Real time cardiac review the instant
you’re ready to read.
Cardiac IQ Function Xpress postprocessing software helps you
evaluate cardiac function and diagnose
cardiovascular disease with a high
degree of confidence. Providing
accurate and reproducible
quantification of left and right
ventricular volumes, ejection fractions,
and myocardial mass, Cardiac IQ
Function Xpress is optimized to assess
cardiac function using multiphase,
multi-slice cardiac CT images.
The CardIQ Function Xpress option
provides an easy-to-use and timeeffective way for you to perform
cardiovascular functional analysis.
Cardiac disease is one of the leading health concerns world wide.
Successful treatment of the many conditions that cause and
perpetuate heart disease requires that physicians approach specific
cardiac problems with as much information as today’s technology
can provide. To supply your referring physicians with this information
you need software that gives you insight into cardiac anatomy and
function supported by quantifiable data.
• Automatically pre-processes
and loads exams.
• Automatically detects all
chambers in all phases.
• Automatically performs
ejection fraction and chamber
volume analysis with 91%
reliability on LV and RV
automatic ejection fraction.
• Provides single click myocardial
analysis with bull’s eye images.
• Performs simultaneous case
review in real time.
• Lets you load multiphase data
with no load time.
• Lets you review multiple cases
in real time.
• Lets you generate reports with
imported analytics.

• Apply the CardIQ Function Xpress
application to standard axial CT
images acquired on a GE scanner
using the cardiac CT SnapShot
imaging acquisition option.
• Automatically selects each heart
chamber for individual volume
• Performs behind-the-scene
function data process for real time
ejection fraction review, volume
analysis, and myocardial analysis.
• Enables you to extract, render, and
display 3D volumetric models of
the endocardium for ejection
fraction calculation.
• Automatic detection of the
endocardial and epicardial walls
for wall motion, wall thickness, wall
thickening and myocardial mass
analysis. Lets you perform volume
analysis of all chambers.
• You can automatically calculate
left atrium volume while excluding
the pulmonary vein.
• With a single click you can activate
visual wall motion with short axis
images in basal, mid, and distal
orientations along with a twochamber long axis view.
• You can perform myocardial
analysis with wall motion, wall
thickness, and mass calculations.
• The application’s flexible reporting
tool lets you include graphical
• Display on screen a table of key
functional parameters for instant
Recommended Printers
Codonics NP-1660M
Kodak 3600 DMI
Codonics 1660M, 1660MD, or
Lexmark Optra 1650N, 1855N,
SC1275N, C710N, C72N, T612, or
Seiko 1720D
Quantium GL2101HD with
film/thick paper
Quantium GL2101HD with plain
paper (see PI-008)
Tally T8106
HP LaserJet
Xerox Phaser
Regulatory Compliance
This product complies with the
European CE Marking regulation for
Medical Devices Directive: Directive
93/42/EEC, dated 14 June 1993.
Intended Use
CardIQ Function Xpress is intended to
provide an optimized non-invasive
application to analyze cardiovascular
anatomy and pathology and aid in
determining treatment paths from a
set of Computed Tomography (CT)
Angiographic images.
Image Requirements
CardIQ Function Xpress accepts
standard CT image sets acquired on
qualified GE CT scanners using the
appropriate cardiac imaging
software. These images must meet
the same image requirements as
those for the basic Volume Share 2
System Requirements
AW Volume Share Workstation with
Volume Share 2 running 4 8400
hardware or higher (running 64 bit).
Auto launch and preprocessing are
available only on 8400
workstations with 16 GB RAM.
2 monitor configuration.
Color landscape monitor.
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* Trademark of General Electric Company.