Preparing for installation.............................................................................................................................23
About installing the GV STRATUS system.............................................................................................23
The Dashboard tool..............................................................................................................................148
The Send Message tool........................................................................................................................150
The Help tool........................................................................................................................................151
Understanding system concepts..............................................................................................................153
MDI and Encoder logical names convention.........................................................................................183
About archive MDIs..............................................................................................................................183
About roles............................................................................................................................................183
Asset copies and deletions...................................................................................................................184
GV STRATUS devices and their roles, cab files, services, and licenses..............................................185
Express server and roles, cab files, services, and licenses..............................................................185
Core Server roles, cab files, services, and licenses..........................................................................188
Proxy Server roles, cab files, services, and licenses........................................................................190
Proxy Storage file system server roles, cab files, services, and licenses.........................................192
Proxy Encoder roles, cab files, services, and licenses......................................................................193
Conform Server roles, cab files, services, and licenses....................................................................194
EDIUS XRE Server roles, cab files, services, and licenses..............................................................196
Workflow Server roles, cab files, services, and licenses...................................................................197
GV STRATUS proxy client PC roles, cab files, services, and licenses.............................................198
GV STRATUS high-resolution client PC roles, cab files, services, and licenses...............................199
K2 systems roles, cab files, services, and licenses..........................................................................200
Aurora Playout client PC roles, cab files, services, and licenses......................................................201
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual11
12GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
GV STRATUS system and server variants
The GV STRATUS server is the primary device that supports GV STRATUS system functionality.
These servers can be congured in a variety of ways to support the workow requirements of specic
GV STRATUS systems. This topic describes some of the server variants for typical GV STRATUS
systems, as an aid to understanding the scope of GV STRATUS systems in general. Other system
congurations can require server variants not described here. Those other variants are available if
needed to meet unique workow requirements. Consult with your Grass Valley representative to
determine your needs.
Variants of the GV STRATUS server include the following:
•GV STRATUS Express server — A GV STRATUS server with all the roles necessary for a basic
GV STRATUS system, including the role of Proxy Express Server. The server has larger drives
than other GV STRATUS servers to accommodate the low-resolution proxy media that is stored
on the local server. This server is designed for use on smaller GV STRATUS systems where no
other GV STRATUS servers or proxy systems are present.
•GV STRATUS Core server — A GV STRATUS server that has the role of Core Services on a
system with multiple GV STRATUS servers. The server provides media management
functionality, including the GV STRATUS database and associated software components.
•Proxy server — The GV STRATUS server on an online or production K2 SAN that provides
access to the low-resolution proxy media stored on the SAN. The server has the role of Proxy
K2 SAN Server and SNFS le system client.
•Proxy Storage le system server — The GV STRATUS server on a dedicated Proxy Storage
system that provides access to the low-resolution proxy media stored on the system. The server
has the roles of Proxy Storage Server and SNFS le system server for the Proxy Storage system.
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual13
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
•Proxy Encoder — A GV STRATUS server that creates low-resolution proxy assets. If a
high-resolution asset does not yet have associated proxy, the Proxy Encoder creates it. The Proxy
Encoder software that provides this functionality can run on a dedicated Proxy Encoder server
or on a GV STRATUS server that has other roles as well, such as a GV STRATUS Express
•Conform Server — A GV STRATUS server dedicated to hosting the Conform Engine Service.
This service renders a complex asset, such as a GV STRATUS sequence, into a simple clip.
•EDIUS XRE Server — A server dedicated to hosting EDIUS XRE Management Server/XRE
Node and XRE Monitor (management node) software. This software performs a rendering process
when exporting a project created in EDIUS.
•Workow Server — A GV STRATUS server dedicated to hosting the Workow Engine Service,
the Rules Engine Service, and the Xcode Control Engine Service. These services support
rules-based operations.
Related Topics
GV STRATUS server on page 20
GV STRATUS server partitions on page 231
Small (Express) system description: Proxy on Core Services server
A small (Express) GV STRATUS system is characterized by proxy stored on a GV STRATUS
Express server, which is a GV STRATUS server with all roles, including the roles of Proxy Server
and Proxy Encoder. The GV STRATUS Express server has internal storage with expanded capacity
to store proxy media. The server provides an HTTP server that GV STRATUS client PCs access
for proxy. A CIFS share is also required to which servers such as K2 systems and Proxy Encoders
write proxy.
14GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
This small GV STRATUS system is designed for a basic workow and consists of K2 Summit
systems, a GV STRATUS Express server, and one or more GV STRATUS client PCs. The K2
Summit systems can be one or several standalone systems, a K2 SAN, or a combination of a SAN
and standalone systems. Client PCs use a proxy media workow and are connected to the Corporate
LAN or to the control network. At least one PC must host the GV STRATUS Control Panel
application. A designated PC on the control network hosts the SiteCong application.
In addition to its role of Proxy Server, the GV STRATUS Express server hosts components that
provide the underlying functionality to the overall GV STRATUS system. These components provide
media management, license manager, and user preference functionality.
Related Topics
About roles on page 183
GV STRATUS devices and their roles, cab les, services, and licenses on page 185
Medium (A1) system description: Proxy on K2 Summit SAN
A medium (A1) GV STRATUS system is characterized by proxy stored on the online or production
K2 Summit SAN. Attached to the K2 SAN is a Proxy server, which is a GV STRATUS server with
role of Proxy K2 SAN Server. This Proxy server provides access to the low resolution proxy media
stored on the K2 SAN. The server provides an HTTP server that GV STRATUS client PCs access
for proxy. A CIFS share is also required to which servers such as K2 systems and Proxy Encoders
write proxy.
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual15
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
This medium GV STRATUS system is designed for a typical workow and consists of a K2 Summit
online or production SAN, multiple GV STRATUS servers, and multiple GV STRATUS client PCs.
Client PCs that use a proxy media workow are connected to the Corporate LAN or to the control
network. Client PCs that use a high resolution media workow are connected to the media (iSCSI)
network. At least one PC must host the GV STRATUS Control Panel application. A designated PC
on the control network hosts the SiteCong application and the K2Cong application. GV STRATUS
Control Panel, SiteCong, and K2Cong applications can all be on the same PC, and that PC can
be the K2 SAN control point PC.
In addition to the Proxy Server, one or more GV STRATUS servers host components that provide
the underlying functionality to the overall GV STRATUS system. Components can be distributed
across multiple GV STRATUS servers to provide processing power as needed to support the
Related Topics
About roles on page 183
GV STRATUS devices and their roles, cab les, services, and licenses on page 185
Large (B1, C1) system description: Proxy on dedicated Proxy Storage
A large (B1, C1) GV STRATUS system is characterized by proxy stored on a dedicated Proxy
Storage system. The Proxy Storage system is similar to a K2 Nearline SAN, or NAS. The Proxy
16GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
K2 Summit System
Proxy Storage
Encode high resDecode high res
Encode low res
Grass Valley Control/FTP/Streaming Network
High res
SDI in
Low res
to network
to network
K2 Summit System
High res
SDI out
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
Storage system stores the low resolution proxy media. The Proxy Storage le system server is a GV
STRATUS server that has the role of Proxy Storage Server. This server is the SNFS le system
server for the Proxy Storage system. The server provides an HTTP server that GV STRATUS client
PCs access for proxy. A CIFS share is also required to which servers such as K2 systems and Proxy
Encoders write proxy.
This large GV STRATUS system is designed for a large-scale workow and consists of a K2 Summit
online or production SAN, a Proxy Storage system, multiple GV STRATUS servers, and multiple
GV STRATUS client PCs. Client PCs that use a proxy media workow are connected to the Corporate
LAN or to the control network. Client PCs that use a high resolution media workow are connected
to the media (iSCSI) network. At least one PC must host the GV STRATUS Control Panel application.
A designated PC on the control network hosts the SiteCong application and the K2Cong
application. GV STRATUS Control Panel, SiteCong, and K2Cong applications can all be on the
same PC, and that PC can be the K2 SAN control point PC.
In addition to the Proxy Storage le system server, one or more GV STRATUS servers host
components that provide the underlying functionality to the overall GV STRATUS system.
Components can be distributed across multiple GV STRATUS servers to provide processing power
where it is needed to support your workow. A system with one GV STRATUS Core server is
classied as a B1 system. A system with core server functionality distributed across multiple GV
STRATUS Core servers is classied as a C1 system.
Related Topics
About roles on page 183
GV STRATUS devices and their roles, cab les, services, and licenses on page 185
Proxy and live streaming workflow overview
When licensed and congured, a K2 Summit system creates low-resolution representations of
high-resolution media. Similar to PB/EE functionality, the K2 Summit System creates a live stream
of low-resolution media at the SDI input and a live stream of low-resolution media at the SDI output,
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual17
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
whether or not record/play operations are underway. These streams are multicast to the network and
are available to applications on the network. When media is recorded, the K2 Summit system encodes
a high resolution clip and a low resolution proxy clip. The system keeps these clips associated so
any changes take effect simultaneously for both clips.
The GV STRATUS application accesses the low-resolution media over the network. When you
monitor the K2 Summit system SDI inputs and outputs, the application displays the live stream.
When you view an asset, the application displays the proxy representation of the asset. When you
edit an asset, the K2 Summit system makes your changes on both the proxy and the high resolution
Related Topics
Corporate LAN network description on page 155
Control network description on page 153
HTTP server overview
The GV STRATUS system HTTP server provides access to low resolution proxy media.
The GV STRATUS application accesses the proxy using a HTTP URL. This supports efcient,
high-speed, and simultaneous access to proxy from multiple GV STRATUS clients. In addition, the
HTTP server supports remote access for GV STRATUS clients.
The HTTP server is on the GV STRATUS device designated the proxy server. This can be one of
the following devices, depending on the GV STRATUS system conguration:
•GV STRATUS Express server
•Proxy server
•Proxy Storage le system server
GV STRATUS components that create the low resolution proxy media must write the proxy les
to a location served by the HTTP server. This location is CIFS proxy share. The GV STRATUS
Control Panel creates the proxy share automatically when you congure Proxy Cong settings. The
proxy share is shared with full permission granted to the internal system account, which by default
is GVAdmin. The K2 system and the Proxy Encoder create proxy media and therefore require this
CIFS access to the proxy share.
18GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
Proxy Encoder overview
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
When you transfer a le into the K2 system, it is stored as a high resolution clip. GV STRATUS
Rules Services detect the presence of the clip in the K2 storage. The services check to see if the clip
has associated proxy. If no proxy exists, the services check rules. GV STRATUS rules specify that
all high resolution clips must have proxy, so the Rules Services send a transcode job to a Proxy
Encoder. If there are multiple high resolution clips to be transcoded, the transcode jobs are queued
up sequentially and the next available Proxy Encoder transcodes the job at the top of the queue. The
Proxy Encoder transcodes the high resolution clip to create the proxy clip. The GV STRATUS Proxy
Encoder generates proxy media for high-resolution clips with one video track. Clips with more than
one video track are not supported.
Related Topics
Proxy Encoder iSCSI client requirement on page 160
Functional descriptions
The topics in this section describe the components of the GV STRATUS system.
K2 system
A K2 system can include one or more standalone K2 Summit systems, an online or production K2
Summit SAN, or a combination of standalone and SAN systems.
The K2 system records, plays, and stores high-resolution media. It also generates low-resolution
proxy media so that network connected GV STRATUS clients can be included in the media workow
without direct access to the high-resolution media. The K2 system generates the low-resolution
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual19
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
media as a live video stream at SDI inputs and outputs. When the K2 system records a high-resolution
clip, it creates low-resolution media les that are the proxy for the high-resolution clip.
Related Topics
GV STRATUS devices and their roles, cab les, services, and licenses on page 185
The GV STRATUS server hosts the software services and databases of the GV STRATUS system.
There can be one or more GV STRATUS servers in a GV STRATUS system, with services and
databases distributed across servers as appropriate for the size of the system. For smaller GV
STRATUS systems, the GV STRATUS Express server can also store low-resolution proxy media.
Components that can reside on a GV STRATUS server include the following:
•License management — Services that manage the assignment of licenses and roles to groups and
•User preferences — The settings you make in the STRATUS application. When you log in to
the GV STRATUS application with the same credentials, the settings you make on one PC are
available on other PCs.
•Proxy Server — Services that manage the location of proxy media and the GV STRATUS
application's access to the proxy media.
•Databases — Includes information for the following:
•Media asset management
•Aurora Playout SDB (Simple Database)
•Rules Engine
•Workow Engine
•MDI — MDI is the acronym for Managed Device Interface. An MDI is a software component
that provides an interface for the GV STRATUS database to access a device. Typically these are
devices on which media resides, such as K2 systems, NAS devices, and archive devices. Each
type of device has its own MDI. For most MDIs, the MDI software component is hosted on the
GV STRATUS Core server, rather than being hosted on the same machine that it accesses. MDIs
include the following:
•Summit Standalone
•Summit SAN
•Proxy Encoder
•Generic FTP
20GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
•Proxy Encoder — Creates a low resolution version of high resolution video assets that were not
recorded on the K2 system. For example, if a high resolution video asset is transferred in to the
K2 system, the Proxy Encoder service detects the asset and creates its corresponding low-resolution
le. The Proxy Encoder service is classied as an MDI for conguration purposes, even though
it provides direct functionality to its host server only, which is different than other MDIs.
•Conform Server — A GV STRATUS server dedicated to hosting the Conform Engine Service.
This service renders a complex asset, such as a GV STRATUS sequence, into a simple clip.
•EDIUS XRE Server — A server dedicated to hosting EDIUS XRE Management Server/XRE
Node and XRE Monitor (management node) software. This software performs a rendering process
when exporting a project created in EDIUS.
•Workow Server — A GV STRATUS server dedicated to hosting the Workow Engine Service,
the Rules Engine Service, and the Xcode Control Engine Service. These services support
rules-based operations.
A Fault Tolerant (FT) GV STRATUS server is also available. This is an enhanced platform designed
to reduce the risk of system failure.
Related Topics
GV STRATUS devices and their roles, cab les, services, and licenses on page 185
Connect Core server to corporate LAN on page 44
About GV STRATUS system databases on page 159
GV STRATUS system and server variants on page 13
GV STRATUS server partitions on page 231
Proxy Storage system
The Proxy Storage system is a type of K2 Nearline SAN. It stores the low-resolutions assets on the
The Proxy Storage system includes the following:
•A Proxy Storage le system server, which is a GV STRATUS server that manages the Proxy
Storage media le system. It also provides the GV STRATUS application access to low-resolution
assets. K2 server software is required on the Proxy Storage le system server.
•Ethernet switch
Related Topics
GV STRATUS devices and their roles, cab les, services, and licenses on page 185
The GV STRATUS application functions as a client to the GV STRATUS Core Services. The GV
STRATUS application runs on a GV STRATUS client PC. With the appropriate licensing, the
EDIUS application can also run on a GV STRATUS client PC. GV STRATUS client PCs are
supplied by the customer. By default, the GV STRATUS application and the EDIUS XS application
access low-resolution live streaming and proxy media. If the PC is set to high-resolution in GV
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual21
Overview of the GV STRATUS system
STRATUS Control Panel Proxy Access settings, the GV STRATUS application accesses
high-resolution media. This also requires a high-resolution license.
Related Topics
GV STRATUS devices and their roles, cab les, services, and licenses on page 185
About GV STRATUS client PCs on page 157
Client PC set up process on page 46
22GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
Preparing for installation
About installing the GV STRATUS system
This manual provides two paths for installing your GV STRATUS system, as follows:
•Commissioning process — Follow this process as your primary path. It assumes you received
your system completely set up and congured from Grass Valley.
•Complete system installation process — Use this process only if you must change the system
conguration or if there are system setup or conguration processes that are incomplete. Browse
this process and do the appropriate items.
Read the following to familiarize yourself with your GV STRATUS system before you begin the
commissioning process:
•GV STRATUS system software and documentation is available for download from the Grass
Valley website.
•The GV STRATUS application runs on off-the-shelf Windows operating system computers.
These GV STRATUS client PCs are supplied by the customer that owns the GV STRATUS
system. Grass Valley does not supply these computers.
•GV STRATUS services run on one or more GV STRATUS servers that are supplied by Grass
Valley with all the necessary hardware and software installed. GV STRATUS software licenses
are required to support the customer workow. Licenses are installed on the GV STRATUS
server with role of Common Services. The Proxy Encoder license is installed on the servers
hosting the Proxy Encoder software.
•The GV STRATUS Control Panel application runs on a PC that has network access to the GV
STRATUS Core server.
•The SiteCong application is the required tool for network conguration and software deployment.
There should be just one instance of SiteCong installed on a single PC.
•A designated Control Point PC is optional for the GV STRATUS system. If your GV STRATUS
system access a K2 SAN, then the SAN's Control Point PC typically functions as the Control
Point PC for the GV STRATUS system as well. GV STRATUS Control Panel, SiteCong,
K2Cong, and NetCentral applications are installed on the Control Point PC.
•Refer to "GV STRATUS Release Notes" and "GV STRATUS Upgrade Instructions" for
instructions on obtaining software licenses and upgrading the GV STRATUS system.
Related Topics
System requirements for GV STRATUS client PC on page 47
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual23
Preparing for installation
Commissioning process
Use the following list to guide the overall task ow of commissioning your system. This
commissioning process assumes you received your system completely set up and congured from
Grass Valley.
Rack, cable, and power on process on page 27. All systems require this process.
Test system setup and conguration process on page 40. All systems require this process. Verify
that your cabling is correct, the system is operational as when pre-staged by Grass Valley, and
to complete procedures by logging in to all devices and applications as user Administrator
with password adminGV!.
Customer network, licenses, and roles process on page 44. All systems require this process. Set
up the GV STRATUS Core server on the customer's network and assign GV STRATUS licenses
and roles to the customer's groups and users.
Client PC set up process on page 46. All systems require this process. Add the customer's GV
STRATUS client PCs to the system.
Complete system installation process
Use the following list if you must change the system conguration or if there are system setup or
conguration processes that are incomplete. Browse this process and do the appropriate items.
Rack, cable, and power on process on page 27. All systems require this process.
K2 system set up process on page 318. All systems require this process.
Express/Core server set up process on page 320. All systems require this process. Use SiteCong
for network setup and software install. On the GV STRATUS server with role of Common
Services, use SabreTooth and install GV STRATUS licenses.
Proxy Server/Storage set up process on page 329. Only systems with proxy on the K2 SAN (A1)
or with proxy on dedicated Proxy Storage (B1, C1) require this process. Use SiteCong for
network setup and software install, then use K2Cong for SAN setup.
GV STRATUS Control Panel system conguration process on page 357. All systems require this
process. Use GV STRATUS Control Panel to congure the GV STRATUS system for your site's
Customer network, licenses, and roles process on page 44. All systems require this process. Set
up the GV STRATUS Core server on the customer's network and assign GV STRATUS licenses
and roles to the customer's groups and users.
Client PC set up process on page 46. All systems require this process. Add the customer's GV
STRATUS client PCs to the system.
SiteCong software deployment process on page 374. All systems require this process when
updating to new versions of Grass Valley product software.
24GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
Preparing for installation
Proxy Encoder set up process on page 391. Only systems with a Proxy Encoder require this
process. Use SiteCong for network setup and software install. On the GV STRATUS Proxy
Encoder, use SabreTooth and install the STRATUS-PROXYENCODER license. Then use
K2Cong for SAN setup.
Conform Server set up process on page 406. Only systems with a Conform Server require this
process. Use SiteCong for network setup and software install. On the Conform Server, use
SabreTooth and install the STRATUS-CONFORM license. Then use K2Cong for SAN setup.
Archive system set up process on page 421. Only systems with an archive system require this
process. Congure the archive system with the K2 Summit/SAN system, use SabreTooth to
install the STRATUS-ARCHIVE license, and in GV STRATUS Control Panel congure an
archive MDI.
EDIUS XRE Server set up process on page 436. Only systems with an EDIUS XRE Server require
this process. Use SiteCong for network setup and software install. On the EDIUS XRE Server,
use EDIUS licensing to license the server. Then use K2Cong for SAN setup.
Workow Server set up process on page 463. Only systems with a Workow Server require this
process. Use SiteCong for network setup and software install. On the GV STRATUS Core
server, use SabreTooth and install the STRATUS-RULES license and optionally
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual25
Preparing for installation
26GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
Commissioning a system
Commissioning process
Use the following list to guide the overall task ow of commissioning your system. This
commissioning process assumes you received your system completely set up and congured from
Grass Valley.
Rack, cable, and power on process on page 27. All systems require this process.
Test system setup and conguration process on page 40. All systems require this process. Verify
that your cabling is correct, the system is operational as when pre-staged by Grass Valley, and
to complete procedures by logging in to all devices and applications as user Administrator
with password adminGV!.
Customer network, licenses, and roles process on page 44. All systems require this process. Set
up the GV STRATUS Core server on the customer's network and assign GV STRATUS licenses
and roles to the customer's groups and users.
Client PC set up process on page 46. All systems require this process. Add the customer's GV
STRATUS client PCs to the system.
Rack, cable, and power on process
All systems require this process.
Rack-mount devices on page 27. All systems require this process.
Cable K2 systems on page 31. All systems require this process.
Cable GV STRATUS server on page 32. All system require this process. Cable the GV STRATUS
servers that are in your system design.
Cable Proxy Storage system on page 37. Only systems with proxy on a dedicated Proxy Storage
system require this process.
Power on K2 and GV STRATUS system devices on page 40. All systems require this process.
Rack-mount devices
All systems require this process.
Follow the instructions you received with the rack-mount hardware to install each component of
the system. One rack-unit spacing is recommended between components for ventilation. The
recommended arrangement of devices is as follows:
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual27
Commissioning a system
HP ProCurve Switch Rack specifications
Use the following specications to determine load, spacing, power, and other factors when planning
system racks.
Table 1: Mechanical specifications
Rack-mountCabinet Type
1Rack units
443 (w) x 44 (h) x 392 (d) mmExternal Dimensions
Maximum 7 kgWeight
Table 2: Power specifications
100-127 VAC/200-240 VAC; 50/60 HzType
4.0/2.0 A, 200WPower Consumption
Dell R620 Rack specifications
Use the following specications to determine load, spacing, power, and other factors when planning
system racks.
28GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
Table 3: Mechanical specifications
Rack-mountCabinet Type
1Rack units
482.4 (w) x 42.8 (h) x 683.7 (d) mmExternal Dimensions
Maximum 18.6kg , 40.96 lbsWeight
Table 4: Power specifications
(BTU/hr max)
Commissioning a system
495W AC750W AC1100W AC1100W DCSpecification
100-240VAC100-240VAC100-240VAC-48V to -60V DCSupply voltage
1908284341004416Heat dissipation
K2 Summit 3G Rack specifications
Use the following specications to determine load, spacing, power, and other factors when planning
system racks. These specications apply to K2 Summit 3G chassis.
Table 5: Mechanical specifications
Table 6: Power specifications
55A55A55A55AMaximum inrush
Rack-mountCabinet Type
2Rack units
447 x 617 x 89 mmExternal Dimensions
25.0 kg maximumWeight
Dual, redundantPower conditions
90 to 260V auto-range, 47-63HzMains Input Voltage
2013 12 19GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual29
Commissioning a system
Maximum power consumption (when operating
in a 25° C environment)
K2 RAID Rack specifications
Use the following specications to determine load, spacing, power, and other factors when planning
system racks. These specications apply to K2 10Gv2 RAID (M100) chassis.
Table 7: Mechanical specifications
External Dimensions
450W typical (standalone)
390W typical (SAN client)
Maximum AC current 8A @ 115VAC, 4A @
482 x 513.2 x 87.8 mm (no front
Expansion chassisPrimary chassisCharacteristic
Rack-mountRack-mountCabinet Type
22Rack units
482 x 513.2 x 87.8 mm (no front
29 kg maximum31 kg maximumWeight
Table 8: Power specifications
Power conditions
(when operating in a 25° C
FT Server Rack specifications
Use the following specications to determine load, spacing, power, and other factors when planning
system racks.
Table 9: Mechanical specifications
Primary chassisPrimary chassisCharacteristic
100 to 240 VAC, single-phase
50/60 Hz
100 to 240 VAC, single-phase
50/60 Hz
290 W400 WMaximum power consumption
Type I and Type II SpecificationCharacteristic
Rack-mountCabinet Type
4Rack units
483 (w) x 178 (h) x 736 (d) mm, 19.0 in. (w) x 7.0 in. (h) x 28.9 in. (d)External Dimensions
30GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual2013 12 19
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