GE IC693PBS201 User Manual

GE Fanuc Automation
Programmable Control Products
Series 90™-30 PROFIBUS Slave Module
ugust 2004
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Overview and Specifications........................................................................................ 1-1
PROFIBUS Information ................................................................................................... 1-1
Related Publications....................................................................................................... 1-1
IC693PBS201 Slave Module Specifications.................................................................. 1-2
PROFIBUS Basics ........................................................................................................... 1-3
PROFIBUS Network Overview.......................................................................................... 1-3
Bus Communication ..........................................................................................................1-3
Network Topology ............................................................................................................. 1-4
Network Connectors.......................................................................................................... 1-5
Installation ..................................................................................................................... 2-1
Reviewing System Power Requirements...................................................................... 2-1
Installing the PROFIBUS Module in the PLC Rack ...................................................... 2-1
Connecting the Slave to the PROFIBUS Network........................................................ 2-2
Network Segment Length.................................................................................................. 2-2
PROFIBUS Cable Types................................................................................................... 2-3
Network Termination ......................................................................................................... 2-3
Network Baud Rate ........................................................................................................... 2-4
Removing the Module from the Rack............................................................................ 2-4
Configuration................................................................................................................. 3-1
Adding a PROFIBUS Slave Module to the Hardware Configuration.......................... 3-1
Configuring a PROFIBUS Slave Module ....................................................................... 3-2
Settings Tab ...................................................................................................................... 3-2
Input Data Area Tab ..........................................................................................................3-3
Output Data Area Tab ....................................................................................................... 3-4
Power Consumption Tab................................................................................................... 3-4
Status and Diagnostics................................................................................................. 4-1
PROFIBUS Slave Module LED Indicators ..................................................................... 4-1
Status/Firmware ID Array ............................................................................................... 4-2
Word 1 – Slave Status Word............................................................................................. 4-2
Network Parameter Errors ................................................................................................ 4-2
Communication Requests.............................................................................................. 4-3
COMMREQ Ladder Instruction ......................................................................................... 4-3
Operation of the Communications Request ............................................................... 4-4
COMMREQ Programming Requirements and Recommendations ............................4-5
Error Detection and Handling ..................................................................................... 4-5
Corrective Actions for COMMREQ Errors ..................................................... 4-5
COMMREQ Status Word............................................................................... 4-6
PROFIBUS Slave Module COMMREQ Reference......................................................... 4-7
Get Slave Status COMMREQ (3)...................................................................................... 4-7
Memory Types ............................................................................................................ 4-7
GFK-2193A iii
Get Slave Status Command Block – Basic Example ................................................. 4-7
Get Slave Status - Reply Data Format ....................................................................... 4-8
Network Parameter Errors ..........................................................................................4-9
Read Module Header (5)................................................................................................. 4-10
Read Module Header Command Block – Basic Example ........................................4-10
Read Module Header Reply Data Format for Slave................................................. 4-11
Clear Counters (6)........................................................................................................... 4-12
Clear Counters Command Block – Basic Example .................................................. 4-12
Clear Counters Reply Data Format .......................................................................... 4-12
iv Series 90™-30 PROFIBUS Slave Module User's Manual –August 2004 GFK-2193A
Overview and Specifications
This manual provides instructions for installing, programming, and troubleshooting control systems that use the Series 90-30 PROFIBUS slave module, IC693PBS201. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of Series 90-30 PLCs and are familiar with PROFIBUS-DP protocol.
The Series 90-30 PROFIBUS Slave module enables a Series 90-30 CPU to be a slave on a PROFIBUS DP network and to communicate with a PROFIBUS DP master. It operates as a slave on the network, automatically exchanging data with a master device. The slave module has no bus access rights. It can only acknowledge received messages or transmit messages to a master upon request. Its features include:
ability to read up to 244 bytes of input data from the network, and send up to 244
bytes of output data
support for all standard PROFIBUS data rates
PROFIBUS-compliant Module and Network Status LEDs
an RS-232 serial port (the Service port) for upgrading the firmware
PROFIBUS Information
Please refer to the following sources for PROFIBUS information:
PROFIBUS standard DIN 19245 parts 1 (low-level protocol and electrical
characteristics) and 3 (DP protocol)
European standard EN 50170
ET 200 Distributed I/O system, 6ES5 998-3ES22
IEEE 518 Guide for the Installation of Electrical Equipment to Minimize Electrical
Noise Input to Controllers
Related Publications
Series 90-30 PROFIBUS Master Module User’s Manual, GFK-2121
Series 90-30 Installation and Hardware Manual, GFK-0356.
Series 90-30/20/Micro PLC CPU Instruction Set Reference Manual, GFK-0467
Proficy™ Machine Edition Getting Started, GFK-1868
Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer-PLC Getting Started Guide, GFK-1918
GFK-2121A 1-1
3-TxD 2-RxD
8-A 3-B
Slave Module
Figure 1-1. PROFIBUS Slave Module
Service Port
Label (not shown)
System (SYS) and Communications (COM) indicators
RS232, 9-pin male, D-Shell Connector. Used for module firmware upgrades.
9-pin female D-Shell Connector. Used for connecting to a PROFIBUS network.
Label on side of module contains catalog number, description, standard conformance, and serial number information
IC693PBS201 Slave Module Specifications
Catalog number IC693PBS201
Description Series 90-30 Slave module for PROFIBUS DP networks
Configuration software requirement
CPU version requirement
Mounting location Can reside in any Series 90-30 baseplate (CPU, expansion, or remote)
Backplane current consumption
Data rates Supports all standard Data Rates (9.6KBps, 19.2KBps, 93.75KBps,
Status information Slave Status Word
Note: The PROFIBUS Slave module does not support Sync and Freeze modes
1-2 Series 90™-30 PROFIBUS Slave Module User's Manual – August 2004 GFK-2121A
Requires Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer version 2.6 or later
Requires CPU firmware version 8.00 or later
slot except for slot 1 of a modular CPU baseplate
Storage temperature = –40°C to 85°C Operating temperature = 0°C to 60°C
450 mA at 5VDC (typical)
187.5KBps, 500KBps, 1.5Mbps, 3MBps, 6MBps and 12MBps)
Firmware module revision
PROFIBUS Network Overview
PROFIBUS is an open, vendor independent FieldBus standard for a wide range of
applications in industrial automation, including motion control.
PROFIBUS is a dynamic technology that grows functionally while complying with the
European FieldBus Standard EN 50 170.
PROFIBUS Guidelines and Profiles provide the means for further technical
development based on the ever-changing communication requirements of the networks, systems, and devices used in today's industrial automation applications.
PROFIBUS specifications reference three different protocols to cover a range of industrial requirements:
PROFIBUS-DP High speed data communication. DP stands for Decentralized
Periphery. In practice, the majority of slave applications are DP applications.
PROFIBUS-FMS Object oriented general-purpose data communication. FMS
stands for FieldBus Message Specification. FMS protocol devices may exchange data on the same bus used for DP devices.
PROFIBUS-PA Meets requirements for intrinsic safety and non-intrinsic safety
areas and includes bus powered field devices.
Note: The PROFIBUS logo is a registered trademark of the PROFIBUS International
Organization. Membership in the organization is open to all individuals, companies and organizations. More information about the organization and the protocol is available at
Bus Communication
The PROFIBUS specification defines the technical characteristics of a serial field bus system that links distributed digital controllers on the network, from field level to cell level. PROFIBUS is a multi-master system that allows the joint operation of several automation, engineering or visualization systems with their distributed peripherals on one bus. PROFIBUS distinguishes between the following types of devices:
Master devices determine the data communication on the bus. A master can send
messages without an external request when it holds the bus access rights (the token). Masters are also called active stations.
Slave devices include motion controllers, drives, I/O devices, valves, and
transducers. Slaves do not have bus access rights and can only acknowledge received messages or send messages to the master when requested to do so. Slave devices are passive stations and require only small portions of the bus protocol.
The majority of PROFIBUS-DP applications are located at the field level. The field level typically includes slave devices such as the S2K motion controller station and host devices like PLC or PC control systems for the PROFIBUS-DP master station. Operator interfaces and DCS type systems usually operate at the cell level.
GFK-2121A Chapter 1 Overview and Specifications 1-3
Data bandwidth Demands on PROFIBUS Communications Systems
Management level Mbytes Hours/Minutes Day/Shift
Cell level Kbytes Seconds Hours/Minutes
Field Level Bytes Several 100
Actuator sensor level Bits Microseconds to
Network Topology
A PROFIBUS-DP network may have up to 127 stations (address 0-126), however address 126 is reserved for commissioning purposes. The bus system must be sub-divided into individual segments to handle this many participants. These segments are linked by repeaters. The function of a repeater is to condition the serial signal to allow connection of segments. In practice, both regenerating and non-regenerating repeaters may be used. Regenerating repeaters actually condition the signal to allow increased range of the bus.
Up to 32 stations are allowed per segment and the repeater counts as a station address.
A specialized “link” segment consisting only of optical fiber modem repeaters may be used to span long distances. Plastic fiber optic segments are typically 50 meters or less while glass fiber, optic segments may extend several kilometers.
The user assigns a unique PROFIBUS station address to identify each master, slave, or repeater in the entire network. Each participant on the bus must have a unique station address.
Amount of Data Transmission
microseconds to 100 milliseconds
10 to 100 milliseconds
1-4 Series 90™-30 PROFIBUS Slave Module User's Manual – August 2004 GFK-2121A
Participant Participant
Figure 1-2. Repeaters and bus termination
Repeater Connecting Segments
Branch Segment
Remote Repeate
Link Segment (No Participants)
Remote Repeater
To additional
Network Connectors
PROFIBUS connections are created with a 9 pin sub-D connector. A minimum connection consists of a shielded twisted-pair cable (shield to pin 1 and twisted-pair wires to pins 3 and 8) with terminating connections in the appropriate bus plugs. The pin to signal conventions are described below.
Pin-out Listing for the PROFIBUS Bus Plug Connector
Pin No. Signal Designation
1 Shield Shield / Protective Ground
2 M24 Ground / Common of the 24V output voltage
3 RxD/TxD-P Receive data / transmission data plus
4 CNTR-P Control signal for repeaters (direction control)
5 DGND Data transmission potential (ground to 5V)
6 VP Supply voltage of the terminating resistance (+ 5V)
7 P24 Output voltage (+ 24V)
8 RxD/TxD-N Receive data / transmission data negative
9 CNTR-N Control signal for repeaters (direction control)
Note: For information on network segment length, network connectors and network
termination, and network baud rate, refer to Chapter 2, “Installation.”
GFK-2121A Chapter 1 Overview and Specifications 1-5
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