GIGABYTE GBT CPU Waterblock Owner's Manual

1) MOSFET Air C ooling Fan
2) Waterb lock
3) Intel® Pentium® 4 LGA775 Spring S crews
4) Intel® Pentium
Mosfet c ooling Fan
Compat ible CPU
Take off the doubl e-side sticker on t he Intel® Pentium® 4 LGA775 back plat e ( as Figure a ), and stic k it on the back of Intel® Pentium® 4 LGA775 CPU wit h aligning four holes on Intel® Pentium® 4 LGA775 back pl ate to four holes on the back of In tel® Pentium® 4 LAG775 CPU m otherbo ard (as Figure b).
Step 2
Fan size
Fan speed
Fan Connect or
Intel® Pentium® Extrem e Edition Series
Intel® Pentium® D Process or Series
Intel® Pentium® 4 Process or Series
Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo Proce ssor Series
AMD AM2 S eries
AMD Athlo nTM FX Series
AMD Athlo nTM 64x2 Ser ies
AMD Athlo nTM 64 Serie s
Intel® Pentium® 4 LGA775 Back Plate Installation
( For AMD series CPU, please i gnore th is step )
80 x 80 x 25 mm
2000 RPM
3 pin
19 dBA
( LGA775 )
Waterblock Installation
Warnin g :
Please make s ure to take of f the "CAUTION" sticker an d apply the gr ease on the C PU surfac e evenly.
Installation Guide
5) Intel® Pentium® 4 LGA775 Brack et
6) ADM K8 / AM2 Cl ip
7) AMD K8 / AM 2 Bracket
4 LGA775 Back
1. Before pour ing liquid coolant in to the tank to test the
liquid coo ling system, please rec onrm all the tubes have been fasten ed and the tube clips ar e in the right positio n.
2. While rem oving the tubes for dis assembly, please make
sure to keep all t he devices away from any el ectronic part.
The following are no t covered by t he warra nty:
1. Use the produc t incorrectly or i n a manner other than the
designed pur pose.
2. Nonobse rvance of the prop er operation provid ed. (e.g. over-
3. Malfunc tion due to interfer ence from other devic es.
4. Unauthor ized modicati on of the product.
5. Consequ ential damage to other o bjects due to the produ ct’s
6. Malfunc tion arising from c asualties (earthq uake, thunder, re,
and ood).
7. The product’s war ranty label has been r emoved or damaged.
8. The device s inside, including po wer supply, hard disk, CD -
ROM drive, mot herboard, ventilat or, etc, are not detached fr om the chassis p rior to the transpor tation of the com puter product, resulting in d amage to the chassis or c omputer-related dev ices.
9. Any loss cau sed by failure to follow t he installation pro cess
containe d in the user.
10. Any damage to th e system arising from l eakage of coolant due
to improper in stallation.
11. Use only GIGABY TETM Liquid Cool ant. Any damage arisi ng
from the use of l iquids other than GIG ABYTETM Liquid Cool ant is not covered by t he warranty.
8) Grease
Caution :
( Figure a ) ( Figure b )
AMD K8 bra cket can be re moved from t he waterblock ( Figur e a ) to adjust the appropr iate installa tion dire ction. ( Fig ure b / c )
( Figure a ) ( Figure b ) ( Figur e c )
Step 3
Replace A MD K8 bracket with Intel® Pentium® 4 LGA775 bracke t. ( Figure a )
Place the wa terblock on the top of I ntel® Pentium® 4 LGA775 CPU ( Fig ure b ) and adju st the appro priate installa tion dire ction. ( Fig ure c )
Step 4
Align the w aterbol ck to three r aised poi nt on the
CPU and push d own the bar to s urely sec ured.
Step 6
6-1. Place M OSFET air cooling f an on the top of
waterblo ck and make sure that four fe et of the air cooling f an are secured on water block.
Intel® Pentium® 4 LGA775 Bracket Installation
Secure Int el® Pentium® 4 LGA775 mothe rboard w ith atta ched spr ing screws .( Figure c )
( Figure a ) ( Figure b ) ( Figure c ) ( Fi gure d )
AMD K8 Clip Installation
Step 5
AMD AM2 Clip Installation
Align the w aterbol ck to the rai sed point on t he CPU and push d own the bar.
MOSFET Air Cooling Fan Installation
6-2. Pl ug the power c ord of MOSFET air co oling fan
in the socket o n the motherboard 's CPU fan.
Tube clips come s with GIGABYTETM 1/2" tube w hich can pr event it from leakage.