 100mbs.
step 1 and step 2 of Basic Steps for Adding an Endpoint, on
FTP K2”.
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