130t LSC
Longwall Shearer Carrier
Shearer Carrier
Vehicles that show their best advantage when
mine conditions are most diffi cult.
63 Bonville Ave,
Thornton, New South Wales
Australia, 2322
t +61 2 4014 8500
f +61 2 4014 8599
e IMEsales@geindustrea.ge.com
w www.ge.com/au

Installed Tier 3 Diesel Engine System.
LSC - Features
The GE Industrea Shearer Carrier can take control of heavy tasks in your mine; operate safely
without exceeding design capacity.
The GE Industrea Shearer Carrier is a Safe purpose built vehicle for best practice ‘drive on drive
off ’ shearer relocation. The new design features the tier 3 emission rated Caterpillar C9 engine
and a dual drive articulated bogie undercarriage.
• Fully furnished operators compartment backed by a remote start station and umbilical
tramming controls at the rear
• Can be adjusted to accommodate various pan sizes/heights
• Bolted rack plate to facilitate easy change out of alternate rack systems
• CCTV displays toward the front and rear to assist with manoeuvring
• Duel drive, low profi le track system
• Double grouser to minimise ground pressure
• Dynamic & Emergency brake system supported by duel direction retardation controls to
prevent runaways.
130t LSC
Longwall Shearer Carrier
LSC - Specifi cations
Specifi cation Fixed Width Variable Width
Overall Length 10000mm 10000mm
Overall Width 3830mm 3625 - 3900mm
Overall Height 2150mm 2150mm
Payload Width 2000mm 1825-2100mm
Installed Power 242kW 242kW
Tare Weight 61tonne 68tonne
Max. Tractive Eff ort Maximum 106 Tonne 106 Tonne
Max. Operating Grade Longitudinal 1 in 4 1 in 4
Max. Operating Grade Transverse 1 in 8 1 in 8