Generac GP6500E-5941-3, 005941-3, 005940-2, 005939-6 Owner’s Manual

ReadthisManual Thoroughly.................................1
Safety Rules...........................................................1
1.1 Unpacking......................................................................4
1.2 Assembly.......................................................................4
1.3 EmissionsInformation....................................................5
2.1 Knowthe Generator.......................................................5
2.2 Hourmeter......................................................................6
2.3 ConnectionPlugs...........................................................6
2.4 Howto Usethe Generator..............................................7
2.5 Don'tOverloadthe Generator..........................................8
2.6 WattageReferenceGuide...............................................9
2.7 BeforeStartingthe Generator.........................................9
California Proposition 65
Engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the state of California to cause cancer,
birth defects, and other reproductive harm.
California Proposition 65
This product contains or emits chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer,
birth defects, and other reproductive harm.
Thankyou for purchasingthis model by GeneracPowerSystems, Inc. This model is a compact, high performance, air-cooled, engine driven generatordesigned to supply electrical power to operateelectrical loads where no utility power is availableor in placeof utility dueto a poweroutage.
Throughoutthis publication,and on tags and decals affixedto the generator,DANGER,WARNING,CAUTIONand NOTEblocks are usedto alert personnelto special instructions about a particular operation that may be hazardous if performed incorrectly or carelessly.Observethem carefully.Their definitionsareasfollows:
If anyportion ofthis manualis not understood,contactthenearest AuthorizedDealerfor starting, operatingandservicingprocedures.
The operator is responsible for proper and safe use of the equipment.We strongly recommend that the operator read this manualandthoroughlyunderstandallinstructions beforeusingthe equipment.Wealsostronglyrecommendinstructingother usersto properlystart andoperatethe unit.This preparesthemifthey need
to operatetheequipmentin an emergency.Savethese instructions for future reference.If you loan this deviceto someone,ALWAYS
loanthese instructionsto the individualas well. Thegeneratorcan operatesafely,efficiently and reliablyonly if it
is properlylocated, operatedandmaintained.Before operatingor servicingthe generator:
Becomefamiliar with and strictly adhereto all local, stateand nationalcodes and regulations.
Study all safety warnings in this manual and on the product carefully.
Becomefamiliarwith thismanualandthe unit beforeuse.
Themanufacturercannot anticipateevery possible circumstance that might involvea hazard.The warnings inthis manual,and on tags and decals affixedto the unit are, therefore,not all inclusive.
If using a procedure,work method or operatingtechniquethat the
manufacturerdoes not specifically recommend,ensurethat it is
safe for others. Also make sure the procedure,work method or
operatingtechniqueutilizeddoes not renderthe generatorunsafe.
Indicatesa hazardoussituationor action which,if not
avoided, couldresultin deathor seriousinjury.
Indicatesa hazardoussituationoraction which,if not
avoided, couldresultin minoror moderateinjury.
Notescontainadditionalinformationimportantto a procedure and will be foundwithinthe regular textbody ofthis manual.
These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazardsthat they indicate. Common sense and strict compliancewith the special instructionswhile performingthe action or serviceareessentialto preventingaccidents.
Four commonly used safety symbols accompany the DANGER, WARNINGand CAUTIONblocks. The type of information each
indicatesis as follows:
,_This symbol points out important safety
information that, if not followed, could
endanger personal safety and/or property of others.
This symbol points out potential explosion hazard.
i/_This symbol points out potential fire hazard.
This symbol points out potential electrical shock hazard.
NEVERoperatein an enclosed area, in a vehicle, or indoors
EVENIFdoors and windows areopen.
For safety reasons, the manufacturer recommendsthat the maintenanceof this equipmentis carried out by an Authorized
Dealer.Inspectthe generatorregularly,and contactthe nearest AuthorizedDealerfor parts needingrepair or replacement.
Operategeneratoronly on levelsurfacesandwhereit will notbe exposedto excessivemoisture,dirt, dust or corrosive vapors.
Keephands, feet, clothing, etc., away from drive belts, fans, and othermoving parts. Neverremoveany fan guardor shield whilethe unit is operating.
Certain parts of the generator get extremely hot during operation. Keep clear of the generator until it has cooled to
Do NOToperategeneratorinthe rain.
Do not alter the construction of the generator or change controlswhich might createan unsafeoperatingcondition.
Never start or stop the unit with electrical loads connected
to receptaclesAND with connecteddevicesturned ON. Start the engine and let it stabilize before connecting electrical
loads. Disconnectall electricalloadsbefore shuttingdown the generator.
Do notinsert objectsthrough unit's coolingslots.
When working on this equipment, remain alert at all times. Never work on the equipment when physically or mentally
Neverusethe generatoror anyof its partsas a step. Stepping on the unit can stress and break parts, and may result in dangerousoperating conditions from leakingexhaust gases,
fuel leakage,oil leakage,etc.
This generatormaybe equippedwith a spark arrestormuffler. The spark arrestor must be maintained in effective working
orderby theowner/operator.In theState of California, a spark arrestor is required by law (Section4442 of the California
PublicResources Code). Other states may havesimilar laws. Federal lawsapply on federallands.
Never operate in an enclosed area or indoors!NEVERuse in the home,in a vehicle, or in partly enclosedareas suchas garages,EVENIF doors and windowsare open! ONLYuse outdoors and far from open windows,doors, vents,andinan
areathat will notaccumulate deadly exhaust.
Using a generator indoors CAN KILL YOU iN MINUTES. Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is
a poison you cannot see or smell.
NEVER use insidea home or garage, EVEN IF doors
and windows are open,
The engineexhaustfumes contain carbon monoxide, which you cannot see or smell. This poisonous gas, if breathed in
sufficientconcentrations,can cause unconsciousnessor even death.
Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and ventilating air is critical to correct generator operation. Do not alter the installation or permit even partial blockage of ventilation provisions, as this can seriously affect safe operationof the generator.ThegeneratorMUSTbeoperatedoutdoors.
This exhaustsystem must be properlymaintained.Do nothing thatmightrendertheexhaustsystemunsafeorinnoncompliance
with any localcodes and/or standards.
Alwaysuse a battery operatedcarbonmonoxidealarmindoors, installedaccordingto themanufacturer'sinstructions.
If you start to feel sick, dizzy,or weak afterthe generatorhas beenrunning,move tofresh air IMMEDIATELYSeea doctor,as you couldhave carbonmonoxidepoisoning.
Only use OUTSIDE and
far away from windows,
doors, and vents.
The generator produces dangerously high voltage when in operation.Avoidcontactwith barewires, terminals,connections,
etc., whilethe unitis running, even on equipmentconnectedto thegenerator.Ensureallappropriatecovers,guardsandbarriers
are in place beforeoperatingthe generator.
Never handle any kind of electrical cord or device while standingin water,whilebarefootor while handsor feet arewet.
electrically conductive parts of the generator be properly connectedto an approvedearth ground. Localelectricalcodes may also require proper grounding of the generator.Consult
with a localelectricianfor groundingrequirementsin the area.
Use a ground fault circuit interrupter in any damp or highly conductivearea(such as metaldecking or steelwork).
Do not useworn, bare,frayed or otherwisedamagedelectrical cord setswith the generator.
Beforeperforminganymaintenanceonthegenerator,disconnect the engine starting battery (if equipped)to prevent accidental start up. Disconnectthe cable from the battery post indicated by a NEGATIVE,NEGor (-) first. Reconnectthatcable last.
In caseof accidentcausedby electricshock, immediatelyshut down the source of electrical power. If this is not possible, attempt to free the victim from the live conductor. AVOID DIRECTCONTACTWITH THE VICTIM. Use a non-conducting implement,such asa ropeor board,to free thevictim fromthe live conductor.If the victim is unconscious,applyfirst aid and getimmediatemedical help.
Do notinsert objectsthrough unit's cooling slots.
Never operate the generator if connected electrical devices overheat,if electricaloutputislost, if engineor generatorsparks or if flames or smoke are observedwhileunit is running.
Keepafire extinguishernearthe generatoratall times.
1. NationalFireProtectionAssociation(NFPA)70:TheNATIONAL
2. NationalFire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA)5000: BUILDING
3. InternationalBuildingCodeavailablefrom
4. Agricultural Wiring Handbookavailablefrom ,
Rural ElectricityResourceCouncil RO.Box 309 Wilmington, OH45177=0309
5. ASAEEP-364.2Installationand Maintenanceof FarmStandby
Electric Power available from, American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers2950 Niles Road,St. Joseph,MI 49085
This list is not all inclusive.Checkwith theAuthority HavingLocal Jurisdiction (AHJ)for any localcodes or standardswhich maybe applicableto your jurisdiction.
GasolineishighlyFLAMMABLEanditsvaporsareEXPLOSIVE. Never permit smoking,open flames, sparksor heat in the vicinitywhile handlinggasoline.
Neveraddfuel while unitis runningor hot.Allow engineto cool
Never fill fuel tank indoors, Comply with all laws regulating storageand handlingof gasoline.
Do not overfill the fuel tank. Always allow room for fuel expansion.If tank is over-filled, fuel can overflow onto a hot
engineandcause FIREor an EXPLOSION.Neverstoregenerator with fuel in tank where gasoline vapors might reachan open
flame, spark or pilot light (as on a furnace, water heater or clothes dryer). FIREor EXPLOSIONmay result. Allow unit to cool entirelybeforestorage.
Wipe up any fuel or oil spills immediately. Ensure that no combustiblematerialsareleft onor nearthe generator.Keepthe areasurroundingthe generatorcleanand freefrom debrisand keepa clearanceof five (5) feet on allsideto allow for proper ventilationof the generator.
Unit ID Location
Figure 1 - Wheel & Handle Assembly
Removeall packagingmaterial.
Removethegeneratorfrom carton.
Checkall contents.If anyparts aremissing or damaged,locatean authorizeddealerat 1-888-436-3722.
1 - Owner'sManual 1 - HandleAssembly
1-LiterOiISAE30 2-FrameFoot
2 - Never-FlatWheels 1 - 20' PowerCord
3 - ProductRegistrationCards (006110-3 only)
1 - ServiceWarranty 1 - EmissionsWarranty
1 - Battery Charger (Electric Start Models)
1 - Hardware Bag (containing the following):
- 2-Rubber Feet 6-M8 Bolt (Long)
- 2-1/2" AxlePins 2-M6 Bolts (Long)
- 2-Cotter Pins 2-M8 Acorn Nut
- 2-1/2" FlatWashers 4-HexFlangedM8 Nuts
- 2-Hex FlangedM6 Nuts
The generator requires some assembly prior to using it. If problems arise when assembling the generator,please call the GeneratorHetplineat 1-888-436-3722.
The wheels are designed into the unit to greatly improve the portability ofthe generator.
You will needthe following tools to properlyinstall the accessory
Ratchetand8mm, lOmm, and 13mm sockets
8mm, lOmm, and13mm boxwrenches NOTE:
The wheels arenot intendedfor over-the-road use.
1. Refer to Figure 1 and install the Wheels as follows:
- Slidethe AxlePin throughthe Wheel, 1/2" FlatWasher,and Wheel Bracketon the frame.
- Insertthe Cotter Pinthroughthe Axle Pinthenbendthetabs (ofthe OotterPins)outward to lock into place.
2. Refer to Figure 1 and install the Frame Foot and Rubber Bumpers as shown.
- Slidethe RubberBumperstudsthroughthe FrameFoottheninstall the Locking FlangeNuts.
- Slidethe HexHeadBoltsthrough the holes in the FrameRail.
- Slide the Frame Foot onto the Hex Head Bolts then install the
3. Refer to Figure 1 and install the Handle as shown.
- Slidethe long Bolts through the HandleBracketand Handle,then
installthe HexNuts.
_-'_ ....... 2 X FRAME FOOT
The unit has been deliberatelyshipped with the battery cables disconnected.
Toconnect the battery,you will needtwo 8mm boxwrenchesto connectthe batterycables.(see Figure16for connectiondetails):
1. Cut off cable ties securing battery cables and remove red
coversfrom batteryterminals.
2. First,connectthe redcableto the positive (+) batteryterminal
with the bolt andnut supplied.
3. Makesureconnectionsare secureandsliderubber boot over
thepositive (+) batteryterminaland connectionhardware.
4. Connectthe black cable to the negative(-) battery terminal
with the bolt and nut suppliedand slide rubber boot overthe negative(-) batteryterminal and connectionhardware.
5. Makesure all connectionsaresecure.
If the battery is unable to start the engine,charge it with the 12V chargerincludedinthe accessory box(seethe "Charginga Battery"section for details).
TheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(andCaliforniaAir Resource Board for generators certified to CA standards) requires that
this generator comply with exhaust and evaporative emission
standards.Locatethe emissions compliancedecal on the engine
to determinewhatstandardsthegeneratormeets,andto determine
which warranty applies.This generatoris certified to operateon gasoline. The emission control system includes the following components(if equipped):
Air InductionSystem
- IntakePipe/ Manifold
- AirCleaner
- Carburetor
- FuelTank/Cap
- FuelLines
- EvaporativeVentLines
- CarbonCanister
- SparkPlug
- IgnitionModule
- ExhaustManifold
- Muffler
- PulsedAirValve
- Catalyst
11. Handle - Pivot and retract for storage. Press the spring-
loadedbuttonto move handles.
12. GasCap- Fuelfill location.
l& FuelGauge- Showsfuel levelintank.
14. Oil Fill- Add oil here.
15. Recoil Starter - Useto start enginemanually.
15. FuelShut Off - Valve betweenfueltank and carburetor.
17. Roll OverValve- Passesfuelto the engineairbox.
18. Recovery Hose- Installbetweenthe carbon canister andthe
roll overvalve (if equipped).
19. Hourmeter- Trackshoursof operation.
20. Battery ChargerInput - This receptacleallowsthe capability
to rechargethe 12 volt DO storage battery provided with the 12 Volt Adaptor Plug Chargerwhich is included in the Accessory Box. Located behindthe battery chargerinput is a 1.50 Amp in-line fuse which is insidethe control panelto
protectthe battery (electricstart models only).
21. Battery - Powersthe electric starter (electric start models
22. Spark Arrestor - Reducesfire hazardsby containing sparks
(CARBmodels only).
Figure 2.4 - Contro/ Panel (49 State Models)
Read the Owner'sManual and Safety Rules before operating
Compare the generator to Figures 2 through 4 to become
familiarizedwith thelocationsof variouscontrolsandadjustments.
Savethis manualfor future reference.
1. 120 Volt AC, 20 Amp, Duplex Receptacle - Supplies electrical power for the operationof 120 Volt AC, 20 Amp,
single-phase, 60 Hz electrical lighting, appliance, tool and motor loads (CARBmodelsare equippedwith GFCIoutlets).
2. 120/240 Volt AC, 30 Amp LockingReceptacle - Supplies electricalpower for the operationof 120 and/or 240 VoltAC, 30 Amp, single-phase,60 Hz, electrical lighting, appliance,
tool andmotor loads.
3. CircuitBreakers (AC)- Each receptacleis providedwith a push-to-resetcircuit breakerto protect the generatoragainst
4. Oil Drain- Useto drainengineoil.
5. Air Filter- Filtersintakeair as itis drawn intothe engine.
6. ChokeKnob- Usedwhen starting a coldengine.
7. FuelTank- SeegeneratorSpecificationsfor tank capacity.
8. GroundingLug - Groundthe generatorto an approvedearth groundhere.See"GroundingtheGenerator"for details.
9. Run/Stop Switch- Controls the operationof the generator (pull start models).
9A. Start Switch - Used to start engine from the starter motor
(electricstart modelsonly).
10. Muffler- Quietsthe engine.
Figure 2B - Contro/ Panel (CARB Models)
Figure 2C - Contro/ Pane/ (CSA Models)
Figure3 - GeneratorControls
TheHourmetertrackshoursofoperationfor scheduledmaintenance (Figure5):
Therewill bea"CHGOIL"messageevery100 hours.The message will flash one hour before and one hour after each 100 hour
interval,providinga two hourwindowto perform service. This messagewill actuallybeginflashing at 99 hoursand disable
itselfat 101 hoursagain,providingatwo hourwindow to perform theservice.
Every200 hours the "SVC"icon on the lower left hand corner of thedisplay will flash. Themessagewill flash one hourbeforeand
onehour aftereach200 hourintervalprovidingatwo hourwindow to perform service.
Figure5 - Hourmeter
Figure4 - Generator Controls
Whenthe hour meter is inthe FlashAlert mode, the maintenance message will always alternate with elapsedtime in hours and
tenths. The hours wilt flash four times, then alternate with the maintenancemessagefourtimes until themeter resetsitself.
* 100 hours- CHGOIL-- OilChangeInterval(Every100 hrs) * 200 hours- SVC-- ServiceAir Filter(Every200 hrs)
The hour glass graphic will flash on and off when the engine is running.This signifies that the meter is tracking hours of operation.
This is a 120 Volt outlet protectedagainstoverloadby a20 Amp push-to-resetcircuitbreaker (Figure6). Useeach socketto power
120 VoltAC, single phase,60 Hzelectricalloadsrequiringupto a combined 2400 watts (2.4 kW) or 20 Ampsof current.Use only high quality, well-insulated, 3-wire grounded cord sets ratedfor 125 Volts at 20 Amps (or greater).
Keep extensioncords as short as possible, preferablyless than 15 feet long, to preventvoltage drop and possibleoverheatingof
Figure 6 - 120 Vo/t AC, 20 Amp, Duplex Receptac/e
This is a 120 Volt outlet protectedagainstoverloadby a20 Amp push-to-reset circuit breaker (Figure 6A). Use each socket to
power 120 VoltAO,single phase,60 Hz electricalloadsrequiring upto a combined2400 watts (2.4 kW)or 20 Amps of current.Use
only high quality,well-insulated,3-wire groundedcord sets rated
for 125 Volts at 20 Amps (or greater).
Keepextensioncords asshort as possibleto preventvoltagedrop and possibleoverheatingof wires.
Figure 6A - 120 Vo/t AC, 20 Amp, GFC/ Duplex
Figure 7 - 120/240 VAC, 30 Amp Receptac/e
Seethe "To Start the Engine"sectionfor how to safelystart and stop the generator and how to connect and disconnect loads. If there are any problems operatingthe generator,please call the generatorhelplineat 1-888-436-3722.
_t ever operate in an enclosed area or indoors!
NEVER use in the home, in a vehicle, or in partly enclosed areas such as garages, EVEN
IF doors and windows are open! ONLY use
outdoors and far from open windows, doors, vents, and in an area that will not accumulate
deadly exhaust.
_t The engine exhaust fumes contain carbon
monoxide, which you cannot see or smell.
This poisonous gas, if breathed in sufficient concentrations, can cause unconsciousness or
even death.
2.3.3 120/240VAC,30AMPRECEPTACLE
Use a NEMA L14-30 plug with this receptacle (rotate to lock! unlock). 0onnect a suitable4-wire groundedcord set to the plug
andto thedesiredtoad.Thecord set should be ratedfor 250 Volts ACat 30 Amps (or greater)(Figure7).
Use this receptacleto operate120 Volt AC, 60 Hz, singlephase loads requiringup to 3600 watts (3.6 kW) of powerat 30 Amps or 240 Volt AC, 60 Hz,single phase loads requiring up to 7200 watts (7.2 kW) of power at 30 Amps. The outlet is protectedby
two 25 Amp (5.5kW)ortwo 30 Amp (6.5kW)push-to-resetor one
30 Amp 2-pole toggle switch ortwo 30 Amppush buttonto reset (6.5/7.5kW) circuit breaker.
,_Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and
ventilating air is critical to correct generator operation. Do not alter the installation or permit even partial blockage of ventilation provisions, as this can seriously affect safe operation
of the generator. The generator MUST be operated outdoors.
_t This exhaust system must be properly
maintained. Do nothing that might render the exhaust system unsafe or in noncompliance with any local codes and/or standards.
_t Always use a battery operated carbon
monoxide alarm indoors, installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Using a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU iN MINUTES.
Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is a poison you cannot see or smell.
Figure8 - Groundingthe Generator
NEVER use inside a home or garage, EVENiF doors and windows are open.
Only use OUTSIDE and far away from windows, doors, and vents.
This generator has an equipment ground that connects the generatorframe componentsto the ground terminals on the AC
output receptacles (see NEC 250.34 (A) for explanation).This allows the generatorto beused as a portable without grounding
the frame ofthe generatoras specifiedin NEC250.34.
There may be Federalor State Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)regulations,localcodes,or ordinancesthat applyto the intendeduse ofthe generator.
Pleaseconsult a qualified electrician,electrical inspector, or the local agencyhavingjurisdiction:
* In some areas, generators are requiredto be registeredwith
local utilitycompanies.
* If the generatoris used at a construction site, there may be
additionalregulationswhich must be observed.
When connecting directly to a building's electrical system, it is recommendedthata manualtransfer switch is used. Connections
for a portable generatorto a building's electricalsystem must be
made by a qualified electrician and in strict compliance with all nationaland local electricalcodes and laws.
Overloadinga generatorin excess of its ratedwattage capacity can result in damageto the generatorandto connectedelectrical devices.Observethefollowing to preventoverloadingthe unit:
* Addupthe total wattageofall electricaldevicesto be connected
at one time. This total should NOT be greater than the generator'swattagecapacity.
* The ratedwattageof lights can betaken from light bulbs. The
ratedwattage of tools, appliancesand motors can usually be foundon a data labelor decal affixedto the device.
* If the appliance,tool or motor does not give wattage,multiply
voltstimes ampereratingto determinewatts (voltsx amps = watts).
* Some electric motors, such as induction types, require about
threetimes more watts of powerfor startingthan for running. This surge of power lasts only a few seconds when starting suchmotors. Makesureto allowfor high startingwattagewhen selectingelectrical devicesto connect to the generator:
1. Figurethe watts neededto start the largestmotor.
2. Add to that figure the running watts of all other connected loads.
TheWattageReferenceGuideis providedto assist in determining how many itemsthegeneratorcan operateat onetime.
NOTE: All figures are approximate. See data label on appliance for wattage requirements.
Device................................... RunningWatts
*Air Conditioner (12,000 Btu).......................... 1700
*Air Conditioner (24,000 Btu).......................... 3800
*Air Conditioner (40,000 Btu).......................... 6000
BatteryCharger(20 Amp).............................. 500
BeltSander(3") .................................... 1000
ChainSaw ........................................ 1200
CircularSaw (6-1/2") ........................... 800 to 1000
*Clothes Dryer (Electric) ............................. 5750
*Clothes Dryer (Gas) ................................. 700
*Clothes Washer ................................... 1150
CoffeeMaker ...................................... 1750
*Compressor (1 HP)................................. 2000
*Compressor (3/4 HP)............................... 1800
*Compressor (1/2 HP)............................... 1400
CurlingIron......................................... 700
*Dehumidifier....................................... 650
Disc Sander(9").................................... 1200
EdgeTrimmer....................................... 500
Electric Blanket...................................... 400
Electric NailGun.................................... 1200
Electric Range(per element)........................... 1500
Electric Skillet...................................... 1250
*Freezer............................................ 700
*FurnaceFan (3/5 HP) ................................ 875
*GarageDoor Opener............................ 500to 750
HairDryer......................................... 1200
Hand Drill.................................... 250 to 1100
HedgeTrimmer...................................... 450
Impact Wrench...................................... 500
Iron.............................................. 1200
*Jet Pump ......................................... 800
Lawn Mower....................................... 1200
Light Bulb.......................................... 100
Microwave Oven............................... 700 to 1000
*Milk Cooler....................................... 1100
OilBurneron Furnace................................. 300
OilFiredSpaceHeater(140,000 Btu) ..................... 400
OilFiredSpaceHeater(85,000 Btu) ...................... 225
OilFiredSpaceHeater(30,000 Btu) ...................... 150
*Paint Sprayer,Airless (1/3 HP) ......................... 600
PaintSprayer,Airless (handheld)......................... 150
Radio......................................... 50 to 200
*Refrigerator........................................ 700
SlowCooker........................................ 200
*SubmersiblePump (1-1/2 HP) ........................ 2800
*SubmersiblePump (1 HP) ........................... 2000
*SubmersiblePump (1/2 HP).......................... 1500
*Sump Pump................................. 800 to 1050
*Table Saw(10") ............................. 1750 to 2000
Television..................................... 200 to 500
Toaster..................................... 1000 to 1650
WeedTrimmer ...................................... 500
* Allow 3 times the listedwatts for starting these devices.
Priorto operatingthe generator,engineoil and gasolinewill need to be added,asfollows:
2.7.1 IlL}g/fiGEtVG/flEO/L
All oil should meet minimum American PetroleumInstitute (API) Service Class SJ, SL or better.Use no special additives. Select the oil's viscosity grade according to the expected operating temperature(also seechart).
* Above40° F,useSAE30 * Below 40° Fand downto 10° F,use10W-30
* All temperatures,usesynthetic5W-30
°F =20 =10 0 10 20 32 40 60 80 100
oc40 -_o -1o _ 1"o 2"o 3"o 40
,_Any attempt to crank or start the engine
before it has been properly serviced with the
recommended oil may result in an engine
1. Placegeneratoron a levelsurface (not to exceed15° in any direction).
2. Cleanareaaroundoil fill andremoveoil fill cap anddipstick.
3. Wipedipstick clean.
4. Slowly fill engine with oil through the oil fill opening until it reachesthe full mark. Stopfilling occasionally to check oil
level.Becareful netto ever fill.
5. Installoil fill capandfinger tighten securely.
6. Checkengineoil levelbefore starting eachtimethereafter.
Never fill fuel tank indoors. Never fill fuel tank when engine is running or hot. Avoid spilling
gasoline on a hot engine. Allow engine to cool entirely before filling fuel tank. DO NOT light a
cigarette or smoke when filling the fuel tank. Do not overfill the fuel tank. Always leave room
for fuel expansion. If the fuel tank is overfilled, fuel can overflow onto a hot engine and cause FIRE or EXPLOSION. Wipe up any spilled fuel
! !
Temperature Range of Expected Use
Neverlighta cigarette or smoke when filling
the fuel tank. Gasoline is highly FLAMMABLE and its vapors are EXPLOSIVE. Never permit smoking, open flames, sparks or heat in the
vicinity while handling gasoline.
1. UseregularUNLEADEDgasolinewith thegeneratorengine.Do not use anygasoline with morethan 10% addedethanol. Do
not useE85 gasoline.Donot mix oil with gasoline.
2. Cleanareaaroundfuel fill cap, removecap.
3. Slowly add unleadedregulargasolineto fuel tank. Becareful nottooverfill (Figure9).
4. Installfuel cap andwipe up any spilledgasoline.
Figure g - Fuel Tank
Fuel/ Do NOTFillAboveLip
llVlPORTANT:It isimportant to preventgumdepositsfromforming
in fuel system parts such as the carburetor,fuel hose or tank during storage. Alcohol-blended fuels (called gasohol, ethanol or methanol)can attract moisture, which leadsto separationand
formation of acids duringstorage.Acidic gascandamagethefuel
system of an enginewhile in storage.To avoid engineproblems,
the fuel system should be emptiedbefore storageof 30 days or
longer.Seethe "Storage"section. Neveruseengineor carburetor cleanerproductsin thefueltank aspermanentdamagemay occur.
If engine fires, but does not continueto run,movechokelever to FULLCHOKEand repeatstartinginstructions.
IMPORTANT:Do not overloadthe generator.Also,do not overload individual panel receptacles.Theseoutlets are protected against overload with push-to-reset-type circuit breakers. If amperage rating of any circuit breakeris exceeded,that breaker opensand electricaloutputto that receptacleis lost.Read"Don't Overloadthe Generator"carefully.
Figure 10 - Fuel Shut-eft Valve
Figure 11-Engine ON/OFF Switch
i/_X,kNever start or stop engine with electrical
devices plugged into the receptacles AND devices turned on.
1. Unplugall electrical loadsfrom the unit's receptaclesbefore startingthe engine.
2. Make surethe unitis in a levelposition (notto exceed15° in anydirection).
3. OPENthe FuelShut-offValve(Figure10).
4. TurnengineRUN/STOPswitch to ONposition (Figure11).
5. Slide engine choke to the LEFT to FULL CHOKEposition (Figure12).
6. Tostart engine,firmly graspthe recoil handleandpull slowly until increasedresistanceisfelt. Pullrapidly up and away.
7. Whenenginestarts, move chokeknob to 1/2-CHOKEposition until engine runs smoothly andthen fully into RUN position. If enginefalters,move chokeback outto 1/2-CHOKEposition
untilengine runssmoothly andthento RUNposition.
Figure 12 - Choke Position
IMPORTANT:Do not overloadthe generator.Also,do not overload individual panel receptacles.Theseoutlets are protected against
overload with push-to-reset-type circuit breakers. If amperage rating of any circuit breakeris exceeded,that breaker opensand electricaloutputto that receptacleis lost.Read"Don't Overloadthe Generator"carefully.
1. Shut off all loads, then unplug the electrical loads from generatorpanel receptacles.Never start or stop the engine with electricaldevicespluggedin andturnedon.
2. Let enginerun at no-load for severalminutesto stabilizethe internaltemperaturesof engineand generator.
3. Move Run/Stopswitchto OFFposition.
4. Closefuelvalve.
Never start or stop engine with electrical devices plugged into the receptacles AND
devices turned on.
1. Unplugall electrical loadsfrom the unit's receptaclesbefore startingthe engine.
2. Make surethe unitis in a levelposition (notto exceed15° in anydirection).
3. Openthefuel shut-off valve (Figures10).
4. Move engine CHOKEknoboutward to FULLCHOKEposition (Figure12).
5. Tostart engine, press and hold the Start/Run/Stopswitch in the"Start" position. Theenginewill crankandattemptto start. Whenthe enginestarts, releasethe switchto the run position.
6. Whenthe engine starts, move choke knob to "1/2 Choke" position untilthe engineruns smoothly andthenfully into the
"Run" position.If enginefalters, movechokeknobbackout to "1/2 Choke"position untilthe engine runssmoothly andthen to "Run" position.
This generatoris also equippedwith amanualrecoilstarter which may be used if the battery is discharged.
The switch must be in the RUN position. Use one of the
generator's receptacleoutlets along withthe includedbattery
chargerto chargethe battery while the generator is running.
* Tostart manually,firmly grasp therecoil handleand pull slowly
until increasedresistance is felt. Pull rapidly up and away to start engine.Thenfollow the samechoke sequence.
if enginefires, but does not continueto run,move chokelever to FULLCHOKEand repeatstarting instructions.
Theengineis equippedwith a low oil levelsensorthat shuts down theengineautomaticallywhenthe oil leveldrops belowa specified level. If the engine shuts down by itself and the fuel tank has
enoughgasoline,checkengineoil level.
If the system senses a low oil level during operation,the engine shuts down. Theenginewill not run until the oil has beenrefilled to theproper level.
Storage batteries give off explosive hydrogen
gas while recharging. An explosive mixture will remain around the battery for a long time after it has been charged. The slightest spark can ignite the hydrogen and cause an explosion. Such an explosion can shatter the battery and cause blindness or other serious injury.
_tDo not permit smoking, flame, sparks
or any other source of heat around a battery. Wear protective goggles, rubber apron and
rubber gloves when working around a battery. Battery electrolyte fluid is an extremely
corrosive sulfuric acid solution that can cause severe burns, if spill occurs flush area with
clear water immediately.
Thebattery shippedwiththe generatorhasbeen fully charged. A battery may lose some of its charge when not in use for prolongedperiodsoftime. if the battery is unable to crankthe engine,plugin the12V chargerincludedin the accessorybox.
Usebatterychargerplugto keepthe batterychargedandreadyfor use. Batterychargingshouldbe done ina dry location.
1. Plugchargerinto "Battery ChargerInput"jack, locatedon the control panel.Plug wall receptacleendof the batterycharger
into a 120 Volt AC wall outlet.
2. Unplugbattery chargerfrom walt outletand control paneljack whengeneratoris goingto be in use.
Do not use the battery chargerfor more than48 hoursat one charge.
Figure13 - Battery Charger Jack
RatedPower............................................................... 5.5/6.5/7.5 kW**
SurgePower....................................................... 6.875/8.125/9.375 kW
RatedACVoltage...................................................................... 120/240
RatedAC Load
Current@ 240V (5.5/6.5/7.5 kW)..................22.9/27.1/31.3 Amps**
Current@ 120V (5.5/6.5/7.5 kW)..................45.8/54.2/62.5 Amps**
RatedFrequency.................................................... 60 Hz@ 3600 RPM
Phase................................................................................ SinglePhase
** OperatingTemperatureRange: -18deg.C(0deg.F)to40Deg.C(104Deg.
F).Whenoperatedabove25deg.C(77deg.F)theremaybea decreasein power.
** Maximumwattageandcurrentaresubjectto,andlimitedby,suchfactors
asfuelBtucontent,ambienttemperature,altitude,enginecondition,etc.. Maximumpowerdecreasesabout3.5%foreach1,000feetabovesealevel;
andwillalsodecreaseabout1%foreach6° C (10° F)above16° C(60°F) ambienttemperature.
It is important to perform serviceas specifiedin the Maintenance Schedulefor proper generatoroperation,and to ensure that the generatorcomplies with the applicableemissionstandardsfor the durationof its useful life.Serviceandrepairsmaybe performedby any capableperson or repairshop.Additionally,emissionscritical maintenancemust be performed as scheduled in order for the Emissions Warrantyto be valid. Emissions critical maintenance consists of servicing the air filter and spark plugs in accordance
with the MaintenanceSchedule.
Follow the calendar intervals. More frequent service is required whenoperatingin adverseconditions notedbelow.
CheckOilLevel AtEachUse ChangeOil$ *Every100hoursorEverySeason CheckValveClearance ***EverySeason
ServiceAirFilter ** Every200hoursorEverySeason ReplaceSparkPlug EverySeason
$ Changeoil after first 30 hours of operationthenevery season. * Changeoiland oilfilter everymonth whenoperatingunderheavy load or in high
** Clean more often under dirty or dusty operating conditions. Replaceair filter
parts ifthey cannot beadequatelycleaned.
*** Check valve clearance and adjust if necessary after first 50 hours of
operationand every 100 hours thereafter.
Displacement.............................................................................. 389 cc
SparkPlugType................................ NHSPLDF7TCor ChampionN9YC
SparkPlug Part No........................................................... 0G84420101
SparkPlug Gap............................. 0.028-0.031 inch or (0.70-0.80 mm)
OilType.................. SeeChart in "Before Startingthe Generator"Section
OilCapacity................................................................. 1.0 L (1.06 Qts.)
RunTimeat 50% Load (5.5/6.5 kW)...................... 11 Hours/ 10 Hours
Displacement............................................................................... 420cc
SparkPlugType................................ ChampionN9YCorNHSPLDF7TC
SparkPlug Part No........................................................... 0G84420101
SparkPlug Gap............................. 0.028-0.031 inch or (0.70-0.80 mm)
OilType.................. SeeChart in "Before Startingthe Generator"Section
OilCapacity.......................................................... 1.0 Liters (1.06 Qts.)
RunTime (50%Load)..............................................................12 Hours
Thewarranty of thegeneratordoes notcover itemsthat havebeen subjectedto operator abuse or negligence.To receivefull value
from the warranty, the operator must maintain the generatoras instructed inthis manual.
Some adjustmentswilt need to be made periodically to properly maintainthegenerator.
All adjustmentsin the Maintenancesectionof this manualshould be madeat leastonce eachseason.Followthe requirementsinthe
Once a year replace the spark plug and replace the air filter. A new spark plug and clean air filter assure proper fuel-air mixture andhelp the engine run better andlast longer.
Generatormaintenanceconsistsof keepingthe unit clean and dry. Operateandstorethe unit in a cleandry environmentwhereit will not be exposedto excessivedust,dirt, moistureor any corrosive vapors.Coolingair slotsin the generatormustnot becomeclogged with snow, leaves,or anyotherforeign material.
Checkthe cleanlinessof the generatorfrequentlyand cleanwhen dust, dirt, oil, moisture or otherforeign substancesarevisible on
its exteriorsurface.
Usethe followinginstructionsto changetheoil after the engine coolsdown:
1. Cleanareaaroundoil drainplug.
2. Removeoil drain plugfrom engineandoil fill plug to drainoil completelyinto a suitablecontainer.
3. When oil has completely drained, install oil drain plug and tightensecurely.
4. Fill engine with recommendedoil. (See "Before Starting the Generator"for oil recommendations).
5. Wipeup anyspilled oil.
6. Disposeof used oil at a propercollectioncenter.
,_ Never insert any object or tool through the air
cooling slots, even if the engine is not running.
DONOTuse a gardenhoseto cleangenerator.Water canenter the enginefuel systemandcauseproblems.In addition,ifwater entersthegeneratorthroughcoolingair slots,somewater will
be retainedin voidsand crevicesof the rotorand statorwinding
insulation.Water and dirt buildup on the generatorinternal windingswill eventually decrease the insulationresistanceof
Usea damp cloth to wipe exteriorsurfaces clean.
A soft, bristlebrush may be usedto loosencaked on dirt, oil, etc.
A vacuumcleanermay be usedto pick up loosedirt anddebris.
Low pressure air (not to exceed 25 psi) may be used to blow away dirt. Inspectcooling air slots and openingson the
When working on the generator, always
disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug and keep wire away from spark plug.
Seethe "BeforeStarting the Generator"sectionfor informationon checkingthe oil level.The oil levelshouldbe checkedbefore each use, or at least every eight hours of operation. Keepthe oil level
Changethe oil after every 100 hours. If running this unit under dirty or dusty conditions, or inextremelyhot weather,changethe
oil more often.
,_Hot oil may cause burns. Allow engine to
cool before draining oil. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin exposure with used oil, Thoroughly wash exposed areas with soap.
Use ChampionN9YCspark plug or equivalent.Replace the plug every 200 hours.This will help the engine start easier and run
1. Stopthe engineand pull the spark plug wire off of the spark plug.
2. Cleanthe area aroundthe spark plug and remove it from the cylinder head.
3. Setthe spark plug'sgap to 0.70-0.80 mm (0.028-0.031 in.). Installthe correctly gappedspark plug intothe cylinder head
Figure 14 - Spark Plug Gap
Thebatteryshippedwiththe generator has beenfully charged. A battery may lose some of its charge when not in use for prolongedperiodsof time. If the battery is unable to crank the engine,plug in the 12V chargerincludedin the accessory box (see the Charging a Battery section). RUNNINGTHE GENERATORDOESNOTCHARGETHEBATTERY.Thepartnumber for this battery is 0Gg44g.
,_The NEGATIVE battery terminal should:
Figure 15 - Battery Connections
Theenginewill not run properlyand may be damagedif using a dirty air filter. Cleanthe air filter every 50 hours or once ayear (Figure16). Clean or replacemore often if operating underdusty conditions.Theair filter part numberis 0G84420151.
1. Removeairfilter cover.
2. Washinsoapywater.Squeezefilter dry incleancloth (DONOT TWIST).
3. Cleanair filter cover before re-installingit.
The engineexhaustmuffler has a spark arrestor screen. Inspect and cleanthe screenat least onceeach year (Figure17). Ifunit is usedregularly,inspect and clean moreoften.
i/_lf using the generator on any forest=covered,
brush=covered or grass=covered unimproved
land, it must equipped with a spark arrestor. The spark arrestor must be maintained in good condition by the owner/operator.
Cleanandinspectthe sparkarrestorwhenthe engineisat ambient temperatureasfollows:
1. Remove the spark arrestor screen from the muffler by looseningthe clamp andremovingthe screw.
2. Inspect screen and replace if torn, perforated or otherwise damaged. DONOT USEa defective screen. If screen is not damaged,cleanit with commercialsolvent.
3. Replacethe spark arrestor and secure with the clamp and screw.
Figure 17 - Spark Arrestor Screen
Toordera new air filter, pleasecontactthe nearestauthorized servicecenterat 1-888-436-3722.
Figure 15- Air Filter
Spark Arrestor "-_/ Cone i Spark
_ Screen
Toordera newair filter or sparkarrestor screen,pleasecontact the nearestauthorizedservice centerat 1-800-333-1322.
Intake-- 0.15 _ O.02mm(cold), (0.006" _ 0.0008" inches)
Exhaust-- 0.20 _ O.02mm(cold) (0.008" _ 0.0008" inches)
After the first 50 hoursof operation, checkthe valve clearance in the engine and adjust if necessary.
Important: If feeling uncomfortableaboutdoing this procedureor theproper tools are not available,pleasetake the generatorto the nearestservicecenterto havethevalveclearanceadjusted.This is a very importantstepto ensurelongestlifefor theengine.
Thegeneratorshould be started at least once every 30 days and be allowedto run at least 30 minutes. If this cannotbe done and
the unit must be stored for more than 30 days, use thefollowing informationas a guideto prepareitfor storage.
NEVER store engine with fuel in tank indoors or in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas where
fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer
or other gas appliance.
_t Allow unit to cool entirely before storage.
It is important to preventgum depositsfrom forming in essential fuel systemparts such asthe carburetor,fuel hose or tankduring storage. Also, experience indicates that alcohol-blended fuels (called gasohol,ethanolor methanol)can attract moisture,which leadsto separationandformation of acids during storage.Acidic gascan damagethefuel system of an enginewhile in storage.
To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be emptied beforestorageof 30 daysor longer,asfollows:
1. Addaqualitygasolinestabilizertothefuelperthemanufacturer's specifications,and run the unitfor 10-15 minutes.
2. After engine cools down, remove all gasolinefrom the fuel tank. Use a commerciallyavailable, non-conductivevacuum
Avoid spray from spark plug hole when cranking engine.
6. Installandtightenspark plug.Do not connectsparkplugwire.
7. Cleanthe generator outer surfaces. Check that cooling air slots andopeningson generatorareopen and unobstructed.
8. Storethe unit in a clean, dry place.
* Do not store gasolinefrom oneseasonto another.
* Replacethe gasoline can if it starts to rust. Rust and/ordirt in
the gasolinewill cause problems with the carburetor and fuel system.
* If possible,storethe unit indoors andcover it to give protection
* If it is not practicalto empty the fuel tank and the unit is to
be stored for some time, use a commercially availablefuel stabilizer added to the gasoline to increase the life of the gasoline.Runthe unit for 10-15 minutes,turn off thefuel valve and allowto run until enginestops from lackof fuel.
* Cover the unit with a suitable protective cover that does not
_t NEVER cover the generator while engine and
exhaust areas are warm.
Drain fuel into approved container outdoors, away from open flame. Be sure engine is cool.
Do not smoke.
3. Start and run engineuntilenginestops from lackof fuel.
4. After engine cools down, drain oil from engine. Refill with recommendedgrade.
5. Remove spark plug and pour about 1/2 ounce (15 mt) of engineoil intothecylinder.Coverspark plugholewith rag.Pull the recoil starter a couple times to lubricatethe piston rings and cylinder bore.A fogging agent can also be used in the placeof oil.
Engineis running,but no AC output isavailable.
1. Circuitbreakeris open.
2. Poorconnectionor defectivecord set.
3. Connecteddeviceis bad.
4. Faultin generator.
1. Resetcircuit breaker.
2. Checkand repair.
3. Connectanotherdevicethat is in goodcondition.
4. ContactAuthorizedServiceFacility.
Engineruns well hut bogs down 1. Short circuit in a connectedload. 1. Disconnectshorted electrical load.
whenloadsare connected. 2. Generatoris overloaded. 2. See"Don't Overloadthe Generator".
3. Enginespeedis too slow. 3. ContactAuthorizedServiceFacility.
4. Shorted generatorcircuit. 4. ContactAuthorizedServiceFacility.
Enginewill notstart;orstartsand
1. FuelShut-off is OFF.
2. Dirty airfilter.
3. Outof gasoline.
4. Stalegasoline.
5. Sparkplug wire not connectedto spark plug.
6. Bad sparkplug.
7. Waterin gasoline.
8. Overchoking.
9. Low oil level.
10. Excessiverichfuel mixture.
11. Intakevalve stuck openor closed.
12. Enginehas lostcompression.
= I
1. TurnFuelShut-off ON.
2. Cleanor replaceairfilter.
3. Fillfuel tank.
4. Drainfuel tank andfill with fresh fuel.
5. Connectwire to sparkplug.
6. Replacespark plug.
7. Drainfuel tank; fill with fresh fuel.
8. Putchoke knob to NoChokeposition.
9. Fillcrankcaseto properlevel.
10. Contact AuthorizedServiceFacility.
11. Contact AuthorizedServiceFacility.
12. Contact AuthorizedServiceFacility.
Engineshuts downduring 1. Outof gasoline. 1. Fillfuel tank. operation. 2. Low oil level. 2. Fillcrankcaseto properlevel.
3. Faultin engine. 3. ContactAuthorizedServiceFacility.
m R
Enginelacks power. 1. Loadis too high. 1. Reduceload (see"Don't Overloadthe Generator").
2. Dirty airfilter. 2. Cleanor replaceairfilter.
3. Engineneedsto be serviced. 3. ContactAuthorizedService Facility.
= I
Engine"hunts" or falters. 1. Chokeis openedtoo soon. 1. Movechoketo halfway positionuntil engineruns
2. Carburetoris running too rich or too lean. 2. ContactAuthorizedServiceFacility.
Manual PartNo. 0K0172 Rev.F(12/13/13) Printedin China
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