GE ve735am Installation Instructions Manual

Vector Enhanced Motion Sensor VE700AM
Installation instructions
pages 8-19
Rivelatore di movimento Vector Enhanced VE700AM
Istruzioni per l’installazione
pagg. 20-33
Manuel d’installation
pages 34-47
Bewegingsdetector met vector VE700AM
Pagina’s 48-60
Bewegungsmelder VE700AM mit Vektorauswertung
Seiten 61-74
- 1 -
DIN 7996
(3.5 mm x 35 mm)
- 2 -
Single device:
Multiple devices:
Dual Loop Zone
- 3 -
COM port
12 34
1234567891011 12
12 34
AM DIP switches
PIR DIP switches
20 m (65.6 ft)
60 m (197 ft)
12 34
12 34
- 4 -
Medium sensitivity (ex-factory)
Low sensitivity
High sensitivity
- 5 -
12 34
12 34
Day Night
Day Night
12 34
3 sec.
3 sec.
12 34
12 34
1.8-3.0 m
(5.9-9.8 ft.)
- 6 -
- 7 -
20 m (65.6 ft)
60 m (197 ft)
2.3 m (7.5 ft)
- 8 -
Installation Instructions
1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 8
2. Installation guidelines ............................................................................... 8
3. Mounting the detector .............................................................................. 9
4. Setting the detector ................................................................................. 9
5. Testing the anti-masking ........................................................................ 13
6. Aligning the beam and walk testing the detector ................................... 13
7. Identifying detector status by the LEDs ............................................... 15
8. General information ............................................................................... 16
9. Remote and self-testing the detector .................................................... 17
10. Glossary .............................................................................................. 18
11. Technical specifications ....................................................................... 18
1. Introduction
The VE735AM/VE736AM are PIR/AM motion sensors. They have a patented verified PIR technology, multi-channel anti-masking. They were tested and certified to TS50131-1 / TS50131-2-2 for security grade 3, environmental class 2, by the Dutch testing and certification body Telefication B.V.
2. Installation guidelines
The technology in this detector resists false alarm hazards. Nevertheless avoid potential causes of instability, such as:
Direct sunlight on the detector. Heat sources within a field of view. Strong draughts onto the detector. Large animals in a field of view. Objects within 50 cm (20 in.) of the anti-masking (AM) detector. Obscuring the detector’s field of view with large objects, such as
Installing two detectors facing each other and less than 50 cm apart.
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3. Mounting the detector
1. Lift off the custom insert and remove the enclosed screw (fig. ,
steps 1 and 2).
2. Using a screwdriver, carefully prise open the detector (fig.
, steps 3
and 4).
3. Remove the interior part (fig.
4. Fix the base to the wall between 1.8 m and 3.0 m (5.9-9.8 ft.) from the floor. For flat-mounting use a minimum of two screws (DIN 7998), at least one in position A and one in position B. For corner-mounting use
screws in positions C or D (fig.
CAUTION! Not all screw positions have pry-off tamper. Non pry-off positions are shown in the Warning box in figure
5. Wire the detector (figs. and ).
6. Select the desired jumper and DIP switch settings (Section 4).
7. Replace the interior part (fig. b).
8. Align the detector, as shown (figs. c and
j) and see
Aligning the
beam and walk testing the detector
(section 6).
9. Remove the blinders and add the stickers, if required (see figs. d and e for an example).
10. Insert the insect-protection caps (fig. f, step 1).
11. Close the cover (fig. f, step 2).
12. Insert the screw (if required) and replace the custom insert (fig. f, step 3).
4. Setting the detector
The detector must be restarted (re-powered) after changing the settings or detection pattern.
Jumpers (fig. )
J1 : PIR sensitivity
It changes the distance-to-alarm delay (the speed of the decision algorithm); the higher the sensitivity, the faster the sensor will react
). There are three different PIR sensitivities.
5 6 7 8 9 10
- 10 -
Low sensitivity
: Use where there is a risk of false alarms. Do not use in long-range applications (>20 m (65.6 ft.)) or single­curtain applications.
Medium sensitivity:
Most situations (ex-factory).
High sensitivity:
Use for high-risk situations. Recommended
for use in corridors.
J2 : Curtain Location Mode (CLM)
It allows you to identify where the edges of the curtains are precisely located. When an intruder enters a curtain, the red and yellow LEDs flash
alternatively (fig.
). J2 is also used for long-range alignment (see section
See Section 6B.
J3 : Dual loop (only available on VE735AM)
It is used to set the alarm and tamper relay. It allows you to connect the detector to any control panel.
EOL Loop (4K7)
Terminals 4 and 5 of the alarm output must be used when connecting to the control panel.
Isolated Alarm and Tamper Loop (ex-factory)
Tamper is isolated from the alarm relay. The EOL resistor in the tamper circuit is short-circuited.
Terminals 3 and 4 of the alarm output must be used when connecting to the control panel.
Dual Loop
Tamper and alarm loop can be monitored over two wires. In a normal situation (no alarm) the Dual Loop impedance is
4K7. For a detector alarm, the alarm relay contact opens and the impedance of the Dual Loop increases to 9K4, indicating an alarm. When the detector housing is opened, the tamper circuit opens and the Dual Loop is interrupted, indicating a
tamper alarm (fig.
- 11 -
PIR DIP switches (fig. )
Table 1: PIR DIP switches
Function DIP switch On DIP switch Off
4. LEDs LEDs On LEDs Off
3. Chime direction Left-to-right Right-to-left
2. Chime Chime On Chime off
1. Polarity Active High Active Low
DIP switch 1: Polarity of control voltage (CV)
On: “Active High” provides the standard GE Security logic with “Active
High” logic to enable Walk Test and Day/Night inputs.
Off: “Active Low” provides “Active Low” logic to enable Walk Test and Day/
Night inputs.
DIP switch 2: Chime (fig. )
The detector can distinguish the direction of the intruder during daytime. Disable this option by setting the detector to Chime Off. When the chime is On, the detector will trigger an alarm when the intruder moves right-to-left or left-to-right across the curtains.
Note: If the Day/Night terminal is not used and the chime is On, the chime will be On both during arm and disarm (Day/Night) mode.
DIP switch 3: Chime direction (fig. )
On: Alarm when an intruder walks from left-to-right. Off: Alarm when an intruder walks from right-to-left.
(Stand with your back to the detector to determine left and right directions.)
DIP switch 4: LEDs
On: Enables both LEDs on the detector at all times. Off: Puts both LEDs under the control of the Walk Test and Day/Night
12 34
7 8 9 1 0 11 12
12 34
- 12 -
AM DIP switches (fig. )
Table 2: AM DIP switches
Function DIP switch On DIP switch Off
4. How to signal AM or TF output
Relay Relay
AM Alarm AM Alarm
TF -
3. Reset AM or TF After walk test Authorised reset
2. AM sensitivity High Standard
1. When to signal Day mode only Day/Night mode AM or TF output
AM DIP switch settings:
1. When to signal AM (anti-masking) or TF (technical fault)
On: Signals AM or TF only when the system is in Day mode. EN 50131-2-2
Off: Always signal AM or TF.
CAUTION! To prevent AM alarms during Night mode, the
following DIP switch settings are recommended: 4: Off 3: Off 2: Off 1: On AM alarms are now only signaled to the control panel during
Day mode by the AM relay. The LEDs are controlled by Day/ Night and Walk Test inputs. Resetting the AM alarm can only be done in walk test mode.
Never show the detector state to the intruder via the LEDs.
2. AM sensitivity
On: Selects a higher level of AM sensitivity. AM relay reacts within 6
Off: Selects the standard AM sensitivity. AM relay reacts within 12
1 2 3 4 5
12 34
12 34
- 13 -
3. Resetting the AM/TF output
The VE700AM will only reset an AM alarm if it has ensured that the cause of the AM alarm has been removed. If the AM circuitry cannot return to its original reference levels, then either the detector is still masked or has possibly been damaged. The owner should then visually check that the detector is still fully functional.
On: After a 40-second inhibit period, resets the AM or TF status when a PIR
alarm is generated.
Off: Resets the AM or TF status after a PIR alarm, when the system is set
into Day and Walk Test status. The yellow LED will blink quickly. When the system is in Night status, the yellow LED will turn off and the system is reset.
4. How to signal AM or TF output
On: Signals AM on
the AM and Alarm relays.
Signals TF on the AM relay only.
Off: Signals AM and TF on the AM relay.
5. Testing the anti-masking
AM start-up sequence: When the VE700AM is powered, the AM circuitry will wait until the cover of the detector is properly mounted.
As soon as the cover is mounted, the AM circuitry will monitor the housing and the surrounding area and store the received signal levels as reference levels. This procedure takes 75 seconds. During this period, the surrounding area should remain clear from movement and objects temporarily placed within 50 cm of the detector.
To test the anti-masking ensure that the PIR DIP switch 4 is set to On (LED On) and then hold your hand approximately 10 cm (4 in.) in front of the detector for 12 seconds (when using standard sensitivity) or for 6 seconds (when using high sensitivity). The yellow LED will light accordingly.
6. Aligning the beam and walk testing the detector
A. Using VE710 alignment tool (fig. c)
1. Insert the VE710 in the sub-frame with the On/Off switch facing the
2. Connect it to the COM port.
3. Turn on the VE710.
- 14 -
WARNING! Do not look into the laser beam.
The output power is less than 1 mW. Consequently the
VE710 laser is classified by IEC60825-1 as a Class 2 laser. The eye’s blinking reflex is fast enough to prevent any permanent damage to the eye.
4. The laser spot indicates the product alignment (Fig. c A). If this spot
on the wall veers from the centre of the desired detection area 1 m (3.3 ft.) from the ground, then loosen the base fixation screws (Fig.
) and use the three adjustment screws in the base to realign it to the
centre, as shown in Fig. c B. When the spot is correctly realigned, retighten the base fixation screws.
5. Remove the alignment tool and replace the cover.
6. Carry out the walk test. Make sure that the red LED is On after the walk test.
B. Without the alignment tool (fig. j, back cover)
1. Insert the mirror blinders in order to ensure that the detector is in single-curtain mode.
2. Put J2 to On and wait until both LEDs are Off.
3. Walk in front of the detector across the field of view at normal speed (without pausing) and at the maximum possible range. When you enter the beam, both LEDs will start to blink simultaneously.
After crossing the beam, if:
1. The red LED is On (fig.
j A), the alignment is OK.
2. The red and yellow LEDs are blinking simultaneously then the field of view is obstructed and is insufficient to verify an alarm. There are two options:
If the blinking started near the end of the detection area, you need
to align the beam to the left (fig.
j B).
If the blinking started near the start of the detection area, you need
to align the beam to the right (fig.
j C).
Loosen the base fixation screws (fig.
) and use the three adjustment
screws in the base to realign the beam to the centre, as shown in fig. c B. When the beam is correctly realigned, retighten the base fixation screws.
4. If the LEDs do not blink, the curtain is outside of the detection range (fig.
j D) . Walk across the beam at a shorter distance to try to
detect it.
5. Redo the walk test to confirm that the detector is correctly aligned.
6. Put J2 to Off.
Note 1: If the CLM is On, the alarm output is activated. Note 2: It is recommended to place the cover on the detector during the
CLM walk test.
- 15 -
7. Identifying detector status by the LEDs
A) LED indication
Table 3: LED indication
= Continuously On = Normal blinking (1 Hz)
= Fast blinking (4 Hz)
Detector Yellow Red To reset status LED LED
Power On Automatically after 70 sec.
High/Low voltage Apply correct voltage. CLM
Someone enters the curtains
PIR intruder alarm - - - Automatically after 3 sec.
PIR intruder alarm - - -
Automatically after 3 sec.
Latched PIR - - - Switch to Day mode. alarm: 1st to alarm
Latched PIR - - -
Switch to Day mode.
alarm: 2nd to alarm AM alarm
- - - See table 2, DIP switch 2 (page 12).
After AM reset - - - Switch to Night mode.
Technical fault - - - Do a successful walk test.
8. General information
Note: First set the appropriate active polarity of the Control Voltage (CV) using the PIR DIP switch 1. The detector is in Night mode when the appropriate control voltage is applied to terminal 10 and in Day mode when the control voltage is disconnected.
A) Latching
When using multiple detectors in a single loop, wire for Day/Night and Walk Test inputs, as shown below (repeated in figure
B) Remotely enabling/disabling the walk test LED (fig.
Put the detector in Day mode and enable the walk test status. The detector’s LED will turn on as the alarm relay opens and turn off when the relay closes. The walk test can now be carried out.
To enable the walk test LED without a remote CV input, set DIP switch 4 to the On position. After the walk test, set DIP switch 4 to the Off position.
It is recommend that the detector is regularly walk tested and the communication with the control panel checked.
C) Setting the alarm memory (fig. )
In Day mode a blinking LED indicates which of the detector(s) have caused the alarm during Night mode.
Switching back into Night mode will clear the memory and turn the LED off. Enabling the walk test will not clear the alarm memory. Disabling the walk
test will cause the indication of memorised alarms to re-appear.
D) Selecting the coverage pattern (fig. e)
The coverage pattern can be changed to fit specific requirements by using the mirror stickers (enclosed), as shown. It is recommended to blind unused curtains that are looking at objects located very close to the detector.
CAUTION! Removing the stickers can damage the mirror surface!
- 16 -
Walk test
Night Day
Control panel
E) Blocking the curtains (fig. d)
The mirror blinders are fitted ex-factory on the mirror. To remove a blinder, first remove the interior part of the detector. Then lift the lower part of the blinder and wiggle the upper part to loosen it. When long-range detection
is not required (>20 m (>65.6 ft.)), remove the long-range mirror (fig.
F) Pry-off and cover tamper
The detector has both pry-off and cover tamper (EN 50131-2-2 compliant). A. It is important to use the screw indicated
in figure in order to
ensure pry-off tamper. B. For corner-mount applications, use the ST400 for pry-off tamper (fig.
i). However, see the caution listed in section 3, step 4.
G) SB01 swivel-mount bracket (optional)
When it is not possible to mount the detector on a wall, use the SB01 to mount it on the ceiling (fig.
9. Remote and self-testing the detector
Technical fault: There are two causes for technical faults.
A: It is caused by continuously monitoring the pyro and the AM circuit reference levels.
B: It is caused by the Self Test and the Remote Test. Remote test: This test allows the VE700AM to be tested from the control
panel. Use terminal 12 to activate it. The VE700AM will activate the Alarm relay if the test result is positive and the AM relay if the test result is negative.
Self test: The VE700AM monitors the PIR and AM circuits continuously. A defect is reported as a technical fault.
- 17 -
- 18 -
Remote test: Self test:
Technical fault:
A: A technical fault detected by continuous monitoring can be reset in two
1. Authorised reset. Set the system to Day and Walk Test status and then carry out a walk test. At the next PIR alarm the system resets if all reference levels are within the specified limits.
2. Auto reset. After a 40-second inhibit period, it automatically resets after a successful walk test if all reference levels are within the specified limits.
B: A technical fault detected by a Self Test or a Remote Test can only be reset by another Self Test or a Remote Test if the test is successful.
10. Glossary
Alarm memory: A storage medium located on the detector that can record
signals generated by the detector. Anti-masking (AM): A feature of the detector that allows it to detect when
someone is trying to mask it (for example, by spraying paint on it). When masking is detected, a relay is activated.
Curtains: A vertical continuous layer of detection zones. The PIR detector can only detect motion within the curtains and not in the spaces between them.
Curtain Location Mode (CLM): A feature of the detector that identifies precisely the edges of the curtains.
Day mode: The detector is not required to generate an alarm signal or message when activated by a person walking in front of it.
Masking: Placing a physical barrier (such as paper, metal or sprayed paints) close to or on the detector which interferes with its capability to detect an intrusion.
3 sec.
8 hr.
8 hr.
8 hr.
8 hr.
AM relay:
Alarm relay:
Terminal 12:
AM relay:
* Starts 1 hour after installation
not OK
not OK
- 19 -
Night mode: The detector generates an alarm signal or message when activated by a person walking in front of it.
Remote test: The control panel monitors the detector’s sensor and associated on-board signal processing circuitry.
Self test: The detector itself monitors the sensor and associated on-board signal processing circuitry.
Technical fault (TF): The fault signal or message that is generated on the AM relay when the detector suffers a fault.
Walk test: An operational test done by the installer to see if the equipment will generate an alarm.
11. Technical specifications
Input power 9 VDC to15 VDC (12 Vnominal) Peak-to-peak ripple 2 V (at 12 VDC) Current consumption:
Normal operation 20 mA Alarm 24 mA Maximum 34 mA
Control input voltage Low 0 to1.5 VDC (terminals 10-11-12) High 3.5 to 15 VDC
Mounting height Min 1.8 m, max 3.0 m
(Min 5.90 ft., max 9.84 ft.)
Target speed range 10 cm/sec to 4 m/sec
(4 in./sec to 13 ft./sec) Alarm relay Optical relay is immune to magnetic influence Alarm output 80 mA at 30 VDC max. Tamper output 80 mA at 30 VDC max. Trouble output 80 mA at 30 VDC max. Alarm time 3 sec Detector start-up time 70 sec Operating temperature -10°C to +55°C
(14°F to 130°F) Relative humidity Max. 95% Dimensions (H x W x D) 175 x 93 x 66 mm
(6.88 x 3.66 x 2.60 in.) Weight 275 g (9.70 oz.) Number of curtains 11 at 20 m and 1 at 60 m
(11 at 65.6 ft. and 1 at 197 ft.) Viewing angle 86° at 20 m and 3° at 60 m IP/IK rating IP30 IK02
Istruzioni per l’installazione
1. Introduzione ............................................................................................ 20
2. Linee guida per l’installazione ................................................................. 20
3. Montaggio del rilevatore ......................................................................... 21
4. Impostazione del rilevatore .................................................................... 22
5. Test dell’antimascheramento ................................................................. 26
6. Allineamento della tenda centrale e test di copertura del rilevatore ..... 26
7. Identificazione dello stato del rilevatore tramite i LED .......................... 28
8. Informazioni generali .............................................................................. 28
9. Test remoto e autotest........................................................................... 30
10. Glossario .............................................................................................. 31
11. Specifiche tecniche .............................................................................. 32
1. Introduzione
VE735AM e VE736AM sono rilevatori di movimento PIR/AM, vale a dire dotati di tecnologia PIR brevettata e di antimascheramento a canale multiplo. Sono stati approvati dall’organismo olandese di test e certificazione Telefication B.V per gli standard TS50131-1 / TS50131-2-2, grado di sicurezza 3, classe ambientale 2.
2. Linee guida per l’installazione
La tecnologia contenuta nel rilevatore è a prova di falsi allarmi. È tuttavia opportuno evitare possibili fattori di instabilità, quali:
Esposizione del rilevatore alla luce solare diretta. Fonti di calore all’interno del campo visivo.
Forti correnti d’aria in prossimità del rilevatore. Animali di grossa taglia all’interno del campo visivo.
Presenza di oggetti nel raggio di 50 cm dal rilevatore
Oscuramento del campo visivo del rilevatore con oggetti di grandi
dimensioni (es. mobilio).
Installazione di due rilevatori l’uno di fronte all’altro a meno di 50 cm
di distanza.
- 20 -
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3. Montaggio del rilevatore
1. Sollevare la chiusura a incastro e rimuovere la vite (fig. , passi 1
e 2).
2. Aprire il rilevatore facendo leva con un cacciavite (fig.
, passi 3 e
3. Rimuovere la parte interna (fig.
4. Fissare la base al muro ad un’altezza dal pavimento compresa tra 1,8
e 3 m. Per il montaggio su superficie piana, utilizzare almeno due viti (DIN 7998), una nella posizione A e una nella posizione B. Per il
montaggio angolare, utilizzare le viti nelle posizioni C o D (fig.
ATTENZIONE: non tutte le posizioni delle viti sono dotate di protezione antimanomissione e antirimozione. Le posizioni non dotate di protezione antirimozione sono mostrate nel riquadro
contrassegnato dal simbolo di Attenzione nella figura
5. Collegare il rilevatore (fig.  e ).
6. Selezionare le impostazioni desiderate dei ponticelli e dei commutatori
DIP switch (sezione 4).
7. Riposizionare la parte interna (fig. b).
8. Allineare il rilevatore come illustrato (fig.
c e j) e consultare la
sezione 6
Allineamento della tenda centrale e test di copertura del
9. Rimuovere la schermatura e applicare gli adesivi secondo necessità
(alcuni esempi alle figg. d e e).
10. Inserire i tappi di protezione dagli insetti (fig. f, passo 1).
11. Chiudere il coperchio (fig. f, passo 2).
12. Inserire la vite se necessario e riposizionare la chiusura a incastro
(fig. f, passo 3).
4. Impostazione del rilevatore
Riavviare (spegnere e riaccendere) il rilevatore dopo aver modificato le impostazioni o il campo di rilevazione.
Ponticelli (fig. )
J1 : Sensibilità PIR
Questa impostazione agisce sulle semitende da interessare per ottenere un allarme; maggiore è la sensibilità, maggiore è la velocità di reazione
del sensore (fig.
). Sono disponibili tre diverse sensibilità PIR.
Sensibilità bassa
: da utilizzare quando vi è il rischio di falsi allarmi. Non utilizzare in applicazioni a lungo raggio (>20 m) o a tenda singola.
Sensibilità media:
per la maggior parte delle situazioni
(impostazione di fabbrica).
Sensibilità alta:
per situazioni ad alto rischio. Raccomandata
per l’uso nei corridoi.
J2 : Modalità di posizionamento della tenda centrale
Consente di identificare esattamente la posizione dei margini delle tende di rilevazione. Quando un intruso attraversa una delle tende, i LED rosso e giallo lampeggiano alternativamente (fig. ). J2 viene utilizzato anche per l’allineamento della tenda centrale a lungo raggio (vedere la sezione
Disattivata (OFF)
Attivata (ON)
(vedere la sezione 6B)
J3 : Doppio bilanciamento (solo su VE735AM)
Serve per l’impostazione del relè di allarme e antimanomissione e consente di collegare il rilevatore a qualsiasi centrale.
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