GoPro RMMW2 User Manual

Smart Remote
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/ The Basics
Status Light
Remote St atus Display
Shutter/Select Button
Power/Mode Button
Wrist Strap
Settings/Tag Button
Charging Port/ Attachment Key Slot
Attachment Key Attachment Ring USB
Charging Cable
/ Wearing the Smart Remote
The at tachment strap s ecures the remote to your wrist, backpac k straps, ski pol es, bike frames and more.
To Attach the Remote to th e Strap:
Step 1
Thread the st rap throug h the slots on the b ack of the remote.
Step 2
Position the remote along the strap as shown.
The at tachment key and ring sec ure the remote to your la nyards, straps , car key s, zippers a nd more.
To Attach the Remote Using the Key and Ring:
Step 1
Slide and hold the latch lever in the direction of the arrow (A), then pull the key out of t he remote (B).
Step 2
Attach the ring to your lanya rd, straps, etc.
Step 3
Push the attachment key into the key slot until it clicks.
/ Getting Started
The Sm art Remote lets you power your GoPro on/off, start/stop recor ding and ch ange camera settings. T he display, status light, Power/Mode button
], Shutter/Select button [ ] and Settings/Tag button* [ ] behave
[ in the same way a s those on your camer a.
The Sm art Remote i s waterpr oof to 32’ (10m). Howeve r, wirel ess conne ctivit y does not w ork under w ater, so the remote a nd camer as do not rem ain conne cted if su bmerged .
* The Settings/Tag button i s available o nly on HERO4 cameras.
We recommend c harging your Smart Remote for o ne hour before using it t he first time. No damag e occurs if it is used before being f ully charge d. You can use th e remote while it is charging.
The status display sho ws the remote’s batter y level while t he remote i s powering on or charging.
Note: When the r emote is search ing for a camera, th e battery d rains faster. If you ar e not using the rem ote during ch arging, be sur e to turn it off to conse rve batter y power.
To Charge the Remote:
Step 1
Slide and hold the latch lever in the direction of the arrow (A), then pull the key out of t he remote (B).
Step 2
Plug the charging ca ble into the charging slot until it click s.
Step 3
Connect the other end of the cable to a comp uter or other US B power source.
Note: Be sure th at the compute r is connecte d to a power source. If the remote status display does not indic ate that the remote i s charging, use a differen t USB port.
The ch arging icon on the remote status displ ay shows a ful l battery when charging is complete.
To Power On the Remote: Press the Power/Mode butto n [
To Power Off the Remote and Connected Cameras: Press and hol d the Power/Mode button [
Note: If the cam eras are recor ding, this ac tion powers off o nly the remote. The ca meras continu e recording.
] for two secon ds.
PRO TIP: You can power off the remote and leave the camera powe red on. This o ption is usef ul if you want to s witch from the remote t o the GoPro App to control your c amera. To use this option, press and hold the Power/Mode button [
] and th e Settings/Tag button [ ] togeth er for two sec onds.
The information that appea rs on your Smart Remote status display depe nds on whether you ar e connect ed to multiple c ameras.
Smart Remote Connected to One C amera: Remote s creen displays th e same infor mation as the GoPro c amera status screen. Avai lable modes are the same a s those on the camer a.
Smart Remote Connected to Multiple Cameras: Remote s creen displays th e number of ca meras connected, the re cording mode and the battery status of the re mote.
When t he remote is connec ted to multiple camer as, these modes are available:
Default Startup Modes
Sets a ll camera s to their default power-up modes
Video Sets a ll camera s to Video mod e
Photo Sets all ca meras to Photo mode
Burst Set s all cameras to Burst mode
Time Lapse Sets all c ameras to Time Lap se mode
When s oware updates ar e available for the re mote, you are automatically notified when you conn ect the remote to a cam era. Follow t he on-scre en instructions to install the update.
/ Pairing the Remote and Your GoPro
You can pair the Sma rt Remote wit h any wireless-enabled G oPro camer a. The re mote can control your c amera from u p to 600 ’ (180 m) away in optimal conditions . You can co ntrol up to 50 GoP ros at a time wit h the remote. Your came ra recognizes only one remote at a time.
The di stance from whic h you can control your c amera with t he remote varies and depend s on factor s such as terr ain, weath er, obstr uctions a nd electromagnetic interference.
To Pair Your Remote and Your HERO4:
1. Ensur e that both camera an d remote are powered off.
2. On your came ra, complete these s teps: a. Press the Power/Mode but ton [
] to power on your camera .
b. Press the Power/Mode but ton [ ] to cycle to Setup mode, a nd
then press the Shutter/Select but ton [
] to sele ct it.
c. Press the Power/Mode button [ ] to cycle to Wireless, and then
press the Shutter/Select button [
] to sele ct it.
d. Press the Power/Mode but ton [ ] to cyc le to WiFi RC (or RC &
App), an d then press t he Shutter/Select button [ If the camera w as never pair ed with a remote or the GoP ro App, it automatic ally begi ns pairing . Otherw ise, cycle to New (or New RC) and se lect it to beg in pairing .
3. On the remote, complete these steps: a. Power on the re mote. If the remote was ne ver paired with a
] to sele ct it.
came ra, it automatically begi ns pairing . Otherwise, press and hold th e Settings/Tag button for four second s to begin pairing. A chec ked box [
] appea rs on both scr eens once the devi ces
are paired.
b. To conne ct additional ca meras, press the Shutter/Select button
] to select Yes, and then repeat the p airing process.
c. When yo u are finishe d, press th e Power/Mode butto n [ ] to cycle
to No, and then press the Shutter/Select button [
] to sele ct it.
PRO TIP: Aer pairing your HER O4, you can press an d hold the Settings/ Tag button [
] on your camera for two se conds to tur n on Wireles s while
the ca mera is powered off. This method co nserves your camera’s bat tery power and is useful if you want to control your HERO4 with the remote or the GoPro A pp. The Settings/Tag button [
] opens t he Wireless option (RC,
App, Network) that you used most rece ntly.
To Pair Your Remote and Your HERO3+ or HERO3:
1. Ensur e that both camera an d remote are powered off.
2. On your came ra, complete these s teps: a. Press the Power/Mode but ton [
] to power on your camera .
b. Press the Wi-Fi On/Off button [ ] twi ce to turn on Wi-Fi and
access the Wi -Fi menu.
c. Press the Shutter/Select button [
] to open the Wi-Fi m enu [ ].
d. Use the Power/Mode button [ ] to cycle to Wi-F i RC, and the n
press the Shutter/Select button [
e. Use the Power/Mode button [ ] to c ycle to New, and t hen
press the Shutter/Select button [ the camera searches: [
]. This ico n appears w hile
3. On the remote, complete these steps: a. Power on the re mote. If the remote was ne ver paired with a
came ra, it automatically begi ns pairing . Otherwise, press and hold th e Settings/Tag button for four second s to begin pairing. A chec ked box [
] appea rs on both scr eens once the devi ces
are paired.
b. To connect add itional cameras , press the Shutter/Select button
] to sele ct Yes, and the n repeat the pairing proces s.
c. When you are finished, press the Power/Mode button [ ] to cycle
to No, and then press the Shutter/Select button [
] to select it.
/ Connecting the Remote and Your GoPro
Aer your remote a nd camera a re paired, follow th e steps below to conne ct them in the future. With this pro cedure, your camer a connects to the remote t hat it conne cted to most recentl y.
To Connec t the Remote and Your HERO 4:
1. Power on the remote and you r camera.
2. On your came ra, complete these s teps: a. Press the Power/Mode but ton [
then press the Shutter/Select but ton [
b. Press the Power/Mode but ton [ ] to cycle to Wireless, and then
press the Shutter/Select button [
c. Press the Power/Mode button [ ] to cycle to WiFi RC or RC &
App, and then p ress the Shutter/Select button [
] to cycl e to Setup mode, and
] to sele ct it.
] to sele ct it.
] to sele ct it.
d. Press the Power/Mode but ton [ ] to cycle to Existing, and
then press the Shutter/Select but ton [
] to sele ct it.
To Connec t the Remote and Your HERO3+ or HERO3:
1. Power on the remote and you r camera.
2. On your came ra, complete these s teps: a. Press the Wireless button [
] twice to turn on Wireless and
open the Wireless settings.
b. Press the Shutter/Select button [
c. Press the Power/Mode button [ ] to cycle to Wi-Fi RC, and
then press the Shutter/Select but ton [
] to sele ct it.
d. Press the Shutter/Select button [ ] to sele ct Current.
/ Capturing Video and Photos
Use the remote to c apture vid eo and photos w ith one cam era or multiple cameras.
To Start/Stop Recording: Press the Shutter/Select [
PRO TIP: When you connec t your remote to your HERO4, you can add HiLight Tags to your vi deo. HiLight Tags m ark specific moments to make it easier to quickly fin d highlight s during playback, sharing and editing. While recording, press the Settings/Tag [ add a HiLight Tag.
] button.
] button on the re mote to
The following features are not available when using the remote with HERO4:
• QuikCapture
• Continuous p hoto with multiple ca meras
• Manually capturin g photos while recording video with
multiple cameras
The following features are not available when using the remote with HERO3+ or HERO3:
• One Button mode
• Continuous photo
• Manually capturin g photos while recording video
• The Settings/Tag button [
] on the remote (to ad d a HiLight Tag or
enter the Sett ings menu)
/ Changing Camera Settings
You can use the Smart Remote to chan ge your camera settings as long as your ca mera is not ca pturing vi deo or photo.
Note: To change ca mera setting s, the remote must b e connecte d to only one camer a.
To Change Camera Settings for HERO4:
1. Be sure your camera and r emote are powe red on and connec ted.
2. On the remote, press the Power/Mode butto n [ mode w hose settings you want to cha nge.
3. Press the Settings/Tag button [ that mode.
4. Use the Power/Mode button [
5. Press the Shutter/Select button [ ] to cycle through th e options withi n a setting. To select an o ption, high light it and move to another screen.
] to open the settings menu for
] to cyc le through the settings.
] to cyc le to the
6. To g o back or exit the settings menu, press the Settings/Tag button [
To Change Camera Settings for HERO3+ and HERO3:
1. Be sure your camera and r emote are powe red on and connec ted.
2. Press the Power/Mode button [
] to cyc le to Settings.
3. Press the Shutter/Select button [ ] to sele ct Settings.
4. Press the Power/Mode button [ ] to cycle thro ugh the sett ings.
5. Press the Shutter/Select button [ ] to select an option .
6. To exit the settings menu, press the Power/Mode button [ ] to cycle to EXIT, and then p ress the Shutter/Select button [
] to sele ct it.
/ Safety Information
Failure to follow these sa fety instr uctions could result in fire, elect ric shock or othe r injury or damage to t he Smart Remote or oth er propert y.
The Sm art Remote co ntains sen sitive component s. Do not drop, disa ssemble, op en, crush , bend, defo rm, puncture, shr ed, microwave, incinerate, paint or inser t foreign obje cts into th e product . Do not use the Smar t Remote if it has b een damaged—for example, if the produc t is crac ked, punc tured or damaged by water.
Do not submerge the Smart Remote in more than 32’ (10m) of wat er. Damage to the Sm art Remote caused b y excessive wa ter pressur e is not covered under warranty.
Clean your Smart Remote statu s display immediately if it comes into conta ct with any c ontamina nts that may c ause stains, suc h as ink, dye s, makeup, dirt , food, oils a nd lotions. To clean the status display, use a so, slightly damp, lint-free cloth . Avoid getting moistu re in openings. Don’t u se window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia or abrasives to clean the sta tus display.
Never fo rce a connec tor into a por t. Check fo r obstruc tions on the port. If the connec tor and por t do not join with reasonable ease, the y probably d o not matc h. Make sure th at the conne ctor match es the port a nd that you positioned the conn ector correctl y in relation to the por t.
Users of digital transceivers (avalanche beacons) should consult with their user ma nuals regardin g use of GoPro ca meras and other GPS or elec tronic devices whe n engaged in t he avalanche bea con search mode in order to limit potential interference.
Extreme tem peratures m ay temporarily affe ct batter y life or affe ct the func tionalit y of the Smar t Remote. Avoid dr amatic cha nges in temperature or humi dity when u sing the Smart Remote, as condensation may form on or within the pr oduct. When you are using t he Smart Rem ote or charging the batter y, it is nor mal for the pro duct to get warm. The exter ior of the product functions as a cooling su rface that transfers h eat from inside the unit to t he cooler air outsid e.
/ Regulatory Information
To see the co mplete list of countr y certific ations, refer to the Important Product + Sa fety Information Guide do cument inc luded with your prod uct.
ユー ザ ガ イド
Smart Remote
GOPRO用長時間対応リモートコン トロール。
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