Manzel® MHH
Modular Divider Valves
Modular, Series-Progressive,
Divider Valve Delivers
Positive Oil Lubrication for
Gas Engines, Compressors
and Similar Equipment at
Pressures up to 6000 PSI
and 7500 PSI
Available Electronic Only
MHH valves
are a direct
replacement for
MHP valves. *
*MHP part numbers will automatically be superseded by the Graco GEDI order entry system.

L10103MHH Modular Divider Valves
MHH divider valves precisely proportion a volume of oil to satisfy
the different requirements of every point in a lube system. They
operate in sequential fashion to ensure that no point is missed.
Series-Progressive design provides ready monitoring capability.
MHH divider valves are available for use with petroleum or
synthetic oils and at pressures up to 7500 PSI. The modular,
stackable sub-plate design provides maximum application
flexibility. Accessory components are available for visual
diagnostics and electrical monitoring.
• Use in terminating oil systems at pressures up to 7500
PSI (517 bar)
• Lubricate up to 16 points from one divider valve
• Soft-seal O-ring construction and indicator ports
minimize leakage and reduce maintenance.
• Built-in check valves prevent lube back flow and help
keep lube lines full.
• Stackable sub-plate design simplifies build-up,
installation and maintenance.
Each MHH divider valve assembly incorporates from three to
eight working piston sections (1), associated sub-plate sections
which include the outlet distribution ports (2), an inlet section
(3), and an end section (4).
“Twin” sections are ported to provide separate outputs from
each end of a working piston and direct them to two lube points.
“Single” sections are ported to combine the outputs from each
end of a working piston and direct it to one lube point.
Cross port plates (5) may be installed between working piston
sections and sub-plate sections to combine the outputs of
successive working piston sections. (Cross port plates must
not be installed beneath bottom working sections.) Singling
plates (6) may be installed to combine the outputs from both
ends of a working piston in any "Twin" section. Bypass sections
(not shown) may be used in place of working piston sections to
eliminate inactive lube lines without disturbing active lube lines,
or to provide for future system expansion. (Divider assembly
must contain at least three working sections in addition to
bypass section.)
• Ample clearance between outlet connections for
elbows and 3/8" lube lines.
• Performance indicators, cycle indicators and proximity
switches monitor divider valve action to simplify
troubleshooting and repair.
• Choice of SAE or NPSF inlet and outlet connections
• Choice of 70 Durometer Buna-N or 90 Durometer
fluoroelastomer O-rings.
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MHP valves have been
superseded by MHH valves
Output Volume
Key Size Description
1 6T .006 Twin 0.006 0.098 562667 106-000-085 562685 106-000-595
6S .006 Single 0.012 0.197 562661 106-000-025 562679 106-000-465
9T .009 Twin 0.009 0.149 562668 106-000-095 562686 106-000-605
9S .009 Single 0.018 0.295 562662 106-000-035 562680 106-000-475
12T .012 Twin 0.012 0.197 562669 106-000-105 562687 106-000-615
12S .012 Single 0.024 0.393 562663 106-000-045 562681 106-000-485
18T .018 Twin 0.018 0.295 562670 106-000-115 562688 106-000-625 562676 106-000-235
18S .018 Single 0.036 0.590 562664 106-000-055 562682 106-000-495 562674 106-000-205
24T .024 Twin 0.024 0.393 562671 106-000-125 562689 106-000-635 562677 106-000-245
24S .024 Single 0.048 0.787 562665 106-000-065 562683 106-000-505 564252 106-000-215
30T .030 Twin 0.030 0.492 562672 106-000-135 562690 106-000-645 562678 106-000-255
30S .030 Single 0.060 0.983 562666 106-000-075 562684 106-000-515 562675 106-000-225
– Bypass 562660 106-000-010
in3 cm3 Part No. Old Part No. Part No. Old Part No. Part No. Old Part No.
shown at right
MHH (High Pressure
90 Durometer O-Rings)
w/Cycle Pin *+
Right Hand Side
Part No. Old Part No. Part No. Old Part No.
Key Description
2 Intermediate Sub-plate* 563425 – 563451 527-003-550
3 Inlet w/Bleed 563421 – 563422 527-000-325
4 End Section* 563424 –
5 Cross port plate - Right+# 563469 527-005-320
Cross port plate - Left+# 563470 527-005-330
Cross port plate - Both+# 563471 527-005-340
6 Singling Plate+# 563472 527-005-350
1/8-27 NPSF 7/16-20 SAE
1/4-18 NPSF
* Part numbers include standard Buna-N
70 Durometer seals for 6000 PSI
maximum system pressure. Consult
Graco for fluoroelastomer 90 Durometer
(7500 PSI) seals.
Working piston sections are also
available with cycle indicators mounted
on the left-hand side, but limit maximum
operating pressure to 3500 psi.
When requested, cross porting and
Key Description Part No. Old Part No.
7 Tie Rod (3 req'd)
3 Section 557731 527-001-930
4 Section 557732 527-001-940
5 Section 557733 527-001-950
6 Section 557734 527-001-960
7 Section 557735 527-001-970
8 Section 557736 527-001-980
8 Tie Rod Nut Only 556371 410-440-010
9 Valve Block Mounting Screw 556513 419-140-070
10 Piston Enclosure Plug 557716 527-000-232
11 Piston Enclosure O-Ring, 70 Buna-N 556568 422-210-040
Piston Enclosure O-Ring, 90 fluoroelastomer 556570 422-240-040
12 Indicator Port Plug 557776 527-300-840
13 Indicator Port O-Ring, 70 Buna-N 556567 422-210-030
Indicator Port O-Ring, 90 fluoroelastomer 556569 422-240-030
14 70 Duro, Buna-N O-Ring 556540 422-010-060
90 Duro, fluoroelastomer O-Ring 122276 –
15 Valve Block Mounting Screw for use w/cross port and
Singling Plates
556514 419-140-080
singling can be accomplished by using
appropriate plates.
+ Part numbers include appropriate
mounting screws.
# Part numbers include 90 Durometer
fluoroelastomer seals for 7500 PSI
maximum system pressure.
L10103MHH Modular Divider Valves
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