Learn how to use the accessories that c ame with your GoPro.
See Mounting Your GoPro (page 79).
13. Camera Lens (Back)
14. Touch Screen
Setting Up Your CameraSetting Up Your Camera
You’ll need a mi croSD card (sold separately) to save your vi deos and
photos. Use a b rand-nam e card that ts th ese requirements:
• micro SD, microSD HC™, or microS DXC™
• Clas s 10 or UHS-I ra ting
• Capa city up to 256GB
For a list of rec ommend ed microSD cards, visi t gopro.com/microsdcards.
Head s Up: Be sure yo ur hands are c lean and dr y before hand ling your
SD card. Check the manufacturer’s gui delines to se e your card’s
acceptable temperature range and other important information.
PRO TIP: Keep your SD c ard in good co ndition by reformatting it
regular ly. This will eras e all of your med ia, so be sure to s ave it rst.
1. Swipe d own to access th e Dashbo ard.
2. Tap Preferences > Res et > Format SD C ard.
To learn how to save your vi deos and p hotos, see Transferring Your Media
(page 61).
For the best performa nce, be sure to use a MAX Rechargeabl e Battery
with your new G oPro.
PRO TIP: There’s an easy way to check your bat tery’s conditi on.
1. Swipe down to access the Dashboard.
2. Tap Preferences > About > Battery Info.
1. Un lock the do or, slide it down, an d ip it open .
2. With your ca mera o, insert t he SD card into the c ard slot with the
label facing the battery compartment.
You can eject th e card by press ing it into the slot w ith your ngernail.
Setting Up Your Camera
Setting Up Your Camera
3. Insert the battery.
4. Connect your ca mera to a USB cha rger or computer using the
included USB-C cable.
It takes abo ut 3 hours for th e battery to ful ly charge. Th e camera
status light w ill turn o when it’s done. To learn more, se e Battery
Information(page 88).
PRO TIP: For the fastest charging, us e the GoPro Su percharg er
(sold separately).
5. Unplug the cable a nd shut the door when cha rging’s compl ete.
6. Slide the door all the way up until there’s no gap, and then l ock it.
NOTICE: P ush from the bot tom to make sure that th e door is clo sed
correctly. Do n’t use the lock to sli de the door c losed.
Setting Up Your Camera
Getting to Know Your GoPro
To get the latest features and best pe rforman ce from your Go Pro,
make sure it’s usi ng the most cu rrent software.
Updating With the GoPro App
1. Download the app from the Apple
2. Follow the app’s on-screen instructions to connect your camera
to your mobile device. If new camera sof tware is available, the app
will tell you how to install it.
3. Select Update your camera manually and follow the instructions.
PRO TIP: Need to know you r camera na me, password, and softwa re
version? Here’s whe re you can nd o ut.
Press and h old the Mod e button
for 3 seconds to turn it o.
1. Swipe d own to access th e Dashbo ard.
2. Tap Preferences > Connections > Cam era Info.
Head s Up:Scroll down to see the soft ware version.
WARNING: Us e caution wh en using you r GoPro and related
mounts an d accesso ries. Alway s be aware of your s urroundings
to avoid inju ring yours elf and other s.
Be sure to follow all local laws includ ing all priva cy laws,
which may re strict reco rding in cer tain areas.
Getting to Know Your GoPro
Getting to Know Your GoPro
Selects a n item and turns a setting on or o.
Swipe Left or Right
Switch betwee n Video, Ph oto,
and Time Lapse modes.
Swipe Down From the Edge of the S creen
Open the D ashboard w hen your cam era
is in a landscape orientation.
Swipe Up From the Edge of the Screen
See the last photo or video you captured and
access the Media Gallery.
Press and Hold the Capture Screen
Turn on and adjust Exposure Control.
Your GoPro has th ree main ca pture modes .
Change m odes by swipi ng left or right to the one you want.
To learn more, see Recording Video (page 33).
Includ es Photo and PowerPano mod es. To learn more, se e Taking Photos
(page 38).
Time Lapse
Includ es TimeWarp an d Time Lap se modes. To learn more, see Capturing
Time Lapse(page 43).
Getting to Know Your GoPro
Getting to Know Your GoPro
1. Simp ly press the S hutter but ton
2. Press the Sh utter butto n again to stop re cording
(Video, T ime Lapse, and Live Streaming only).
to start recording.
This scre en gives you ac cess to your c amera’s capture s ettings.
1. Curre nt Mode (Vid eo, Photo, or Tim e Lapse)
2. Recording Time/Photos Remaining
3. Customizable On-Screen Shortcut
4. HERO/360 Mode Select
5. B attery Status
6. C apture Setting s
Head s Up: The ca pture setting s are not availa ble when you rot ate your
GoPro to take po rtrait shots. Be sure to cho ose the setti ngs you want
before rotating yo ur camera.
1080 | 60 | W
HERO Mode + 360 Mode
HERO Mode + 360 Mode
MAX lets you capture tradi tional HER O-style vi deos and p hotos or
immers ive 360 footag e. Just tap HERO/360 mode select in the lower
left corn er of the scree n to pick your shot.
HERO mode
the front (non-touch screen side) or back lens (touch screen side).
1. Ta p
2. Press the Sh utter butto n to start recording.
PRO TIP: Choose HER O mode and th e back lens to frame and ca pture
awesome seles.
lets you sho ot tradition al videos a nd photos with ei ther
to choose th e lens you’ll b e using.
1080 | 60 | W
HERO Mode Audio Settings
In HERO mod e, MAX features four audio settings that lets it record ste reo
sound or u se directio nal audio to p rioritize sound from eithe r side of the
camera, no matter whi ch lens you’re usin g. Tap
audio for yo ur shot.
You can also set u p MAX to lter ou t excessive win d noise.
To learn more, see:
• Microphones (page 108)
• Wind-Noise Reduction (page 110)
360 Mode
Use 360 mode
it as 360 content or use the GoPro app to reframe it as traditional videos
and photos.
1. 360 m ode captures everythi ng around yo u, but you can t ap
choose wh ich lens vi ew will be shown o n the touch scre en.
2. Press the Sh utter butto n to start recording.
to capture amazing spherical footage. View and share
360 Video
5.6K | 30
to choose th e best
HERO Mode + 360 Mode
HERO Mode + 360 Mode
360 Mode Audio Settings
In 360 mode, MAX use s its six microphones to rec ord amazing a udio
that’s just as immersive as th e footage itse lf. It features two aud io
settings fo r recordin g 360 surrou nd sound o r stereo soun d. You can
also set it up to lter out exces sive wind noi se.
To learn more, see:
• 360 Au dio (page 109)
• Wind-Noise Reduction (page 110)
Tips for Ca pturing 36 0 Content
• For the b est results, m ount MAX o n the Max Grip + Tripod (sold
separately). It was specially d esigne d for shooting 3 60 footage
without getting the grip in your shot.
• Mounti ng with the Max G rip + Tripod is recommende d, but if you’re
going to take a handheld s hot, hold MA X near its base to minimize
how much of you r hand gets into yo ur footage.
CAUTION: D o not use the fol ding nge rs to hold your c amera.
They can he at up during re cording. L eave the ngers folded
for handheld shots.
• Aim on e of the lenses d irectly at your s ubject. Even th ough MAX
captures eve rything a round you, yo u’ll get better fo otage if you lo ck
in on your subject.
• Use voic e comman ds. This wil l let you start c apture remotely so
you don’t have to move yo ur hand out of the way after p ressing
the Shutter button.
• Watch your 36 0 footage on th e GoPro app to se e your stabi lized
Video an d TimeWarp shots . This will give you the smooth est 360
footage po ssible.
• Use Reframe in the GoPro app to turn your 3 60 content into am azing
traditional video s and photos. You’ll b e able to recapture the scen e
from any angle as many times as you want.
Changing Modes + Settings
Changing Modes + Settings
1. Swipe l eft or right to the m ode you want.
2. Tap the capture settings to see al l of the availabl e capture opti ons.
3. Choose a n option from the l ist.
3 Seconds
Each mod e has its own setti ngs that can b e adjusted with just a few taps .
1. Ta p
next to the mod e you want to chan ge.
3 Seconds
2. Tap the setting that yo u want to change.
The on-screen instructions will give you a rundown of your options.
For detail s on setting s, see Tech Specs(starting page 92).
Changing Modes + Settings
White Balance
On-Screen Shortcuts
3. Scroll down fo r the more adva nced setti ngs.
EV Comp
For detail s on all advan ced settin gs, see Protune(starting page 100).
to save your cha nges and return to the mode selection s creen.
4. Tap
PRO TIP: From the capture s creen, you c an press an d hold the capture
settings to s kip straight to the s ettings me nu.
You can go back to yo ur camera’s ori ginal capture setting s any time.
On-scre en shortcu ts give you quic k one-tap ac cess to your camera’s
capture set tings. Eac h mode has its own default sho rtcuts, but you can
change th em to the settin gs that you use m ost. You can even set up
dierent shortcuts for each capture mode.
1. Tap the
next to the pres et you want to adju st.
3 Seconds
2. Scroll down to th e On-Screen Shortcu ts.
Upper Left
Upper Right
1. Swipe d own to access th e Dashbo ard.
2. Tap Preferences > Reset > Reset Defaults.
On-Screen Shortcuts
On-Screen Shortcuts
3. Tap where you’d like to put your new shor tcut.
Upper Left
4. Scroll thro ugh all of the available sho rtcuts on the r ight and cho ose
the one you wa nt.
Shoot quick 15 or 30 second
videos for easy sharing on
social media.
For detail s on shortcu ts, see Tech Specs(starting page 92)
and Protu ne (starting page 100).
Upper Right
5. Ta p
to save your cha nges and return to the presets s creen.
Upper LeftUpper Right
Now you can si mply tap the s hortcut to cha nge settin gs.
PRO TIP: From the capture screen, you c an press an d hold the shortcut
to skip to the shortcut selection screen.
Using QuikCapture
Using QuikCapture
QuikCa pture is the fastes t and easie st way to power on you r GoPro
and get the sh ot. All it takes is t he push of the S hutter button.
1. With you r camera o, pres s the Shutter b utton
2. Press the Sh utter butto n again to stop re cording an d turn o
your c amera .
For more Video options, see Recording Video (page 33).
Setting th e Default Capture Mode
You can choos e your default Q uikCaptu re mode in Prefe rences.
1. Swipe down to access the Dashboard.
2. Tap Preferences > General > QuikCapture Default.
Last Use d (Default)Records using the video mode and
HERO Mode VideoRecords traditional HERO mode vid eo.
360 VideoRecords 360 video.
settings you used las t.
Using QuikCapture
Adding HiLight Tags
1. With you r camera o, pres s and hold th e Shutter but ton
camera tu rns on (about 3 sec onds). It will start recording i n the last
Time Lap se mode tha t you used.
2. Press the Sh utter butto n again to stop Time Lapse a nd turn o
your c amera .
For more Time Lapse options, see Capturing Time Lapse (page 43).
QuikCa pture is on by defau lt, but you can turn it o.
1. Swipe d own to access th e Dashbo ard.
2. Tap
PRO TIP: Since it only turns the ca mera on when i t’s recording,
QuikCa pture is a great way to ma ximize batter y life.
until your
Mark favorite moments in yo ur videos a nd photos by pres sing the Mo de
makes thos e moments ea sier to nd wh en you’re watching you r footage,
creating a vi deo, or loo king for a cer tain shot.
You can also ad d HiLight Tags by sayi ng, “GoPro, Hi Light” when Voice
Control is on and by tapping
the GoPro app.
PRO TIP: The GoPro ap p looks for Hi Light Tags when it au tomatically
creates videos. This helps ensure that favorite moments are included in
your stories.
during re cording or p layback. T his adds a Hi Light Tag that
when watchin g your footage with
Setting the Screen Orientation
Recording Video
You can easily sw itch between l andscap e and por trait shots by rotati ng
your camera. MAX ca n even capture p hotos and vide os right-side u p
when it’s mounte d upside down . The touch sc reen menu will automati cally
adjust, and your media will play ba ck right-side up.
The orientation is loc ked in when you p ress the Shut ter button
If your cam era tilts duri ng recording, like on a roll er coaster, your
footage will tilt with it. You’ll capt ure every twist a nd turn.
MAX lets you lock the scre en in landscape or portrait or ientation.
This is esp ecially u seful when you’re using body an d handheld mounts.
That’s when accidentall y shooting in th e wrong orie ntation is mostly
likely to happ en.
Swipe down to ac cess the Da shboard.
1. Turn your cam era to the orient ation you want.
2. Tap
on the Dash board.
The scree n is now locked and will match th e orientation of your came ra.
Head s Up: Lockin g the screen i n this way will onl y work when the
Orientati on is set to All (default) in Preferences.
You can also set yo ur GoPro to rec ord only in landscape o rientatio n.
Swipe down to ac cess the Da shboard.
1. Tap Preferences > Touch Screen > Orientation.
2. Switch from All (default) to Land scape.
Your GoPro will re cord right-sid e up whether you r camera is right-side up
or upsid e down. You can also l ock the orientation on the D ashboa rd.
Your GoPro can c apture tradi tional vid eos with eith er lens in HER O mode
or capture eve rything f rom every ang le in 360 mo de.
HERO mode s hoots traditional vid eos with a reso lution of 108 0p or 1440 p.
The defaul t settings are 1080p vi deo at 60 fram es per sec ond (fps) with
a Wide digi tal lens an d Max HyperS mooth on. 36 0 mode captures 5.6K
video at 30 f ps.
HERO mode fe atures two default shortcuts, but you ca n swap them
out for others.
Head s Up: 360 mo de doesn’t have d efault shor tcuts, but you c an
add up to two.
To learn more, see O n-Screen Shortcuts(page 25).
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