Generac 1019-3 User Manual

Owner's Manual
Parts Included*
• Generator
• Wheel kit
• Storage Cover
• Battery
• Battery Charge Cables
• Spare Spark Plug, Air Filter, and Oil Filter
• Spark Plug Wrench
• (2) Locking 30 Amp Plugs
• Engine Oil
• Oviiner's Manual
• Engine Manual *lf any parts are missing or damaged, call 1-800-270-1408.
Questions? Help is just a moment away!
CalLGenerac Generator Helpline - 1-800-270-1408 M-F 8-5 CT
Model No. 1019-3 (7,500 Watt AC Generator) Manual No. I897I3GS Revision 5 (12/18/2003)
Table of Contents
Safety Rules Knov^ Your Generator
Product Specifications.......................................................14
Wiring Diagram....................................................................17
Replacement Parts
Last Page




Read this: manual carefully and become familiar with your ^^nerator. Know its
applications, its limitations and any hazards involved.
The generators are an engine-driven, revolving field, altsrnating current (AC) generator. It was designed to supp y electrical power for operating compatible electrical lighting, appliances, tools and motor oads.The generator’s
revo ving field is driven at about 3,600 rpm by a single-
cy inder engine.
CAUTION! DO NOT exceed the generator’s
wattage/amperage capaci^. See "Don’t Overload Generator” on pa;^ 13,
Every effort has been made tx> ensure that information in this manual is accurats and current. However, we reserve the right to change, altsr or otherwise improve the product and this document at any time without prior notice.
The Emission Contro System for this generator is warranted for standards set by the Environmental
Protection A;^ncy, For warranty information refer to the engine owner’s manual.
In the:State:ofGaiifOrhla: a spare arrester is :reqUlred: :by :laW: (Section 4442 Other states wlay have similar laws. Federal law^ apply on
federai iandsulf you ecuic the muffler with a: spark arrester, :
itimust ibeimaintainedi in effecti\eiv«5rdng order
of the GàiifOriiia-Public- Riésourcés -Godè).
The safe^ alert symbol (A) is used with a signal word (DANGER, CAUTION,WARNING), a pictorial and/or a safety messa;^ to alert you to hazards, DANGER indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury, WARNING indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury, CAUTION
indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, m/g/it result in minor or moderate injury. CAUTION, when used without the alert symbol, indicates a situation that could
result in equipment damage. Follow safety messages to
avoid or reduce the risk of injury or death.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Hazard Symbols and Meanings
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
^ >
Electrocution Electrical Shock Electrical Shock.
Toxic Fumes
Explosive Pressure Chemica Burn Hot Surface

7500EXL Extended Life Generator


Parta DU rrodncti
Running generator gives off carbon monoxide,
an odorless, colorless, poison gas.
Breathing cai'bon monoxide will cause nausea,
fainting or deacii.
Qfxsratcl^nbrator ONJ' outdoors.
<ccp :àt: least :2| feet: of clearance ori all I sides of Igtìhbràtor for 11
adequate :ycntilation,
DO NOT operate: generator inside:an>' :building or:encbsurc,
includitig thci^ncratpr: TOmparoiiicnt of a: тсспж^рп^ lydiblq
• Turn generator OFF and lot ic cool at least 2 minutes before
::: removing @»s| Cap. -oosen cap ;sloy^tp rdieTC|pressurc in rank.!
»:: Fill :fijel|tank outdoors. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
• DO NOT overfill tank,Allow space for fuel expansion,
Generator produces powerful voltage.
Failure to Isolate generator from power utility can result In deatli or injury to electric utility workers due to backfeed of electrical energy.
•;; vyhonl using gohej^r lfer backup pcwen lnotify utility 11111111111 ::: Company,;Usc approved: transfer;equipment to isolate ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; generator from electric uti)!^. II
•I I Use a groundl circuit fault interrupter l(GFCI)l in lany damp lor 11 highly conductive area, such as metal decking or steel work.
•I I DO F40~ touch bare Wirtsl Or receptacles.
• DO NOT use gonerabar with electrical cords which are worn, 111 fti^cd, bare or otherwise dama^d.l I
» DO NOT operate generator in the rain, u y
•I I DO NOT I handtel generator or electrical cor ds while Sttinding |
in water, while barefoot or while hands or feet are wet,
i>:: DO NO”a|tow lunqualifled;persons or children to operate or 111 service generator,! 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
*■; Keep fuel I awayi from; sparks, open ;flamts.| pilot lights, hear, and ;
other ignition sources.
• DO NOT light a ciprette or smoke.
•I I DO NOT Itiplengine orlixjurpment at angle which causes fuel
I to spill................................
• This generator is not for use in mobile equipment or marine
111 applications. 111111111111111111111111111111
• Transport/repair with fuel tank EMPTY or with fuel shutoff
valve OFF.
• Disconnect spark plug wire.
rl I Store:aw!y:fromlfu:maces,:stoves,vmtor heaters, clothes
111 dryers or other applimctalthai lhave pilot light or other 11111111
111 ighMph source | tecause they can ignite fuel vapors. |
Fuel and its vapors are extremely flammable and
Fire or explosion can cause sevei e bui iis or
* •
Storage batteries give off explosive hydrogen gas dui'ing rechai'ging,
Hydi’ogen gas stays around battery for a long time after battery has been charged.
Slightest spai'k will Ignite hydrogen and cause explosion.
You can be blinded or severely injured. Battery electrolyte fluid contains acid and is
extremely caustic. Contact with battei'y fluid will cause sevei'e
chemical burns.
1 • DO NOT allow any open flame, spaHc, heat, or lit cigarcctc I
during and for several m
• Wear protective gosgli^
inutts after charging: a battery.: , rubber apron, and rubber gloves.
~his generator docs not moot U. S. Coast Guard Regulatibnl
I SSGFR“ jSj and I should; not be used on marine applications.
I Failure to use the appropriate! U. S. Coast Guard lappnovedl 11 Igéhératór could result in bodily injury and/or property 111111
I damage.; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
forbibk Prodicti

7500EXL Extended Life Generator

Exceeding generators wattage/amperage capacity can
Unintentional spai'king can result in fire oi'
electric shock.
i>:: OisGonnpct |tho Spark :pl pg wire; from: thpi spark; pi ug; and pjaco;
::: the WirC:WhCTC:lt :Cahhbt: COntaCC spark plug.:::::::::::::::::::::::
Running engines produce heat.Temperature of muffler and neai'by areas can reach oi' exceed
I50T f65X),
Severe burns can occur on contact.
: DO h40~ touch hot sur&ces.: i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ; ^ low equipment; № gqqI; bqfp touehihg.
Excessively higli opeivating speeds increase risk of injury and damage to geneivatot:
Excessively low speeds impose a heavy load.
DO NOT tamper with governed speed. Generator supplies correct rated frequency and voltage when running at governed speed, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
DO NOTImbdii^ gohoratdrfnlahylmy.: 11111111111111111111111111111
damage generator and/or electrical devices connected
*;; See “Opn'tiOyerlpad ;Gensratpri*; on page 13.
•:: Start gcheratbrand: let engine stahilrzel before connecting: 11 ;;; eliectriiat ibadsi 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 k
•:: Connect:electrical: loads:in: OFF :pos№on.then turn GN for
::: bfXSI^oh.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: k
Turn;dectrical; loads ;OPF; and disconnect fram; generator;;;
before Upping generator. ;;;
Improper treatment of generator can damage it and
shoi'ten its life.
•;; Use; generator brily for intended; uses.
• If you have questions about intondtsd use, ask dealer or call
I -8Da-2H)-IdOS.
• Operate gonorator only on level surfaces.
• DO NOT expose generator to excessive moisture, dust, dirt,
;;; br:C0rri3S)¥C:VapbrSi::::::::::::::::::::
•:: DO NOT Insertjany:objects;through cooling slots,
•; ; If ebnnectod dbviciS QVcrhbat. turn them off and disconnect
them from generator,
•:: Shut off generator if: ;;;;;;;;; -electrical output is lost:
;;;;;;;;; -equipment ;spark3,;siT1bkbs,; or ;emte flarnes;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
......... vibrates excessively.


Read this owners manual and safety rules before operating your generator.
Compare the illustrations with your generator, to femiliarize yourself with the locations of wirious controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
; 12 Volt pc ; Receptacle 1^ Use this I receptacle w’tfi battery charge I cables l&i Ichairge I a 112Vólt baittèry. Il II II II II II II II
Il2blVdltACfl2ÒAmp Duplex Rècéptacléli-I-I- May be
lùislédltbl isltij3j2lyl electrical Ipc^er fori the operaio ' of
|j2QYoItlAGilsihj^e phase.60 I Izlélectlriléallllightingi.làpplliahce.-
Itpoli and; motor iloadis.i 1111111111111111111111111111111111111
i j 20iVbjt ACti30 Amp iLocking iRecejAaclei i— May be
used|toi supplyelectrical ip^erifòrithe lopertópn ;pf...........
: 120 Volt AG, 130: Amp,l single | phase, 601 Hz I electrical llìghtìng, lajjpliahceljltoòll land Imbiioir I Heads; 11111111111111111111111
Il 20/240 yoltlAC,l30 lArnpl ILockingl Receptacle — May Iblei usèdi Ito Isupp y lelèctricàJl power fòr thel opèratiort cf
I j 20 and/or 24Ól¥óllt AC. |3Q Amipj islh^él phase, 60 Hz
iejectrical; iightjng,appliance;,itooi land ; motor; loads,; ; ;;;;;;;;
120/240 VoltAdC^ 50 Amp i^ceptade ™ May be used
to supply eiectrical povrer for the operation of 240 Vo t AC. 50 ;Amp,;slngle Iphase, 60 ;Hz leiectrlcal; loads. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Air iCleaner l-^l Uses; a dry ^pe filter; element and foam Ipire^leanerltol mit thel amount I of dirt and I dust i sucked I intol the lengine. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
' Choke Lever Used whehlstariilng a cold; e-gi-e.
i iCii-cuitiBreatere pC) Each receptaclei isi provided i i i i i
: :with: al "pUSh: iiXJ: itieset'' :circuit :brea!cer 'to. :p:ratect: the
I generator lapinlstl eleittrical loverioad, 11111111111111111111111111111111 I iFuel Tank ~l Cajsadtyl of seven I (7) I U.S. gallons. 111111111111111
; ;E jectric; S^rt ;Switch Press ;to ;start the; engine,;;;;;;;;; : :G№und|ng; Fastener—;|f;required,; please ;consu ;;;;;;;
cual;ifjed;eleGtricia"*, electrical inspector, or ccal agency ;
'•avlhg jurisdictio", ; ;
Idle iGlOntrall iSwitch — Tre id e control runs the engine at ;nprhial; ;(h!gh); ;speeds;when ;there; is; a; load; present ;and r'un;s;the ;engine ;at idle ilpy/j ;speeds: when a load is not
I Ipriesentt: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Oil Fill Cap — Add oil to engi ne here. Recoil Starter — Used to start the engine manually,
Run/Stop Switch — Must be in “Run” position to start ertgine. Set to “Stop” to stop a running engine.
SparkArresteriMuffler-^:Exhaust muffler lowers engine
; ;noise; and; is equipped; with a;spar4arrester screen.


Your generator requires some assemb y and is ready for use after it has been praper y serviced with the
recommended oil and fuel. If you have any problems: with the assembly of your
generator, please call the generator helpline at
IMPORTANT: Any attempt to run the unit before it has
been serviced with the recommended oi will result in an engine ^ilure.
Remove Generator From Carton
1. Set carton on a rigid flat surface with “This Side Up”
arrows pointing upvrard.
2. Carefully open top flaps of shipping carton. Review
"Cold Weather Operation” on page 10,
3. Cut down corners at one end of carton from top tx>
bottom and lay that side of carton down flat
4. Remove all packing materia, carton fillers, etc,
5. Remove the generator from the shipping carron.
Install Wheel Kit
The wheel kit is designed to greaty improve the portability of your generator.
NOTE; Whee kit is not intended for over-the-road use.
You will need a socket wrench with 1/2” or 13mm sockets and a need e-nose p ier to install this kit.
Refer to Figure I and install the wheel kit as follows:
Place the bottom of the generator cradle on a flat, even surfice.Temporarily place unit on blocks to ease
Slide axle through both axle mounting bracl@ts on cradle frame, as shown in Figure I,
Slide a whee over the axle.
NOTE; Be sure to install both whee s with the air
pressure valve on the outboard side.
4. Place the e-ring onto the groove in the axle,You may
add the flat washer if desired.
NOTE; Use retaining pins instead of e-clip, if app icab e,
5. Place one end of the needle nose p iers on the bottom of the ax e and the other end of the pliers on top of the e-ring. Seat the e-ring by pressing the p iers closed.
6. Repeat step 3 through 5 to secure second wheel.
Figure I —liistallWhccI Kit
7500EXL Extended Life Generator
Farta DU rrodncti
7. Remove the temporary blocks.
8. Ata,di the vibration mounts to the support eg with
30mm capscrews, vrashers and lock nuts,
9. With the wheels on, you can now lift up the handle end and attach the support leg with 20mm cap screws and lock nuts.
ID. Check that a I fasteners are tight and the tires are inflated
to the та1ие marl®d on the tire or within 15 and 40 psi.
Check Battery / Attach Negative
Battery Wire
The sealed battery on the generator is fully charged and pre-installed except for the ne;^tive (blacic) battery cable.
To install:
1. Cut off tie wrap securing oose end of ne;^tive (b ack)
2. Remove nut and v^isher on neptive battery terminal.
3. S ide negative battery cab e over screw on ne;^tive terminal (Figure 2),
Figure 2— Negative Battery Connection
Add Engine Oil and Fuel
• Place generator on a level surface.
• Refer to engine owner’s manual and follow oil and fuel
recommendations and instructions.
attempt to crank or stai't the engine before it has been propei'ly filled with the recommended oil in equipment failure.
; Refer to engine manuai for oil; and fuel fill information, : Damage tol equilpmant resulting from failure to follow this
; instruetioh will void warranty.
NOTE; Check; oil often during engine break—in. Refer to
engine owner’s manual for recommendations,
NOTE: The generator assemb y rotates on a prelubricated
and sealed ball bearing that requires no additiona lubrication for the life of the bearing.
4. Reattach washer and nut and tighten.
5. Verify that connections to battery and generatx>r are
tight and secure.
forbibk Prodicti
7500EXL Extended Life Generator
System Ground
The generator has a system ground that connects the generator frame components to the ground tormina s on the AC output receptacles.The system ground is connected to the AC neutral wire (see "Equipment Description”, eariier in this manua).
Special Requirements There may be Federal or State Occupationa Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) regu ations, local codes, or
ordinances that app у to the intended use of the generator.
Piease consuita qualified eiectrician, eiectricai inspector, or
the loca agency having jurisdiction,
• In some areas, generators are required to be registered
with bcai utiii^ companies,
• If the generator is used at a construction site, there may
be additionai reguiations which must be observed.
Connecting to a Building’s Electrical
Connections for standby power to a building’s e ectrica system must be made by a qua ifled eiectrician. The connection must isolate the generator power fram utiiily power, and must сотр у with a I app icab e aws and electrical codes.
How to Use the Battery Charger
Use battery float charger jack to keep the starting battery charged and ready for use. Battery charging should be done in a dry bcation, such as inside a ;^rage,
• Plug the charger into the unit’s “Battory Float Char^r” jack, which is located on the starter switch (Figure 3).
Plug battery charger into a 120 Volt AC wal
Figure 3 — Battery Cliaigcr Jack
■) j''
• Unp ug the char^r from the unit and the wall outlet when generator is being started and while it is in operation.
• Keep this charger plugged in when generator is not in use to prolong battery ife.The charger has a built in float equalizer and will not overcharge the battery, even when plugged in for an extended period of time.
IMPORTANT; See “Battery Maintenance” on page 14 for
additional information,
IMPORTANT; A wa)^ unplug the battery float charger
before starting the generator.
Generatoi' produces powerful voltage.
Failure to Isolate generator from power utility can result In deatli or injury to electric utility workers due to backfeed of electi'ical energy.
VyhRh; using generator ifbr backtip powenihotily iutiiity i i 111111111 ccMT|pany.:Use appraved: tranter: qquipmqnc to isolate gerieiatbr froffi electric Utili^i::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Use a ground: fault idrcult interrupter (C-C) in any idarfip ibr:: highly conductive; areavSUGh as ;metef decking or steel work,
30 NOT touch I bare wlrt»: br rbcoplaclcs.i i k k k k
:DO: NOT use: generator with electrical: cords which are vtrorn, fti^cd, bare;or:othcrwise damaged.
DO NO~ operate generator in the tain, DO NOT handle generator or electrical cords while standing
in watenwhiic barefoot or while hands or foot arc wet.
DO NOT al low unqualifled persons or children to operate or
service generator:^
Exceeding generators watcage/amperage capacity can damage generator and/or’ electrical devices connected
•:: Sbe ■‘DQfi’tlOveriQad iGchdratbr^ ■ bh ppgcl 13. I *:: Start gGncf^tqr:an(d: jot onginc 5toi>t|rzc before connecting;;;
::: elCCttiral: llbads;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: k
*;; Gbririoct electrical loads in OFF positron, then turn ON for
;;; qpet^pn,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
•:: Turn: cjcctrical: loads :0:FF: affd :disc6hnect from generator ;;; befcre stbpprr|g;generi№brt;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ 16 hidden pages