Data Sheet
Genelec AIW26
Active In-Wall Speaker System
Genelec’s new AIW26 Active In-wall
speaker system consists of a bass reflex
type two-way speaker and a matched
remote amplifier module RAM1. It has
been designed to the same rigorous stan-
dards as Genelec’s high-performance HT
series active Home Theater loudspeakers.
No other in-wall loudspeaker can match
the low distor tion, incredible neutrality
and high sound pressure capability of
Genelec AIW26. The AIW26 can be used
in the most demanding applications, like
the main L-C-R array of a Home Theater
system, critical Stereo listening or rear/
side channels of a large, state-of-the-art
Home Theater.
The AIW26 speaker has a 7” bass driver
loaded with a 8 liter bass reflex cabinet
and a 3/4” treble driver with a proprietary
Directivity Control WaveguideTM (DCWTM)
giving a precise and uncolored acoustic
response. The RAM1 remote amplifier
module includes active crossover circuitry
and 120 and 120 W power amplifiers for
the bass and treble driver respectively.
RCA and balanced XLR line level input
connectors and adjustable input sensitiv-
ity ensure convenient connection to all
types of decoders. Connectors for remote
power/standby mode switching are also
provided. The active crossover unit allows
accurate Bass Tilt, Bass Roll-Off and
Treble Tilt adjustments for fine-tuning the
sound balance to suit various acoustical
conditions and listener tastes.
The solid, carefully dimensioned bass
reflex cabinet gives far better control of
bass reproduction than typical in-wall
speakers. The speaker fits into a standard
2 x 4” wall structure and can easily be
retrofitted to existing construction. The
visible parts of the speaker (grill insert
and grill frame) can be painted to match
the wall colour.
The RAM1 amplifier module can be
rack mounted with its dedicated RM1
Rack Mount Kit (optional) or placed on a
shelf or into a cabinet. The wiring between
the amplifier module and speaker can be
made of standard 14 or 12 gauge 4-con-
ductor wire. Expensive proprietary cables
are not needed. Each speaker/amplifier
combination has been carefully tested
and matched together before delivery for
maximum accuracy.
Visit Genelec’s Home Theater website
www.genelec-ht.com for more information
of Genelec’s Home Theater speaker line.

374 (14 3/4")
(23 1/2")
15 (5/8")
AIW26 Data Sheet
Figure 1. AIW26 front view
Figure 4. AIW26 top view
Figure 2. AIW26 side view
Figure 5. RAM1 side view
Free field frequency response of sy stem: 45 Hz...21kHz (±2,5 dB)
Maximum short time sine wave acoustic
output at 1 m on axis in half space,
averaged from 100 Hz to 3 kHz: >110 dB SPL
Maximum peak acoustic outpu t for a pair
with music material: >120 dB SPL
Bass: 182 mm (7”)
Treble: 19 mm (
Harmonic distor tion at 90 dB SPL < 3% (50...200 Hz)
@ 1 m on axis: < 0,5% (>200 Hz)
Weight including grill assembly: 10,7 kg (23,6 lbs)
Required cut-out dimensio ns
Height: 545 mm (21
Width: 334 mm (13
Depth: 88 mm (3
*Note: The mounting brackets of the AIW26 need a
clearance inside the wall of a t least 125 millimeters (5” )
above the top edge of the cut-out and 65 mm (2
/4”) metal dome
Figure 3. AIW26 grill frame side and front views
Bass amplifier output power : Sho rt term 120 W
Treble amplifier output power: Short term 1 20 W
Input impedance: 10 kOhm
Crossover frequency: 3.5 kHz
Treble tilt control in 2 dB steps
from +2 to -4 dB & MUTE: @15 kHz
Bass roll-off control in 2 dB steps
from 0 to -6 dB: @50 Hz
Bass tilt control in 2 dB steps
from 0 to -6 dB & MUTE: @100 Hz
Mains voltage: 100/200V or 115/230V
Power consumption
(Standby / Idle / Full output ): 5/10/200 W
Maximum ambient temperature 35° C (95°F)
Weight: 4,6 kg (10,1 lbs)
Height: 130 mm (51/8”)
Width: 14 5 mm (5
Depth: 309 mm (12
Figure 6. RAM1 top view
Genelec Documen t BBA0005001c. Copyright Genelec Oy 11.2006. All data subject to chan ge without prior notice
Inter national e nquiries:
Genele c, Olvitie 5
FIN-74 100, Iisal mi, Finlan d
Phone +358 17 83 881
Fax +358 17 812 267
Email genelec@g enelec.com
In the U.S. please c ontact:
Genele c, Inc., 7 Tech Circle
Natick, MA 01760
Phone +1 508 652 0900
Fax +1 508 652 0909
Email genelec.u sa@genelec.com
In Chi na please contact:
Beijin g Genelec Audio Co. Ltd.
Jianwa i SOHO, Tower 12, R oom 2306
39 Eas t 3rd Ring Road
Chaoyang District
Beijin g 100022, China
Phone +86 0 5869 7915, Fax +86 10 586 9 7914