Error Display and Conditions
The green ‘Ready’ lamp, amber ‘Cool-down’ lamp and 4 digital 7-segment LED displays
on the face of the Operator Control panel can provide indications that errors have occurred. The
following chart provides an explanation of what the indicators mean and required action.
Error Indication Explanation Action Required
The amber ‘Cool-down’ lamp
comes on and exposure cannot
be made.
Normal operation by design.
‘Cool-down’ lamp comes on if
too many exposures are made in
a short period of time. This
feature protects and extends the
life of the tubehead.
Wait until lamp goes out
indicating that the tube has
properly cooled down.
“Err0” flashes on the 7segment LED displays..
The exposure has been
terminated prematurely. This
can be caused by an equipment
malfunction or the operator
releasing the exposure switch
prior to the end of the exposure
time selected.
Pressing any key except
exposure switch on the
Operator Control will clear the
display and restore normal
operation. Care must be taken
to press and hold the exposure
button until the exposure is
“Err1” flashes on the 7segment LED.
Power Supply voltage was
outside of required range:
108V – 132V
198V – 253V
Wait until line voltage returns
to normal (indicated by the
lamp being steady) or have a
qualified electrician check the
power line.
“Err2” is displayed on the 7segment LED displays.
Power Supply voltage dropped
below the minimum
requirement (108V or 198V)
during the exposure. The
exposure is not terminated but
output may be below normal.
Pressing any key on the
Operator Control will clear the
flashing and restore normal
operation. If the problem
persists, it is strongly
recommended that a qualified
electrician check the power
“Err3” flashes on the 7segment LED displays.
A hardware fault has occurred. Reset the unit by Turn OFF
the power switch for 5 seconds
and Turn ON the power
switch, if the problem persists.
Contact your authorized
Gendex service agent.
“Err4” flashes on the 7segment LED displays.
A fault has occurred and
terminated the exposure.
Pressing any key except
exposure switch on the
Operator Control may clear
the Error and restore normal
operation. If the problem
persists. Contact your
authorized Gendex service