GE VersaMax IC200SET001 User Manual

Programmable Cont rol Products
GE Fanuc Automation
Vers aM ax S e ri al t o E t he r net Adapte r
User's Manual
GFK-1852 July 2000
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes as Used in this Publication
Warning notice s are used in thi s publica tion to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment, a Warning notice is used.
Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.
Notes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating the equipment.
This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in hardware or s oftwa re, nor to provi de for e very possible contin gency in connect ion with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be described herein which are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Fanuc Automation assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.
GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
The foll o wi ng are tr ademar k s of GE Fanuc Aut om ation North Ameri ca, Inc.
Alarm Master Genius PROMACRO Series Six CIMPLICITY Helpmate PowerMotion Series Three CIM P L ICITY 9 0 – AD S Logicm aster PowerTRA C VersaMax CIMSTAR Modelmaster Series 90 VersaPro Field Control Motion Mate Series Five VuMaster GEnet ProL oop Series One Workm ast e r
©Copyr igh t 200 0 G E F anuc Au tomation North Am erica, In c.
All Rights Reserved .
Content of This Ma nual
Chapter 1. Introduction and Quick Start:
firmware options and a quick start procedure.
Chapt er 2. Netwo rk In t erfaces: Chapter 3. Network Protocols:
Chapter 4. Configuration:
Chapter 5. Monitor Mode and Firmware Upgrade:
and upgrading the VMSE firmware .
Chapt er 6. Serial Line Interfaces:
indi cators, an d serial cable data.
Chapt er 7. Techni cal Data: Appendix A. IP Addresses: Appendix B. Binary to Hex Conversion: Appendix C. Declaration of Conformity :
Port and power specifica tions .
IP a ddress , pac kin g algor ithm, and port
Using the configuration software to set
Serial connector pinouts, LED
General ra tings an d sp ecificat ions.
Format of IP addresses
Overview of applications and
Con ve rsion ta ble
Declara tion of conforman ce to
Using Monitor mode
Relat e d Publ ic at ions
GFK-1852 iii
VersaMax Micro PLCs and Nano PLCs User’s Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction and Quick Start.......................................................1-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 1-1
VMSE Firmware Options.................................................................................... 1-2
SRTP/SNP Firmware....................................................................................1-2
Pass Thru Firmware...................................................................................... 1-2
Modbus TCP/RTU firmware...................................................................... 1-2
Quick Start.......................................................................................................... 1-3
Preliminary Step.................................................................................... 1-3
Default IP Address................................................................................ 1-3
Procedure: Assigning a New IP Address ............................................... 1-3
Configuration............................................................................................... 1-9
Configuration Example ........................................................................ 1-10
Chapter 2 VMSE Interfaces...........................................................................2-1
Serial Interface............................................................................................. 2-1
Network Interface......................................................................................... 2-2
Hardware Address (MAC Address)............................................................... 2-2
Power Requirements.....................................................................................2-2
Chapter 3 Network Protocols.........................................................................3-1
Packing Algorithm (PassThru Firmware only)...............................................3-1
IP Address....................................................................................................3-1
Port Number................................................................................................. 3-2
Chapter 4 Configuration ................................................................................4-1
Configuration Steps...................................................................................... 4-1
Entering Serial Configuration Mode.............................................................. 4-1
Entering Network Configuration Mode_.......................................................4-2
VMSEs IP Address..................................................................................... 4-2
Default IP Address................................................................................ 4-2
Assigning a New IP Address.................................................................. 4-3
Unix...................................................................................................... 4-3
Configuration Parameters............................................................................. 4-4
SRTP/SNP Firmware – Configuration Setup ................................................ 4-5
Network/IP Settings..................................................................................... 4-5
IP Address....................................................................................................4-6
Gateway IP Address..................................................................................... 4-6
Netmask....................................................................................................... 4-6
Channel, Serial, and Protocol Setups............................................................. 4-6
SRTP/SNP Protocol Mode............................................................................ 4-6
GFK-1852 v
Serial Interface Config uration....................................................................... 4-7
SNP T1 – T4 Timers..................................................................................... 4-7
SNP ID to IP Address Mapping ( only for SRTP/SNP Mode#2).................... 4-7
PassThru Firmware Configuration Setup....................................................... 4-8
Basic Parameters.......................................................................................... 4-8
IP Address............................................................................................. 4-9
Gateway IP Address.............................................................................. 4-9
Telnet Configuration Password..............................................................4-9
Channel 1 Parameters ............................................................................ 4-9
Baud Rate.............................................................................................. 4-9
Interface Mode .................................................................................... 4-10
Flow Control ....................................................................................... 4-10
Port Number........................................................................................ 4-11
Remote IP Address .............................................................................. 4-11
Remote TCP Port................................................................................. 4-11
Connect Mode..................................................................................... 4-12
Automatic Connection Address............................................................ 4-12
Datagram Mode................................................................................... 4-13
Modem Emulation Mode..................................................................... 4-13
Disconnect Mode................................................................................. 4-14
Force Telnet Mode............................................................................... 4-14
Buffer Flushing ................................................................................... 4-15
Inactivity Timeout............................................................................... 4-15
Pack Control........................................................................................ 4-15
Send Characters................................................................................... 4-16
Telne t Terminal Type.......................................................................... 4-16
Modbus TCP/RTU Firmware Configuration Setup............................................. 4-17
Network/IP Settings................................................................................... 4-17
IP Address........................................................................................... 4-17
Gateway IP Address............................................................................ 4-18
Netmask.............................................................................................. 4-18
Serial and Mode Settings............................................................................ 4-18
Protocol............................................................................................... 4-18
Serial Interface .................................................................................... 4-18
Modem Control Settings............................................................................. 4-18
Advanced Modbus Protocol Settings........................................................... 4-19
Modbus ID to IP Address Mapping ( only used for Master)......................... 4-19
Chapter 5 Monitor Mode and Firmware Upgrade........................................5-1
Monitor Commands ............................................................................................ 5-1
Comma nd result c odes:.................................................................................5-2
Firmware Download Using Serial Port................................................................. 5-2
vi VersaMax Seri al to Ethernet Adapt er U s er 's Manual–July 2000 GFK-1852
Firmware Distribution......................................................................................... 5-4
Firmware Download Using a Network Host......................................................... 5-4
Windows NT Procedure............................................................................. 5-4
Windows NT Command Line Example Code Explanation...................... 5-5
VMSE Firmware File List:.....................................................................5-5
Destination (Password).......................................................................... 5-5
Windows 95/98 Procedure............................................................................ 5-6
Obtaining TFTP Software for Windows 95/98........................................ 5-6
Chapter 6 Serial Line Interfaces....................................................................6-1
Serial Line Interfaces....................................................................... 6-1
RJ45 Connector Pin-outs (RS-232)...................................................................... 6-1
Screw Block Connector Pin-outs and Other Components..................................... 6-2
Cable Diagrams................................................................................................... 6-4
Cable IC200CBL504.................................................................................... 6-4
User-Built Cable #1: VMSE RJ45 Serial to Miniconverter ........................... 6-5
Specifications........................................................................................ 6-5
User-Built Cable #2: VMSE RJ45 Serial to PC 9-Pin Sub-D ........................ 6-6
For Serial Monitor/Load of VMSE ......................................................... 6-6
Specifications........................................................................................ 6-6
User-Built Cable #3: VMSE RJ45 Serial to PC 9-pin D-Sub......................... 6-7
Specifications........................................................................................ 6-7
User-Built Cable #4: VMSE RS-422 Terminals to PLC ................................ 6-8
Specifications........................................................................................ 6-8
Using the VMSE on an RS-422/485 Multidrop Network ............................... 6-9
Multidrop Application Notes.................................................................. 6-9
Serial Port Connectors....................................................................................... 6-10
IBM-AT Style Personal Computer Serial Port Connector ............................ 6-10
9-Pin, D-Sub PLC Serial Port Connector..................................................... 6-11
15-Pin, D-Sub PLC Serial Port Connector................................................... 6-12
RJ-11 PLC Serial Port Connector................................................................ 6-13
RJ-45 VersaMax Nano/Micro PLC Serial Port Connector........................... 6-14
IC690ACC901 Miniconverter 9-Pin, Male D-Sub Connector ...................... 6-15
Chapter 7 Technical Data...............................................................................7-1
GFK-1852 Contents vii
CPU, Memory, and Controllers.............................................................. 7-1
Serial Interface ...................................................................................... 7-1
Network Interface.................................................................................. 7-1
Power Supply (not included) .................................................................. 7-1
Power Consumption .............................................................................. 7-1
Opera ting Temperature.......................................................................... 7-1
LEDs..................................................................................................... 7-2
Case...................................................................................................... 7-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................... 7-2
Weight .................................................................................................. 7-2
Appendix A IP Addresses.................................................................................A-1
IP Addressing...............................................................................................A-1
Class A Network..........................................................................................A-1
Class B Network ..........................................................................................A-1
Class C Network..........................................................................................A-2
Network Address..........................................................................................A-2
Broadcast Address........................................................................................A-2
IP Netmask ..................................................................................................A-2
Netmask Example s................................................................................A-3
Private IP Networks and the Internet .............................................................A-3
Network RFC’s............................................................................................A-4
Appendix B Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion Table................................... B-1
Appendix C Declaration of Conformity...........................................................C-1
viii VersaMax Serial to E thernet Adapter User' s Manual–July 2000 GFK-1852
Introduction and Quick Start
The VersaMax IC200SET001 Serial to Ethernet Adapter (VMSE) brings network connectivity to factory floors. It is designed to connect industrial devices with serial interfaces to an Ethernet network using the TCP protocol family (TCP for transparent s tream- and UDP for datagram ap pl ications). Var ious devices can be interfaced, for example:
CNC Controllers
Time/attendance and data collection devices
Industrial robots
Data display units
Figure 1-1. IC200SET001 VMSE
GFK-1852 1-1
VMSE Firmware Options
The IC 2 00 SET001 VMSE h as multip le firmware choices. All of the choices are shipped on the CD that is shipped with the VMSE unit. Upgrades and new firmware choices will be placed on the GE Fanuc WEB site, as they become available.
The VMSE ships with the default SRTP/SNP firmware loaded in flash memory.
SRTP/SNP Firmw ar e
The SRTP /SNP firmware is us ed to connect G E Fanuc PLCs or ot her devices, whi ch support the SNP protocol, to Ethernet.
Devices that support GE Fanuc Ethernet (VersaPro, CIMPLICITY HMI, Se ries 90-30, Series 90-70, and 3 PLCs with a serial SNP port by usin g th e VMSE with the SRTP/SNP firm ware. This firm ware handles the con version from GE Fanu c Ethernet ( S RT P ) to SNP and also hand les the timing requ irement s of SNP .
Note: The VMSE can not handle multidropped SNP devices if the communications is or igin ating from a device usin g SRTP. To multidr op SNP S l aves o ff of a V M S E, another VMSE is required at th e Mast er end an d the Mast er needs to send messa g es via SNP not SRTP.
party devices) can communicate with GE Fanuc
Pass Thru Firmware
Pass Thr u firmware is used to connect other serial protoc ols to Ethernet. Typically this firmware is used to send serial communication and use the Ethernet to replace seri al cables b y usi n g two VMSE units one at ea ch en d. Pass Th r u Firmwar e can also be used with a PC softwa re package that com municates Ether net to a VMSE un it, which, in turn, converts the Ethernet messages to a serial message to communicate to the end d evi ce.
Some examples of using Pa s s Thr u fir mware ar e:
Logicmaster 6 to Series Six CCM Type 2 card
PC Application to a CNC
Modbus TCP/RTU firmware
Modbus T C P /RTU firmwa re is used to communi cate between d evi ces that use Modbus TCP to allow them to communicate to devices that use Modbus RTU serial protocol.
1-2 VersaMax Seri al to Ethernet Adapter User's Manual – July 2000 GFK-1852
Quick Start
Introduction and Quick Start
The easiest way to configure the IC200SET001 VMSE is over Ethernet. The follo wing step s need to be don e, in the ord er listed, to config ure the VMSE.
Preliminary S tep
Connect the VSME to the Ethernet networ k .
Default IP Address
The VMSE is shipped with a default IP address of, which automatically enables the DHCP wi thin the VMSE.
can always override th e I P a ddr es s g iven to th e V MS E b y your DHCP server.
Using the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) command (see below) you
Procedure: Assigning a New IP Address
Use th e fol lowing s teps to assign an IP address over the network. All of the follo wing are done from the MS-DOS prompt of your personal c omputer. The actual numbers and letters you must type are shown in bold type. This data is not case-sensitive. You can access the MS -DOS prom pt from your comp uter ’s Start/ Progr ams submenu. For e ase of readi ng on t he pri nted page, many of th e screen images shown in the figur es in th is manua l ha ve be en converted from their nor m al whi te le tters on a bl ack backg round to bl ack le tters on a wh ite background.
In the exampl e shown in this section , t he IP A ddre s s 3.1 6.27 .44 wi ll be a s s ign e d to the VMSE.
The MAC ad dress of the VM S E is requir ed for assi gning an IP ad dress. Use the MAC addre s s tha t is pr inted on the sid e of your VMSE , whi ch is of t he for mat 00­20-xx-xx-xx-xx. For this example, the MAC address 00-20-4A-51-0E-5B will be used.
A. Type
ping (any valid IP address on your network)
and then press the by crea ting an entry in the table.) The ad dress pin g ed should r eply as shown in the exa mple in the n ext figur e. In this exam ple, the command and va l id IP address was typed as follows:
key. (This step is required to “establish” the ARP table
at th e M S -DOS prom pt,
GFK-1852 Chapter 1 Introduction and Quick Start 1-3
Figure 1-2. Results of the Ping Command
ARP Table
B. Type
(make sure you leave a s p ace between arp and –a) at th e MS - D O S
arp -a
prom pt , then press the Enter k ey. You should see at leas t one entr y in the ARP table, as shown in the next figure:
Figure 1-3. Results of the arp –a Command
If the response is “No ar p entries found,” repeat steps A. and B. to ping other devices u ntil the
comman d lists one or more devices
arp -a
. Note that the ARP
table entries will be removed auto mati cal ly af ter se veral minutes, so if you
1-4 VersaMax Serial to Ethernet Adapter User's Manual – July 2000 GFK-1852
Introduction and Quick Start
do not complete this pr ocedure and ha ve to come back to it at a later time, you may have to start from the beginning.
C. Typ e the follo wi ng at the prompt, then press th e Enter key:
arp –s (IPAddress you want the VMSE to have) ( Mac Address of VMSE)
This example uses: arp -s 00-20-4a-51-0e-5b
NOTE: You will not see any reply on the screen (see Figure 1-5).
D. Type
telnet (IP Address) 1
(don’t forget the spa ce bet we en th e IP ad dress and
the 1), and then press the Enter key.
This example u ses : Telnet 3. 1 6.27.44 1 This connection will fail, but the VMSE will change its IP address to the one
designated in the ARP command line. You should see the following screen after a short time-out period:
Figure 1-4. Results of the Telnet 1 Command
E. Click th e O K bu tton in th e “Con nect Failed” box, then close the “Teln et ( N one)”
F. At the MS-DOS prompt, type
between the IP address and 9999), and the n press the Ente r key This example uses: telnet 9999
GFK-1852 Chapter 1 Introduction and Quick Start 1-5
Telnet (IP Address) 9999
(don’t forget the sp ace
The following figure shows the screen before the Enter button is pressed:
Figure 1-5. Screen Appearance Just Before Step G.
G. After the Enter button is pressed in the previous step, the Telnet window opens
with the VMSE Serial number , shown in the next fig ure. Confir m the Teln et connection by pressing the Enter key within 3 seconds. It you don’t respond by pressing the Enter key within 3 seconds, the telnet connection will time out and you will have to close the telnet window and repeat the previous step.
Figure 1-6. The Telnet Response Window
1-6 VersaMax Serial to Ethernet Adapter User's Manual – July 2000 GFK-1852
Introduction and Quick Start
Once you press the Enter key, the following VMSE Configuration screen
will appear:
Figure 1-7. The VMSE Configuration Screen
H. Type s to save the IP address in the VMSE. (It is not necessar y to pr ess the
Enter key.) The “Conne ction to host lost” Telnet dialog box will appear (this is normal) shown in the next figure:
Figure 1-8. The “Connection to host lost” Telnet Box
I. Click the OK butt on in the “Connec tion to host lo s t ” Tel net d i alog box to close
it, and then close the Telnet box.
GFK-1852 Chapter 1 Introduction and Quick Start 1-7
J. Reconnect by typing
pressing the Enter key. This will take you to the VMSE Configuration screen, shown in Figure 1- 7.
K. Use thi s screen to con fi g ure the V MS E. An ex ample is provided in the
following “Configuration” section.
telnet 9999
at th e M S -DOS prom pt, and t hen
The VMSE comes equipped with SNP/SRTP firmware by default. If you a re usin g a prot oc ol other than S N P /SRT P , you must load the c orre ct firmwa re for your prot oc ol fr om th e s uppl ied C D ( see Chap ter 5 for firmwa re upgrade detai ls) before proceeding with configuration. Note that changing the firmware will not change the IP ad dress set in th e previous steps.
1-8 VersaMax Serial to Ethernet Adapter User's Manual – July 2000 GFK-1852
Introduction and Quick Start
This section is just an overview. See Chapter 4 for configuration details.
Before proceedi ng with th e configuration procedure, ensure that you h ave the correct firmware loaded in the VMSE. The VMSE comes equipped with SNP/SRTP by default. If you are u sing a differ e nt protoc ol, you must load the correct fi rmware for that pr otocol. See Chap ter 5 for instructions.
You have si x Command choices at the Con figurati on screen Command Pr ompt (see next figure). You do not have to press the Enter key after typing a command number or letter.
1 – to configure Network/IP Settings
2 – to con figure CH1 S e rial and Protoc ol Set tin gs
3 – to configure SN P ID to IP Mapp i ng Ta ble
d – to revert to default settings
s – to sa ve your changes and quit
q – to qu it without saving your cha nges
Figure 1-9. VMSE Configuration Screen
GFK-1852 Chapter 1 Introduction and Quick Start 1-9
Command Prompt
Configuration Example
The following figure shows the results of pressing the 2 key to select the “CH1 Serial and Protocol Se ttings ” parameter group.
Notice that the first parameter in the group (“Pr otocol Mode”) is displayed. The current value is shown in parentheses (001 in this example) before the prompt. Simply pressing the Enter key would retain the current parameter value; typing 2 and pressing the Enter key would set the Protocol Mode parameter to Mode #2.
Figure 1-10. Configuring the “Protocol Mode”
After each parameter value has been entered, the next parameter in order will appear at the prompt , a s shown in th e fol lowi ng figure:
Figure 1-11. Continuing Configuration of the “CH1 Serial & Protocol Settings”
1-10 VersaMax Seri al to Ethernet Adapter User's Manual – July 2000 GFK-1852
arameter Prom p t
Introduction and Quick Start
Once you finish configuring all of the param eters in th e s elected gr ou p (“CH1 Serial & Pr otocol S e ttings ” in the above example), you will be returned to the Command Promp t where you can continu e editin g p ar ameter s or you can exit.
Be sure to type S if you desire to save your changes when exiting.
Modbus is a trademark of Gould, Inc. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc. CIMPLICITY, Logicmaster, Series 90-30, Series 90-70, Series Six
VersaMax, and VersaPro, are trademarks of GE Fanuc NA.
GFK-1852 Chapter 1 Introduction and Quick Start 1-11
VMSE Interfaces
Serial Interface
The VMSE has RJ45 and screw block serial ports. The RJ45 port only supports RS232, whereas the screw block port supports RS232 and RS485/422. By setting the switch located on the face of the VMSE and configuring the VMSE setup, RS232 or RS485/422 can be selected.
NOTE: The V MSE is a s in gle seria l port devi ce, meaning that only one port can be used at a time. In the configuration menu, Chan nel One r efers to eith er one of the ports being used.
Figure 2-1. VMSE Ports and Features
GFK-1852 2-1
Network Interface
The VMSE supports 10 Mbit Ethernet through its RJ45 (10BaseT) connector.
Hardware Addres s (MAC Addr e ss)
The first three bytes are fixed, and read 00-20-4A. The fourth, fifth, and sixth bytes are un iq u e for each VM SE an d are used to generat e th e s er ial number . The addr es s is in Hex notation.
Power Requirements
The VMSE is not shipped with a power supply. The required input voltage can vary between 9VDC an d 3 0 V DC with a maximum of 3 Wat ts. The VMSE can be powered from the 24 Volt supply on the VersaMax, Series 90-30, or an external supply can be used. Take care not to exceed the ca pa city of th e V er s aMax or Series 90-30 power supply .
2-2 VersaMax Seri al to Ethernet Adapter User's Manual – July 2000 GFK-1852
Network Protocols
The VMSE produ c t use s T CP/IP protocol s for network commun icat ion . The supported standards are: ARP, UDP, TCP, ICMP, Telnet, TFTP, DHCP, and SNMP. For transparent conn ection s, TC P /I P ( binary str eam) or Telnet protocols are used. Fir mwar e upgrades c a n be made wi th th e TFTP protocol.
The IP protocol defi nes addressi ng, routing and data block ha ndlin g over the network. Th e T CP (tra nsmission contr ol pr otocol) ass ures t hat no dat a is lost or dupl icated, and that everything sen t into the connecti on on one side arrives at the target exactly as it was sent.
For typical datagram applications where devices interact with others without maintainin g a p oint to poin t con necti on , a UDP datagram is us ed .
Packing Algorithm (PassThru Firmware only)
The two ava ilabl e pa ck et algorithms (wh ich define how and when pa ck ets are sent to the network) are software select able. The standard algor ithm is optimized for applications where VMSE is used in a local environment, allowing for very small delays for sing le chara cters while trying to k eep the packet count low. The alternate packing algorithm minimizes th e packet count on th e net wor k , and is es p ecially useful for applications in routed Wide Area Networks. Various parameters can be set in this mode to economize the serial data stream.
IP Address
Every active device connected t o the TCP/IP n etwork must h ave a unique IP address. This IP address i s us ed to reference a specifi c d evi ce, for example, to build a connection to the VMSE’s serial port. See Appendix A for a complete description of IP Addressing.
GFK-1852 3-1
Port Number
Every TCP connect ion and every UDP dat agram are d efined by a destinati on I P addr ess and a port number. An IP address is n ecess ary to ad d r es s a device (h ost) on the net wor k. A port nu mber is neces sary to ad dress an ap p lication or a ch an nel on a networ k host. Th e port n umber can be comp ared to an ex tension on a PBX (telep hone) system.
A Telnet application (login to a host with an ASCII terminal) is commonly assigned TCP por t n um ber 23. Mor e th an one Teln et connection can be establi s hed to one host using the Telnet port; however, the other peer IP address/port number combination must be di ff eren t.
In th e VMSE (PassThru Firmwar e) , a port number can be confi g u red on th e ch an nel (port). The VMSE uses this port number for outgoing messages and incoming connections or UDP datagrams, which are addressed to its port number. Port 9999 (decimal) is used for remote configuration.
3-2 VersaMax Seri al to Ethernet Adapter User's Manual – July 2000 GFK-1852
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