18th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing, 16-20 April 2012, Durban, South Africa
Fully-Automated 3D Metrology and Defect Analysis with High-Resolution
300 kV Microfocus Computed Tomography
Oliver Brunke1
Product Manager for 3D Metrology and Failure Analysi s us ing Computer To mogr ap h y, GE Sensing &
Inspection Technologies GmbH, 31515 Wunstorf, Germany; Phone: +49 5031 172 142, E-mail:
oliver.brunke@ge.com, www.ge-mcs.com/phoenix
With industrial X-ra y compute d tomogra phy (CT ), even lo w-contrast defects in cast parts, such as cracks, pores
and blowholes, can be localized and measured in three dimensions. Analysis of the defects can be performed
using either multi-positional 2D cross-section planes or the 3D volume view. Additionally, 3D metrology with
CT becomes more and more an effective tool for many tasks in production process monitoring such as the
manufacture of plastics, metal castings and precision components like injection nozzles. Particularly complex part
geometries with inaccessible or hidden features can be measured with CT in many cases faster than with
conventional Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs). This paper shows fa ilure analysis a nd metrology tasks
automatically performed on a new GE CT system optimized for stable and reproducible CT scans and equipped
with a new unipolar 300 kV microfocus X-ray tube, new CT software for fully automated data acquisition,
volume processing and 3D evaluation capability.
Keywords: 3D Metrology, automated Computed Tomography, CT, µCT, CMM
1. Introduction
Complete 3D mapping means that CT can also be used for the non-destructive 3D
measurement of cast parts that cannot be inspected using conventional coordinate measuring
machines due to their compl ex internal geometr y. Therefore, CT has num erous practical uses
in addition to non-destructive quality control; for instance, it can be used for optimizing and
reducing the time required for development and initial sampling processes, comparing
components with the target CAD model or reverse engineering in which 3D component data is
used to construct a three-dimensional CAD model (fig 1). Fully automated scanning and
analysis processes m ean that the creation of first-art icle inspection reports, even for complex
components, is possible in less than one hour.
Fig. 1: Reverse engineering, automatic pore analysis and 3D metrology of a scanned automotive control arm
2. Advanced CT Technology
The new phoenix v|tome|x m of GE Inspection Technologies is the industry’s first compact
300 kV CT system for 3D metrology and failure analysis with less than 1µm detail
detectability, suitable for 500 x 600 mm samples with a field-of-view up to 300 mm diameter
and 400 mm in height and up to 50 kg in weight. The system offers excellent magnification
and resolution for high-absorbing metal samples. With up to 500 W the tube comes with also
enough power to examine a broad range of parts, including light metal castings in just a few
minutes. For particularly high-resolution scans, an optional 180 kV high-power nanofocus tube
can be selected at t he tou ch of a bu tton . Its v ersat ili ty ensures t he n ew s ystem a wide sp ectru m
of applications in materials science, industrial failure analysis, process control and 3D
metrology in industrial sectors ranging from castings and electronics to plastics, geology and
aerospace, including turbine blade inspection.
Fig. 2: Comparison of a turbine blade scanned using a conventional 225 kV tube (left) and GE’s 300 kV (xy
sections): The 300 kV microfocus X-ray tube enables more precise scans with significantly reduced artifacts
ensuring more precise wall thickness measurements (right).
3. Non-Destructive 3D Defect Analysis
Over the past few years, industrial computed tomography has made great advances in
increasingly higher resolution and ever greater reconstruction speeds for 3D volume data.
Thanks to graphics processor unit (GPU)-based image reconstruction, CT results are now
available within minutes.
Full three-dimensional scanning of samples and the possibility of creating cross-sections from
any angle opens up new analysis-related and time-saving potential for foundry-based qualit y
controls. With automatic porosity analysis (fig. 3), the size of the inclusions can be shown on a
table or marked in different colours on the component itself, thus giving an indication as to the
quality of the cast process, or component stability. It can also be used to verify correct
assembly or to determine the position of cast components following an inconclusive 2D X-ray