GE MiCOM P40 Agile P14D, MiCOM P40 Agile P14N, MiCOM P40 Agile P94V User Manual

GE Energy Connections Grid Solutions
MiCOM P40 Agile
P14D, P14N, P94V
Hardware version: A
Software version: Up to 61
Publication reference: P40Agile-VH-EN-9
P40 Agile P14D, P14N, P94V Version History
P40Agile-VH-EN-9 3
Major Minor
50 H A
· Original Issue
Agile Relay issue follow ing a failure: Error/Lockout 7104:2000/reboot
· IEC 61850 - Connection / Dis connection issues
· DNP3oE Versions - Courier Tunnelling doesnot work (AGP 140-46)
· Company name is still AREV A in DNP3 build.
Ethernet application (IEC61850 + DNP3oe) crashes if a Courier tunnel is continuously opened/closed
· Object 0 variations: 219, 222, 245 and 247 are incorrect.
· QNX kernel can delay user threads for up to 10ms.
IEC61850 Select Before Operate Incorrect Behaviour
· With e-ter ra scada system, the P40 Agi le data model extraction stops at Measurments/PriFouMMX U 1$CF
· Unextracted events are lost on RP1, following relay reboot, using a DNPOE build.
Incorrect response to Object 2 Variation 3 request for Binary Input Event with R elative Time
· IEEE Floats are wrong at modbus interface.
Downloading a settings fi le reverts settings temporarly to setting gr oup 1
· The map of IEC61850 data model for P34x has er rors in Function.
· P94V operation on UF
· DNP3OE Versions - Command management during IED disconnection / connection
· CB Fail trip may fail to operate under faults with DC transient offsets
· IEC 61850 Client disass ociation while reading PloGGI O 1$C O block in P14D IEDs
· IEC61850 Measurements negative values rounding error
Agile latch reset when setting group is changed
· What to do with Pending Reports when BufTm>0? Ed1
· Undervoltage programmable curve not using standard template used by other Px4x relays
· The VCO Status, cell [3582], for the Voltage Controlled Overcurrent isn't updated after a change. The change
takes effect after a power cycle or change to V Dep OC V<1 S et.
· ISEF, IEF and anything related are not scaled properly when the CT r atio is 5A.
· EF directional function fail to trip
P14DH 53A IEC61850-8-1 Level B Conformanc e Failure/Issue
50 K A April-2016
DNP Over Ethernet Application Crash after many days of Polling
DNPOE after operated some DI and AI events at the same time ,the relay Ethernet board seems locked and after a while the relay reboot.
FA Steady Fault - Incorrect Assertion
P14DZ HiZ Function asserting incorrectly (CHA HiF)
Incorrect Burst Count - HiF Det ec tion
High Impedance Fault Maloperation
HIF CHA Hysteresis is not correctly set
HIF Burst Threshold is not reset after the adaptive threshold is disabled
50 June-15AJ
Relay type: Agile P14N, P14D and P94V
Original Date of
Description of Changes Technical Documentation
Version History P40 Agile P14D, P14N, P94V
4 P40Agile-VH-EN-9
Major Minor
Relay type: Agile P14N, P14D and P94V
Original Date of
Description of Changes Technical Documentation
50 L A April-2017
Permanent ethernet communication loss in P40 A gil e r elays
Maintenance Record Generated Everytime Gateway is configured in DNP configuration
CS1 and CS2 does not work independently whey CB Comp enabled for CS2
51 A A Sep-13
· Ethernet Enhancements for the P94V
· New model P14DA
· Neutral Admittance Protection for the P14DL and P14DZ
· Selectable Measured/Derived NVD.
Undervoltage programmable curve not using standard template used by other Px4x relaysThe map of IE C 61850 data model for P34x has errors in FunctionWith e-terra scada system, the P40 Agile data model extraction stops at Measurments/PriFouMMXU1$CFWhen using SBOns control m odel for the data 'Control/XC BR 1$C O $Lock' and both Check Conditions are set the
Agile relay is dropping the connection to the client.
DNP ALSTOM rebranding in dnpev_devattr.hQNX kernel can delay user threads for up to 10ms.Unextracted events are lost on RP1, fol lowing relay reboot, using a DNPOE build.Incorrect response to Object 2 V ariation 3 request for Binary Input Event with Relative Tim eISEF, IEF and anything related are not sc aled properly when the CT ratio is 5A. IEEE Floats are wrong at modbus interface. Ethernet application (IEC61850 + DNP3oe) crashes if a Courier t unnel is continuously opened/c losed (as done by
S1 Agile Measurements viewer ).
P14D-TM-EN-1 P14N-TM-EN-1 P94V-TM-EN-1
51 B A Nov-13
EF directional function fail to trip
The VCO Status, cell [3582], for the Voltage Controlled Overcurrent isn't updated after a change. The change
takes effect after a power cycle or change to V Dep
Object 0 variations: 219, 222, 245 & 247 are incorrect.
P14D-TM-EN-1 P14N-TM-EN-1 P94V-TM-EN-1
51 C A June-14
ZR0006 FCT fails; High current drain to opto transformer drive circuit
· Chinese HMI Added
· The DDB 1599-1798 display ”PSL internal 001-200“, but DDB 923-1022 still display "PSL internal 001- 100". Have
duplicate content. The VCO Status isn't updated after a change. The edited change does take eff ect after a power-cycle or a change to "V Dep OC V<1 Set" cell 3583.
Object 0 variations: 219, 222, 245 and 247 are incorrect.
52 B A
P14D-TM-EN-1 P14N-TM-EN-1 P94V-TM-EN-1
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