Generac 1313-1 Owner’s Manual

Portable Products ,_
3 5 0 0WATT
Portable Generator Owner's Manual
Model No. 1313-I (3,500 Watt AC Generator) ManualNo. 18721I Revision0 (8/31/2000)
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This is the safety alert symbol. It isusedto alert you to potential personal injury hazards.
Obey all safety messagesthat follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
This generator is an engine-driven, revolving field, alternating current (AC) generator. It was designedto supply electrical power for operating compatible electrical lighting, appliances,tools and motor loads. This manual contains informationfor a generator that operates 120 and/or 240 Volt, single phase,60 Hz devices that require up to 3,500 watts (3.5 kW) of power that pult up to
29.2 Amps at 120Volts or 14.6Amps at 240 Volts.
_ CAUTION! Do Not exceed the generator's
wattage/amperagecapacity.Add up the rated watts of all devices you are connecting to generator receptacles at one time. This total should not be
greater than 3,500 watts. In most casesrated watts
of the electrical device can be found on the device nameplate. If the device nameplate givesonly volts
and amps, multiply volts times ampsto obtain watts (volts X amps =watts).
The 3,500 watt generator hasthe following features:
120/240Volt, 20Amp locking type receptacle and a 120Volt, 30 Amp locking type receptacle.
120Volt, 15 Amp receptacles.
Low Oit Shutdown: Automatically shuts down the engine
if oit drops below safeoperation level.
Fourgallon overhead fuel tank with fuelgauge.
The generator's revolving field is driven at about
3,600 rpm by a Generac Power Systems6.5 h.p.engine.
_ ARNING! Do Not tamper with engine
governed speed. High operating speedsare
dangerousand increase risk of personal injury or damageto equipment. The generator supplies
correct rated frequency and voltageonly when running at proper governed speed. Incorrect
frequency and/or voltage can damage some connected electrical loads. Operating at excessively
low speedsimposes a heavyload. When adequate engine power is not availableenginelife may be
This generator set was designedand manufactured for specific applications. Do Not attempt to modify the unit
or use it for any application it was not designed for. If you haveany questions about your generator's application, ask
your dealer/distributor or consult the factory. The manufacturer could not possibly anticipate every
circumstance that might involvea hazard. For that reason warnings in the manualand warnings on tags or decals affixedto the unit are not all-inclusive. If you intend to handle,operate or service the unit by a procedure or method not specifically recommended by the manufacturer, first make sure that such a procedure or method will not render this equipment unsafeor pose athreat to you and
Read this manual carefully and become familiar with your generator set. Know its applications, its
limitations and any hazards involved.
_ DANGER! You must isolate the generator from
the electric utility by opening the electrical system's main circuit breaker or main switch if this unit is
usedfor backup power. Failure to isolate the
generator from the power utility may result in injury or death to electric utility workers
and damage to the generator due to abackfeed
of electrical energy.Whenever unit isproviding backup power, the electric utility must be notified.
_ DANGER! Generator exhaust gases contain
DEADLY carbon monoxide gas. Carbon monoxide, if breathed in sufficient concentrations, can cause unconsciousness or death. Operate this equipment outdoors where
adequateventilation isavailable.
The EmissionControl System for this generator is warranted for standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency. For warranty informationrefer to the engine owner's manual.
Generac Portable Products 3,500 Watt Generator
The generator produces a very powerful voltage that can causeserious injuryor death by electrocution. Never touch bare wires or receptacles. Never permit a child or any unqualified person to operate the generator.
Never handle any kind of electrical cord or device while standing in water, white barefoot or white hands or feet are wet Death or serious injuryfrom electrocution may
Use aground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) in any damp or highly conductive area (such as metal decking or steel
Never useworn, bare, frayed or otherwise damaged electrical cords with the generator. Death, serious injury and property damagefrom electrical shock mayresutt
Gasoline is highly FLAMMABLE and its vapors
are EXPLOSIVE. Never allow smoking, open flames, sparks or heat in the vicinity while handling gasoline. Avoid spillinggasoline on a hot
engine.Comply with all laws regulating storage and handling of gasoline.
Do Not overfill the fuel tank. Always allow room for fuel expansion. If tank is overfllled, fuel can overflow onto a hot engine and cause a FIRE or an
Never store agenerator with fuel in the tank where gasolinevapors might reach an open flame, spark or pilot light (as on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer). FIRE or an EXPLOSION may result.
The unit requires anadequateflow of cooling air for its continued proper operation. Never operate the unit inside
any room or enclosure where the free flow of cooling air into and out of the unit might be obstructed. Allow at
least 2 feet of clearance on all sidesof generator, even while operating unit outdoors, or you could damagethe
Never start, or stop the unitwith electrical loads connected to receptacles with the connected devices
turned ON. Start the engine and let it stabilize before connecting anyelectrical loads. Disconnect all electrical
loads before shutting down the generator.
Do Not insertanyobject through cooling slots of the engine.You could damagethe unit or injureyourself.
Never operate the generator: in rain; in any enclosed compartment; when connected electrical devices overheat; if electrical output is lost; if engine or generator sparks; if flame or smoke is observed while unit is running; if unit vibrates excessively.
The National ElectricalCode requires that the frame and external electrically conductive parts of this generator be properly connected to an approved earth ground. Local electrical codes may also require proper grounding of the unit For that purpose, a GROUNDING WING NUT is provided on the generator end (Figure I).
Generally, connecting a No. 12AWG (American Wire Gauge) stranded copper wire to the grounding wing nut
and to an earth-driven copper or brass grounding rod (electrode) provides adequate protection against electrical
shock. Be careful to keepthe grounding wire attached after connecting the stranded copper wire. However, local codes
may vary widely. Consult with a local electrician for grounding requirements in your area.
Properly grounding the generator helps prevent electrical shock ifa ground fault condition exists in the generator or in connected electrical devices. Proper grounding also helps dissipate static electricity, whichoften builds up in ungrounded devices.
Read this owner's manual and safety rules before operating your generator.
Compare the illustrationswith your generator, to familiarize yourself with the locationsof various controls and adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
120 Volt AC, 15 Amp
Circuit Breakers (AC)
120/240Volt AC,
20 Amp Receptacle
120Volt AC, 30 Amp
12 Volt DC, 10Amp
IdleControl Switch
12 Volt DC, I 0 Amp Receptacle -- Use this receptacle
with battery chargecablesto chargea 12Volt battery.
120 Volt A¢, I5 Amp Receptacles -- May be used to
supply electrical power for the operation of 120 Volt AC,
15 Amp, single phase,60 Hz electrical lighting,appliance,
tool and motor loads.
120 Volt AC, 30 Amp Receptacle -- May be used to supply electrical power for the operation of 120Volt AC, 30 Amp, single phase,60 Hz electrical lighting,appliance,
tool and motor loads.
120/240 Volt AC, 20 Amp Receptacle -- May be used
to supplyelectrical power for the operation of 120and/or
240 Volt AC, 20 Amp, single phase,60Hz electrical lighting,appliance, tool and motor loads.
Run/Stop Switch/
Grounding Wing Nut
Circuit Breakers (AC) -- Eachreceptacle isprovided
with a circuit breaker to protect the generator against
electrical overload. Breakers are "push to reset" type.
Fuel Shut Off Valve -- Controls fuel supply to engine. Fuel Tank -- Capacity of 4 U.S.gallons.
Grounding Wing Nut -- Providesa tie-point for
connecting the generator frame to earth ground. Idle Control Switch -- The idlecontrol runs the engine
at normal (high) speedswhen there isa load present and runs the engine at idle (tow) speedswhen a toadisnot present. This feature greatly improvesfuel economy, extends the life of the engine, and reduces engine noise.
Run/Stop Switch -- Must be in "Run" position to start engine.Set to "Stop" to stop a running engine.
IMPORTANT: This wheel kit is not intended for over-the-road use.
To installyour wheelkit you needthe following tools:
Two 13mm box, open end, or socket wrenches Install Wheel Kit as follows:
Placethe bottom of the generator cradle on a fiat, even surface. Temporarily place unit on blocks to ease
Slideaxle through both axle mounting brackets on cradle
frame, asshown.
Slidea wheel over the axle.
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NOTE: Be sure to installboth wheelswith the air pressure valveon the outboard side.
Retainwheel on axle with the retaining pin.. Youmay acid the fiat washer if desired.
Repeatstep 3 and 4 to secure second wheel.
Remove the existing hardware from the vibration mounts with 13mm wrench. Use the same hardware to attach
the mounting leg.
Remove the temporary blocks.
Center the handle bracket on generator frame at control panel end of cradle.
Attach handle bracket with two cap screws and two hex nuts. Use two 13 mm wrenches to tighten hardware.
Handle Assembly
Mounting Leg
Use Existing Fasteners
Flat Washer
Retaining Pin
Add Oil
_ ARNING! Any attempt to crank or start the
engine before it has been properly filled with the
recommended oil may result in an engine failure.
To fill your engine with oil:
Place generator on a level surface.
Clean area around oil fill and remove oil fill cap.
Select the oil's viscosity grade and fill engine with oil following the instructions given in the engine owner's
manual. Do Not overfil!!
Install oil fill cap.
NOTE: The generator's revolving field rides on a pre- lubricated and sealed ball bearing that requires no additional lubrication for the life of the bearing.
Add Gasoline
_ ANGER! Explosion Hazard! Never fill fuel tank
indoors.Never fillfuel tank when engine isrunning
or hot Do Not light a cigarette or smoke when filling the fuel tank.
_ WARNING! Do Not overfill the fuel tank.
Always allow room for fuel expansion.
Use regular UNLEADED gasoline with the Generator engine.Do Not use premium gasoline.Do Not mix oil with gasoline.
Clean areaaround fuel fill cap,remove cap.
Add unleaded regulargasoline, slowly to fuel tank. Be careful not to overfill. Allow about I/2" of tank space for
fuel expansion (Figure 3).
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1/2" Air Space Tank
Install fuel cap and wipe up any spilled gasoline.
IMPORTANT: It is important to prevent gum deposits
from forming in essential fuel system parts such as the carburetor, fuel filter, fuel hose or tank during storage.
Also, experience indicates that alcohol-blended fuels (called gasohol, ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture which
leads to separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an engine while in
storage. To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be
emptied before storage of 30 days or longer. See "Storage" on page 12. Never use engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur.
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