Grandview GPCM-B User Manual

A. Please install GPC support bar assembly on the ceiling
Fix the bas e o n the cei ling or con crete
1. (pl ease e nsu re that th e lo ad is 40kg at l east). Fig ure 7
Ope n the b ack orna men t boa rd b, an d lo osen the s crews of s ubsidia ry arm Ple ase adjust the subs idi ary armt o y our des ired positio n (t his fun ction is on ly f or B20 0B30 0), and then faste n t he screws again. Please hide the po wer line in to t he g ap and clos e the b ack o rna ment boa rd b . Fig ure 9 and Figure 10.
Please connect the GPC support bar
assembly and GPM projector fixation
Acc ordin g to fig ure 10 and figu re 11, plea se
adj ust the g roove of ha lf- cycle junction to be con siste nt with the dir ect ion of t he project or. Th e pos iti oni ng ba r of G PC ha lf -cy cle jun ction mus t be ali gn to the g roo ve o f GPC pro jecto r fix ati on, and the n cir cum rot ate for fas tenin g. Finally, conn ect GPC half -cycle jun ction⑤
wit h two M4x 5 pre ssing scre ws.
Ple ase e nsure whe ther the GPC proje cto r
fix ation i s fas tened.
Connecti on of p ower cord to p roj ector.
Install th e bac k ornament b oar d.
and GPC pr ojector f ixa tion u sin g
M6-M8 Expanding Screw or Tapping Screw
Figur e 7 Figur e 8
Figur e 9
Figur e 10
Projector Lift GPCM-B
Appli cable Model:GPCM-B Se ries
Thank y ou for pur chasing our products. Pl e ase re a d t h e i n st r uc t ion ma n ual carefully i n orde r to ens ure this projector lift is suitable f or your projection e quipment.
This projec tor lift must be installed for the bottom of proj ector (bottom area: length is 280mm; widt h is 255mm).
(Figure: sui table area for pr ojector lift)
Instruction Manual
C. Adjust your desired angle.
Loose n t he screw s of GPC su pport ba r
as sem bl y⑥
pro jecto r to your desired posi tio n and fasten it. F igure 1 2
2. T he dir ect ion of pr ojector can be ad jus ted by for ward 30° an d backward 3 °. Left a nd right adj ustme nt is 3 °. Figure 13 .
vi a th e sp ann ed ; ad jus t t he
Grandview Crystal Screen Canada Ltd.
#11- 3751 N orth Fra ser Way, Marin e Way Business Cen tre, Burna by, BC, Cana da V5J 5G 4 Tel: 1-604-412-9 777 Fax: 1-604- 412-9796 Websi te: andvi ewscre
Figur e 11
Figur e 12 Figur e 13
Guangzhou Grandview Crystal Screen Co., Ltd.
P.O. 511400 Fede ral Ind. Zone No. 3 63, Yushan We st Road , Shiqiao, Pan yu District, Gu angzhou, Guan gdong, China Tel: +8620-8489- 9499 Fax: +8620 -8480-3343 Websi te: andvi ewscre m
This in struction man ual is written fo r dealers and technicians.
The customer must employ the technicians for installation. Please process the const ruction follo wing this instr uction manual to avoid injury caused by accidents.
For safety, the minimum load of ceiling must be 40KG
Pleas e do not incline the proje ctor the extremely.
Do not take apart
Pleas e do not take apart the accessories of projector lift.
Diagram for applicable projector area
This projector lift must be installed on the bottom of projector (length 240mm; width 255mm). Figure 1. Note: there is a spot of insatllation , figure 2.
Figure 1
10x30mm spot of insa tllation
Figure 2
Components and Accessories
GPCM-B is combined by GPC and GPM .
Spe cific ati ons
Adjust distance
for each grid
Specifications for
Multifunctional Arm
The length of
main arm
The length of
subsidiary arm a
Loa d
Optional Accessories( )Support Bar、Multifunctional Arm
Pro duct Na me
The le ngth of s uppor t bar
Spec ifica tion fo r Multi funct ional A rm
⑧ ⑧a
① ② ③ ③a ③b ④ ④a ⑤ ⑤a ⑤b ⑥
Min 280mm
Max 360mm
30x 295
25k g
Max 360mm Min 280mm
Top V iew
Bot tom Vie w
Fro nt View
Unit (mm)
Unit (mm)
Spe cific ation s
400 /600/ 800
30x 355
1. Assembly
The main bar and the subsidiary bar are fixed together from factory. And the posit ioning bar is installed on half-cycle junction⑤ b. Before installation, pleas e put the half-cycle junction⑤ on subsidiary bar④. Please put the glider ⑤ b on the half-cycle junction⑤, and then fasten the screw.
2. Adjustment
Loosen the screens of main bar③ and subsidiary bar④ . The distance between proje ctor and ceiling can be adjusted according to the distance of install holes betwe en main bar③ and subsidiary bar④ . Please refer to H in specification table . (Note: GPCM-B100 is no subsidiary bar and no stretch function).
1. If need, please loosen the screws on the main arm and subsi diary arma to exte nd the arms.
2. Please follow figure 4 or figure 5 to install the multifunctional ar m, b ec au se of d iffe rent p roje ctor s. In ad diti on, th e multi functional ar m can be invisibl e from the projector.
3. Put the main fixation on projector at the central gravity. Make sure th e two holes on the main fixation locate at the both side.
4. Before connecting GPC main bar③, plea se fasten the screws of main arm and subsidiary arma.
Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6
Figure 3
Parts : ① Base (1pc) ② Ornament Cover (1pc) ③ Main Bar (1pc) ③a Front Ornament Board ③b Back Or nament Board ④ Subsi diary Bar(1pc )
Acces sories M4x10 P ressin g Screw (4 pcs) M4x5 Pr essing S crew (2p cs) M3x10 C ross Mac hine Scr ew(4pc s) M4x10 C ross Mac hine Scr ew(4pc s) M5x10 C ross Mac hine Scr ew(8pc s) M5x30 C ross Mac hine Scr ew(4pc s)
④a Ornament board for subsidiary bar ⑤ Half-Cycle Junction (1pc) ⑤a Posit ioning Screw (2pcs) ⑤b Glide r (1pc) ⑥ Main Screw (1pc)
M3x20 C ross Mac hine Scr ew(4pc s) M4x20 C ross Mac hine Scr ew(4pc s) M5x20 C ross Mac hine Scr ew(4pc s) M3x30 C ross Mac hine Scr ew(4pc s) M4x30 C ross Mac hine Scr ew(4pc s) M6 Drop I n Anchor s(3 sets )
⑦ Main Fixation (1pc) ⑧ Main Arm (4pcs) ⑧a Subsi diary Arm (4pcs ) ⑨ Multi functional Arm (2pcs) ⑨a Ornament board for Multifunctional Arm(4pcs)
16x10 R ubber In sert(4 pcs) 16x20 R ubber In sert(2 pcs) Washe r(4pcs ) Sprin g Washer Spann er (1pc)
(4pcs )
Three steps for installation
A. Pl ease install GPC suppo rt bar assembly on the ceiling
B. Pl ease connect the GPC support bar assembly and GPM projector fixation
C. Ad just your d esired angle.