GE Healthcare Voluson S8 Brochure

Voluson S8
Extraordinary vision
Enhancingyour clinical confidence.
Thevisionthatdrivesyourpractice–providing excellent care to patients –isthe same vision that goes into Voluson ultrasound from GE Healthcare.We’re commit tedto providingyou withinnovativeimaging capabilities so you canmakeclinicaldecisions withgreater confidenceand grow your practice in newdirections.
Voluson S8 SignatureSeries
Now, Voluson technology is availableinanew family of budget friendly systems, theSignature Series,whichenables more clinicians to bringthe benefitsofthisremarkabletechnologyto theirpatients.
ReflectingGEHealthcare’sleadershipinwomen’s ultrasound, theVoluson S8 system opensnew opportunities in clinical imaging, whilealsoenablingthe efficiencyand productivity that busy practicesdemand. Amongits advantages:
•Extraordinary image quality–the foundationofVoluson ultrasound –for aclear view into alltypes of obstetricand gynecologic exams.
•Sophisticatedfetal assessmenttoolstohelpsupport earlier, moredetailedevaluations.
•Innovativeprobe technologiestosupport efficient, thorough evaluations of even themostchallenging patients.
•Easyimaging, withsystemintelligence andprobe technology combiningtoproduceoutstanding images withminimal userinteraction.
•Easy-to-use automation tools andefficiency advancements that will help youstreamlineworkflow, forgestrongerconnections with patients andreferring physicians, andcontrol costs.
•Ergonomic design innovationsthatsimplifyhow users interact withthe system and promotesoptimal comfort whilescanning.
High diagnosticconfidence.Superbapplications flexibility. Advanced yetbudget-friendlytechnology. Andthe peace of mindthatcomes from makingVoluson ultrasoundpart of your practice.The Voluson S8 deliverswhatyou’vebeen looking forinanultrasoundsystem.
Tools to help youachieve crystalclear images:
AdvancedSRI (Speckle Reduction Imaging) helpsreduce intrinsic artifact stoimprove visualization andcontrast resolution.
helpsenhancetissueinterfacesand border
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