GE Healthcare Centricity Critical Care Brochure

GE Healthcare
Powerful decision tools, therapy- and data management
Critical Care
Centricity Critical Care – supporting better patient outcomes, staff satisfaction and easier workfl ows by providing tools to make the right decisions for cost effective quality healthcare.
Deliver impact – patient, personnel, hospital
Requirements to provide higher quality of care in the midst of staff shortages and cost cutting initiatives are the reality in intensive care units. You have to balance cost control and care quality, which is possible through outstanding patient care enabled by decision support through data collection, sharing and management.
Take advantage of the powerful information technology for your ICU(s). Centricity Critical Care is a clinically focused, patient centric information system that helps deliver better health outcomes and manage costs. Remarkable workfl ow, connectivity and communication tools help bring convergence.
Patient-centric therapy management is at the core of Centricity Critical Care. Delivering the right care, at the right time, with the right medication to the right patient is supported by patient protocols, task lists, and an in­stant view of relevant information. These features help ensure patient safety and reduce costs.
Clinical Notifi cations – The Centricity Clinical Notifi ca­tion System module supports your efforts to make the right decisions. It compares the huge amounts of data collected against user-defi ned rules identifying poten­tially relevant clinical events and bringing them to your attention.
Quality Care – Medication errors are not only costly, but they can sig nifi cantly affect patient outcome. Centricity Critical Care medication interaction module and stan­dard adjustable medication protocols provide peace of mind. According to a published parallel study* con­ducted using Centricity Critical Care: “The ICU compu­terization, including medication order entry, resulted in a signifi cant decrease in the occurrence and severity of medication errors in the ICU.”
* Source: Colpaert et. al. Impact of computerized physician order entry on
medication prescription errors in the intensive care unit: a controlled cross­sectional trial. Crit Care. 2006; 10(1): R21.Instant dashboard view to relevant patient information.
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