Adding a favorite ....................................................................................................................................51
Removing or deleting a favorite..............................................................................................................52
About view modes...............................................................................................................................81
Event status colors..............................................................................................................................83
Adding an event..................................................................................................................................84
Adding an event using Quick Schedule...............................................................................................86
Adding a recurring event.....................................................................................................................87
Adding a backup event .......................................................................................................................89
Adding a channel reservation..............................................................................................................90
Starting a crash record event..............................................................................................................91
Locating an event................................................................................................................................91
Modifying an event..............................................................................................................................92
Viewing and modifying metadata of events.........................................................................................94
Extending an event..............................................................................................................................95
Moving an event..................................................................................................................................96
Deleting an event................................................................................................................................96
Deleting a recurring event...................................................................................................................97
Previewing an event............................................................................................................................97
Creating a template.............................................................................................................................98
The RMI tool.........................................................................................................................................101
RMI format specifications..................................................................................................................102
Configuring Channel Panel User Preferences......................................................................................117
Creating a Channel Panel.....................................................................................................................119
Launching and closing a Channel Panel...............................................................................................121
Modifying a Channel Panel while in use...............................................................................................123
Resizing channels and gangs...............................................................................................................124
6GV STRATUS User Manual2014 02 21
Modifying a Channel Panel configuration.............................................................................................124
Copying a Channel Panel configuration................................................................................................125
About recording clips in a Channel Panel.............................................................................................125
Recording on a single channel using crash record...........................................................................125
Recording on a single channel using new clip..................................................................................126
Recording on ganged channels using crash record..........................................................................126
Recording on ganged channels using new clip.................................................................................127
Recording on an individual channel in a gang using crash record....................................................129
Recording on an individual channel in a gang using new clip...........................................................130
Recording on ChannelFlex channels................................................................................................131
About playing clips in a Channel Panel.................................................................................................131
Loading an asset for playback in a Channel Panel...........................................................................132
Playing a clip on a single channel.....................................................................................................133
Playing clips on ganged channels.....................................................................................................134
Playing ganged clips on a single channel.........................................................................................134
Playing a clip on a single channel in loop play..................................................................................135
Playing ganged channels in loop play...............................................................................................135
Controlling an individual channel in a gang..........................................................................................136
Locating a loaded clip or playlist...........................................................................................................137
About salvos.........................................................................................................................................137
Creating a salvo................................................................................................................................138
Loading a salvo.................................................................................................................................138
Deleting a salvo.................................................................................................................................138
Modifying a salvo..............................................................................................................................139
Configure router settings in Channel Panel..........................................................................................139
The Playlist Editor tool..........................................................................................................................140
Using Source Viewer.........................................................................................................................168
J, K, L keyboard shortcuts for transport control.................................................................................169
Using mouse wheel for transport control...........................................................................................169
Using mark-in and mark-out points.......................................................................................................169
Create a subclip....................................................................................................................................170
Trimming a clip in Inspector..................................................................................................................171
Creating a sequence ............................................................................................................................177
Editing an event....................................................................................................................................177
Splitting an event..................................................................................................................................177
Using a keyword to add an event to a sequence..................................................................................178
Adding and removing transitions..........................................................................................................178
Rearranging or deleting events in a sequence.....................................................................................178
Playing a sequence..............................................................................................................................179
Launching a sequence in the EDIUS XS application............................................................................179
Viewing the properties of an item.........................................................................................................181
Using the GV STRATUS application in EDIUS XS...............................................................................181
Logging on to the GV STRATUS application in EDIUS XS...............................................................182
Opening the GV STRATUS panel in EDIUS XS................................................................................184
Opening GV STRATUS assets in EDIUS XS application..................................................................184
Viewing GV STRATUS assets in EDIUS XS.....................................................................................185
Adding GV STRATUS assets to EDIUS XS timeline.........................................................................187
Sending EDIUS XS sequences to the K2 system.............................................................................187
Using EDIUS XRE Monitor................................................................................................................189
Using the GV STRATUS application in Adobe® Premiere® Pro...........................................................190
Setting up K2 storage for Adobe Premiere Pro.................................................................................191
Setting up GV STRATUS in Adobe Premiere Pro.............................................................................191
Launching the GV STRATUS plug-in................................................................................................192
The Log Panel.......................................................................................................................................201
Adding a Logging Tool..........................................................................................................................203
The GV STRATUS™Media Workow Application Framework is the next generation of Grass
Valley application software, designed for the entertainment, on-air operations, and news markets.
GV STRATUS includes a powerful asset management solution and all the tools to help you produce
your content from all ingests needs, preparation, editing, review and approval, playout and of course,
archiving. GV STRATUS uses a common Service Oriented Architecture, to provide a modular, high
performance, and highly congurable user experience and does away with the old concept of separate,
individual tools which can be hard to congure, and even harder to use. GV STRATUS is built with
modules that are added as services to assemble your workspace into an environment tailored
specically to your needs, in an almost innite number of combinations. This means you have a
virtually unlimited and fully integrated tool-set at your command. GV STRATUS is format and
resolution independent. Proxies are generated on the y for any video coming into the system and
are fully available to all the users within seconds.
The GV STRATUS product includes the GV STRATUS Application Framework and the GV
STRATUS Core Services. These layers provide you with access to the K2 Infrastructure to support
your workow requirements.
The GV STRATUS Application Framework includes the following:
•The GV STRATUS application — This is the primary application for using GV STRATUS tools
for your media workow. It is documented in this document.
•The GV STRATUS Control Panel application — The GV STRATUS application that provides
central conguration of the software components of the GV STRATUS system. It is documented
in "GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual".
•The GV Event Viewer — This is the application that displays detailed information about
signicant events on your GV STRATUS server, which is very useful when troubleshooting
problems and errors. It is documented in "GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual".
2014 02 21GV STRATUS User Manual11
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
These applications run on standard networked PCs.
The GV STRATUS Core Services include software components that run as services on one or more
GV STRATUS Core servers. They are documented in "GV STRATUS Installation and Service
The K2 Infrastructure includes the devices and software that make up a K2 Summit system at version
8.0 and higher. Depending on the system necessary to support your workow requirements, this
can include K2 clients, servers, RAID storage devices, and network switches. They are documented
in "GV STRATUS Installation and Service Manual" and "K2 SAN Installation and Service Manual".
Logging on
When you log on, the GV STRATUS application assigns GV STRATUS licenses and roles based
on your user account credentials, as set by the system administrator in the GV STRATUS Control
Panel application. Your credentials must also give you access to all your K2 systems.
1. From the Windows desktop, do one of the following:
•Open the GV STRATUS iconshortcut.
•Click Start | Programs | Grass Valley and click the STRATUS icon.
A Log On dialog box opens.
2. Enter your username.
If you use domain credentials, enter in format <domain>\<username>. For example, if your
domain is "gv" and your username is "GVuser", enter gv\GVuser.
3. Enter your password.
4. Verify that the application is correctly referencing the Control Panel Services Host as follows:
a) If not already showing, click the Options buttonto show settings.
b) Verify or enter the hostname, not IP address of the GV STRATUS server with the SiteCong
role of GV STRATUS Control Panel Service. This is the Control Panel Services Host. In
most systems this is the main GV STRATUS Core server.
5. Click Log On.
The GV STRATUS application opens.
Features are enabled according to the roles associated with your log on credentials.
When you log on to the application, the settings you make on one PC are available on other PCs
when using the same user credentials, including the following:
•Settings from the User Preferences dialog box
•Channel Panel congurations and Salvos
12GV STRATUS User Manual2014 02 21
About the GV STRATUS application
The GV STRATUS application allows you to manage assets and K2 channels for digital video
production workows. The GV STRATUS application runs on a networked Windows operating
system computer.
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
The GV STRATUS application provides the following panels for use in most workows:
Navigator: The panel that contains the tree-view.
Asset List: The panel that displays the list for the item currently selected in the Navigator
panel or the search results.
Inspector: The panel that displays details of the asset currently loaded.
The Status bar reports application status and displays status indicators.
In addition, the GV STRATUS application provides tools designed for specic workows. You
can arrange the panels and tools of the GV STRATUS application to create a customized workspace.
Available tools and devices within the GV STRATUS application are according to assigned role
and licensing. For example, the Newsroom Basic license limits the panels and tools in the application.
Related Topics
About application status on page 275
Customizing the application workspace on page 267
Arranging control tray buttons on page 14
About Newsroom Basic on page 241
2014 02 21GV STRATUS User Manual13
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
About customizing the application workspace
You can rearrange the panels of the application to best suit your workow needs.
Features for customizing the workspace are as follows:
•Undock panels and move them to another location within the application window, within another
panel, or to their own location on the Windows desktop.
•Hide panels so that they show only as a tab.
•Close panels.
•Resize panels.
•Save an arrangement of docked and undocked panels as a uniquely named workspace.
•Load a workspace to automatically arrange panels.
Related Topics
Customizing the application workspace on page 267
Arranging control tray buttons
Viewers and players have a control tray that provides access to buttons. As you resize a panel smaller
and the buttons do not all t in the control tray, the buttons overow onto a drop-down menu. You
can congure buttons to show and to overow as the panel is resized.
1. To show/hide the control tray, click the Show/Hide Control Tray button.
14GV STRATUS User Manual2014 02 21
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
2. Click the drop-down arrow on the far right of the control tray.
The overow menu displays hidden buttons.
3. Click Add/Remove.
A menu of buttons opens.
4. Select the buttons to display.
5. If desired, select Reset Toolbar to return the buttons to their default display.
Your button conguration is saved with your GV STRATUS user preferences and propagated as
•When you select buttons to display in a Channel Panel, all channels of the same type
(player/recorder or recorder-only) and view mode size in that Channel Panel display your selection
of buttons. Similarly, all gangs of the same type (containing at least one player/recorder or all
recorder-only) display your selection of buttons.
•When you select buttons to display in a Playlist Editor, any channel in the Playlist Editor displays
your selection of buttons.
Viewing the application window in full screen
The following applies to the GV STRATUS application and the GV STRATUS Control Panel
Click Window | Full Screen. (CTL + ALT + 0)
The application window expands and displays without the Windows titlebar.
The Navigator panel
The Navigator panel functions as the starting point for workows using the GV STRATUS
application. For most of the items in the Navigator, if you select the item it is displayed in the active
Asset List panel.
2014 02 21GV STRATUS User Manual15
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
The Navigator panel contains the following sections:
•Favorites — A list of shortcuts to bins, searches, and mapped drives.
•Explore — A tree-based hierarchy with which you can browse your system.
From the Explore section, you can access the following:
Tools: Expands to display the tools that support the various workows available in the
STRATUS application.
Workspaces: Expands to display default and saved workspaces.
Searches: Expands to display searches that can be reused and shared.
Favorites: Expands to display a list of favorites.
Assets: Expands to display a view of groups and assets based on the information available
in the STRATUS database. Any assets can be grouped together, regardless of their actual location
in K2 system storage.
Devices: Expands to display the devices that the STRATUS application accesses or controls.
Monitors: Expands to display tools for monitoring transfers and web pages. The Jobs icon
and the Dashboard iconappear here.
The Navigator panel displays all items under the node for your local site.
16GV STRATUS User Manual2014 02 21
If you have remote sites congured in your system, the Navigator panel displays nodes for those
sites. Only the Assets node is displayed under remote sites. Asset indicators identify assets on remote
Related Topics
About the GV STRATUS Assets view on page 49
Asset indicators on page 50
The Asset List panel
The Asset List panel displays the contents of the item selected in the Navigator panel, such as a tool,
bin, or search. Each time you select an item in the Navigator panel, an updated view of its contents
is displayed. The Asset List panel typically appears on the middle of the GV STRATUS application
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
The Asset List panel features are as follows:
•Asset name — The name of the item that has its contents displayed in the Asset List panel. The
asset name is displayed in the title bar and in the toolbar.
•Simple Search tool — Searches on asset names, asset Descriptions, asset Tags, asset Comments,
and custom Text elds.
•Advanced Search tool — Searches on asset metadata and other properties. The Advanced Search
tool opens when you click the Advanced Search Toggle button.
•Sortable columns — Sorts the list when you click the column head.
•Asset location — Displays the location of the asset, relative to the Navigator hierarchy, when
you hover over the asset name in the toolbar.
•Toolbar — Provides buttons for navigating and displaying asset lists.
2014 02 21GV STRATUS User Manual17
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
•Filter tool — Filters the list based on criteria you enter. The Filter tool opens when you click the
Enable Filter button.
You can open multiple Asset List panels and compare them side by side. Only one Asset List panel
is active at a time. The active panel dynamically updates when you select an item in the Navigator
panel. You can click on a panel to make it the active Asset List panel.
Related Topics
About searches on page 59
Customizing the display of list items on page 53
Asset List panel buttons
These buttons located on the Asset List panel toolbar let you perform various functions:
Start Search: Initiates a search for the specied items.
Save Search: Saves this search for future use.
Delete: Deletes the selected item or items. Disabled if delete rights denied in GV STRATUS
Control Panel.
Advanced Search Toggle: Toggles display of the advanced search parameters for the current
Navigate Asset Lists: Goes to previous, to next, and up.
Open New Panel: Opens a new panel.
View Mode: Controls the display and size of the items in a list or panel.
Enable Filter: Enables the list to be ltered by the values in the column.
The Inspector panel
The Inspector panel allows you to mark up, manage, and view detailed information for an asset.
The Inspector panel typically appears on the right side of the GV STRATUS application window.
18GV STRATUS User Manual2014 02 21
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
The Inspector panel features are as follows:
•Viewer — Allows you to view and mark up an asset. You can show and hide viewer controls to
accommodate resizing the Inspector panel.
•Buttons — Provides a menu of actions for managing the asset and navigation buttons to view
previous/next objects.
•Viewer controls — Allows you to mark up the asset.
•Timecode Controls — Allows you to select the mark in/out and other timecode types to display.
Also lets you navigate through the clip to a specic timecode.
•Details — Provides tabs for viewing properties, metadata, placeholders, markers, and relationships.
On some tabs you can make changes, such as modifying metadata, linking assets to placeholders,
and setting recurring events. Standard Asset List features, such as sortable columns, are available
on tabs with a list display.
The features in the Inspector panel can change dynamically, depending on the tool that launches the
Inspector panel, the roles assigned, and the type of asset that is displayed. The Viewer controls are
the same as those in the Source Viewer.
Related Topics
Viewer buttons on page 167
Using the Audio Overlay on page 166
Identifying and selecting the timecode type on page 146
2014 02 21GV STRATUS User Manual19
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
About GV STRATUS tools
The GV STRATUS application contains the following tools. You can nd the tools in the Navigator
panel under the Tools node.
Advanced Logging: The tool that creates and customizes logging of assets.
Assignment List: The tool that creates placeholders for clips and coordinates with rundown
stories on the Newsroom Computer System and with Aurora Playout.
Channel Panel : The tool that includes channels and channel gangs for controlling one or
more K2 channels.
House Number: The panel that populates the house number list and links assets to house
numbers from the trafc system.
Playlist Editor: The tool that creates and modies playlists. This tool uses a K2 channel.
RMI: RMI is the acronym for Removable Media Interface. It is the tool that populates and
ingests les from multiple removable media devices such as P2 and XDCAM. RMI tool is for
iSCSI GV STRATUS app clients only.
Scheduler: The tool that schedules events to be recorded.
Segmentation: The tool that creates segments from assets.
Send Message: The tool that sends and receives messages and attachments between users
logged on to GV STRATUS applications.
Source Viewer: The tool that plays assets and provides controls for adding markers, keywords,
and other features.
Storyboard Editor: The tool that creates and modies sequences. This tool does not use a K2
Related Topics
The Advanced Logging tool on page 199
The Assignment List tool on page 225
The Channel Panel tool on page 115
The House Number List panel on page 261
The RMI tool on page 101
The Playlist Editor tool on page 140
The Scheduler tool on page 79
The Segmentation tool on page 257
The Source Viewer on page 166
The Storyboard Editor tool on page 165
The Send Message tool on page 21
The Director tool
20GV STRATUS User Manual2014 02 21
The Send Message tool
The Send Message tool allows you to send and receive messages with attachments. If you are logged
on to a GV STRATUS application you can send a message to another person that is currently logged
on to a GV STRATUS application and on the same network subnet. The Send Message tool appears
in the GV STRATUS application and in the GV STRATUS Control Panel application when you
launch it from the Navigator panel.
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
Send Message tool features are as follows:
•To eld — Species the GV STRATUS user to whom the message is sent. Select a user from
the drop-down list.
•Subject eld — Contains the title of the message.
•Message eld — Contains the message.
•Attachments eld — Provides a eld to which you drag attachments.
•Send button — Sends the message.
•Clear button — Clears all elds in the Send Message panel.
You can attach the following:
•Saved searches
2014 02 21GV STRATUS User Manual21
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
•Logging buttons
•Button Panels
•Channel Panels
When you send an attachment, you are actually sending a link to the attachment, rather than the
attachment itself.
When you receive a message, a Message dialog box opens and displays the message. If the message
has an attachment, you can do the following:
•Open the attachment by double-clicking it.
•Create a copy of the attachment in the Navigator panel or drag it to other panels in the GV
STRATUS application. Consider the size of the attachment before creating a copy.
The Send Message tool is more similar to Instant Messaging than it is to E-mail, as there is no
Outbox or Inbox functionality to store messages. If a person is not logged on to a GV STRATUS
application you can not send them a message. Likewise, if you are not logged on to a GV STRATUS
application you can not receive a message.
The Web Monitor
The Web Monitor allows you to view a web page in a GV STRATUS application panel. You
congure the web page address in GV STRATUS Control Panel. You can congure multiple web
pages. The Web Monitor displays the name of each congured web page in the GV STRATUS
application Navigator panel, from which you can launch each web page as a separate Web Monitor
panel. When you hover your cursor near the side borders of the Web Monitor panel, forward and
back browse buttons appear.
22GV STRATUS User Manual2014 02 21
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
The Dashboard tool
The Dashboard tool allows you to view information about the current activity on the GV STRATUS
The Storage tab reports storage capacity available on K2 devices and on the local GV STRATUS
PC. You can right-click on the Used report to explore storage levels further.
The Channel Status tab displays channel state and usage information. You can customize the display
of list items, similar to Asset List items, with features such as sort, lter, and add/remove columns.
You can launch the Dashboard tool in the GV STRATUS application and in the GV STRATUS
Control Panel from the Navigator panel under the Monitors node.
2014 02 21GV STRATUS User Manual23
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
24GV STRATUS User Manual2014 02 21
Previewing a live streaming video
You can preview live video input of K2 Summit channels.
1. Click the Live Streaming Video buttonon a Channel Panel, Playlist Editor, Source Viewer, or
Scheduler tool.
The live streaming video is displayed as follows:
•If a Playlist Editor or Channel Panel, the video is displayed in the K2 channel.
•If a Source Viewer or Scheduler tool, the video is displayed in Source Viewer.
2. Click the Live Streaming Audio buttonto isolate the selected audio for a live video stream.
When enabled, audio from all other live video streams is automatically muted.
The Live Streaming Audio buttonis disabled by default when the channel rst opens.
Related Topics
Using the Audio Overlay on page 166
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
2014 02 21GV STRATUS User Manual25
Overview of the GV STRATUS application
26GV STRATUS User Manual2014 02 21
Quick Start Screencasts
Creating a Channel Panel workspace
You can view a video screencast of this Quick Start at the following: