ProfileModels 24OustomStyle,
Modde Profile_CustomStyle,_24,
ModblesProfile28 et 30
Modelo Profile24
"CustomStyle," ModelosProfile
English section begins onpage 2
La section fran_aise commence a la page 40
La seccion en espa#ol empieza en la pagina 74
www.geappl_nces.com Part No. 162D9617PO09 Pub.No.49-60064 ! 1-99JR

SafetyPrecauflons............ 3
UseofExtensionCores......... 3
HowtoConnectElectricit_...... 4
UseofAdapterPlugs .......... 4
Operating Instructions
Controls ................ 5 8
tea[ures.................. 5-12
RefreshmentCemer....... 13--15
CareandCleaning......... !6-18
YouAre Now Partof theGEFamily
Welcome to the GE tiunily. We're prt)ud of our
quality products and we are committed to pr_Mding
dependable service. You'll see it in this easp/o-use
Owner's Manual and you'll hear it in the fiiendly
voices of our customer service department.
Best of all, you'll experience these x;dues each time
y{)u use your refiigerator. That's important, becm]se
y_nn new retiigerator willbe pmt ofy¢)tn titmily ti)r
ma W yems. And we hope y_u wU1be part of ours tier
a long time to come.
_,,\.e fllankyou to_ bu}ang (,E. X,\eapp_ e(mte you_
put(base, and hope you _dll (onfinue to rely on us
whenm,er you need quality appliances for your home.
GE& You,A Service Partnership.
Fill out the ( onsumer Product Registration Card.
Installation Instructions
InstalltheRefrigerator..... 19.20
TrimKits ................ 21-25
WaterLineInstallation..... 26-28
TwoEasyWays ToRegisterYourAppliance!
• Through the internet at w_w.geapplian( es.( ore.
• ( omplete and mail the enclosed Product Registration Card.
i¸ : : i
!i i !iiiiiiiii i iii iiiii
Troubleshooting 77ps
NormalOperatingSounds: i. 129
CallForService. :! i.:: 129-32
i T: i: J ::::!7 i)! i!
Customer Service
Warrantyfor_S. Customers; 33
PerformanceDataSheet,, : : : ::34
ProductRegistration,;i ::. :: :37
_lumbers..... ,.. ::: :BackCover
Write the model and serial numbershere:
You can find them on a label inside the fiesh fi)od compartment
on the top.
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain service
under the w;uranb_.
Inside y(m will find many helpfifl hin/s on h()w to use and main/ain
votn retiigerator properly.Just a little preventive care on your part
can save y{)u a great deal of time and money over the lite of yore.
You'll find many answers to common problems in the Before You
Call For Service se(fion. If you review our (hart of Troubleshooting
Tipsfirst, you may not need to (:allfor ser_4ce at all.
If}_m do need service, you can rel>kx knowing help is onlya phone
call away. A list of mll-tiee customer service numbers is included in
the back section. Or, in the U.S.,you (an always (all the GE Answer
Center '_at 800.626.2000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In Canada,
call 1-800-361-3400.

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precaufions should be followed, including the following:
This refrigerator must be properly installed
and lo(ated in accordan( e_fith tlle Installation
Instructions before it is used.
Do not allow chil&en to climb, stand or hang
on the shelves in tlle refiigerator. They (ouM
damage tlle refiigerator and seriously injure
_Do not allow anyone to climb, sit, stand or hang
oil the Retieshlnent Center door, They o)uld
damage the refiigerator and inaybe even tip it
over, causing severe personal ill ju U.
Do not touch tile cold sufiilces in tile fleezer
(ompartment when hands are damp or wet. Skin
may sti(k to these extremely cold suffa( es.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the _4(inity of tllis or any
other applian(e.
In refiigerators with mltoma/ic icemakers,
avoid contact with tile m_)ving parts of tile
ejector mechanism, or with the heating element
that releases the cubes. Do not place fingers or
hands on the automatic icemaking mechanism
while the refiigerator is plugged in.
Keep fingers out of tile "pinch point" areas;
cle_uances between tile doors and between
tile doors and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be careflfl closing doors when chiMren are
in tile area.
Unplug tile refligevaU)r befi)re cleaning and
making repairs.
NOTE:Westrongly recommendthatanyservicing be performed
by a quafified individual.
Turning tile control to tile OFFer0 position does
not remove power to tile light circuit.
Do not refleeze flozen fi)ods which have
thawed (ompletely.
(hild entrapment and sutii)cafion are not problems
of the past.Junked or abandoned refiigerators _ue
days." If you are getting rid ofyour oM refrigerator,
please folhlw the instructions beh)w to help prevent
_ till dangerous...even ifthey xdll sitfor "just a tbw
Before YouThrowAway YourOldRefrigerator
or Freezer:
Take offflm doors.
iiiiiii_I,eavetile shelvesin place so that children inay
not easilyclimb inside.
Your oM refrigerator has a cooling system fllat used
CFCs (dflorofluorocarbons). (FCs are believed to
harm stratospheri( ozone.
If you me throwing away your oM refrigerator, make
sure the CFC refiigerant is rem{)ved fin proper
disposal by a qualified servicer. If you intentionally
release this (FC retiigerant you can be subject to
titles and imprisonment under pi(Msions of
environmental legislation.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend
against the use of an extension cord.
H{)wever, if}_m Illust use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessmy that it be a UI Aisted (in tile United
States) or a (SA certified (in (anada), 3-wire grounding/ype appliance extension cord having a groun(fing
/ype plug and outlet and that the elecuical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 vohs.

Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safety this appliance must be properly grounded.
The pc)wet cord of this appliance is equipped xfith a
3-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a
standard 3-pr(mg (grounding) wall outlet to
minimize the possibility of elecuic shock hazard
fiom this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a
qualified eledrMan to make sure the outlet is
properly grounded.
Where a standmd 2-prong wall outlet is
eno)untered, it is}x)ur personal responsibility and
obligaoon m have it replaced with a properly
grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
The refiigerator should always be plugged into its
own indMdual electrical outlet which has a vohage
rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides tlle best performance and also
prm,ents overloading house _firing cir(uits whidl
could cause a fire hazard flom overheated wires.
Never unplug your refiigemtor by pulling on the
power (ord. Ahvays grip plug firlnly and pull suaight
out fiom the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that
have become fiayed or otheiwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage
along its length or at either end.
When moving the refrigerator away flom the
wall, be (_uefhl not to roll over or damage the
power (ord.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against
the use of an adapter plug.
H{)wever, if you must use an adapter, where local
codes permit, a temporaryconnectionmay be made
to a properly gr{)unded 2-prong w:dl outlet by use
ofa UI Aisted adaptor available at most local
hardware stores.
The larger slot in tile adapter must be aligned with
the larger slot in the wall outlet to proxdde proper
polarity in the connection of the power coid.
When disconnecting the power cord flom the
a(hpter, always hold the adapter in place with one
hand while pulling the power cord plug with the
other hand. If this is not done, the adapter gr{)llnd
terminal is veIy likely to break with repeated use.
If the adapter ground terminal breaks, DONOTUSE
file refiigerator until a proper ground hasbeen
Attaching the adapter ground terminal to a waft outlet
cover screw does not ground theappliance unless the
cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and the waft
outlet is grounded through the house wiring Youshould
have the circuit checkedby a qualified electric&n to make
sure the outlet is propedy groundec_
Readandfollow thisSafetyInformationcarefully.

Aboutthe controlsonthe refrigerator.
The controls will look like one of the following.
FREEZER COLD [:_ [:_ [:_ [:_ _1 [:_ [:_ COLDEST COLD [z] E31 EZ] EZ] EZ1 EZ1 COLDEST
I (
". 0
OFF t 3 [] 7 9 t 3 [] 7 9
1. the WARMEST _ 9. the COLDEST
setting _
Initially, set the fresh food control at 5 and the freezer control at 5 and
allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize.
Moving the freezer control to OFFor 0 stops cooling in both the
fresh food and freezer compartments but does not shut off electrical
power to the refrigerator.
Controlsettings will vary based onpersonal preferences, usage, and
operating conditions and may require more than one adjustment.
Testingand Adjusting Temperatures
Several adjustments may be required. Each time you adjust controls, allow 24 hours for the
refrigerator to reach the temperature youhave set.
}The fleezer supplies cold air for both
}The fleezer setting determines the compressor }Both temperature controls may need
and fleezer fan run times, adjustment to get the desired temperature
place ice cream in the
center of the freezer.
Check it after 24 hotlI'S.
If it's too hard or too soft,
Totest the freezer,
adjust the setting.
}The fiesh food control maintains the
temperature in the flesh food (ompartment
by controlling the amount of cold air that flows
from the fleezer to the fresh fi)od side.
in the fresh fi)od compartment.
To testthe freshfood
compartment, place a
beverage on the top shell
After 24 hours, taste the
drink. If the temperature
is not satisthcto_y, a(!just
the setting.

Aboutthe controlsonthe refrigerator.
On some models. Thecontrols will look like one of the following.
The Electronic Monitor and Diagnostic System controls dispenser functions and monitors the operation of
your refrigerator.
Monitor andDiagnosticSystem
NORMAL_ ligh/s up/o indicate that no f_tilme has been delected by tile diagnostic system.
DOOROPEN_ flashes when either door is open.
O WARMTEMP4 ÷ ligh/s up when tieezer fi)o(bkeeping telnperamre is above noiillal.
O Flashing diagnostic codes. What these codes mean-and what to do when they appear-is explained
)more thoroughly on the tollowing pages.
tSYSTEMCHECK-RESET_) rexiews tile diagnosis offi)ur coded flmctions and allows you to erase codes
Off'ore tile display.
0 Select CUBEDICE_, CRUSHEDICE_ or WATER_ and tile signal light ,onlirlnS y,,ur ,hoi,e.
) DOORALARM(((_i"lights up when the beeper has been set to sound atier either door has been open 30
Q seconds.

When Your Refrigerator Is First Plugged In
All panel lights come on fk)rfive seconds,
a beep sounds, and lights go off ex(ept as
PFflashes in tile display. Tou(h SYSTEM
WARMTEMPgh)wsuntil tl_e refiigerator
(ools down. Itgoes offwhen proper fi)od-
keeping temperature is readmd.
How to Set the Door Alarm
To set tile alarxn press DOORALARMunfil it
The control beeps if either door is open fin
more than 30 se(onds.
The light goes out and tile beeping stops
when you (h)se the door.
Why the WARM TEMP Light Glows
:, Door almm beeper is acfi'aned and DOOR
ALARM glows.
:_ DOOR OPEN flashes if either door is open,
goes out when doors me shut.
:, Night light in ice and water dispenser
is off.
ii i
At first, it's probably because your newly-
installed refligerator hasn't completely
cooled (lox_a_yet. Wait a few hours for it to
(ool, and then the ligln will go out.
As soon as inside temperatures return to
norxnal, the ligln goes out.
If WARMTEMPreappears and stays on fi)r
hmger than 4 hours, call ti)r sex_'ice.
From then on, WARMTEMPwill glow
whenever temperatures inside get too high
tin proper tood storage. If this happens,
open the doors only when absolutely
necessmT, and close them as quickly as
How the Monitor and Diagnostic System Works
The diagnostic code flashes and the control
beeps when someflfing starts to go wrong.
]flnore than one coded tim(lion requires
attention at the same time, the one with the
highest priority will be displayed first.
Pressing SYSTEMCHECK-RESETwillerase
two codes immediatel}_PFand CI.The dE
and FFcodes can only be enlsed by pressing
SYSTEMCHECK-RESET'afterthe condition
that cm_sed the code to flash has been
SYSTEMCHECK-RESETxfillalso evaluate
all other coded flmctions. If NORMALis
lit during the displa)qng of a code, that
flmction is operating properly.

Aboutthe controlsonthe refrigerator.
What the Codes Mean
Checkyourfrozenfood.Has any of it slnted to thaw? A paclctge may be holding tile fleezer
compartment door open. Don't open tile door more often than absolumly necessm T while
this code is displayed. Touching SYSTEMCHECK-RESETalier the fleezer comparmmnt
temperature has returned to normal will erase the code.
Powertotherefrigeratorhasbeeninterruptedformorethantwoseconds.Che(k the condition
of food in both the fiesh food and fieezer (ompaHments. Tou(h SYSTEMCHECK-RESET
to erase the (ode.
There is no timh with the refligerator when the PF(ode flashes.
Checktheicemaker.Ice clumps in the slorage bin may have stalled the icemaker. Follow
corrective measures described in rroubleshootin9 77ps.Ifwater supply to the icemaker is
not connected or not turned on, make sure the icemaker feeler ann is in the STOP (up)
position. The code stops flashing when problem is corrected or SYSTEMCHECK-RESET
is t{)uched.
Somethingis wrong with thedefrostsystem---keepdoorsclosedtoretaincoldandcall for
service.The (ode flashes until problem is (one(ted.

Aboutthe water filtercartridge.
On some models
Discard the plastic cap.
I (m°nthyear) I
Cartridge ,
Holder ! I
Place the top of the cartridge up
flrside the cartridge holder and
slowly turn it to the right.
The water fiher cartridge is located in tlle
upper fight41and (orner of tlle fiesh fbod
compartment, right beh)w tlle temperature
The fiher caruidge shouM be replaced
eve_ysix months or earlier if tl_eflow of
water to the water dispenser or i(emaker
Installing the Filter Cartridge
[7] Ifyou are replat ing the caruidge, first
re_nove the {)ldtree bvsh)wlv turning it
to the left. Donot pull (lox_a_on the
cartridge. A small amount ofwamr mW
drip (lox_11.
[_ Remove and discard the plastic cap
fi'om the new caruidge.
[_ Fill the replacement cartridge with water
from the tap.
[_A pplv the month and year sticker to tlle
c_iru-(dgeto relnind v(_u to replace the
fiher in six months.
@Place tile top of tim cartridge up inside
tlle cartridge hoMer. Donot push it up
into tlle hoMer.
@ Sh)wly mrn it to the right until the fiher
taruidge stops. D0 NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
Asyou turn the caruidge, it x_411
automatically raise itself into position.
[_Run water flom the dispenser for 1
minute (about a haffgalhm) to tlear
the systeln and prevent sputtering.
NOTE"A newly-installed water fiher
(aruidge may cause water to spurt from
tlle dispenser.
Filter Bypass Plug
You must use the fiher bypass plug
when a replacement fiher camidge is not
available. The dispenser and the icemaker
will not operate without the fiher or fiher
bypass plug.
Odmstions?...In the United States, trail the
(;E Answer (enter P800.626.2000.
Toorderadditionalfiltercartridgesin the
UnitedStates,carl GEPartsandAccesseries,
FXRT--Chlorine, Taste and Odor
Suggesled Retail $29.95
FXRC--Chlorine, Taste and Odor-
I,ead and Cys/s
Suggested Relail $34.95
Custolners in Canadn sht)uld consult the
yell(_wpages ti)r the nemest Cmnco Set_ice
Aboutthe shelvesandbaskets.
Rearranging the Shelves and Freezer Baskets
(;lass and _dre shelves _ue ac!justable.
[] LiftuDandout [] Tilt Lla
[] Insert
lockin place
Wire slide-out fleezer baskets can be
relocated in the stone way.

Slide-Out Spillproof Shelf (onsomemo_e/s)
The slide-out spillproof shelf allows you to
reach items stored behind others. The
spedal edges are designed to help prevent
spills flom &ipping to lower shelves.
Quick Space Sheff
This slieRsplits in haffand slides under
itself for storage oftall items on the shelf
Removable Wine Rack
The xdne rack is designed to hold a bottle
on its side. A good lo_ation fi)r the xdne ra_k
is the qukk spa(e shelf.
Makesureyoupushtheshelvesallthe wayback
in beforeyouclosethedoo_
SpaceSa ver TM Rack
Use this rack to store beverage (ans for
easy access,
It can also hoMa 9 x 13 baking &sh.
( *1 _ *1 • J" •
Not all features are on all models.
Bins on the Fresh FoodCompartment Door
Ac!justable bins _an easily be (anied fiom
refiigerator to work area.
Toremove: Tilt the bin tip and pull ()tit
on the rooMed supports until it comes
completely ()tit of the door.
Toreplaceorrelecate:Select desired shelf
height, engage the bin in the molded
supports of the door and slide the bin in.
The bin xdll hook in place.
Thedividerhelps prevent tipping, spilling
or sliding of small imms stored on the door
shell. Place a finger on either side of the
cfivider nero the fiont and m()ve it back and
fi)rth to fit your needs.
Toremovefixedbins,first rem()ve the food
in the bins. Then, grasping the bin at each
end, push in at the bottom as y{xulift and
pull out at the top.

Quick ServeTM System
CAUTION: Dishes and lids are not
designed for use on the range top,
broiler or in the regular oven. Such
use can be hazardous.
Oui_ k Sel_,eTVdishes fit into a spa(e-sa_4ng
l:ack under tile shelf. The rack can be
j lel,, ate( an,<leleinthe*;eshfot,
" /_/ _, 'I (Olilpattlilen[.
About the storage drawers.
Not all features are on all modeis.
Dishes and lids me sate ti11use in microwave
lyons, refiigerators and fieezers.
Donot use when cookinghigh-fatfoods,
suchas bacon,and high-sugarfoods,such
as candyandsyrup.Thehigh temperatures
ofthefat and sugarcan causebubblesto
formon the insideof thedish.
................ i
Storage Drawers
Excess watei thai 11lay accuiiiulate in tile
bottolIl of the drawers should be elnpfied
and tile &awels wiped &T.
Adjustable Humidity Drawers
Slide tile (onU/fl all tile way 1t)tile
setting to provide higil hulnidity
recolnlnended fi)r 1host vegetables.
Convertible Meat Drawer
Tile convertible illeat drawer has itsox_l
fl/)ln tile fieezer (olnparmmnt 11)flow
}1111undthe drawer.
(old air du(t 1oallow a stream of cold air
ThevariabletemperaturecontrOllegulat es
tile air flow fiOln tile fleezer ( olnpaltlnent.
Slide tile conuol all tile wav to tile
setting to pltMde lower lmlniditv
levels recolnlnended for 1host fl'uits.
Set control lever downto tile coldest setting
to store flesh 1heats. If lever is left in 1neat
position tola long period of tilne, SOlne
frost 1nayfi)lln on the inside of the drawer.
Set control lever up to convert the drawer to
norlnal lefligelvtmr telnperamre and
provide exua vegetable storage space. Cold
air duct is turned off. Vmiable settings
between these extrelnes can be selected.

Aboutstoragedrawer removal
Not all features are on all models.
Drawer Removal
Drawers (an easily be removed 1)ytilting up
slightly and pulling past the stop lo(ation.
Removethe doorbibs from the fresh fooddoor
beforeremov/bgthe drawer
To remove the shelf above tile top drawer,
drawerguidesonthe rightside.
first remove the top drawer and any food on
the shelf. Then tilt the shelf up at the fiont
and lift it up and out of the tracks.
Abouttherefrigerator doors
Refrigerator Doors
Tile refiigerator doors may teel ditterent
than the ones you are used to, The special
door opening/closing teaune makes sure
the doors close all tile way and are se(urely
To repla(e tile shelf, raise tile shelffiont
slightly and place the top hooks in the
lowest large ua(k slots. Then lower the
fiont of the shelfuntil it is level.
To remove the (hawers when the flesh fi)od
comparunent door cannot be opened fillly
you need to roll the refrigerator tbrward
until the door can be fillly opened, In some
cases this will require m{)ving the
refiigerator to the left as you roll it out.
The resistance you teel at the stop
position will be redu(ed as tile door
is loaded with food.
When the door is only partially open
it will automatically close.
Beyond this stop the door will
stay open.
When opening and closing the door y()u
will notice a stop position, If the door is
opened past this stop point, the door will
remain open to allow you to load and
unload t_o(1 more easily. When the door is
only partially open itxdllautomatically

Aboutthe refreshmentcenter.
Onsome models
The Refreshment Center Compartment stores frequently used items.
When open, tile Refreshment Center door pr{Mdes a convenient w{nk surlace. Ahhough
(hnable, the work surlitce should not be used as a cutting bo_ud. (;lose the door when
finished. The upper flesh tood compmtment light will come on when the Refleshment
Center door is opened.
Tile special design of tile door allows you/o flit and liftup the door in order to clean the
bottom of the fiame.
NOTE."Use caution in closing or using the clean-out feature in the presence of smafl children.
Cold >firentering flom tile fieezer compmnnent keeps tile temperature in tile
Retieshment Center (;ompmtment at proper tood-keeping levels.
I >11-5
Tile bin panel limits tile alllount of cold air that escapes when tile Refieshment (enter
door is opened. To reach ti)od fiom the inside, lift the panel up.
To rem()ve tile Refieshment Center bin, first rem()ve tile panel using tile hand holds.
Then remove the bin by lifting it up and out.

A newly-installed refrigerator may take 8 to 12hours to begin making ice.
Feelerarminthe Automaticlcemaker
The icemaker _dH produce eight (ld)es per
cyde--approximate]y 120 cubes in a 24-horn
pedod, dependhig on fieeze_ (ompatmem
temperature, room temperature, mlmber
of door openings and od_er use condidor_s.
Ifthe refrigerator is operated befbre the
water ( omiecdon is made to die i( emaker,
keep the feeler arm in the STOP (up)
I (down)p0sition
When the refrigerator has been cormec[ed
to the water s_q)pl} r,mo_e t])e feeler arnl to
d_e ON (do_sn) poshiorL
The icemaker _dH fiH wit h water when it cools
to fl:eezing A needy-installed refligerator ma)
take 8 to 12 k,oms to begin making ke cubes.
Throw awa_ die first few batches of ice to
allow the x_:4terline t() (lear.
P,e sme nodfing ime_eres widi the swing of
d_e feeler arm.
It is normal for several cubes to be,ioined
K ice is not used flequemb_ old ice cubes
will be(:ome (:loud} and taste stale.
Aboutthe ice and water dispenser.
On some models
To Use the Dispenser
Press the rim of the glass gently against tile
dispenser pad.
(on some models) or WATER_.
The spill shelf is not self draining. To
reduce water spotting, the shelf and i{s grille
sh()uM be cleaned regulmly.
If no water is dispensed when the refn_?eratoris
first instafled, there may be air in the water fine
system. Pressthe dispenser pad for at least two
minutes to remove trapped air from the water
fine and to fi// the water system. Toflush out
impurities in the water fine, throw away the
first six glassfuls of water
A light s_aitch (on some models) turns tile
night Nghtin the dispenser on or off. The
light also comes on when the dispenser pad
is pressed. The light in the dispenser sh(_uM
be replaced xdth a 7 watt IllaxilIltllIl bulb
when it burns out.
CAUTION: Never put fingers or any other
objects into the ice crusher discharge

Ice Storage Bin
I,ifi the left corner to fiee the bin fiOln the
shelf and pull the bin suaight out while
suppor/ing it at flont and rear.
Slide tile bin back umil the tab on the bin
locks into tile slot on the shelf. If the bin
does not go all tile way back, remove it and
rotate the drive mechanism 1/4 turn. Then
push the bin back again until the mb on the
bin locks into the slot on the shell
Important Facts About YourDispenser
Add ke before filling tile glass x_4tlla
Do not add ice fiom trays or bags to
tile storage bin. It may not _rush or
dispense well.
:, Avoid overfilling glass with ice and use of
nmrow or extra-tall glasses. Backed-up ice
can jmn the chute or cause the (loot in
the chute to fleeze shut. If ice is blocking
tile chum, poke it tim)ugh with a xw)oden
:, Beverages and foods shouM not be
quick-chilled in the ice storage bin.
Cans, bottles or food packages in the
storage bin may cause the icemaker or
auger to jmn.
:, Some crushed ice may be dispensed even
though you selected CUBEDICEThis
happens occasionally when a taw cubes
acddentally get directed to the crasher.
After crushed ice is dispensed, some
water may &ip fiotn the dmte.
:, Sometimes a m()und of snow will turin on
the <loot in the ice chute. This condition
is nortnal and umally o((urs when you
have dispensed crashed ice repeatedly.
Tile snowxdll evenulally evaporate.
Dispensed water is not ice coM. For
colder water, add crushed ice or cubes
betore dispensing water.

Careand cleaning of therefrigerator.
Cleaning the Outside
outside.It'simportant that y()uuse only
_dn(h)w (leaner _dth()ut m_nonia or a (Eimp
cloth to dean the gbtss mid uim. Avoid using
w_lxon the Retieshment Cen/er door.
Thedispenserwell, beneath the grille, should
be xfiped (by. Water left in the well may leave
deposits. Remoxv the deposits by adding
undihned vinegm to the well. Soak until the
deposits (fisappear or become loose enough
to rinse away.
Thedispenserpad.Clean with warm
water and baking soda solution-about a
tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda u) a
qumt (11) of water. Rinse thoroughly and
wipe (liT.
HINT" Openthe freezer doorpart way to prevent
dispens/ng of ice or water when cleaning.
Cleaning the Decorator Door Panels
Clean these panels using an anti-static
cleaner or a miM detergent and water.
(I_ook fin an/i-s/atic cleaner in electronic or
computer deparmmnts.) Rinse thoroughly
and blot (liT with a clean, damp cloth or
chamois. Do not use paper t(iwels to w:tsh or
(liT the panels. Do not use cleaners that
contain solvents, such as ammonia, because
they can damage the panels.
Thedoorhandlesandtrim.Clean with a cloth
(bunpened _dth soapy w;iter. Diy _dth a
soft cloth.
(on some models) can be cleaned with a
commerdally available stainless steel
cleaner using a clean, soft cloth.
Keeptheoutsideclean.Wipe with a clean
cloth lightly (hmpened with kitchen
appliance wax or miM liquid dish detergent.
DU and polish with a clean, soft cloth.
Donot wligetherefni?eratorwith a soileddish
cloth orwet towel Thesemayleavea residue
thatcanerodethepalbt Donot usescouring
Shalhtw scratches and abrasions can be
corrected with a good grade of hard
automobile paste wax. The wax will fill in
any minor surlhce scratches and will help u)
maintain the luster of the panels. Apply the
w:tx sparingly and buff lightly with a clean,
soft cloth using a dr(ular motion. Do not
use a cleaner/wax combination.
Cleaning the Inside
Tohelp prevent odors, leave an open box of
baking so(h in the fiesh tbod and fleezer
Unplugtherefrigeratorbeforecleaning.If this
is not practical, x_aingexcess moisture out of
sponge or cloth when (leaning mound
sxdt(hes, lights or controls.
Use warm water and baking soda solution-
about a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda
to a qmut (11) of water. This both cleans
and neutralizes odors. Rinse and wipe (liT.
Door magnets can be cleaned the stone way.
Wipe up spills right away. Use one
tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda in one
quart (1 1) of water to clean the inside door
mdhce, Reiieshment Center bin and inside
access door. Rinse, wipe (hT.
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves (on
some models) with hot water because
the extreme temperature difference may
cause them to break. Handle glass
shelves carefully. Bumping tempered
glass can cause # to shatter.
Donot washanyplasticrefrigeratorpartsin
and lids.

Behind the Refrigerator
Clean the condenser coils at least
once a J/eaF,
Be cmefifl when m{Mng tile refligerator
a_vayfiOli1tile wall. All bTpesof floor
coverings can be dmnaged, particulmly
cushioned c{)verings and those xdth
embossed surlitces.
l'ull tile refligera/or suaight out and return
it/o position by pushing it suaight in.
M_)x-ingthe refiigerator in a side direction
mW resuh in &unage u) the floor covering
or refiigerator.
Under the Refrigerator
For most efli(ient operation, keep tile
area under tile refligemtor clean. Remove
tile base grille and sweep away or vacuum
up dust.
For best resuhs, use a brush spedally
designed tin this purpose. It is available at
most appliance paris stores.
When pushing the refrigerator back,
make sure you don:t rofl over the power
cord or icemaker supply line.
Toremove the base grille, open both
doors, grasp the bottom of the grille and
pull it out.
Toreplacethebasegrille, line up tile clips
on tile back of the grille with the openings
in the baseplate and push the grille fb_wmd
until it snaps into place.
Preparing for Vacation
For long vaca/ions or absences, relil()ve
tood and unplug the retiigeramr. M_)ve tile
fieezer conuol to the OFForO posi/ion,
and clean the inmrior with a baking soda
solution of one tablespoon (15 ml) of
baking soda to one qumt (1 L) of water.
I,eave the doors open.
Move tile icemaker teeler arm to the STOP
(up) position and shut off tile water supply
to the refligemmr.
When _xJt] relurn from vacation, select
WATERon the dispenser and press the
dispenser pad fi)r at least/wo minutes to
rem_)ve slale water fiom tile water system.
If the temperature can drop below freezing,
have a qualified servicer dr;fin the water
supply s)_stem/o prevent serious properly
damage (hm to flooding.
Preparing to Move
Secureall loose items smh asgrille, shelvesand drawersby taping them securely
in place to prevent damage.

Turning the control to the OFFor 0 position does not remove power to the light circuit.
Fresh FoodCompartment--Upper Light
_] Unplug tile refiigerator.
[_To align the contiol knobs properly,
note position of ea(h knob fi)r proper
reassembly, move both knobs all the way
to the left, then pull them off.
[_To remove the light shield, pull it
straight out.
Replacethecontrolknobs,movethemto their
Fresh FoodCompartment--Two Lower Lights (onsomemodels)
Thesehghts are located behind the top drawer
[_] Unplug the refrigerator and remove the
top drawer and (over.
[_ (hasp the bottom of the light shield
and pull it fi)rward and up to fiee its
bottoln edge.
After replacingwithanappliancebulbof the
sameor lowerwattage,reinstall thehghtshield,
drawerandcoverandplug therefrigerator
Freezer Compartment--Non-Dispenser Models
[_] Unplug the refiigerator.
[] Remove tile sheltjust below light shield.
[_] Pull the plastic light shield, whi(h is
underneath the ice compartment,
toward you.
After replacingwithanappliancebulbof the
sameor lowerwattage,reinstall theshieldand
B I iii
Freezer Compartment--Dispenser Models
[_] Unplug the refiigerator.
[_ Remove the ice storage bin.
[_] Remove screw at top of light shield.
After replacingwithanappliancebulbof the
sameor lowerwattage,reinstall theshieldand
icestoragebin,andplug therefrigeratorbackin.

Preparingto install therefrigerator.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
Water Supply to the Icemaker
You _dll need to (onne(t tile i(emaker to a (oM
water line.
Install it on a floor strong enough to support it
fiflly loaded.
Allow tile fi)lloxdng clearan( es for ease of
installation, proper air (ir(ulation and plulnbing
and electrical connections.
24" Model 28" Model 30"Model
Sides 1/8" (3 IIllIl) 1/8" (3 IIllIl) 1/8" (3 IIllIl)
Top 1" (2,_ 111111) 1/8" (3111111) 1/8" (3111111)
Back ]/2"(13ram) ]/2"(13ram) ]/2"(13ram)
A water supply kit (containing copper robing,
shutoffvalve, fittings and insu_uctions) is available
at exua cost flom }x_urdealer or fiom Parts and
Accessories, 800-626-2002.
If built-in,aflow 7/8" {22 ram)forhingecovers.
If tile retiigerator is against a wall
on either side, all{)w 3/4" (19 ram)
on each side fi)r a 90 ° door opening.
Leveling Rollers
Theroflershave2 purposes:
[_The rollers (an be adiusted so tile refiigerator is
firmly positioned on tile floor and doesnot rock
ba(k and forfll.
[_ Rollers allow you to move tile retiigerator away
fiom tile wal(fi)r (leaning. •
Toadjust the milers, remove the base grille by pulling
it out at tile bottom.
Turn tile two fiont roller a(!jusfing screws clockwise
to raise the refiigerator, counterclockwise to lower
it. Use a 3/8" socket x_xench, a(!juslable x_xench or
Usethisscrewif the refrigerator
Buih-hl Style models also have rear a(!iustable
rollers so you can align the refiigerator with y{)ur
kitchen cabinels. Use a 5/16" socket _Tench to turn
the screws fi)r the rear rollers-clockwise to raise it,
counterclockwisetolower it.
Usethisscrewif therefrigerator
to the left.

Preparingto installthe refrigerator.
Door Alignment
After leveling, make sure that doors are even at the top.
Tomake the doors even, a(!just tile flesh food door. Using a 3/16" Allen x_Tench or a 5/16" socket x_aench
(depending on model), uun the door a(!justing screw to the right to raise the door, to the let1 to lower it. (A
wlon plug, imbedded in the threads of the pin, preven/s the pin flom uuning unless a x_Tenchis used.)
Atter one or m{) turns of the x_aench, open and close the flesh food door and check the alignment at the top
of the doors.
5/16" SocketWrench
Dimensions and Specifications fief&stomStFemodels)
24" Cabinet
3/4" Airspace
Counter Top

Trimkits anddecoratorpanels.
For CustomSiyle models
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
Before YouBegin
Some models are equipped with trim kits that aflow you to install door panels. Youcan order pre-cut
black or white decorator panels from GEParts and Accessories, 800-626-2002, or you can add wood
panels to match your kitchen cabinets.
Panels less than 1/4" (6 mm) thick
When installing wood panels less than l/4" (6 ram) thick, you need to oeate a filler panel, such as 1/8"
cardbomd, that _ill fit between the time of tile door and tile w_)od panel. Ify_)u are installing tile pre-cut
decorator panels, pre-cut filler panels me included in the kit. The combined thickness of the decorator or
wood panel and the filler panel should be 1/4" (6 ram).
3/4" (19 mm) or Raised Panel
A raised panel design screwed or glued to a 1/4" (6 ram) thick backing, or a 3/4" (19 ram) routed board
can be used. The raised portion of the panel must be thbricated to permit clearances (fiat least 2" (51 ram)
fiom the handle side ti)r fingertip clearance.
Weightlimitationsfor custompanels:
FreshFood35lb.(16kg) max.
FreezerDoor25lb.(11kg) max.
2"(51 mm)
1/4" 16mm}

Dimensions for Custom Wood Panels
Out 1/8"
out--_', ',_- (3ram)
i i
11_/' I
(288mm) 11/e"
/ _ _ {80rain,
, _l 4- (29mm)
--I __ 23/¢'
4--- 147/' -
(368mm) 2"
___ _- (29mm/
Cut 1/8"
out --_I I_-(3 mrn}
i i
5/16" (285ram)
.... _1 [ t
173/,¢" --j_
t 111/4'i --_N
_ 4--(29mm}
{122rain} '_ l_ 23/¢'
_- 14/2" ---_
/(368 mm) 2"
34%" (50ram}
(872mm} Jq
4- (29mm/
JL (50ram}
I, t
.-._, I_---
J t
The areas at the lop of the panels need to be Q_tout of
the panels. The shaded areas indicate areas that nmst
be routed out about 5/32" (4 ram) on the back side of
panels 1/4" (6 ram) thick or more. For panels less than
1/4" (6 ram) thick, these meas can be uut out of the
filler panels.
i_11 Depthof material
tobe routedout
I (29ram)

Insertingthe doorpanels.
[] Loosen the TopTrim on the Freezer and FreshFoodDoors.
Using a T-20 Torx driver, loosen the two s(rews
attad]ing tile Top Trim about l/4" (6 ram).
Insert the Freezer Panel and Fresh Food Panel
IJfl the Top Trim up l/4" (6 ram) and carefiflly
push the fleezer panel in until it slides into the slot
behind the door handle. Push the fillet panel
(required with some door panels) in behind the
decorator panel. Repeat tbr flesh rood panel.
[] Insert the Bottom Panel (for models with a dispenser and/or a Refreshment Center)
Cmetiflly push the panel in until it slides into the
slot behind the door handle, l'ush the fillet panel
(required with some door panels) in behind the
decorator panel.
[] 77ghtenthe two screws on the Top Trimto30 in-lbs torque.
Ifyour model has a dispenser and/or a
Refleshment Center, this step only applies
to the top panels.

Insertingthe doorpanels.
Install the Side Trim.
These pieces are rocked inside the tiesh fi)od door
Donot removetheprotectivefilm on the outsideof the
SideTrimuntil theSideTrimis installe_
Fit the bottom of the Side Trim under the Bottom
Trim as illusuated.
Secure the Side Trim.
Place one hand between tim two pieces of tape liner
and hold the Side Trim firefly against tim panels
and the side ofthe door.
Pull tim top tape liner tap about 3" (80 ram),
pressing the uim xdth your hand as the adhesive
is exposed to the door. Then pull the bottom
tape liner down ab_)ut 3" (80 ram). Follow the tape
xdth your hand, pressing the trim adhesive against
the door.
Hold tim Side Trim against tim fiont thce of tim
deco_vltor panels and fit the Side Trim under
the Top Trim. Make sure the Side Trim is fitted
correctly and that }_)uare satistied _dth the
appemance of all the paris beti)re pulling the
tape liner.
Continue pulling the tape liner loose, alternating
between the top and bottom and pressing the Side
Trim against the door.
[] Remove the Protective Film From the Outside of the Side Trim.

Installingandremovingpreviouslyinstalled decoratorpanels.
Removing the Handles
In order to remove the decorator panels and replace with new panels you need to remove the handles. A T-20Torxdriver
is neede_
_]I,oosen and remove tile 2 screws in the Top Trim.
[_I,oosen and remove the 2 s(rews in the bra(ket that atta( hes the Handle to tile top of the Door.
_] (;rip the Handle fixrely and slide upwards. The keyhole slots on the Handle slide off the buttons on
tile door.
[_] Open the door and slide out the de(orator panels.
TopTrim Screws
Inserting the Door Panels
Before installing the decoretor panels, make sure they have been routed out in the proper areas as shown in the
beginning of this section. Sfide in the panels to perform a trial fit before fastening down the Handle and TopTrim.
Installing the Handles
Once the panels are fitted properly, install the Handle and TopTrim.
_] Slide tile keyhole slots on tile Handle down onto the buttons mounted to tile face of the door. Slide the
Handle dox_nward until the bracket at the top of the Handle fits flush on the top of the door.
[_ Repla(e the two screws in the bra(ket that atta(h the Handle to the top of the Door and tighten the
s(rews to 45 in-lbs torque.
_] Replace tile Top Trim making suI'e it fits ovei the Side Trim and that tile locating tabs fit the inside of
the Handle profile.
_] Repla( e the Top Trim s( rews and tighten to 30 in-lbs torque. 25

Installingthe water line.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
When connecting a GEReverse Osmosis Water System to your refrigerator, the only
approved installation is with a GERVKIT.
If the water supply to the refrigerator is from a Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System
AND the refrigerator also has a water filter, use the refrigerator's filter bypass plug. Using
the refrigerator's water filtration cartridge in conjunction with the RO filter can result in
hollow ice cubes and slower water flow from the water dispenser.
This water line installation is not warranted by the refrigerator oricemaker manufacturer.
Follow these instructions carefully to minimize the risk of expensive water damage.
Water hammer (water banging in the pipes) in house plumbing can cause damage to
refrigerator parts and lead to water leakage or flooding. Calla qualified plumber to correct
water hammer before installing the water supply line to the refrigerator.
Toprevent burns and product damage, donot hook up the waterline to the hot waterline.
If you use your refrigerator before connecting the waterline, make sure the icemaker
feeler arm is kept in the STOP(up) position.
Do not instafl the icemaker tubing in areas where temperatures fall below freezing.
When using any electrical device (such as a power drill) during instaflafion, be sure the
device is insulated or wired in a manner to prevent the hazard of electric shock.
All installations must be in accordance with local plumbing code requirements.
What YouWillNeed
Todetermine how much copper tubing you need:
Measure the distance from the water valve on the back of the refrigerator to the water
supply pipe. Then add 8 feet (244cm). Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing [about 8feet
(244 cm) coiled into 3 turns of about 10inches (25 cm) diameter] to allow the refrigerator to
move out from the wall after installation.
:, A watersupplykit (containing copper robing, shutoffv:dve and fittings listed below) is
available at exua cost fiom your dealer or fiom Pmls and Accessories, 800-626-2002.
:_ Cold water suppl!. The water pressure must be be/ween 40 and 120 p.s.i.
:_ Copper tubing, l/4" outer dbuneter to connect the refligera/or to the water supply. Be sure
both ends of the robing are cut square.
Do not use plastic tubing or plastic fittings because the water supply line is under
pressure at all times. Certain types of plastic tubing may become brittle with age and
crack, resulting in water leakage.
:, TwoI/4" outerdiametercompressionnutsand2ferrules(sleeves)--_oconnect the copper
tubing to the shutoffvalve and the refiigerator water valve.
:, If your existing water line has a flmed fitting at the end, }x)t]will need ml adapter (av:dlable at
ph]mbing supply stores) to connect the water line to the retiigevator OR}_u can _l]t off the
flared fitting with a tube cutterand then use a compression fitting.
:_ Shutoffvalveto connect to the cold water line. The shutoffxvllve should have a water inlet
with a minimum inside diameter of 5/32" at the point of connecdon to the COLDWATER
LINE.Saddle4ype shutoffxzdves me included in many water supply kits. Beti)re puwhasing,
make sure a saddle4ype valve complies with your local phnnbing codes.

ShutOff theMain WaterSupply
Turn on tile nearest fhucet long enough to clear tlle line ofwater.
Install the Shutoff Valve
Do not overtighten or you may crush the copper
[_ Install tile shutoffvalve on tile nearest
fiequemly used drinking water line.
[_ ( hoose a location for the valve that is easily
accessible. It is best to connect into tile side of a
vertical water pipe. When it is necessat T to
connect into a horizontal water pipe, make the
connection/o the top or side, rather than at the
bottom, to ax_)id drawing offany se(fiment flom
the water pipe.
• zp • • • y
Drill a 1/4 hole m the water pipe, using a sharp
L_J ?¢ )"
bit. Remove any burrs resuhing fi'om drilling the
hole in tlle pipe,
[_] Fasten the shutoffvalve to the toM water pipe
NOTE:Commonwealthof MassachusettsPlumbingCodes
248CMRshall beadheredto.Saddlevalvesareillegaland
useis notpermittedin Massachusetts.Consultwith your
_dth the pipe clamp.
@Tighten tile clamp screws until tile sealing
washer begins to swell.
Route the Copper Tubing and Connect It to the Shutoff Valve
Route the copper tubing between tile coM water
line and the refiigerator.
Route the robing through a hole &filed in tile wall
or floor (behind the retiigerator or a(!ja(ent base
(abinet) as dose to the wall as possible.
Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing [about 8
feet (244 cm) coiled into 3 turns of about 10"
(25 cm) diameter] to aflow the refrigerator to
move out from the waft after instaflation.
Place the compression nut and fenule (sleeve)
onto the end of the robing and (onne(t it to the
NOTE:Commonwealthof MassachusettsPlumbingCodes
248CMRshall beadheredto.Saddlevalvesareillegaland
useis notpermittedin Massachusetts.Consultwith your
/Inlet End
..... CompressionNut
Make sure tile robing isflflly inserted into thevalve.
Tighten the (ompression nut se(mely.
TurnOn the Water and Flush Out the Tubing
_] Tmn the main water supply on and flush out tile
robing until tile water is clear.
_Shut the water offal the water valve after about
one quart (1 L) of water has been flushed
flnough tile robing.

Installingthe water line.
Connect the Tubing to the Refrigerator
Before making the connection to the
refrigerator, be sure the refrigerator power
cord is not plugged into the waft outlet.
We recommend installing a water fiher if your water
supply has sand or particles that could clog tile Connection
soeen of tile refligerator's water valve. Install it in
tile water line near tile retiigerator.
[_] Remove tile plastic flexible cap flOln tile water
[_ Place tile compression nut and ferrule (slem_e)
onto tile end of the robing as shown.
[_ Insert the end of the copper robing into the
x_vltexvalve connection as flu-as possible. While TubingClamp-,.
holding the robing, tighten the fitting.
[_] Fasten tile (opper [tlbing into tile (lamp Compression_.
provided to h0id it in position. You may Nut
need to PU open tile clamp. Ferrule
Oneof theillustrationsbelowwi// looklikethe connection
Ferrule 1/4"CompressionNut TubingClamp
Turn the Water On at the Shutoff Valve
Tighten any (onne(tions that leak.
Plug In the Refrigerator
Arrange tile coil of copper robing so that it does not
vibrate against the back ofthe refiigerator or against
the wall.
Start the Icemaker
Set tile icemaker tbeler mm to tile ON(dox_ll)
position. The icemaker will not begin to operate
until it reaches its operating/emperamre of 15OF.
(O°C.) or below. It will then begin operation
automatically if the icemaker teeler arm is in the
ON (down) position.
Push tile refiigerator back to tile wall.
NOTE:Theicemakermaydouble-cyclewhenit firststarts,
causingsomewaterspillagefromtheicemakerinto the

Normal operatingsounds.
Depending on the placement of the refrigerator in your kitchen,
you may want to place a piece of rubber-backed carpet under
the refrigerator to reduce noise.
The new high etficieno, compressor runs titster and will have a higher pitch hum
or pulsating sound while operating.
Defiost timer and refrigerator control click on and oil
etim circulating air inside the fieezer which keeps the temperatures
sound during tlle defiost _)_le.
The flow of refiiget>mt fllrough tile fieezer cooling coils sounds like boiling
during defrost and refrigeration fi)llo_dng defiost.
Water dripping as it mehs fiom the evaporator and flows to the drain pan
g on the defrost heater causing a sizzling, hissing or popping
or a gurgling noise.
;or popping of cooling coils caused by expansion and contraction
the defiost o_cle.
The icemaker water valve will buzz when the icemaker fills with water. If the t(eler
arm is in the ON (dox_11)position it will buzz even if it has not yet been hooked up
to water. Keeping the feeler mm in the ON (down) position befine it is hooked up
to water can (hmage the icemaker. To prevent this, raise the teeler arm to the
STOP (up) position. This will stop the buzzing.
The sound of cubes dropping into tlle bin and water running in pipes as
These sounds are normal
and are due mostly to highly
efficient operation.
k croaker refills.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
Possible Causes What To Do
Refrigerator does not Refrigerator in defrost cycle. • W:ti[ about 30 minutes ti)r detiost _ycle 1o end.
operate Freezer control in OFFer 0 • Move tile fieezer conUol to a [emperaUne setting.
Refrigerator is unplugged. • l'ush the plug completely into [lie outlet.
The fuse is blown/circuit '*Replace fllse or reset the breaker.
breaker is tripped.
Vibration or rattling Rollers need adjusting. • See Leveling Rollers.
(slight vibration
is normal)

Beforeyoucall forservice...
Possible Causes What ToDo
Motor operates for Normal when refrigerator
long periods or cycles is first plugged in.
on and off frequently.
(Modern refrigerators Often occurs when large
with more storage amounts of food are
space and a larger placed in refrigerator.
freezer require more Door left open. • Che(k to see ifpa( kage is holding door open.
operating time. They.
start and stop often Hot weather or frequent • This is normal.
tomaintain even door openings.
temperatures.) Temperature controls • See Aboutthe controls.
set at the coldest setting.
Grille and condenser • See Care and cleaning
need cleaning.
Freshfood orfreezer Temperature control not set • See About the controls
cold enough.
Warm weather or frequent • Set the temperature control one step (older.
door openings. See About the controls.
Door left open. • Che(k to see if pa(kage is holding door open.
Frost orice crystals Door left open. • ( he(k to see if pa(kage is holding door open.
on frozen food
(frost within package Too frequent or too long
isnormal) door openings.
•Wait 24 hours fi)rthe refiigerator to (ompletely
(ool (1()_11.
• This is normal.
Divider between fresh Automatic energy saver • This helps prevent (ondensation on the outside.
food and freezer system circulates warm
compa_ents feels warm fiquid around front edge
of freezer compartment.
Automaticicemaker Icemaker feeler arm in • Move the feeler arm to the 0N (do_0 position.
the STOP (up) position. • Cubes may have fused to the side of the inold. Move the
feeler am_ to the STOP (up) position, then remove
these (ubes.
Water supply turned off or • See Installing the water line.
not connected.
Freezer compartmenttoo warm. • Wait 24 hours for the refiigerator to (ompletely(eel down.
Piled up cubes in the storage • I_evel (ubes by hand.
bin cause the icemaker
to shut off.
Ice cubes have Ice storage bin needs cleaning. • Empty and wash bin. Dis(ard old (ubes.
Small or hollow cubes Water filter clogged. • Repla( e fiher (artridge _dth new (artridge or _dth plug.
Food transmltfing odor/taste • Wrap foods well.
to ice cubes.
Interior of refrigerator • See Care and cleaning.
needs cleaning.
Slow ice cube freezing Door left open. • Che(k to see if pa(kage is holding door open.
Temperature control not set • See Aboutthe controls.
cold enough.
Orange glow in Defrost heater is on. • This is normal.