GE Healthcare B450 Brochure

GE Healthcare
CARESCAPE Monitor B450
Connecting intelligence and care.
Keeping the fl ow of vital data moving.
The CARESCAPE* Monitor B450, a compact bedside monitor with surveillance fl exibility, is well-suited for all fl exible acuity care areas where size and portability are a concern, including emergency departments, recovery rooms, and step-down units.
Its wireless capabilities and portable design match the unique needs of high-acuity patients during intrahospital transport and stay with your patient virtually anywhere, giving you continuous patient monitoring every step of the way.
In combination mode, the CARESCAPE Monitor B450 enables early mobility of telemetry patients and facilitates a smooth transition from high-acuity units to lower-acuity areas.
Uninterrupted vital data is key.
The wireless and highly portable design of the CARESCAPE Monitor B450 supports uninterrupted patient monitoring and data continuity. When used with the CARESCAPE Patient Data Module and the CARESCAPE Gateway, the vital data can be automatically synchronized and merged, avoiding interruptions in the electronic patient record.
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