Thank you for purchasing the Goldmund Telos 2500.
You have acquired the best Universal Power Amplifier ever made for professional and domestic uses.
Please take some time to read this manual. It will provide you with useful information to make your
pleasure of listening to the Telos 2500 even higher.
GOLDMUND TELOS 2500 Universal Power Amplifier
Goldmund was founded in 1978 and has ever since been dedicated to the accurate reproduction of
sound and image.
At Goldmund, we strive to lead in the creation, development and manufacture of the industry’s most
advanced technologies, including audio and video systems, home-networking and music distribution.
The guiding principle at Goldmund is to produce a precise sound with the least possible loss of quality
through the different stages. Goldmund will never adopt a technology before it is sufficiently developed
to satisfy the high quality standards we set. This is why Goldmund has often rejected mainstream
technologies and developed its own.
No connection or manipulation must be
done before reading these instructions.
Damage to the Power Amplifier may
result if the following instructions are not
consciously understood and applied.
ThIs AmplIfIeR Is pRoTecTed
AGAINsT GRAy mARkeT TRANsshIpmeNT. oNly The GoldmUNd locAl
offIcIAl dIsTRIbUToR cAN INsTAll
IT foR yoU oR The AmplIfIeR WIll
sTop To fUNcTIoN pRopeRly AfTeR
A peRIod.
User manual – Telos 2500 Universal Power Amplifier
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1 UNpAckING 5
2 choIce of AmplIfIeR locATIoN ANd coolING 5
3 lINe VolTAGe AdJUsTmeNT 6
4 coNNecTIoNs 6
5 AmplIfIeR coNTRols 7
6 soUNd QUAlITy opTImIZATIoN 9
7 sAfeTy feATURes 11
8 mAINTeNANce 12
9 TechNIcAl dATA 13
User manual – Telos 2500 Universal Power Amplifier
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You will find in the Goldmund Telos 2500 box:
– The amplifier
– The power cord
– This manual
Please keep the packaging in case you need to transport the amplifier at a later date or if you
have to send it for maintenance.
The Goldmund Telos 2500 amplifier, as all high quality amplifiers, generates a large amount of
heat if driven at high level.
It is mandatory to allow a proper cooling of the heat sinks. Avoid any location which is not
properly vented and avoid to put on top of it equipment sensitive to temperature.
Due to its weight, and to maximize the effect of the built-in “Mechanical Grounding” construction, the Telos 2500 is better located on the floor. But other very strong supports can also be
used, if they offer a very rigid transmission with the floor.
The Telos 2500 is built on four very hard conical feet to insure proper vibration transmission
to the amplifier support in order to evacuate all detrimental vibrations inside the amplifier, following the famous Goldmund “Mechanical Grounding” principle.
Depending on the flatness of the surface where the amplifier will be located, you will choose
to screw in the four round flat feet of the amplifier to allow full contact of the points with the
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