GE PEB1590SM2SS, PEB1590DM2WW, PEB1590DM2CC, PEB1590DM2BB Owner’s Manual
Safety Information
Extension Cords .............. 7
Foods ....................... 4
Grounding Instructions ....... 6
Important S_Ety
Instructions ................ 2-7
Microwave-S_e Cookware ..... 5
Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive
Microwave Energy ............ 2
Operating Instructions
Best Method of
Cooking Chart ............... 20
Changing Power i,evel ....... 13
Combination Features . .10, 18, 19 Convection Features... 10, 17, 19
Cooking Options ............ 10
Cookware Tips .............. 19
Features ofYour Oven ...... 8, 9
Microwave Terms ............ 23
Other Features ........... 21, 22
Beeper Volume ............ 22
Child Lock-Out ............ 21
Clock ..................... 21
Cooking Complete,
Reminder ................. 21
Display ON/OFF . .......... 22
Display Speed .............. 22
OFF/CLEAR .............. 21
START/PAUSE ............ 21
Timer ..................... 21
Sensor Microwave
Features ................. 14-16
Time and Auto
Microwave Features .... 9, 11, 12
Care and Cleaning
Inside ...................... 24
Outside ..................... 24
Stainless Steel ............... 25
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You Call For Ser_,ice ... 26 Things That Are Normal
With Your Microwmre Oven ... 27
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .. Back Cover
Warranty ................... 31
PEB l 5 90
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
# #
You can find them on a label
when the door is open.
MFL38211602 49-40549-1 07-08 JR
Toreduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury topersons, or exposure to excessive microwave energy:
(a) O0 NotAttempt to operate this oven widl tile door
open since open<tour operation can result in hamlfifl exposure to microwave energy: It is important not to defeat or tamper with tile safe_, inmrkmks.
(b) Do Not Place any object between tile oven flont time
and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulam on seNing surfaces.
Read and folk_w die specific precautions in die
Tiffs appliance must be grounded. Connect only to a properly grounded oudet. See the GROUNDING
INSTRUCTIONS section on page 6.
Install or locate dfis appliance only in accordance widl file provided Installation Instructions.
This product is to be used 3' above floor level.
Be certain to place file flont surface of the door 3" or more back florn the counmrtop edge to avoid accidental
tipping of the appliance in norton usage.
Do not opetam rids appliance if it has a damaged power cord or plug, if it is not worldng properly or if it has
been damaged or dropped.
Do not cover or block any openings on file appliance.
Use dfis appliance only for its intended use as described in this Inan/la[. Do not use corrosive chemicals or vapot_
in tiffs appliance. Tiffs microwave oven is specificNly designed to beat, dtT or cook food, and is not intended
fiorlaboratot T or industrial use.
Tiffs microwave oven is not approved or tested fin" Itlalin e tlse.
(C) DO Not Operate the oven if it is damaged. It is
particularly important that the oven door close properly and that there is no dmnage to the:
(1) door (bent)
(2) binges and latches (broken or loosened) (3) door seals and sealing surfaces.
(d) TheOvenShouldNotbe adjusted or repaired by
anyone except properly quafified service personnel.
To reduce file risk of fire in file oven cavity:
Do not overcook food. Careflflly attend appliance when paper; plastic or other combustible mamfia/s are
placed inside the oven while cooking. Remove Mre _vist-ties and metal handles flom paper or
plastic containers befiore placing diem in tile oven. Do not use file oven for storage purposes. Do not leave
paper products, cooldng umnsils or food in the oven when not in use.
Do not pop popcorn in your microwave oven tmless in a special microwave popcorn accessory or unless you use
popcorn labeled fbr use in microwave ovens. ff materials inside die oven ignite, keep die oven door
closed, utrn the oven off and disconnect the power cord, or slmt off power at the fltse or circuit breaker
panel. If the door is opened, the fire may spread. Do not use file Sensor Features _vice in succession
on the same food portion. If food is undercooked after die first cotnltdowll, use TiME600Kfor additional
cooldng fitlle.
When using die convection or combination cooldng
flmcdons, both the outside and inside of the oven will become hot. Ah.vays use hot pads to remove containers
of food and accessories such as the oven shel£
Thermometer--Do not use regular cooking or oven
tbermomemrs when cooking by microwave or combination. The metal and mercmy in these tbermomemrs could cause arcing and possible damage
to the (wen. Do not use a thermometer in food you are microwaving unless the tbemlomemr is designed or
recommended for use in the microwave oven.
Do not clean with metal scorning pads. Pieces can burn off the pad and touch electrical parts involving risk of
electric shock.
Do not store any materials, other dlan our recommended accessories, in this oven when not in use.
Do not store this appliance outdooI_. Do not use this product near wa[ei_fkJr example, in a wet basement,
near a swimming pool, near a sink or in similar locafionso
Keep power cord away flom heated surfaces.
Do not immelse power cord or plug in waw_; Do not let power cord hang over edge of table or
For counmrtop installation:
-- Do not store anydling directly on top of the microwave oven surface when the microwave oven is in operation.
For built-in installation with approved uim kit:
-- Do not mount this appliance over a sink.
-- Do not store anydling directly on top of the microwave oven smface when the microwave oven is in operation.
g Do not operate any heating or cooking appliance
beneath this microwave oven.
It is important to keep die area clean where the door seals against the microwave. Use only mild, non-abrasive
detergents applied with a clean sponge or sof_cloth. Rinse well.
This appliance must only be serviced by qualified service personnel. Contact nearest authorized service facility for
examination, repair or adj usanent.
As with any appliance, close supervision is necessa_ T
when used by chikhen.
Some products such _s whole eggs and sealed container,-- for example, closedja>_---are able to explode and should
not be heated in this microwave oven. Such use of the microwave oven could result in i_j ury.
If you see arcing, press the OR_/CLEARbutton and correct the problem.
Arcing is the microwave tern1 for sparks in die oven. Arcing is caused by:
The meud shelf not installed correc@ soit touches the microwave wall.
Metal or foil touching die side of the oven.
Foil not molded to food (upturned edges act like antennas).
Mere/, such as twist-ties, poult, T pins, or gold- rimmed dishes, in the microwave.
Recycled paper towels containing small metal pieces being used in the microwave.
Do not pop popcorn in your microwave oven
unless in a special microwave popcorn accesscn T
or mdess you use popcorn labeled for use in microwave ovens.
Do not boil eggs in a microwave oven. Pressure will build up inside egg yolk and will cause it to
burst, possibly resulting in i,0m>
Operating die microwave 'widl no food inside for more than a minum or two may cause damage to
the oven and could start a fire. It increases the heat around the magnetron and can shorten the
life of the oven. Foods widl unbroken outer "skin" such as
potatoes, hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes, apples, chicken live,_ and other giblets, and egg yolks should be pierced to allow smam to escape
during cooking.
Liquids,such as water,coffee ortea,areableto beoverheatedbeyondthe boilingpoint without
appearingto beboiling. Visiblebubblingor boiling whenthe containerisremovedfrom themicrowave
To reduce die risk of i,!ju, T to persons:
-- Do not overheat the liquid.
-- Sfi*"the liquid both before and ha/fi, w_ythrough beating it.
-- Do not use straight-sided containers with narrow necks.
Foods cooked in liquids (such as pasta) may rand to boil more rapidly than foods containing less moisture. Should this occm; refer to the
Care and cleaning of the microwave oven secdon
fin instructions on how to clean file inside of
the oven.
Avoid headng baby food in glassja,_, even Mdl
the lid off. Make sure all infhnt food is thoroughly cooked. Sfi, food to distribum the heat evenly:
Be careflfl to prevent scalding when warming fommla. The conta'mer may feel cooler than the fbmmla really is. Ah.vays test the fbmmla before
feeding the baby. Don't deflost flozen beverages in narrow-necked
botdes (especiaUy carbonated beverages). Even if the comainer is opened, pressure can build up.
This can cause the container to bm_t, possibly resulting in i,0 m>
Hot ff_ods and steam can cause bmns. Be careflfl when opening any conmine,s of hot food,
including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent possible i,0 ury, direct smmn
away flom bands and time.
Do not overcook potatoes. They could dehydrate and catch fire, causing damage to your oven.
Cook meat and poulu T thorot,ghl}_meat to at least an INTERNAL mmperamre of 160°F and poultry to at least an INTERNAL mmpemmre
of 180°E Cooldng to these mmpemmres usually promcts against foodborne illness.
-- MYer beating, Mlow the container to stand in the microwave oven for a short time before
removing the container
-- Use extreme care when inserdng a spoon or other umnsil into the conmine,:
Do not operate the oven without the turntable and the turntable support seated and in place. The turntable must be unrestricted so it can rotate.
Make sure aft cookware used in your microwave oven is suitable for microwaving. Most glass casseroles,
cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware which does not have metallic trim or glaze with a metallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is labeled "suitable for microwaving. "
If you are not sure if a dish is nlicrowave_afe,
use dfis test: Place ill die oven both the dish you
are testing and a glass measuring cup filled wifll
1 cup of wateI_set file measuring cup eifller ill
or next to file dish. Microwave 30-45 seconds at high. If file dish heats, it shoukt not be used for
If die dish remains cool and only die water ill die cup heats, allen the dish is microwave-safeo
Ch_ersized fbod or oversized metal cool<ware should not be used ill a microwave/convection
oven because they increase tile risk of elecnic shock and could cause a fire.
Sonlefimes the oven flooi; tmnmble and walls can become too hot to touch. Be cmeflll touching the flOOl; nlrntable and wails dining and after cooldng.
If you use a meat dleI_nometer while cooldng, mal<e sure it is safe for use ill microwave ovens.
Do not use recycled paper products° Recycled paper towels, napkins and waxed paper call
contain metal flecks which may cause airing or ignim. Paper products containing nylon
or nylon fihments shoukt be avoided, as riley may Nso ignim.
Some styrofbam trays (like dlose dial meat is packaged on) have a thin strip of metal embedded ill tile bottom. _,qlen microwaved, tile metal call
burn the floor of the oven or ignim a paper towel. Use of die shelf accessoiT:
-- Remove die shelf flom the oven when not ill use.
-- Use pot holdeIs when handling die shelf and cool<ware. Tile?, may be hot.
-- Be sure dial die shelf ispositioned properly inside tile oven to prevent product damage.
-- Do not cover die shelf or ally part of tile oven with metal foil. This will cause overheating of
the IIlicIowave/convection oven.
Do not use your microwave/convection oven to dry newspapers.
Not all plastic wrap is suitable for use ill microwave ovens. Check the package for proper use.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap call be used to cover dishes in order to retain moisture
and prevent spattering. Be sure to vent plastic
WIa l) so steaHl tail escape.
Do not use paper pioducks when file microwave/ convection oven is opeiamd ill tile convection or
combination mode.
Cookware may become hot because of heat transferred f}om the heated food. Pot holdei_
may be needed to handle tile cool<ware. "Boilable" cooldng pouches and fighdy closed
plasdc bags should be slit, pierced or venmd _s direcmd by package. If they are not, plastic couM
burst during or imnlediamly _ff*eI cooldng, possibly resulting ill iI_jury. Also, pk_stic stoIage
containel_ should be at least partially uncovered because they form a fight sea/. When cooldng with
conminei_ dgh@ covered with plastic wrap, remove covering careflllly and direct smam away
flom hands and time.
Use foil only _s directed ill this manual. TV dinners may be microwaved ill fbil trays less than 3/4" high; remove the top foil cover and
return file tray to tlle box. _,qlen using foil ill tlle microwave oven, keep tile foil at least 1" away
flom tile sides of tile oven.
Plastic cookware--Pl_kstic cookware designed if>I microwave cooldng is very useflll, but should be
used careflllly. Even microwave-safe plastic may not be as toleiant of overcooking conditions as
are glass or ceramic mamiiNs and may soften or char if subjecmd to short periods of overcooldng.
Ill kruger exposures to overcooldng, tile food and cool<ware coukt ignim.
Follow these guidelines:
Use microwave-safe plastics only and use diem ill strict compliance wkh tlle cool<ware
manufi_cmrer's reconmlendafions.
Do not microwave empty containers. Do not permit chiktren to use pkLstic
cool<ware without complete supelwision.
This appliance must be grounded° In the event of an If the oudet is a standard E-prong wall oudet, it is electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of your persona| responsibility and obligation to
electric shock by provkting an escape wire for the have it replaced with a properly grounded :_prong electric currenL wall out|et.
This appliance is equipped with a power cord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug. The plug
must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded.
Consult a qualified electrician or service technician if the grounding instructions are not complemly undet_tood, or if doubt exists _ksto whether the
appliance is properly grounded°
Do not under }lily circtllilstitnces ctlt or relilove the
third (ground) prong flom the power cord°
We do not recommend using an extension cord
with this appliance. If the power cord is too short,
have a qualified electrician or setwice technician insta|l an out|et near the appliance. (See EXTENSION
For best operation, plug this appliance into its own electrical outlet to prevent flickenng of lights,
[)lowing of fi_se or tripping of circuit breaker:
NOTE:Do not use an adapter plug with this
A short power supply cord is provided to reduce die _isks resulting flom becoming entangled in or
tripping over a longer cord.
Extension cords may be used if you are carefifl in using them.
If an extension cord is used--
The marked electrical rating of the extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance;
The extension cord must be a grounding-type 3-wire cord and it must be plugged into a ,'_slot outlet;
The extension cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or t_ipped over unintentionally;
If you use an extension cord, file interior light may flicker and the blower sound may vary when file microwave oven is on. Cooking times may be longe_; too.
Most pacemake_ are shielded flom interfe.rence flom electronic products, including microwaves.
HoweveL patients with pacemake_ may wish to consult their physicians if they have concerns.
Aboutthefeaturesof youroven.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your mode/.
I000 Watts
0 0
Featuresof the Oven
Windowwith Metal Shield. S€reen a]]o\,vs
cooking to be viewed while keeping micIowaves confined in the oven.
RemovableTurntable.Tmntable and support
must be in place when using the oven° The
turntable may be removed for cleaning.
Removable Turntable Support.The rotatable
support must be in place when using
the oven.
Shelf. Use when convecdon of combination
cooking. (Do not use when microwave
Choose the appIopriate Installation I£it below to
convert this oven to a built-in wall oven.
For27" installations: Model Kit
PEB1590DM ¼,_7 JX1527DM ¼,_7
For38"installations: Model Kit
PEB1590DM ¼,_7 ,pAl530DM ¼,_7
wallsofthemicrowaveoven.Theratingplateislocatedon thefaceof theoven(visiblewhenthedoorisopen).
Aboutthe cooking featuresofyour microwave/convectionoven. ge.oe_
Youcan cook by microwave, convection or combination.
© ©
Selector Dial
Microwave Cooking Time and Auto Features
Press Turnandpushdialtoenter
TIMECOOK Amountofcookingtime Pressonceortwice
EXPRESScooldAdd30sec. Startsimmediately!
Pressonce(Time) Amountofdefrostingtime Presstwice(Auto) Foodweight
POWERlevel Powerlevel1-10
Sensor Features
Press Turnandpushdialtoenter Option
POPCORN Startsimmediately! more/lesstime Pressonceortwice
REHEAT Startsimmediately! more/lesstime BEVERAGE Startsimmediately! COOK Foodtype1-7 more/lesstime
Convection Cooking
Combination Cooking
Available cooking options.
Microwave Cooking
You_"oven uses mic_o\.vave ene_gy to cook by a set time o_ weight, o_ automatically
})}7 sensoI-
!ii J;! iiiii:i;!! !iiill.....lli! i
j ,,7.(<;7;' ; '; 'i'"_r;_ I
Do not use the shelf when
microwave cooking.
i i i ii ii i
Sellsormicmw'dve woxks by detecting the incieasing humidity ,eleased dining cooking. The oven automatically adjusts the cooking time to vadous types and amounts of food.
Cooking Method
is distributed evenly throughout the oven
Microwave energy
for thorough, fast cooking of food.
Convection Cooking
Du_ing convection cooking, a heating element is used to _aise the tempe_atuIe of the ai_ inside the oven. Any oven tempemm,e f_om 225°F to 450°F may be pmgFammed. A f_m
gently ci,culates this heated ai_ th_oughout the oven, ove_ and a_ound the food, p_oducing golden b_own exte_iois and _'ich moist inte_io_.
Because the heated aix is kept constantly moving, not pexmitting a layer of coole_ ai, to develop around the food; some foods cook f_ster than in regular oven cooking.
Heat Source Microwave energy.
Heat Conduction
Heat produced within food by instant energy
Fast,high efficiency cooking. Oven and surroundings do
not get hot. Easyclean-up.
Always use the shelf when convection cooking.
Always use the shelf when combination cooking.
Cooking Method
Hot air circulates around food to
produce browned exteriors and seal
in juices.
HeatSource Heat Conduction Benefits
Circulating Heat conducted Aids in browning heated air. from outside of food and seals in flavor.
to inside. Cookssome foods
faster than regular
Combination Cooking
Your oven a/so off;e_sthe option of combination cooking, using miciowave ene_gy along with convection cooking. You cook with speed and accu_ac 5 while b_owning and crisping
to pe_fe.cdon.
Cooking Method
Microwave energy and convection heat
combine to cool< foods in upto
one-half the time of regular ovens, while browning and
sealing in juices.
Heat Source
Microwave energy and circulating heated air.
Heat Conduction
Foodheats from instant energy from
penetration and heat conducted from
outside of food.
Shortened cooking time from
microwave energy, plus browning and
crisping from convection heat.
+ 22 hidden pages