Owner's Manual
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Wheel kit
Storage Cover
Battery charge cables
Spare Spark Plug,Air Filter, and Oil Filter
Spark PlugWrench
Locking20 Amp plug
Locking30 Amp plug
Owner's manual
If any parts are missing or damaged, call 1-800-270-1408.
Questions? Help is just a moment away!
Call:Generac Generator Helpline - 1-800-270-1408 M-F 8-5 CT
Web: www.generac-portables.com or www.briggsandstratton.com
SafetyRules.................................... 2-4
Know Your Generator ............................. 5
Assembly...................................... 6-7
Operation .................................... 8-12
Product Specifications............................. 13
Maintenance ................................. 13-14
Storage........................................ 14
Notes ...................................... 15-16
Troubleshooting ................................. 17
Schematic...................................... 18
Wiring Diagram ................................. 19
Replacement Parts............................. 20-23
Warranty ................................. Last Page

_Read this manual carefully and become
familiar with your generator. Know its
applications, its limitations and any hazards
The generators are an engine-driven, revolving field,
alternating current (AC) generator. It was designed to supply
electrical power for operating compatible electrical lighting,
appliances,tools and motor loads.Thegenerator's revolving
field is driven at about 3,600 rpm by a single-cylinder engine.
CAUTION! DO NOT exceed the generator's
wattage/amperage capacity.See"Don't Overload
Generator" on page 12.
Everyeffort hasbeenmade to ensurethat informationinthis
manualisaccurateand current. However,we reserve the
right to change,alter or otherwise improvethe product and
this document at anytime without prior notice.
The EmissionControl Systemfor this generator iswarranted
for standardsset by the Environmental Protection Agency.For
warranty informationrefer to the engineowner's manual.
In the Stateof California a spark arrester isrequired by lawI
(Section 4442 of the California PublicResourcesCode).
Other states may havesimilar laws. Federallawsapply on
federal lands.If you equip the muffler with a spark arrester,
it must be maintained ineffective working order.
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to
alert you to potential personal injury hazards.
Obey all safety messages that follow this
symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
The safety alert symbol (_,) isused with a signal word
(DANGER, CAUTION,WARNING), apictorial and/or a
safety messageto alert you to hazards.DANGER indicates
a hazard which, if not avoided,will result in death or serious
injury.WARNING indicatesa hazard which, if not avoided,
couldresult in death or serious injury.CAUTION
indicatesa hazard which, if not avoided,might result in
minor or moderate injury. CAUTION, when used
without the alert symbol, indicates a situation that could
result in equipment damage.Follow safetymessagesto
avoid or reduce the risk of injury or death.
The engine exhaust from this product contains I
chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, b rth defects, or other reproduct ve harm.
Hazard Symbols and Meanings
Electrocution Electrical Shock Electrical Shock
Toxic Fumes
Explosive Pressure
Explosion Fire
Chemical Burn Hot Surface

Operate generator ONLY outdoors.
Keepat least 2 feet of clearance on all sidesof generator for
adequate ventilation.
DO NOT operategenerator insideanybuildingor enclosure,
includingthegenerator compartmentof arecreationalvehicle(RV).
When usinggenerator for backup power, notify utility
company.Use approved transfer equipment to isolate
generator from electric utility.
Use aground circuit fault interrupter (GFCi) in anydamp or
highly conductive area,such asmetal decking or steel work.
DO NOT touch bare wires or receptacles.
DO NOT use generator with electrical cords which are worn
frayed,bare or otherwise damaged.
DO NOT operate generator in the rain.
DO NOT handle generator or electrical cords while standing
inwater, while barefoot, or while handsor feet are wet.
DO NOT allow unqualified persons or children to operate or
service generator.
Turn generator OFF and let it cool at least 2 minutes before
removing gas cap. Loosen cap slowly to relieve pressure in tanlc
Fill fuel tank outdoors.
DO NOT overfill tank.Allow space for fuel expansion.
Keep fuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and
other ignition sources.
DO NOT light a cigarette or smoke.
DO NOT tip engine or equipment at angle which causes fuel
to spill.
This generator is not for use in mobile equipment or marine
Transportlrepair with fuel tank EMPTY or with fuel shutoff
valve OrE
Disconnect spark plug wire.
Store away from furnaces, stoves, water heaters, clothes
dryers or other appliances that have pilot light or other
ignition source because they can ignite fuel vapors.
DO NOT allow any open flame, spark, heat, or lit cigarette
during and for several minutes after charging a battery.
Wear protective goggles, rubber apron, and rubber gloves.
Thisgenerator does not meet U. S.Coast Guard Regulation
33CFR-183 and should not be used on marine applications.
Failure to use the appropriate U. S.Coast Guard approved
generator could result in bodily injury and/or property

Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plugand place
the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
See"Don't Overload Generator" on page 12.
Start generator and let engine stabilize before connecting
electrical loads.
Connect electrical loads in OFF position, then turn ON for
Turn electrical loads OFF and disconnect from generator
before stopping generator.
DO NOT touch hot surfaces.
Allow equipment to cool before touching.
DO NOT tamper with governed speed.Generator supplies
correct rated frequency and voltage when running at governed
DO NOT modify generator in any way.
Use generator only for intended uses.
tf you have questions about intended use,askdealer or call
Operate generator only on level surfaces.
DO NOT expose generator to excessive moisture, dust, dirt,
or corrosive vapors.
DO NOT insert anyobjects through cooling slots.
if connected devices overheat, turn them off and disconnect
them from generatoc
Shut off generator if.'
-electrical output is lost;
-equipment sparks,smokes,or emits flames;
-unit vibrates excessively.

Reacl this owner's manual and safety rules before operating your generator.
Compare the illustrationswith your generator, to familiarize yourself with the locationsof variouscontrols and
adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
Oil Fill Cap
Circuit Breakers (AC)
120/240Volt AC,
20 Amp Receptacle
120Volt AC, 30 Amp
12Volt DC, 10Amp
120VoltAC, 15Art
Duplex Receptacle
Idle Control Switch
12Volt DC, I 0 Amp Receptacle -- Rechargea
discharged 12Volt automotive type battery through this
120Volt AC, 15Amp Duplex Receptacle -- May be
usedto supply electrical power for the operation of
120Volt AC, 15Amp, single phase,60 Hz electrical lighting,
appliance,tool and motor loads.
120Volt AC, 30 Amp Receptacle -- Maybe usedto
supply electrical power for the operation of 120Volt AC,
30 Amp, singlephase,60 Hz electrical lighting,appliance,
toot and motor loads.
120/240 Volt AC, 20 Amp Receptacle -- May be used
to supply electrical power for the operation of 120and/or
240 Volt AC, 20 Amp, single phase,60 Hz electrical lighting,
appliance,toot and motor loads.
Air Cleaner -- Usesa dry type filter element and foam
pre-cleaner to limit the amount of dirt and dust sucked
into the engine.
Choke Lever -- Used when starting a cold engine.
Recoil Starter
Run/Stop Switch
Air Cleaner
SparkArrester Muffler
Grounding Fastener
Circuit Breakers (AC) -- Eachreceptacle is provided
with a "push to reset" circuit breaker to protect the
generator againstelectrical overload.
FuelTank -- Capacity of 4.5 U.S.gallons.
Grounding Fastener -- If required, pleaseconsulta
qualified electrician, electrical inspector,or the local agency
Idle Control Switch --With this switch set to ON,
printed circuit board in control panel automatically reduces
engine speedwhen no load isconnected and increases
engine to proper speed when loadis applied.However, be
sure switch isOFF when starting engine.
Oil Fill Cap --Add oil to engine here.
Recoil starter -- Used to start the engine manually.
Run/Stop Switch -- Setthis switch to "Run" before
using recoil starter. Set switch to "Stop" to switch OFF
Spark Arrester Muffler -- Exhaust muffler lowers
engine noise and is equipped with a spark attester screen.

Your generator requires some assemblyand is ready for
use after it has been properly serviced with the
recommended oil and fuel.
If you have any problems with the assembly of your
generator, please call the generator helpline at
Remove Generator From Carton
I. Set carton on a rigid flat surfacewith "This SideUp"
arrows pointing upward.
2. Carefully open top flaps of shipping carton. Review
"Cold Weather Operation" on page I0.
3. Cut down corners at one end of carton from top to
bottom and laythat side of carton down flat.
4. Remove all packing material, carton fillers, etc.
5. Remove generator from shipping carton.
Cap Screw
Install Wheel Kit
To installthe wheel kit, the following tools are required:
• Socket wrench with I/2" or 13mm sockets
• Needle-nose pliers
Install Wheel Kit as follows: (SeeFigure I)
I. Placebottom of the generator cradleon aflat,even
surface.Temporarilyplaceunit on blocksto easeassembly.
2. Slide axle through both axle mounting brackets on
cradle frame, as shown.
3. Slide wheel over axle.
NOTE: Be sure to installboth wheels with air pressure
valve on outboard side.
4. Retain wheel on axle with e-ring using a needle-nose
pliers.You may add the fiat washer ifdesired.
5. Repeat step 3 and 4 to secure second wheel.
Mounting Leg j_
Use Existing Fasteners
Wheel E.l_i/ng

6. Removeexistinghardwarefrom vibration mountswith
13mmwrench.Use samehardwareto attach mountingleg.
7. Remove temporary blocks.
8. Center handle bracket on generator frame at control
panel end of cradle.
9. Attach handlebracket with two capscrews andtwo hex
nuts.Use two 13mm wrenches to tighten hardware.
10. Check that all fasteners are tight and tires are inBate_
between 15-40 PSI.
Add Engine Oil and Fuel
• Placegenerator on a levelsurface.
- Refer to engine manual for oil and fuel fill information.
- Damage to equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.
• Refer to engine owner's manualand follow oil and fuel
recommendations and instructions.
NOTE: Check oil often during engine break-in. Refer to
engine owner's manual for recommendations.
NOTE: The generator assembly rotates on a prelubricated
and sealed ball bearing that requires no additional
lubrication for the life of the bearing.

System Ground
The generator has a system ground that connects the
generator frame components to the ground terminals on
the AC output receptacles.The system ground isconnected
to theAC neutral wire (the neutral is bonded to the
generator frame).
Special Requirements
There may be Federalor State Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, localcodes,or
ordinances that apply to the intendeduse of the generator.
Pleaseconsult a qualified electrician, electrical inspector,or
the localagencyhaving jurisdiction.
• In some areas,generators are required to be registered
with local utility companies.
• If the generator is usedat a construction site,there may
be additional regulations which must be observed.
Connecting to a Building's Electrical
Connections for standby power to a building's electrical
system must be made by a qualified electrician.The
connection must isolate the generator power from utility
power, and must comply with all applicable laws and
electrical codes.
See"Don't Overload Generator" on page 12.
Start generator and let engine stabilize before connecting
electrical loads.
Connect electrical loads in OFF position, then turn ON for
Turn electrical loads OFF and disconnect from generator
before stopping generator.
Starting the Engine
Disconnect all electrical loads from the generator. Follow
these start instruction steps in numerical order:
I. Make sure unit is on a level surface.
IMPORTANT: Failure to start and operate unit on a level
surface will cause the unit not to start or shut down
during operation.
2. Turn fuel valve to "On" position (Figure 2).
When usinggenerator for backup power, notify utility
company. Use approved transfer equipment to isolate
generator from electric utility.
Use a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) in any damp or
highly conductive area, such as metal decking or steel work.
DO NOT touch bare wires or receptacles.
DO NOT use generator with electrical cords which are worn
frayed, bare or otherwise damaged.
DO NOT operate generator in the rain.
DO NOT handle generator or electrical cords while standing
in water, while barefoot, or while hands or feet are wet.
DO NOT allow unqualified persons or children to operate or
service generator.
3. Make sure Idle Control switch is in"Off" position
(Figure 3).
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Start engine according to instructions given in engine
owner's manual