Generac IX1400-5842-0, 005842-0 Owner’s Manual

L: 842-0
Readthis ManualThoroughly..................................................1
Safety Rules............................................................................1
Starting theGenerator...............................................................6
Adding Loads............................................................................6
Usingthe FlexPowerTM Switch...................................................7
Usingthe 12 VDCBattery Charger............................................7
Shutting Down..........................................................................7
LowOil LevelShutdown............................................................8
Fuelingthe Generator................................................................8
ToFill theFuelTank..........................................................8
Adding EngineOil......................................................................8
ToAdd EngineOilto the Crankcase..................................8
Cleaningthe Generator..............................................................9
Changingthe EngineOil..........................................................10
Changingthe FuelFilter...........................................................10
Changingthe SparkPlug.........................................................11
CleanSparkArrestor Screen...................................................12
Checkall contents. If anyparts are missing or damagedlocatean authorizeddealerat 1=888=436=3722.
1 bottleSAE30 Oil Oil Funnel
SparkPlugWrench Screwdriver
California Proposition 65
Engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the state of California to cause cancer,
birth defects, and other reproductive harm.
California Proposition 65
This product contains or emits chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer,
birth defects, and other reproductive harm.
Thankyou for purchasingthis modelby GeneracPowerSystems, Inc. This model is a compact, high performance, air-cooled, engine driven generator designed to supply electrical power to
operateelectrical loads where no utility power is availableor in placeof utility dueto a poweroutage.
If any portion of this manual is not understood, contact the nearest Authorized Dealerfor starting, operating and servicing procedures.
The operator is responsible for proper and safe use of the equipment.We strongly recommend that the operator read this manualandthoroughlyunderstandallinstructionsbeforeusingthe equipment.Wealsostronglyrecommendinstructingother usersto properlystart andoperatethe unit.This preparesthemifthey need
to operatetheequipmentin an emergency.
Thegeneratorcan operatesafely,efficiently andreliablyonly if it is properly located,operatedand maintained.Before operatingor servicingthe generator:
Becomefamiliarwith and strictly adhereto all local, stateand nationalcodes and regulations.
Study all safety warnings in this manual and on the product carefully.
Becomefamiliarwith this manual andthe unit beforeuse.
Themanufacturercannot anticipateevery possible circumstance that might involvea hazard.Thewarnings in this manual,andon tags and decals affixedto the unit are,therefore,not all inclusive.
If usinga procedure,workmethodoroperatingtechniquethat the
manufacturerdoes not specifically recommend,ensurethat it is
safe for others. Also make sure the procedure,work method or
operatingtechniqueutilizeddoes not renderthe generatorunsafe.
Throughoutthis publication,and on tags and decals affixedto the
generator,DANGER,WARNING,CAUTIONand NOTEblocks are
usedto alert personnelto special instructionsabout a particular
operation that may be hazardous if performed incorrectly or
carelessly. Observe them carefully. Their definitions are as follows:
indicates a hazardous situation or action which, if
not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
indicates a hazardous situation or action which,
if not avoided, could result in death or serious
indicates a hazardous situation or action which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
Notes containadditional informationimportantto a procedure and will be found withinthe regulartextbody of thismanual.
These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazardsthat they indicate. Common sense and strict compliancewith the special instructionswhile performing theactionorserviceareessentialto preventingaccidents.
Four commonly used safety symbols accompany the DANGER, WARNINGand CAUTIONblocks. The type of information each
indicatesis asfollows:
This symbol points out important safety information that, if not followed, could
endanger personal safety and/or property of others.
This symbol points out potential explosion hazard.
//_This symbol points out potential fire hazard.
/i_This symbol points out potential electrical
shock hazard.
NEVERoperatein an enclosed area, in a vehicle, or indoors EVENIFdoors and windows areopen.
For safety reasons, the manufacturer recommends that the maintenanceof this equipmentis carried out by an Authorized Dealer.Inspectthe generatorregularly,and contactthe nearest AuthorizedDealerfor parts needingrepairor replacement.
Operategeneratoronly on levelsurfacesandwhereit will notbe exposedto excessivemoisture,dirt, dust or corrosivevapors.
Keephands,feet, clothing, etc., away from drive belts, fans, and othermoving parts. Neverremoveany fan guardor shield whilethe unit is operating.
Certain parts of the generator get extremely hot during operation. Keep clear of the generator until it has cooled to
Do NOToperategeneratorinthe rain.
Donotaltertheconstructionofthegeneratororchangecontrols which might createan unsafeoperatingcondition.
Neverstart or stop the unit with electrical loads connected to receptaclesAND with connected devicesturned ON. Start the engine and let it stabilize before connecting electrical loads. Disconnectall electrical loads beforeshutting downthe generator.
,_t Save These instructions - The manufacturer suggests that these rules for safe operation be copied
and posted near the unit's installation site. Safety should be stressed to aii operators and potential operators of this equipment, if you loan this unit to anyone, be sure to also loan this Owner's Manual and advise that it be read thoroughly before operating the unit.
When working on this equipment, remain alert at all times. Never work on the equipment when physically or mentally
Neveruse the generatoror anyof its parts as astep. Stepping on the unit can stress and break parts, and may result in dangerousoperating conditions from leakingexhaust gases,
fuel leakage,oil leakage,etc.
Neveroperatein an enclosedarea or indoors!NEVERuse in the home, in a vehicle,or in partlyenclosedareassuch
as garages,evenif doorsandwindowsare open! ONLYuse outdoors and far from openwindows,doors,vents,andinan
areathat will notaccumulatedeadlyexhaust.
Using a generator indoors CAN KILL YOU iN MINUTES. Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is
a poison you cannot see or smell,
NEVER use insidea home
or garage, EVEN iF doors and windows are open.
Only use OUTSIDE and far away from windows,
doors, and vents.
The generator produces dangerously high voltage when in operation.Avoidcontactwith barewires,terminals,connections, etc., while the unit is running,even on equipmentconnected to the generator. Ensureall appropriate covers, guards and barriersarein place beforeoperatingthegenerator.
Never handle any kind of electrical cord or device while standinginwater,while barefootorwhile handsor feet arewet.
TheNationalElectricCode(NEC)requirestheframe andexternal electrically conductive parts of the generator be properly connectedto an approvedearth ground.Local electricalcodes may also require proper grounding of the generator.Consult with a localelectricianfor groundingrequirementsin thearea.
Use a groundfault circuit interrupter in any damp or highly conductivearea(such as metaldeckingorsteelwork).
Do not useworn, bare,frayedorotherwisedamagedelectrical cord sets with the generator.
In caseof accidentcausedby electricshock, immediatelyshut down the source of electrical power. If this is not possible, attempt to free the victim from the live conductor. AVOID DIRECTCONTACTWITH THEVICTIM.Usea non-conducting implement,such asaropeorboard,to free thevictim from the live conductor.If the victim is unconscious, applyfirst aid and getimmediatemedical help.
The engine exhaustfumes contain carbon monoxide, which you cannot see or smell. This poisonous gas, if breathedin sufficientconcentrations,can causeunconsciousnessor even
Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and ventilating air is critical to correct generator operation. Do not alter the installation or permit even partial blockage of ventilation provisions, as this can seriously affect safe operation of the
generator.The generatorMUSTbeoperatedoutdoors.
Thisexhaustsystemmust be properlymaintained.Do nothing
that mightrenderthe exhaustsystemunsafeorinnoncompliance
with any local codes and/orstandards.
Alwaysuseabatteryoperatedcarbonmonoxidealarmindoors, installedaccordingto themanufacturersinstructions.
If you start to feet sick, dizzy,or weak after the generatorhas beenrunning,moveto fresh air IMMEDIATELY.Seea doctor,as you could havecarbon monoxidepoisoning.
GasolineishighlyFLAMMABLEand itsvaporsare EXPLOSIVE. Do not permitsmoking,open flames, sparksor heat in the vicinitywhilehandlinggasoline.
Never add fuel while unitis runningor hot. Allow engineto cool completelybefore addingfuel.
Never fill fuel tankindoors,Comply with all laws regulating storageand handlingof gasoline.
Do not overfill the fuel tank. Always allow roomfor fuel expansion.If tank is over=filled,fuel can overflow onto a hot
engineandcauseFIREor an EXPLOSION.Neverstoregenerator with fuel in tank where gasolinevapors might reachan open flame, spark or pilot light (as on a furnace, water heater or clothes dryer). FIREor EXPLOSIONmay result. Allow unit to cool entirelybefore storage.
Wipe up any fuel or oil spills immediately.Ensure that no combustiblematerialsareleft on or nearthe generator.Keepthe areasurroundingthe generatorclean andfree from debrisand keepa clearanceof five (5) feet on all side to allow for proper ventilationof the generator.
Do notinsert objectsthrough unit's cooling slots.
Do not operatethe generatorif connected electrical devices overheat,if electricaloutputis lost, if engineor generatorsparks or ifflames or smokeareobservedwhile unit is running.
Keepafire extinguishernearthe generatorat all times.
1. NationalFireProtectionAssociation(NFPA)70:TheNATIONAL
2. NationalFire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA)5000: BUILDING
3. InternationalBuildingCodeavailablefrom
4. Agricultural Wiring Handbookavailablefrom ,
Rural Electricity ResourceCouncil RO.Box 309 Wilmington, OH45177-0309
5. ASAEEP-364.2Installationand Maintenanceof FarmStandby
Electric Power available from, American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers2950 Niles
Road,St. Joseph,MI49085
This list is not all inclusive.Checkwith the Authority HavingLocal Jurisdiction (AHJ)for any localcodesor standardswhich may be applicableto yourjurisdiction.
Figure 1 - Generator/D P/ate
EngineType........................ SingleCylinder,4-Stroke
EngineSize....................................... 80c0
StarterType...................................... Recoil
FuelCapacity/Type................. 0.73 Gal(2.77L)/Unleaded
OilCapacity................................ 0.03Qt (O.TL)
RuntimeFull/HalfLoad........................ 2.5/5.0Hours
SparkPlugType................................. BPR7HS
SparkPlugGap..................................... 030"
DimensionsLx Wx H (in)...................... 22x 12x 18
WeightLb/kg................................. 46.0/20.09
MaximumACOutput.............................. 1400W
SurgeACOutput................................. 1450W
ACVolts....................................... 120VAC
RatedACCurrent.................................. 11.6A
Frequency....................................... 60 Hz
THD............................................. 3.0%
InsulationClass.................................. ClassB
Outlets.............................. (2) 5-15R,(1) 12VDC
DCVolts........................................ 12VDC
RatedDCCurrent.................................... 5 A
Power output and runtimeare influenced by many factors, someof whichare fuel quality,ambienttemperatureand engine condition.Outputdecreases approximately 3.5% for each1,000
feet abovesea level and 1% for every 10 degrees above60°F.
1. CarryingHandle:Liftthe generatorby this handleonly.
2. Spark PlugCover:Allows access to theenginespark plug.
3. Fuel System Primer: Used to prime the fuel system for starting.
4. Fuel CapPressureValve: Allows air to enterthe fuel tankto equalizepressure.
5. FuelTankCap:Accessto fuel tankfor filling.
6. Control Panel: location of generator controls and output receptacles.
7. Air IntakeSlats:Allowsfor cooling airto enterthe housing.
8. Muffler: Lowers engine exhaust noise (includes the spark arrestor).
9. Choke:Coldenginestarting aid
10. Left Side ServiceCover: Allows access to air filter, fuel filter and oil fill.
11. VentHoses: Hosesallow venting ofthe carburetor.
12. FuelShutoff:Controlsfuelsupply to thecarburetor.
13. Starter Rope:Pullropefor startingengine.
Figure 2- Unit Identification
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Air ResourceBoard(CARB)requirethat your generatorcomply with exhaust and evaporative emission standards. This generator is certified to meet the applicableEPAand CARBemission levels. Additionalinformation regardingthe requirementsset by EPAand
CARBis as follows: It is important that you follow the maintenance specifications
providedin this manual to ensurethat your enginecomplies with
the applicableemission standardsfor the durationof the engine's
life. This engineis certified to operate on gasoline.The emission control systemon your generatorconsists ofthefollowing:
FuelSystem Air InductionSystem FuelTank - Intakepipe/manifold
FuelCap _ Air cleaner Carburetor IgnitionSystem FuelLines - Sparkplug
EvaporativeControl System _ Ignitionmodule CarbonCanister ExhaustSystem
Vapor Hoses _ PulseAir InjectionValve
The Emissions Compliance Period referredto on the Emissions Compliance Label indicates the number of operating hours for which the enginehas beenshown to meetFederaland California emission requirements. See the table below to determinethe
compliance period for your generator.The displacementof your generatoris listed onthe EmissionsComplianceLabel.
14. LOW OIL LEVELLED (yellow): Lights up when oil level is
belowsafe operatinglevelandthe engineshuts down..
15. OVERLOADLED(red): Lights up if the generatorexperiences
a load greaterthanthe ratedoutput,low voltage,overheatsor thepoweredcircuitexperiencesa short. Theoutputis stopped
eventhough the enginekeeps running.
16. READY LED (green): Indicates output from the generator
unlessthereis a low oil or overload condition.
17. 12 VDCPlug: Connectionfor re-charging12VDCautomotive-
style batterieswhile generatoris in operation.
18. FlexPowerTM Switch: This switch slows the engine speed
whenthe loadis reducedto savefuel and enginewear.
19. 12 VDC Circuit Breaker:Overloadprotectionfor the 12 VDC
20. Ground (Earth) Connection Lug: Grounding point for the
generator;consultstateand local electrical codes beforeuse (floating ground).
21. 120 VAC Receptacles:Two (2) receptaclesfor connecting
Donot exceedthe ratedoutputof the generator.
Figure3 - Control Panel
Prior to starting the generatorand adding loads, perform the followingtasks:
1. Makesure the generatoris on a firm, level(notto exceed15° in any direction), non-combustiblesurface with at leastfive
(5) feet of clearanceon all sides.
Never operate in an enclosed area or
indoors! NEVER use in the home, in a vehicle, or in partly enclosed areas such as garages, even if doors and windows are open! ONLY use outdoors and far from open windows, doors, vents, and in an area that will not accumulate deadly exhaust.
Using a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU IN MINUTES. Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is
a poison you cannot see or smell.
15-- 16--
19 20 21
NEVER use insidea home or garage, EVEN iF doors
and windows are open.
2. Removethefuel capandcheckthefuellevel. Iffuel isneeded, seethe section "FUELINGTHEGENERATOR".
3. Remove the left side service cover and check the oil level by removingthe oil filler cap. The oil level should be to the
bottom of the threadson the oil fill pipe. If oil is needed,see thesection "ADDINGENGINEOIL:'.
4. Replaceand securethe left sideservice cover.
5. Makesure therearenoloadsconnectedto the generator.
6. The National Electric Code (NEC) requires the frame and external electrically conductive parts of the generator be properly connected to an approved earth ground. Proper grounding of the generatorwill prevent electrical shock in
the event of a ground fault condition in the generator or in connected electrical devices. Propergrounding also helps
dissipatestatic electricity,which often builds up in unguarded devices.
7. Local electricalcodes may also require proper grounding of thegenerator.
Only use OUTSIDE and
far away from windows,
doors, and vents.
Starting the generator with accessories connected to the 120 VAC outlets will
damage the generator and the connected
Oncethe fuel and oil levels have beenchecked and it has been verified there are no loads connected, the generator may be
started. Turnthe FlexPowerSwitchOFF(0).
1. Openthe fuel valve (Figure4), locatedbelow the starter rope pull,by turningto thevalve90° counter-clockwisetothe "ON"
(I) position.
2. Pull up on the center of the fuel fill cap and primethe fuel systemby depressingthe plungerup tofive (5) times with the ventclosed (Figure5 on nextpage).
3. Openthe fueltankventonthe top of thefuel fill capbyturning thecenter portion to the "ON" mark (Figure6on nextpage).
4. Ifthe engineiscold orhasnotbeenrunfor sometime, engage thechoke by pushingthe choke leverto the right.
5. Gripthe handlefor the pull starterandbraceyour other hand againstthe generator.Pullthe rope slowly until resistanceis felt,then pullthe roperapidly.
Figure 4 - rue/Va/ve
6. If the enginedoes not start, repeatsteps 2-5 untilthe engine fires and beginsto run.
7. Carefully adjust the choke to approximatelythe 1/2position untilthe enginebeginsto run smoothly,thenpushthelever all theway to the left (Figure6).
8. Makesurethebottom ofthegeneratorisnot blockedbysand, leaves,grass, etc. as the cooling vents are located on the
bottom of the unit.
Figure 5 - Prime Fuel System
Figure 6 - Adjust Choke
Oncethe generatorhas been running smoothly for 2-3 minutes, electricalloads canbeadded.
/_ Do not use worn, bare, frayed or otherwise
damaged electrical cord sets with the generator. Do not handle any kind of electrical device while standing in water, while barefoot,
or while hands or feet are wet.
1. There aretwo grounded 120 VACduplexoutletsonthe front of the generator.
2. DO NOT overloadthe generator; if the red "overload" LED lights up and the accessories attached to the generator stop operating, stop the engine and reduce the load to the generator.Restartand apply reducedloads.
3. Consultthe following table to estimate what can be powered by the generator.
Device ................................ RunningWatts
*Air Conditioner(12,000Btu) ......................... 1700
*Air Conditioner(24,000Btu) ......................... 3800
*Air Conditioner(40,000Btu) ......................... 6000
BatteryCharger(20Amp) ............................. 500
BeltSander(3").................................... 1000
ChainSaw........................................ 1200
CircularSaw(6-1/2").......................... 800to 1000
*ClothesDryer(Electric)............................. 5750
*ClothesDryer(Gas)................................. 700
*ClothesWasher................................... 1150
CoffeeMaker...................................... 1750
*Compressor(1HP)................................ 2000
*Compressor(3/4HP)............................... 1800
*Compressor(1/2HP)............................... 1400
Curlingiron........................................ 700
*Dehumidifier...................................... 650
DiscSander(9") ................................... 1200
EdgeTrimmer ...................................... 500
ElectricBlanket..................................... 400
ElectricNailGun.................................... 1200
ElectricRange(perelement).......................... 1500
ElectricSkillet..................................... 1250
*Freezer........................................... 700
*FurnaceFan(3/5 HP)................................ 875
*GarageDoorOpener........................... 500to750
HairDryer........................................ 1200
HandDrill................................... 250to11O0
HedgeTrimmer..................................... 450
ImpactWrench..................................... 500
Iron............................................. 1200
*JetPump......................................... 800
LawnMower...................................... 1200
LightBulb......................................... 1O0
MicrowaveOven............................. 700to1000
*MilkCooler...................................... 1100
OilBurneronFurnace................................. 300
OilFiredSpaceHeater(140,000Btu)..................... 400
OilFiredSpaceHeater(85,000Btu)...................... 225
OilFiredSpaceHeater(30,000Btu)...................... 150
*PaintSprayer,Airless(1/3HP)......................... 600
PaintSprayer,Airless(handheld)........................ 150
Radio........................................ 50to200
*Refrigerator....................................... 700
SlowCooker....................................... 200
*SubmersiblePump(1-1/2HP)........................ 2800
*SubmersiblePump(1HP)........................... 2000
*SubmersiblePump(1/2HP).......................... 1500
*SumpPump................................ 800to1050
When an electric motoris started,the "OVERLOAD"LEDmay lightup for up t0 five (5) seconds(thisis n0rmal), if itstayson, a fault has0ccured. Removeall loadsand shutdown generator to reset the alarm. Restart the generator. If the "OVERLOAD"
LEDremainslit, contacta GeneracDealerfor assistance.
Whenthe accessoriesconnected to the generator aregoing to be used intermittently (such as a hand drill), the FtexPowerTM switch canbe pushedto the "ON" (I) position. Thiswill lowerthe generatorenginespeed when loads are not being applied,saving
fuel, reducingenginewear and extendingruntime.
Storage batteries give off explosive hydrogen gas white recharging. An explosive mixture
wiii remain around the battery for a long time after it has been charged. The slightest
spark can ignite the hydrogen and cause an explosion. Such an explosion can shatter the battery and cause blindness or other serious injury.
,_ NEVER reverse the polarity when connecting
the battery terminals to the charging jack. Severe damage may occur to the generator
and battery.
2. Keepthe FlexPowerTM switch in the "OFF"(O) position.
3. Start the generatorand use it as normal. Chargingtime will vary with batterysize andcondition. Checkthevoltageat the batteryterminals oncethe chargingcablehasbeenunplugged or the generatorhasbeenshut down.
Thisreceptaclecannot recharge5-V01tbatteries and cannot be used to crankan engine having a discharged battery.
Oncethe generatoris no longerneededit can be shut down.
1. Switch off anyaccessoriesconnectedto thegenerator.Unplug anycords to the 120 VAC duplexoutlets or the 12 VDCplug.
2. Turn the fuel valve to the "OFF" (0) position (Figure 7). A switch behind the fuel valve grounds the ignition system, stoppingthe engineand the fuel supply is shut off.
3. Closethe vent on thefuel cap.
4. Allow the generatorto cool beforemoving or storing.
,_t Always allow the generator to cool off before
storing. High temperatures will be present at the rear of the unit for some time after
The 12 VDC receptacle may be used to recharge 12 VDC automotivebatteriesonly.TheDCchargingoutputisnot regulated.
Thecircuit protectordoesnot preventover-charginga battery.
1. Connect the charging cable to the generatorfirst, then the battery,ALWAYSconnectingthe red leadto positive (+) and the blackto negative(-).
Do not permit smoking, open flame, sparks or any other source of heat around a battery.
Wear protective goggles, rubber apron
and rubber gloves when working around a battery. Battery electrolyte fluid is an
extremely corrosive sulfuric acid solution
that can cause severe burns. If a spill occurs, flush area with clear water immediately.
Figure 7- Turn Off Fue/
Thisgeneratoris equippedwith a lowoil levelshut down. If theoil levelin the enginecrankcasedrops belowa pre-determinedlevel,
the enginewill stop automaticallyand the "LOWOIL LEVEL:'LED
will light up. Removethe Left Side Service Cover and check the oil level of
the engine. Add or drain oil as necessary;referto seethe section
Use carewhen fuelingthe generator. Onlyfill the fuel tank when
the generatorhascooledentirely.Usefresh unleadedgasolinewith
a minimum ResearchOctaneNumber (RON)of 87.
Do not use any gasolinecontainingmore than 10% Ethanol. NEVERfill the fuel tankwith E85or a mixtureof 0il and gasoline
designatedfor tw0-cycle engines.
Do not light a cigarette or smoke when filling the
fuel tank.
Figure 8 - rue/Tank Cap
Gasoline is highly FLAMMABLE and its vapors are EXPLOSIVE. Do net permit
smoking, open flames, sparks or heat in the vicinity while handling gasoline.
Never fill fuel tank indoors, never fill fuel thank when engine is running or hot. avoid
spilling gasoline on a hot engine, allow engine to cool entirely before filling fuel tank.
Do not overfill the fuel tank. Always allow room for fuel expansion, if tank is over=filled,
fuel can overflow onto a hot engine and cause FIRE or an EXPLOSION. Wipe up fuel spills immediately!
1. Removethe fuel tank cap.
2. Add fuel slowly,stopping abouttwo (2) inchesbelowthe top of the filler neck.
3. Replacethefueltankcap. Makesure thevalveonthefuelcap is in the "OFF"position.
4. If the generator is going to be started, refer to the section "STARTINGTHE GENERATOR"for additional directions on
primingthe fuel system.
All oil should meet minimum American PetroleumInstitute (API) Service Class SJ, SL or better. Do not use any aftermarket
additives. Selecttheoil's viscosity gradeaccordingto the expectedoperating
Above40° F,useSAE30
Below40° Fto 10° F,use10W-30
Below10° F,use synthetic5W=30
°F =20 =10 0 10 20 32 40 60 80 100
oc-3'o -2'o -io o _'o 2'0 3'o 4o
Temperature Range of Expected Use
1. Placethe unit onafirm, levelsurface(notto exceed15° inany direction).
2. Removethe Left Side ServiceCover.
3. Removethe oil fill cap locatedon the bottom of the engine crankcase.
4. Add the recommendedengineoil slowly, stoppingfrequently to check the level.The full level is the baseof the threads in thefiller neck.DONOTOVERFILL!
5. Replacetheoilfillcapandtighten.
6. Alwayschecktheoil levelbeforestartingthegenerator engine.
DO NOT overfill the engine crankcase with
oil. High oil pressure may result, causing
premature engine wear and damage.
DO NOT use a garden hose to clean the generator. Water can enter the engine fuel system and cause problems, in
addition, if water enters the generator throughcooling air slots,some waterwill be retainedin voidsand crevicesof the
rotor and statorwindinginsulation.Water and dirt buildup on the generator internalwindingswill eventually decreasethe insulationresistanceof thesewindings.
Figureg- Oil Fill
Followthe recommendedservice schedule;to order replacement parts call1=888=436=3722.
Each EverylO0 Every6 Each
Use Hours Months Year
FuelLevel X OilLevel X CheckAir Filter X
*ChangeEngineOil X **Clean Air Filter X
CheckSparkPlug CheckMuffler
InspectandClean SparkArrestor
ReplaceSpark Plug ReplaceFuelFilter
* Performinitialoil changeafterthe first five (5) hours of operation ** Glean the air filter more often if operating in dusty or sandy
conditions. Replaceas necessary.
*** Inspectandcleanevery 50 hour of operation.
Propercarewill ensuremaximum performanceof your generator. Generatormaintenanceconsists of keepingtheunit cleananddry. Operateandstorethe unitin acleandry environmentwhere it will not be exposedto excessivedust, dirt, moistureor any corrosive
vapors. Coolingair slots in the generatormust not become cloggedwith
snow,leaves,or anyotherforeignmaterial. Checkthe cleanlinessof the generatorfrequentlyandclean when
dust, dirt, oil, moistureor other foreignsubstancesarevisible on its exteriorsurface.
Never insert any object or tool throughthe air coolingslots, even if the engine is not running.
1. Usea damp cloth to wipe exteriorsurfaces clean.
2. A soft, bristle brush may be usedto loosencakedondirt, oil, etc.
3. A vacuum cleaner may be used to pick up loose dirt and debris.
4. Low pressure air (not to exceed 25 psi) may be used to blow away dirt. Inspect cooling air slots and openings on the generator.These openings must be kept clean and
5. Inspectthe vent hoses on the left side ofthe generator.Make surethe hoses protrudethrough the slots belowthe door and thatthe ends are openandfree of debris.
0nly workona generatorthathas c001edc0mpletely. Inspecttheoil levelandair filter condition eachtimeyou aregoing
to usethe generator.Tocheckthe airfilterandoilleveltheleftside
service cover must be removed;use a screwdriverto loosenthe screw securingthe cover and remove.
Theair filter is located behinda coverfor the air box (Figure10). Pushthe tab on the bottom of the air box upwardsto releasethe
cover.To servicethe air cleaner:
1. Removethe air cleaner.Tapthe elementto shake looseany largeparticles.
2. Wash the element in soapy water. Squeezethe filter dry in cleancloth (DONOTTWIST).
3. Soakthefilterelementin cleanengineoil. Squeezethe excess oil from thefilter, leavinga light coating.
4. Clean air cleaner housing and cover before re-installingthe filter element.
Figure10- Air Fi/ter
Change the oil only when the fuel tank is low or nearly empty. Tipping the generator with a
full fuel tank may cause fuel leakage.
1. Place the generator over a drain pan and removethe drain plug. Tip the generatoron its sideto drain the used oil from
Tomakedraining the 0il easier,a6" lengthof vinyl(PVC)hose with an insidediameter of 125" (32ram) any be placed over thedrain lip.
2. Tip the generator uprightonce the oil has finished draining. Replacethe engine oil with the proper grade called out in Section"ADDINGENGINEOIL:',then replacethe drain plug.
Locatethe fuel filter,just below the engineintakehousing(Figure
11). Makesurethe FuelShutoffis in the "OFF"(0) position.
1. Remove the pinch clamps securing the fuel filter. Pull the hosesfree.
Wipe up any fuel spills immediately! Do not smoke or replace the fuel filter near sparks
or open flam!!
2. Replacethe usedfilter with a new one. Push thefuel hoses ontothe barbedfilter fittings untiltheyareseatedcompletely.
3. Replace the clamps, making sure they are seated on the fittings.
Hot oil may cause burns. Allow engine
to cool entirely before draining oil. Avoid
prolonged or repeated skin exposure with
used oil. Thoroughly wash exposed areas with soap.
Changethe engine oil after the first five (5) hours of operation. Changethe engineoil every 100 hours thereafter.To changethe
Figure11 -Fue/ Fi/ter
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