PACSystems* RX3i Serial Communications modules expand the serial
communications capabilities of the RX3i system.
Serial Communications module IC695CMM002 provides two independent,
isolated serial ports. Serial Communications module IC695CMM004, illustrated at
right, provides four independent, isolated serial ports.
Up to six Serial Communications modules can be located in the main
PACSystems RX3i backplane1.
The IC695CMM00xCA modules are the conformal-coated versions of the
IC695CMM00x modules.
The IC695CMM004LT version is for low temperature applications (-40°C).
Each port can be configured for MODBUS Master, MODBUS Slave, CCM Slave,
DNP3 Master, DNP3 Slave, or Serial I/O protocol. If any port is configured for
DNP3 Master or Slave, the other ports on the module can only be configured for
DNP3 Master or Slave.
For modules with firmware version 1.32 or later, half-duplex flow control can be
configured using Machine Edition Release 5.90, SP1, SIM 6 or later. Otherwise,
flow control defaults to full-duplex.
Additional module features include:
• Port-to-port isolation and port-to-backplane isolation
• RS-232, RS-485/422 communication, software-selected
• Hardware handshake: RTS/CTS, RFR/CTS for RS-232
• Selectable Baud Rates: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K, 115.2K
• Module fault status reporting (Watchdog, Ram Fail, Flash Fail)
• Module identity and status reporting, including LED status indicators
• Meets CE, UL/CUL 508 and 1604, and ATEX requirements
• Flash memory for future upgrades
These modules must be located in an RX3i Universal Backplane.
RX3i Serial Communications can be hot-inserted and removed following the
instructions in the most recent version of the PACSystems RX3i System Manual,
For complete installation information, please refer to RX3i and Series 90-30
Installation and Maintenance Requirements document, GFK-2975.