Generac LP3250-6000-0, 006000-0 Owner’s Manual

i I
1.1 Unpacking......................................................................4
1.1.1 Accessory Box..................................................4
1.2 Assembly.......................................................................4
1.2.1 Assemblingthe AccessoryKit............................4
2.1 Knowthe Generator.......................................................5
2.2 ConnectionPlugs...........................................................6
2.2.1 120 VAC,20Amp, DuplexReceptacle...............6
2.2.2 120/240VAC,20 Amp,Receptacle....................6
2.3 Howto Usethe Generator..............................................6
2.3.1 Groundingthe Generator....................................6
2.3.2 SystemGround..................................................7
2.3.3 ConnectingElectricalLoads...............................7
2.4 Don'tOverloadthe Generator..........................................7
2.5 WattageReferenceGuide...............................................8
2.6 BeforeStartingtheGenerator.........................................8
2.6.1 Adding EngineOil..............................................8
2.6.2 ConnectingLPFuelTank....................................8
2.7 Starting Pull StartEngines..............................................9
2.8 Stoppingthe Engine.....................................................10
2.9 LowOil LevelShutdownSystem..................................10
2.9.1 SensingLow Oil Level......................................10
3.1 MaintenanceSchedule.................................................10
3.2 ProductSpecifications..................................................10
3.2.1 GeneratorSpecifications..................................10
3.2.2 EngineSpecifications.......................................10
3.2.3 EmissionsInformation.....................................10
3.3 GeneralRecommendations...........................................11
3.3.1 GeneratorMaintenance....................................11
3.3.2 ToCleanthe Generator.....................................11
3.3.3 EngineMaintenance.........................................11
3.3.4 CheckingOil Level...........................................11
3.3.5 Changingthe Oil..............................................11
3.3.6 Replacingthe SparkPlug.................................11
3.4 ServiceAir Filter...........................................................12
3.5 ValveClearance............................................................12
3.6 General........................................................................12
3.7 Long TermStorage....................................................... 13
3.8 OtherStorageTips....................................................... 13
4.1 TroubleshootingGuide..................................................14
Thankyou for purchasingthis model by GeneracPowerSystems, Inc. This model is a compact, high performance, air-cooled, engine driven generatordesigned to supply electrical power to
operateelectrical loads where no utility power is available or in placeof utility dueto apoweroutage.
If any portion of this manual is not understood, contact the nearest Authorized Dealer for starting, operating and servicing procedures.
The operator is responsible for proper and safe use of the equipment.We strongly recommendthat the operator readthis manualandthoroughlyunderstandall instructions beforeusingthe equipment.Wealsostronglyrecommendinstructingotherusersto properlystart andoperatethe unit.This preparesthem if they need
to operatetheequipmentin anemergency.
Thegeneratorcan operatesafely,efficiently and reliably only if it is properlylocated, operatedand maintained.Before operatingor servicingthe generator:
Becomefamiliar with and strictly adhereto all local, state and nationalcodes andregulations.
Study all safety warnings in this manual and on the product carefully.
Becomefamiliarwith this manualandthe unit beforeuse.
Themanufacturercannot anticipateevery possible circumstance that might involvea hazard.Thewarnings inthis manual,andon tags and decals affixedto the unit are, therefore,not all inclusive.
If usinga procedure,work method oroperatingtechniquethat the
manufacturerdoes not specifically recommend,ensurethat it is
safe for others. Also makesure the procedure,work method or
operatingtechniqueutilizeddoes not renderthe generatorunsafe.
Save these instructionsfor future reference,if you loan this
device to someone,ALWAYSloan these instructionsto the
individualas well.
Throughoutthis publication,and ontags anddecalsaffixedto the
generator,DANGER,WARNING,CAUTIONand NOTEblocks are
usedto alert personnelto special instructionsabout a particular
operation that may be hazardousif performed incorrectly or
carelessly. Observe them carefully. Their definitions are as follows:
Indicatesa hazardoussituationor action which,if not
avoided, couldresultin deathorseriousinjury.
Indicatesa hazardoussituationoraction which,if not
avoided, couldresultin minorormoderateinjury.
Notescontainadditionalinformationimportantto aprocedure
and will be foundwithin the regulartextbody of thismanual. These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazards that they
indicate. Common sense and strict compliancewith the special instructionswhileperformingtheaction orserviceareessentialto
preventingaccidents. Four commonly used safety symbols accompanythe DANGER,
WARNINGand CAUTIONblocks. The type of information each indicatesis asfollows:
,_This symbol points out important safety
information that, if not followed, could
endanger personal safety and/or property of others.
This symbol points out potential explosion hazard.
i/_This symbol points out potential fire hazard.
/i_This symbol points out potential electrical
shock hazard.
NEVERoperatein an enclosed area, in a vehicle, or indoors EVENIFdoors and windows areopen.
For safety reasons, the manufacturer recommends that the maintenanceof this equipmentis carried outby an Authorized Dealer.Inspectthe generatorregularly,and contactthe nearest AuthorizedDealerfor parts needingrepairor replacement.
Operategeneratoronly on levelsurfacesandwhereit will notbe exposedto excessivemoisture,dirt, dust orcorrosivevapors.
Keephands, feet, clothing, etc., away from drive belts, fans, and other moving parts. Neverremoveany fan guardor shield whilethe unit is operating.
Certain parts of the generator get extremely hot during operation. Keep clear of the generator until it has cooled to
Do NOToperategeneratorinthe rain.
Do not alter the construction of the generator or change
controlswhich might createan unsafeoperatingcondition.
Neverstart or stop the unit with electrical loads connected to receptaclesAND with connected devices turned ON. Start the engine and let it stabilize before connecting electrical loads. Disconnect all electricalloads beforeshutting downthe generator.
Do notinsert objectsthrough unit's cooling slots.
When working on this equipment, remain alert at all times.
Never work on the equipment when physically or mentally
Neverusethe generatoror anyof its parts as a step. Stepping on the unit can stress and break parts, and may result in dangerousoperating conditions from leakingexhaust gases,
fuel leakage,oil leakage,etc.
Neveroperate in an enclosed areaor indoors!NEVERusein the home,in a vehicle,or in partly enclosed areas suchas garages,EVENIF doorsand windowsare open! ONLYuse outdoors and far from openwindows, doors,vents,andinan
areathatwill notaccumulatedeadlyexhaust.
Using a generator indoors CAN KILL YOU IN MINUTES. Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is
a poison you cannot see or smell,
NEVER use insidea home
or garage, EVEN iFdoors and windows are open,
The engine exhaustfumes contain carbon monoxide, which you cannotsee or smell. This poisonous gas, if breathedin
sufficientconcentrations,can causeunconsciousnessor even death.
Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and ventilating air is critical to correct generator operation. Do not alter the installation or permit even partial blockage of ventilation provisions, as this can seriously affect safe operationof the generator.ThegeneratorMUSTbeoperatedoutdoors.
Thisexhaustsystemmust beproperlymaintained.Do nothing
that mightrendertheexhaustsystemunsafeorinnoncompliance
with any localcodes and/or standards.
Alwaysuse a batteryoperatedcarbonmonoxidealarmindoors, installedaccordingto themanufacturersinstructions.
If you start to feet sick, dizzy,or weak afterthe generatorhas beenrunning,moveto fresh air IMMEDIATELYSeea doctor,as
you couldhave carbonmonoxidepoisoning.
Only use OUTSIDE and far away from windows,
doors, and vents.
The generator produces dangerously high voltage when in operation.Avoidcontactwith barewires,terminals,connections, etc., while the unit is running,even on equipmentconnected to the generator. Ensureall appropriate covers, guards and barriersarein place beforeoperatingthe generator.
Never handle any kind of electrical cord or device while standinginwater,while barefootorwhile handsor feet arewet.
TheNationalElectricCode(NEC)requirestheframe andexternal
electrically conductive parts of the generator be properly connectedto an approvedearthground.Local electricalcodes
may also require proper groundingof the generator.Consult with a local electricianfor groundingrequirementsin thearea.
Use a ground fault circuit interrupter in any damp or highly conductivearea(such as metaldecking orsteelwork).
Do not useworn, bare,frayed or otherwisedamagedelectrical cord setswith the generator.
Beforeperforminganymaintenanceonthegenerator,disconnect the enginestarting battery (if equipped)to preventaccidental start up. Disconnectthe cablefrom the batterypost indicated by aNEGATIVE,NEGor (-) first. Reconnectthatcable last.
In caseof accidentcausedby electricshock, immediatelyshut down the source of electrical power. If this is not possible, attempt to free the victim from the live conductor. AVOID DIRECTCONTACTWITHTHEVICTIIVl.Usea non-conducting implement,such asa ropeorboard,to freethe victim fromthe live conductor.If the victim is unconscious, apply first aid and getimmediatemedical help.
LPgas ishighlyEXPLOSIVE.
Flammablegas underpressurecan causea fire or explosionif
LP gas is heavierthat air and can settle in low places while dissipating.
LP gas has a distinctive odor added to help detect potential leaksquickly.
In any propane gas fire, flames should not be extinguished unlessby doing so thefuel supplyvalve can be turnedOFE
If the fire is extinguishedand a supply of fuel is not turned OFF,an explosion hazardgreaterthanthe fire hazardcould be
WhenexchangingLPcylinders, be surethe cylindervalveis of thesametype.
Wipe up any fuel or oil spills immediately.Ensure that no combustiblematerialsareleft on ornearthegenerator.Keepthe areasurroundingthe generatorcleanandfree from debrisand keepa clearanceof five (5)feet on allside to allow for proper ventilationof the generator.
* Do notinsert objectsthrough unit's cooling slots. * Do not operatethe generator if connected electrical devices
overheat,if electricaloutputis lost, if engineorgeneratorsparks or ifflames orsmokeare observedwhileunit is running.
* Keepafire extinguishernearthe generatoratall times.
1. NationalFireProtectionAssociation(NFPA)70:TheNATIONAL ELECTRICCODE(NEC)availablefrom
2. NationalFire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA)5000: BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONAND SAFETYCODEavailablefrom www.
3. InternationalBuildingCodeavailablefrom
4. Agricultural Wiring Handbookavailablefrom , Rural ElectricityResourceCouncil RO.Box 309 Wilmington,
5. ASAEEP-364.2Installationand Maintenanceof FarmStandby Electric Power available from, American
Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers2950 Niles Road,St. Joseph,MI 49085
This list is not all inclusive.Checkwith the Authority HavingLocal Jurisdiction (AHJ)for any local codes or standardswhich may be applicableto yourjurisdiction.
Unit ID Location
Engineexhaustandsomeof its constituentsareknown
to theStateof Californiato causecancer,birth defects
This productcontainsoremitschemicalsknown tothe
Stateof Californiato causecancer,birth defectsand
* Removeall packagingmaterial. * Removethe generatorfrom carton.
* Removeseparateaccessorybox.
Standard 20poundLPcylinder(tank)isnot included.
Checkall contents.If anyparts aremissing or damaged,locatean authorizeddealerat 1-888-436-3722.
* 1 - Owner'sManual * 1 -TankBracket * 0.6 - Liter OilSAE10W-30 * 1 - FrameFoot
* 2 - Never-FlatWheels 1 - TankShroud * 1 - OilFunnel
* 1 - HardwareBag(containingthefollowing):
- 2-RubberFeet - 6-M8Bolt(Long)
- 2-1/2"AxlePins - 2-M8Bolts(Short)
- 2-CotterPins - 6-HexFlangedM8Nuts
- 2-1/2"FlatWashers
Figure 1 - Accessories
Thegeneratorrequiressomeassemblypriorto usingit.If problems arise when assemblingthe generator,please call the generator hetplineat 1-888-436-3722.
The wheels are designed into the unit to greatly improve the portability ofthe generator.
Youwilt needthe following tools to properly installthe accessory kit.
* NeedleNosePliers * lOmm, 12mm, 13mmsockets * Ratchet * lOmm, 12mm, 13mmwrenches * 5mmAllenwrench
Thewheels are not intendedfor over-the-road use.
1. Refer to Figure 2 and install the Wheels as follows:
- Slidethe AxlePinsthroughthe Wheel,1/2" FlatWasher,andWheel Bracketon theframe.
- Insertthe CotterPinthroughthe AxlePinthen bendthetabs (ofthe CotterPins) outwardto lock into place.
2. Refer to Figure 2 and install the Frame Foot and Rubber Bumpers as shown.
- Slidethe RubberBumperstuds throughthe FrameFootthen install the LockingFlangeNuts.
- Slidethe HexHeadBoltsthrough theholes in the FrameRail.
- Slide the Frame Foot onto the Hex Head Bolts then install the
3. Refer to Figure 2 and install the Tank Bracket as shown.
- Removethe hex nuts from the lower panelon each side at the
rear.Push Flatheadbolts back forthe bracketto fit and alignholes with bolts.
- Slide the long Bolts through the Tank Bracketand Cradle,then
installthe HexNuts.
4. Install tank shroud as shown in Figure 2.
- Slidetab ends in betweentubes in rear of cradle.
- Insert M8 Bolts (long) throughtubes andintotreaded inserts.
Figure 2 - Wheel & Handle Assembly
Read the Owner'sIVlanualand Safety Rules before operating
Compare the generator to Figures 3 through 6 to become
familiarizedwith thelocationsof variouscontrolsandadjustments.
Savethis manualfor futurereference.
1. 120 VoltAC,20 Amp,DuplexReceptacle- Supplieselectrical powerfor theoperationof 120VoltAC, 20Amp,single-phase, 60 Hzelectrical lighting,appliance,tool andmotor loads.
2. 120/240 Volt AC, 20 Amp LockingReceptacle- Supplies electricalpowerfor the operation of 120 and/or240 VoltAC, 20 Amp, single-phase,60 Hz, electrical lighting, appliance,
tool andmotor loads.
3. Circuit Breakers (AC)- Each receptacle is providedwith a push-to-resetcircuit breakerto protectthe generatoragainst
4. Oil Drain- Useto drainengineoil.
5. Air Filter- Filters intakeair as it is drawn intothe engine.
6. ChokeKnob- Usedwhen startinga coldengine.
7. Fuel Tank- Standard20poundcapacityLPtankwithType1,right handAcmethreadswithprotectivecap(soldseparately).
8. Grounding Lug- Groundthe generatorto anapprovedearth groundhere.See"GroundingtheGenerator"for details.
9. Run/Stop Switch- Controlsthe operationof the generator.
10. IViuffler- Quietsthe engine.
11. Handle - Pivot and retract for storage. Press the spring- loadedbuttonto move handles.
12. Regulator Prime Button - Used to prime engine after exchangingfuel tanksor long periodsof time betweenuse.
13. Oil Fill-Add oil here.
14. FuelShut Off- Valve is on the fuel tank.
15. TankBracket- Supportsthe LPcylinder.
18. TankShroud- Holdsthe LP cylinderin place.
Figure4 - GeneratorControls
Figure 5 - GeneratorControls
Figure3 - Contro/Pane/
9 2 1 3
Figure 6 - Generator Contro/s
Figure 8 - 120/240 VAC,20 Amp Receptacle
This is a 120 Volt outletprotectedagainst overloadby a20 Amp push-to-resetcircuitbreaker(Figure7). Useeachsocketto power
120 Volt AO,singlephase,60 Hzelectricalloadsrequiringupto a combined 2400 watts (2.4 kW) or 20 Amps of current. Useonly
high quality,well-insulated, 3-wire grounded cord sets ratedfor 125 Volts at 20 Amps (or greater).
Keep extensioncords as short as possible, preferablyless than 15 feet long, to preventvoltage drop and possibleoverheatingof wires.
Figure 7- 120 Volt AC, 20 Amp, Duplex Receptacle
Use this receptacleto operate120 Volt AC,60 Hz, singlephase loadsrequiringup to 2400 watts (2.4kW) of power at 30 Ampsor 240 Volt AC,60 Hz,singlephase loadsrequiringup to 3250 watts (3.25 kW)of power at 13.5 Amps.Theoutlet is protectedby two 15 Amp push-to-resetcircuit breakers.
Never operatein anenclosedareaor indoors!NEVERuse in
the home,in a vehicle, or in partly enclosed areas suchas garages,EVENIF doorsand windows are open! ONLYuse outdoors and far from openwindows,doors,vents,and inan area that will not accumulate deadly exhaust.
Using a generator indoors CAN KILL YOU IN MINUTES. Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is
a poison you cannot see or smell,
NEVER use insidea home or garage, EVEN IF doors
and windows areopen.
Only use OUTSIDE and
far away from windows,
doors, and vents.
2.2.2 120/240VAC,20 AMPRECEPTACLE
Use a NEMA L14-20R plug with this receptacle(rotate to lock! unlock). Oonnecta suitable4-wire groundedcord setto the plug
andto thedesiredtoad.Thecord set shouldbe ratedfor 250Volts ACat20 Amps (or greater)(Figure8).
If thereare any problems operatingthe generator,pleasecall the generatorhelplineat 1-888-436-3722.
The National Electrical Code requires that the frame and external electrically conductive parts of this generator be properlyconnectedto an approved earth ground (Figure g). Local electrical codes may also requireproper grounding of the unit. Forthat purpose,connectinga No. 10 AWG(AmericanWire Gauge) stranded copper wire to the grounding lug and to an earth-driven copper or brass grounding rod (electrode)provides adequateprotectionagainstelectricalshock. However,localcodes may vary widely. Consultwith a localelectrician for grounding requirementsin the area.
Figure g - Grounding the Generator
Propergroundingof the generatorwill help preventelectrical shockin the event of a ground fault condition in the generator
or in connectedelectrical devices. Proper grounding also helps dissipate static electricity,which often builds up in ungrounded
Thegeneratorhas a system groundthat connectsthe generator
frame components to the ground terminals on the AC output
receptacles.The system groundis bondedto the AC neutralwire in the generatorcontrol panelvia ajumperwire.
There may be Federalor State OccupationalSafety and Health Administration(OSHA)regulations,localcodes,or ordinancesthat applyto the intendeduse ofthe generator.
Pleaseconsult a qualified electrician,electrical inspector, or the local agencyhavingjurisdiction:
,, In some areas, generatorsare requiredto be registeredwith
local utilitycompanies.
* If the generatoris used at a construction site, there may be
additionalregulationswhich must be observed.
Oonnectionsfor standby power to a building's electricalsystem must be made by a qualified electrician. The connection must
isolatethe generatorpower from utility poweror otheralternative powersourcesandmust complywith all relatedlaws andcodes.
DONOTconnect240 Volt loadsto 120 Volt receptacles.DONOT connect 3-phaseloads to the generator.DO NOTconnect 50 Hz
loadsto the generator.
Let engine stabilize and warm up for a few minutes after starting.
Plug in and turn on the desired 120 or 240 Volt AO, single phase,60 Hzelectricalloads.
Addup the ratedwatts (or amps) of all loadsto beconnected at onetime. Thistotal should not begreaterthan (a) therated wattage/amperagecapacity of the generator or (b) circuit breakerratingof thereceptaclesupplyingthe power.See"Don't
Overloadinga generator in excess of its rated wattage capacity can resultin damageto the generatorandto connectedelectrical
devices.Observethefollowing to preventoverloadingthe unit:
Addupthetotal wattageofall electricaldevicesto be connected at one time. This total should NOT be greater than the
The ratedwattageof lights can betaken from light bulbs.The ratedwattageof tools, appliancesand motors can usually be
foundon a data labelor decalaffixedto the device.
If the appliance,tool or motor does not give wattage,multiply voltstimes ampererating to determinewatts (voltsx amps = watts).
Some electric motors, such as inductiontypes, require about threetimes morewatts of powerfor startingthan for running. This surge of power lasts only a few seconds when starting suchmotors. Makesureto allowfor high startingwattagewhen selectingelectrical devicesto connectto the generator:
1. Figurethe watts neededto start the largestmotor.
2. Add to that figure the running watts of all other connected
TheWattageReferenceGuideis providedto assist in determining how manyitemsthegeneratorcan operateat onetime.
All figures are approximate. See data label on appliance for wattage requirements.
Device................................... RunningWatts
*Air Conditioner(12,000 Btu).......................... 1700
*Air Conditioner(24,000 Btu).......................... 3800
*Air Conditioner(40,000 Btu).......................... 6000
BatteryCharger(20 Amp).............................. 500
BeltSander (3") .................................... 1000
ChainSaw ........................................ 1200
CircularSaw(6-1/2") ........................... 800 to 1000
*Clothes Dryer(Electric) ............................. 5750
*Clothes Dryer(Gas) ................................. 700
*Clothes Washer ................................... 1150
CoffeeMaker ...................................... 1750
*Compressor (1 HP)................................. 2000
*Compressor (3/4 HP)............................... 1800
*Compressor (1/2 HP)............................... 1400
CurlingIron......................................... 700
*Dehumidifier....................................... 650
Disc Sander(9").................................... 1200
EdgeTrimmer....................................... 500
Electric Blanket...................................... 400
Electric NailGun.................................... 1200
Electric Range(per element)........................... 1500
Electric Skillet...................................... 1250
*Freezer............................................ 700
*FurnaceFan(3/5 HP) ................................ 875
*GarageDoor Opener............................ 500 to 750
HairDryer......................................... 1200
Hand Drill.................................... 250 to 1100
HedgeTrimmer...................................... 450
Impact Wrench...................................... 500
Iron.............................................. 1200
*Jet Pump ......................................... 800
Lawn Mower....................................... 1200
Light Bulb.......................................... 1O0
Microwave Oven............................... 700 to 1000
*Milk Cooler....................................... 1100
OilBurneron Furnace................................. 300
OilFiredSpace Heater(140,000 Btu) ..................... 400
OilFiredSpace Heater(85,000 Btu) ...................... 225
OilFiredSpace Heater(30,000 Btu) ...................... 150
*Paint Sprayer,Airless(1/3 HP)......................... 600
PaintSprayer,Airless (handheld)......................... 150
Radio......................................... 50 to 200
*Refrigerator........................................ 700
SlowCooker........................................ 200
*SubmersiblePump (1-1/2 HP) ........................ 2800
*SubmersiblePump (1 HP) ........................... 2000
*SubmersiblePump (1/2 HP).......................... 1500
*Sump Pump................................. 800 to 1050
*Table Saw (10") ............................. 1750 to 2000
Television..................................... 200to 500
Toaster..................................... 1000 to 1650
WeedTrimmer ...................................... 500
* Allow 3 times the listedwatts for startingthese devices.
Priorto operatingthe generator,engineoil and LPfuelwill needto be added,asfollows:
All oil should meet minimum American PetroleumInstitute (API) Service Class SJ, SL or better. Use no special additives. Select the oil's viscosity grade according to the expected operating temperature(also see chart).
Above40° F,useSAE30
Below40° Fand down to 10° F,use10W-30
Below10° F,use synthetic5W-30
°F =20 =10 0 10 20 32 40 60
'c4'o -2'0 -lo 0 lo 2o
Temperature Range of Expected Use
_t ny attempt to start the engine before it has
been properly serviced with the recommended oil may result in an engine failure.
1. Place generatoron a levelsurface (notto exceed15° in any
2. Cleanareaaroundoil fill andremoveoil fill cap anddipstick.
3. Wipe dipstick clean.
4. Slowly fill engine with oil through the oil fill opening until it
reachesthe full mark. Stop filling occasionally to check oil level.Be carefulnotto overfill.
5. Install oil fill cap andfinger tighten securely.
6. Checkengineoil levelbefore starting eachtime thereafter.
Do not use or store LP cylinder in a building,
garage or enclosed area except as authorized
by NFPA 58 or B149.2 (in Canada).
Do not check for leaks with a match or flame.
,_The cylinder valve should be left off (closed)
when the generator is not in use.
Regulator inlet pressurerangefrom LPtankis : 30to 100 psi.
80 100
Use only standard 20 or 30 pound capacity LP tanks with Type1, righthandAcmethreadswith this generator.Verifythe requalificationdate on the tank has not expired. Do not use rusted or damagedcylinders.
All new cylinders must be purgedof air andmoisture prior to
filling. Usedcylindersthat havenotbeenpluggedor keptclosed
must alsobe purged.
The purging process should be done by your propane gas supplier. (Cylindersfrom an exchangesupplier should have beenpurgedandfilled properlyalready)
Lift the tank and place carefully in the rear tank bracket and
tank shroudwith the connection pointfacing the front of the
Removethe safetyplugor capfrom thecylinder valve.
Attachthe connectorsnuglyintothevalve.Remember,turn the plasticcouplingfromthe hose rightto tightenor clockwise.
Always position the cylinder so the connection betweenthe valve and the regulatorwon't causesharp bends or kinks in
the hose.
Figure 10 - Position Tank
//_Never start or stop engine with electrical
devices plugged into the receptacles AND
devices turned on.
1. Unplug all electricalloads from the unit's receptaclesbefore startingthe engine.
2. Makesurethe unit is in a levelposition (notto exceed15° in anydirection).
3. OPENthe FuelShut-offValveon thecylinder (Figure11).
4. TurnengineRUN/STOPswitch to ONposition (Figure3).
5. Pressdownonthe regulatorprimebuttonfor 1-2 secondsand release(Figure5).
6. Slide engine choke to the LEFT to FULL CHOKEposition
7. To start engine,firmly graspthe recoilhandleandpull slowly until increasedresistanceis felt. Pullrapidly up andawaytwo
(2) times.
8. Move choke knob to into the RUN position and pull recoil handletwo (2) moretimes to start engine.
If enginefires, but doesnot continueto run, pressprimebutton for 1-2 secondsand repeatstarting instructions.
Theswitch on the controlpanelmust be inthe ONposition.
Checkfor leaks by spraying soapy waterto the connections beingtested.
If bubblesappear,becomelargerin size or increasein number, a leak exists.
This must be corrected before using the generator. Contact your localAuthorizedServiceFacilityfor assistance.
Contactwith liquid contents of the cylinder will cause freeze burnsto the skin.
Do notallow childrento tamper or playwith thecylinder.
When transporting and storing, keep cylinder secured in an upright position with cylinder valve turned off and the outlet plugged. (usuallyby a plastic protectivecap) Keepcylinders awayfrom heat andventilatedwhen in a vehicle.
Figure 11 - Fuel Shut-off Valve
IMPORTANT:Donotoverloadthe generator.Also, do not overload individual panelreceptacles.These outlets are protectedagainst overload with push-to-reset-typecircuit breakers. If amperage rating of any circuit breakeris exceeded,that breakeropens and
electricaloutputtothatreceptacleis lost.Read"Don't Overloadthe Generator"carefully.
Figure 12 - Choke Position
1. Shut off all loads, then unplug the
generatorpanel receptacles.Never start or stop the engine with electrical devicespluggedin andturnedon.
2. Let enginerun at no-loadfor severalminutesto stabilizethe
internaltemperaturesof engineand generator.
3. Movethe ON/OFFswitch to OFFposition.
4. Closefuelvalve.
electrical loads from
Theengineis equippedwitha low oil levelsensorthat shutsdown
the engineautomaticallywhenthe oil leveldropsbelowaspecified
level. If the engine shuts down by itself and the cylinder has sufficientfuel, checkengineoil level.
If the system senses a low oil level during operation,the engine shuts down.The enginewill not run untilthe oil has beenrefilled
to the properlevel.
Follow the calendar intervals.More frequent service is required whenoperatingin adverseconditions noted below.
CheckOil Level ChangeOil
*Every 100 hoursor EverySeason
CheckValveClearance ServiceAir Filter
** Every50 hoursor EverySeason
:i: Changeoil afterfirst 30 hours of operationthen every season. * Changeoiland oilfilter every monthwhen operatingunder heavyload or inhigh
** Cleanmore often under dirty or dusty operating conditions. Replace air filter
parts ifthey cannot beadequatelycleaned.
*** Check valve clearance and adjust if necessary after first 50 hours of
operationand every300 hours thereafteK
At EachUse
***Every Season
RatedPower......................................................................... 3.25 kW**
SurgePower............................................................................. 3.75 kW
RatedACVoltage...................................................................... 120/240
RatedAC Load
Current@ 240V............................................................. 13.5 Amps**
Current@ 120V............................................................. 27.0 Amps**
RatedFrequency.................................................... 60 Hz@ 3600 RPM
Phase................................................................................ SinglePhase
OperatingTemperatureRange................. 0° F(-17° C) to 110° F(43° C)
** Maximumwattageandcurrentaresubjectto,andlimitedby,suchfactors
asfuelBtucontent,ambienttemperature,altitude,enginecondition,etc.. Maximumpowerdecreasesabout3.5%for each1,000feetabovesealevel;
andwillalsodecreaseabout1%for each6° C (10° F)above16° C(60° F) ambienttemperature.
Displacement.............................................................................. 212 cc
SparkPlugType................................................................ NGKBPR7ES
SparkPlug PartNo............................................................ 0J00620106
SparkPlug Gap.............................0.028-0.031 inch or (0.70-0.80 mm)
FuelCapacity........................................................................ 20 Pounds
OilType.................. SeeChartin "BeforeStarting the Generator"Section
OilCapacity................................................................. 0.6 L (0.63 Qts.)
RunTime at 50% Load...............................................................9 Hours
The EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) requires that this generatorcomply with exhaust emission standards. The engine used in this generator is certified to meet the applicable EPA emission levels. It is important to follow the maintenance specifications provided in this manualsto ensurethat the engine complieswith the applicableemission standardsfor the duration of theengine'slife. Theemissioncontrol system onthis generator consists ofthe following:
Air Induction system Ignition System
- IntakePipe/Manifold - SparkPlug
- Air Cleaner - IgnitionCoil
Exhaust System Fuel System
- Exhaustmanifold - Carburetor
- Muffler - Regulator
The EmissionsCompliancePeriod referred to on the Emissions Compliance Label indicates the number of operating hours for which the engine has been shown to meet EPA emission requirements.
+ 28 hidden pages