Gossen BD 232, SI 232-II User Manual

Operating Instructions
SI 232-II, BD 232 Interface Adapter with METRAwin 10 / METRA Software
for Measuring and Recording Systems with Multimeters
Contents Page
2 System Requirements .............................................................................................. 3
3 Multimeter, Adapter and METRAwin 10 Operating Modes ....................................... 4
3.1 General Information ............................................................................................ 4
3.2 Saving Measurement Data to Memory in the Multimeter ..................................... 4
3.3 Reading Out the Multimeter’s Memory ................................................................ 4
3.4 Configuring Multimeter Parameters ..................................................................... 5
3.5 Receiving Live Measurement Data from the DMM ............................................... 5
3.6 Saving Measurement Data to the SI232/-II Memory Adapter ............................... 6
3.7 Reading Out Measurement Data from the SI232/-II Memory Adapter and
Configuring Adapter Parameters ......................................................................... 6
4 Adapter Connection and Initial Start-Up .................................................................. 7
4.1 Connecting the Adapter ...................................................................................... 7
4.2 Initial Start-Up - SI232-II Memory Adapter ........................................................... 7
4.3 Initial Start-Up – BD232 Interface Adapter ........................................................... 8
5 Operating Elements, Switching the Adapter ON and OFF, Replacing the Batteries ..... 9
5.1 Keypad, Interface ................................................................................................ 9
5.2 Display .............................................................................................................. 10
5.3 Switching the Memory Adapter ON and OFF .................................................... 11
5.4 Replacing the Batteries ..................................................................................... 11
6.1 Menu Driven Operation ..................................................................................... 12
6.2 Adapter Shortcut Functions .............................................................................. 12
6.3 Shortcuts at the Multimeter ............................................................................... 13
6.4 Menus Overview .............................................................................................. 14
7 Menu Item Descriptions ......................................................................................... 15
7.1 Set Sampling Rate – rAtE .................................................................................. 15
7.2 Set Hysteresis – HYSt ....................................................................................... 15
7.3 Trigger Settings – triG ....................................................................................... 16
7.4 Recording: Duration and Type – durA, CYCLE .................................................. 18
7.5 Internal Time – timE .......................................................................................... 18
7.6 Select Address and Modem Option – Addr, ModEM ......................................... 18
7.7 Set Transmission Speed – bAud-ou, bAud-in ................................................... 19
7.8 Start / Interrupt / Stop Data Recording – StorE, LAbEL ..................................... 19
7.9 View Data at the Adapter – reCAll ..................................................................... 20
7.10 Reading Out Data from the Adapter at the PC / Parameter Configurations – PC 22
7.11 Live Measurement Data Transmission from the Multimeter to the PC – onlinE ... 22
7.12 Clear the Memory – CLEAr ............................................................................... 22
7.13 Query General Information – inFo ...................................................................... 22
8 METRAwin 10 ......................................................................................................... 24
8.1 Installing METRAwin 10 .................................................................................... 24
8.2 Program Documentation / Online Help .............................................................. 24
8.3 Starting METRAwin 10 ...................................................................................... 24
9 Memory Adapter Technical Data ............................................................................ 25
10 Repair and Replacement Parts Service
DKD Calibration Lab and Rental Instrument Service .............................................. 27
11 Product Support ..................................................................................................... 27

1 Introduction

Interface Adapter
Whereas interface adapter BD232 allows for online transmission of measured values from multimeter to PC, memory adapter SI232/-II is additionally capable of saving multimeter data on-site without a PC. The values thus stored to memory can subsequently be transmitted to a PC.
PC-Analysis Software
METRAwin 10 is a high-performance analysis software for use with WINDOWS. It allows for user-friendly recording, storing, display and documentation of measurement data from up to 10 multimeters. Data display is possible in multimeter, recorder or data logger format. Measurement data are saved in ASCII format for further processing. The required operating language can be selected for the software. Upon request we can supply you with an interface description for our multimeters to enable programming of your own Windows applications. If you would like to use our multimeters together with LabView software from National Instru­ments, the corresponding driver is available from our product support team, see chapter 11.

2 System Requirements as from software version 5.0 (32 Bit)

– MS WINDOWS 95/98/ME, NT or 2000
– IBM compatible WINDOWS PC, Pentium-CPU or better with 32 MB RAM – VGA monitor – Hard disk with at least 20 MB available memory – 3½“ floppy disk drive – MICROSOFT compatible mouse – a WINDOWS supported printer, if required – 1 serial interface COM1 or COM2

3 Multimeter, Adapter and METRAwin 10 Operating Modes

3.1 General Information

• The address for the adapter and its corresponding multimeter must be identical.
• The baud rates for the adapter and the multimeter must also be the same.
• The multimeter’s sampling rate should be faster than the speed at which data are
requested by the memory adapter or METRAwin 10 software.

3.2 Saving Measurement Data to Memory in the Multimeter

– for METRAHit 22M, 26M and 29S only
METRAHit, 22M, 26M or 29S only
store rate: send off
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function

3.3 Reading Out the Multimeter’s Memory

– for METRAHit 22M, 26M and 29S only, with SI232-II or BD232
Adr: 1 Bd-PC: 9600
Bd-MM: 8192 Mode: pc
METRAHit, 22M, 26M or 29S only
Adr: 1 Adapter: SI232 * store/online rate: send off
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
METRAwin 10
Set/Device type ..., Set/Channels ... File/Read memory
Adr: 2 Bd-PC 9600 fixed
METRAHit 22M, 26M, 29S only
Adr: 2 Adapter: BD232
rate: send off
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
Up to 10 devices simultaneously
- when reading out memory,
Up to 4 devices simultaneously
- for live data transmission
* online only with METRAHit 28S or 29S, otherwise select store.

3.4 Configuring Multimeter Parameters

– for all METRAHit 2x with SI232-II or BD232
Adr: 1 Bd-PC: 9600
Bd-MM: 8192 Mode: pc
METRAHit 2x only
Adr: 1 Adapter: SI232 * store/online rate: send off
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
Adr: 2 Bd-PC 9600 fixed
METRAHit 2x only
Adr: 2 Adapter: BD232
rate: send off
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
METRAwin 10
Set/Device type..., Set/Channels ...
* online only with METRAHit 28S or 29S, otherwise select store.

3.5 Receiving Live Measurement Data from the DMM

– via adapter, but without saving to memory in the adapter
Adr: 1 Bd-PC: 9600 Bd-MM: 8192 Mode: on(line)
Adr: 2 Bd-PC: 9600 Bd-MM: 8192 Mode: on(line)
Adr: 1 Bd-PC: 9600 Bd-MM: 8192 Mode: pc
BD232/ RS232
Adr: 1 Bd-PC 9600 fixed
METRAHit 1x, 2x
Adr: 1 Adapt.: SI232 * store/online rate: send on
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
max. 4 at once
METRAwin 10
Set/Device type..., Set/Channels ..., File/Start measurement
* online only with METRAHit 28S or 29S, otherwise set to store.
METRAHit 1x, 2x
Adr: 2 Adapt.: SI232 * store/online rate: send on
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
METRAHit 2x only
Adr: 1 Adapt.: SI232 * store/online rate: send off
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
METRAHit 2x only
Adr: 1 Adapter: BD/RS
rate: send off
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
SI and BD adapters can be mixed when using any METRAHit 2x. However, only SI adapters may be utilized if METRAHit 1x/2x are used in combination. If more than 4 adapters are used, set the baud rate to 19.2 kBd, or to 9.6 kBd for fewer than 4 adapters.

3.6 Saving Measurement Data to the SI232/-II Memory Adapter

The memory adapter can be used with all multimeter versions.
Adr: 1 Baud: 9600 Mode: store
METRAHit 1x, 2x
Adr: 1 Adapter: SI232 store rate: send on
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
Adr: 2 Bd-PC: 9600 Bd-MM: 8192 Mode: store
METRAHit 1x, 2x
Adr: 2 Adapter: SI232 * store/online rate: send on
Rotary Switch: set to measuring function
* online only with METRAHit 28S or 29S und SI232-II, otherwise select store.
Exception: Power and mains disturbance measurements (VAC + dropouts + peaks) with the 29Smultimeter can only be saved to internal multimeter memory. Note: It is advisable to synchronize the clocks at the multimeter and the adapter before starting memory mode operation.

3.7 Reading Out Measurement Data from the SI232/-II/-II Memory Adapter and Configuring Adapter Parameters

Adr: 1
Baud: 9600 Mode: pc
METRAHit 1x, 2x
Settings have no significance.
Adr: 2 Baud: 9600 Mode: pc
METRAHit 1x, 2x
Settings have no significance.
METRAwin 10
Set/Device type ..., Set/Channels ... File/Read memory

4 Adapter Connection and Initial Start-Up

4.1 Connecting the Adapter

The screw connections between the stacked adapters serve exclusively to secure the connections at the serial interface plug connectors. Disconnect each individual adapter prior to transport in order to prevent them from being damaged.
Connect the 9-pin subminiature socket at the connector cable to a vacant COM port at
the PC.
Plug the other end of the cable into the left side of the first adapter. Plug additional
memory adapters into the right side.
Secure the plug connections between the individual memory adapters by tightening the
Plug the multimeters into the adapters.
The memory adapter’s housing is made from electrically conductive plastic. It may
not be allowed to come into contact with voltage conducting components.

4.2 Initial Start-Up - SI232-II Memory Adapter

Before data can be transmitted to the PC, an individual address must be selected for each memory adapter, and the memory adapter must be set to transmission mode operation (PC or online) (see memory adapter operating instructions). If several memory adapters are used, the same transmission speed must be selected for all devices. If more than 4 memory adapters are used in the online mode, a transmission speed of 19,200 baud must be selected in order to assure interference-free data transfer.
Set the required multimeters to data transmission before performing measurement by
simultaneously pressing the DATA key and the ON key.
Check the addresses for the interconnected memory adapters.Start the PC and METRAwin 10 software.
All interconnected memory adapters are addressed via the serial port and a connection with the PC is established automatically (see PC function, chapter 6.2, page 12 and chapter 7.10, page 22).
Activate “Adapter” under menu item “Set/Channels” in the “Interface” field and select the
appropriate port and transmission speed for your system.
Check data transmission to the PC by clicking the “Test” button under menu item “Set/
The memory adapters can be addressed and configured individually under menu item
“Set/Memory adapter”, and the clock and transmission speed can be selected.
In order to perform a measurement, click “Operating mode: ONLINE” under menu item
“Set/Memory adapter”. All memory adapters connected to the interface are placed online and can be queried with their respective addresses.
Save the selected configuration under menu item “Set/Save configuration”.
This command saves all configurations which have been selected in the “Set” menu. Measurements can then be performed with the selected configuration.
After selecting the “File/Measure” menu item, the recorded measurement values are
transmitted to the PC and are displayed at the monitor in accordance with the display mode selected in the “Set” menu.
4.3 Initial Start-Up – BD232 Interface Adapter
Set the multimeter to the data transmission mode before performing measurement by
simultaneously pressing the DATA key and the ON key.
Start the PC and METRAwin 10 software.
A connection to the PC is established automatically and the LEDs at the interface adapter indicate that data transmission is in process.
Figure 4.1 Memory Adapter Operating Elements
1 RS232 Interface
The RS232 data interface connects the adapters to one another, and to the PC.
The LEDs indicate data transmission status. The red LED blinks when data are transmit­ted to the PC, and the green LED blinks when data is transferred from the PC to the mul­timeter.
3 Connection between two adapters with fastening screws
Please note that chapter 5 and chapter 6 do not apply to this interface adapter because it does not include any operating elements.

5 Operating Elements, Switching the Adapter ON and OFF, Replacing the Batteries

5.1 Keypad, Interface

1 3
21.978 mA
Figure 4.2 Memory Adapter Operating Elements
Displays the respective menu item during manual operation of the memory adapter.
2 Connection between two adapters with fastening screws
3 RS232 Interface
The RS232 data interface connects the adapters to one another, and to the PC.
4ESC Key
The ESC key is used to exit the current menu level and return to the next highest level.
Turns the adapter on and off and acknowledges the selected menu item.
6Scroll UP Key
This key is used to select individual menu items by scrolling up, and to increase values.
7Scroll DOWN Key
This key is used to select individual menu items by scrolling down, and to decrease values.
Various functions can be selected with hot-key combinations (chapter 6.2, page 12 “Adapter Shortcut Functions”).
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