Details of installation
Wires c ollecti on
If the volu me of pow er wiv es are less than dia meter of ma in bar (2-1 )
tha t please put t his power wi res in side t he mai n bar direct ly. But i f the
volume is greater t han the diam ete r, ple ase take a par t back orm anent
boa rd (2-4 and 2-5 ) and positionin g button (2- 6) from mai n bar (2-
1)as figure 8. And the n stay the powe r cord into the mai n bar (2-1),
fig ure 9 Finally, re -in stall the back ornam ent b oar d (2- 4) from t he
other e nd, and the n in sta ll p osi tioni ng butt on (2-6 ) an d back orna men t
boa rd (2-5), figu re 10 .
figur e 8 figur e 9 figur e 10
Heigh t adjustm ent
Adj ust the main ba r (2-1 ) to req uir ed h eig ht a fter taking apar t the front
ornament boar d ( 2-3 ) and looseni ng the fron t p osi tioni ng scr ew. And
the n, re- ins tall th e fr ont pos ition ing scr ew a nd t he fron t ornam ent
boa rd ( 2-3 ), figu re 11. (T he height of GPCN- D20 0 can not be
adj usted )
Installation of main bar
1.First ly, please confirm how ma ny insta llat ion hole s the projector has?
3 or 4
2.If the re are 3 h oles, the ins tallation ar ms (4-3) need to b e taken a part
from In stallation bracket firstl y. Connect 3 installat ion arm s(4-3) to t he
project or, and the n connect t he installati on arms (4- 3) to t he installati on
base (4-6 ) However,the i nstallation b ase needs t o be the center of
project or. Figure 14.
3.Conne ct the installat ion arms to the pro jector c onversely if the
dis tance of ins tallati on holes is less t han 120mm. C onnect t he
install ation arms (4 -3) t o the install ation base (4-6) v ia sl iding
install atio n button (4 -5) as figure 15
4.Rotat e the adjustabl e screw (4-4) for a djusting the he ight of instlla tion
arms (4-3 ) if the installa tion holes are no t at the same level a s figure 16 .
5.The f ront or back of adjuster must be parallel to the su rface o f
project or as figure 17.
figur e 14
Scope of
adjustment: 10mm
figur e 15 figur e 16
Instruction Manual
Projector Ceiling Mount
Applicable Model
Please read before using
Thank you for purchasin g our
products. Please read t he
instructi on manual care fully
in order to ensure this
projector lift is suita ble for
your proj ection equipme nt.
figur e 11
Angle a djustme nt
1.L oosen the pos iti oning s crews ( front a nd back ) for adj usting the
angle, a nd then rotate the screwdriv er for f ine turn ing to the requ ired
angle as fig ure 1 2.
2.L oosen the p ositioni ng screws (l eft and r ight) f or adjusti ng the an gle ,
and the n rot ate the s crewdriv er for fi ne turning t o the req uir ed angle as
fig ure 13.
figur e 12 figur e 13
The angle of
vertical tilt:±15°
The nagle of
horizontal tilt:±5°
The front or back of
adjuster must be
parallel to the surface
of projector
Grandview Crystal
Screen Canada Ltd.
#11- 3751 N orth Fra ser Way,
Marin e Way Business Cen tre,
Burna by, BC, Cana da V5J 5G 4
Tel: 1-604- 412-9 777
Fax: 1- 604-4 12-9796
Websi te: www.gr andvi ewscre en.ca
figur e 17
Guangzhou Grandview
Crystal Screen Co., Ltd.
P.O. 511400 Fede ral Ind. Zone No. 3 63,
Yushan Wes t Road,Shiqia o, Pany u
Distr ict, Gu angzhou, Guan gdong, China
Tel: +8620- 8489- 9499
Fax: +8 620-8 480-3343
Websi te: www.gr andvi ewscre en.co m
Do not
take apart
For safety , the minim um of ceili ng must be 10KGweight
The maximu m weight of installati on bracket is 10Kg
Pleas e do not incline the projec tor the ext remely.
Please do not take apart the accessories of projector
ceiling mount.

Three steps of installation
GPCN-D is combined by GPCN and GPD
GPCN Main Bar Overview
1-1 Top Cap
1-2 Fixation
1-3 Sliding Adjusting Hole
2-1 Main Bar
2-2 Subsidiary Bar
2-3 Front Ornament Board
2-4 Back Ornament Board of Main Bar
2-5 Back Ornament Board of Subsidiary Bar
2-6 Moving Button
GPD Adjustment Overview
3-1 Adjuster
3-2 Hanging Button
3-3 Horizontal Adjusting
4-1 Installation Bracket
4-2 Vertical Adjusting Hole
4-3 Installation Arm
4-4 Adjustable Screw
4-5 Sliding Installation
4-6 Installation Base
Acces sories :
① M6x25 T apping S crew (4s ets)
② 6x50 Wo od Screw ( 4pcs)
③ M5x8 Ph ilips Sc rew (2pc s)
④ M5x16 P hilips S crew (6p cs)
⑤ M5x8 Ph ilips Sc rew (4pc s)
⑥ M4x8 Ph ilips Sc rew (4pc s)
⑦ M3x8 Ph ilips Sc rew (4pc s)
Scope f or installati on (H is the distan ce between ceiling and projector)
The H of GPCN-D200 is 200mm
The H of GPCN-D3040 is 300mm~400mm
The H of GPCN-D4060 is 400mm~600mm
GPC N-D20 0 GPC N-D30 40 GPC N-D40 60
Three steps of installation
Install the fixation on the ceil ing (screws of accesso ry ①or ⑧)as
fig ure 1 , a nd the fix ati on also can be installe d on the ceil ing whic h
angle is les s t han 15°as figure 2. G PCN-D can be inst all ed to the
con crete-roof w ith c eiling or wi tho ut ceiling , suc h as figure 3.
Connect the GPCN Main Bar Over view to the fix ation (sc rew s of
acc essor y ④ ). Sto re t he p owe r wi re, and then fast en t he f ron t and
bac k screws of main bar. Final ly, i nst all the o rna ment board of
main bar as fi gur e 4 and figure 5 .
Insta ll on
the fla t
figur e 4
figur e 5
ceili ng
Insta ll on
the cei ling
which a ngle
is less t han
Conne ct
main ba r
and adj uster
(scre ws of
acces sory ④)
Hang the installat ion bracket ( projecte r has been inst alled ) t o the
adj uster as f igure 6. A nd the n pu t in th e sc rews ( acc essory ③) .but
do not fasten.Pul l the t op cup to the main bar , a nd then invagin ate
the s pring a s fig ure 7
Scope f or installati on (Installation hole of projector):
Maxim um scope for installation:360mm diameter
Minim um scope for installation:50mm diameter
Note: C onnect th e installati on arms to the pro jector conve rsely for diff erent instal lation
holes o f project or.
Maxim um diame ter: 360 mm Minimum dia meter: 5 0mm
figur e 1
figur e 2
figur e 3
figur e 6
figur e 7