GE IC693CMM321, IC693CPU364, IC693CPU374, IC697CMM742 User Manual

GE Fanuc Automation
Programmable Control Products
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC
User's Manual
GFK-1541B May 2002
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
as Used in this Publication
Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment, a Warning notice is used.
Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.
Notes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating the equipment.
This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in hardware or software, nor to provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be described herein which are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Fanuc Automation assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.
GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
The following are trademarks of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.
Alarm Master Genius PowerTRAC Series Six CIMPLICITY Helpmate ProLoop Series Three CIMPLICITY 90–ADS Logicmaster PROMACRO VersaMax CIMSTAR Modelmaster Series Five VersaPoint Field Control Motion Mate Series 90 VersaPro
GEnet PowerMotion Series One VuMaster
©Copyright 2002 GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Introduction .........................................................................................................1-1
The Ethernet Interface.......................................................................................................1-2
Ethernet Interface Ports.....................................................................................................1-4
The Station Manager Software .........................................................................................1-7
Installation ...........................................................................................................2-1
Installing an IC693CMM321 Ethernet Interface Module................................................. 2-2
Installing an IC693CPU364 with Embedded TCP/IP Ethernet Interface .......................2-16
Installing an IC693 CPU374 with Embedded TCP/IP Ethernet Interface ......................2-30
Installing the IC697CMM742 Ethernet Interface ........................................................... 2-41
Programming SRTP Channel Commands........................................................3-1
The Communications Request .......................................................................................... 3-2
COMMREQ Function Block and Command Block .........................................................3-6
Channel Commands.......................................................................................................... 3-9
Status Data ......................................................................................................................3-31
Controlling Communications in the Ladder Program..................................................... 3-43
Programming Modbus/TCP Channel Commands...........................................4-1
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
The Communications Request .......................................................................................... 4-2
COMMREQ Function Block and Command Block .........................................................4-5
Modbus TCP Channel Commands.................................................................................... 4-8
Status Data ...................................................................................................................... 4-20
Controlling Communications in the Ladder Program..................................................... 4-26
Ethernet Global Data .......................................................................................... 5-1
Overview of EGD ............................................................................................................. 5-2
Configuring EGD............................................................................................................ 5-12
Adapter Names, Aliases, and Groups .............................................................................5-21
Exchange Status Word.................................................................................................... 5-23
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)......................................................................... 5-25
Network Administration Support......................................................................6-1
IP Addressing.................................................................................................................... 6-2
Gateways........................................................................................................................... 6-4
Subnets and Multiple Gateways........................................................................................ 6-5
Configuring Multiple Gateways........................................................................................ 6-7
Network Address Naming Architecture............................................................................ 6-9
GFK-1541B iii
Chapter 7
Diagnostic Tools Available for Troubleshooting.............................................................. 7-2
What to do if you Cannot Solve the Problem ...................................................................7-3
PLC Fault Table................................................................................................................ 7-4
Appendix A Glossary............................................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B Communications Port Characteristics ............................................................. B-1
RS-232, RJ-11 Serial Port................................................................................................ B-2
RS-485, 15-Pin, D-Type Port........................................................................................... B-4
10Base-T Port .................................................................................................................. B-6
10Base-T/100Base Tx Port .............................................................................................. B-8
10Base2 Port .................................................................................................................. B-11
AAUI Port...................................................................................................................... B-13
AUI Port......................................................................................................................... B-19
Appendix C PC Software Loader........................................................................................... C-1
Updating Firmware Under Windows............................................................................... C-2
Updating Firmware Under DOS and Windows 3.xx ....................................................... C-4
Appendix D Using the IC697CMM742 with PLC CPU Versions 4.12 - 5.50 ..................... D-1
Ethernet Interface Operational Restrictions..................................................................... D-6
Appendix E Translating PLC CPU Reference Addresses to Modbus Register Addresses
for the IC693CMM321....................................................................................... E-1
iv TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual– May 2002 GFK-1541B
GFK-1541B Contents v
This manual describes the following
Series 90-30 PLC TCP/IP Ethernet Interface (IC693CMM321)
Series 90-30 PLC CPU364 with embedded TCP/IP Ethernet Interface (IC693CPU364)
Series 90-30 PLC CPU374 with embedded TCP/IP Ethernet Interface (IC693CPU374)
Series 90-70 PLC TCP/IP Ethernet Interface (Type 2) (IC697CMM742)
The general term, Interfaces require the more specific terms.
The Series 90-30 PLC CPU 364 and CPU374 are both modules that contain a PLC CPU and an embedded Ethernet Interface. The general term Embedded Ethernet Interface will be used in this manual to refer to these modules.
This chapter provides an overview of the Ethernet Interface and covers the following topics:
The Ethernet Interface
How to Make the System Work
Quick Guide to the Manual
Ethernet Interface
Ethernet Interfaces
, will be used in this manual except when differences in the
for the Series 90 PLC:
GFK-1541B 1-1
The Ethernet Interface
The Ethernet Interface enables Series 90 PLCs to communicate with other Series 90 PLCs, with with GE Fanuc PLC programming software, and with applications developed using the SRTP protocol, such as CIMPLICITY® HMI.
The Ethernet Interfaces described in this manual have “client/server” capability. As a “client” the Interfaces can initiate communications with other Series 90 PLCs containing Ethernet Interfaces. This is done from the PLC ladder program using the COMMREQ function. As a “server” the Interfaces respond to requests from other devices such as PLC programming software, a Host computer running an SRTP application, or another Series 90 PLC acting as a “client”. No PLC programming is required for server operation.
Ethernet Communications System
The diagram below represents a basic Ethernet Communications system.
Series 90-30
CPU 364 or 374
with Embedded
Ethernet Interface
Host Computer or
Control Device Running an
SRTP Application
Series 90-30
Ethernet Interface
® Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Series 90-70
Ethernet Interface
1-2 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
Capabilities of the Ethernet Interface
The Ethernet Interface brings to your PLC a great deal of capability. It will allow you to:
Become operational quickly. The Ethernet Interface is made operational with very little effort. You need only install the Interface in the PLC rack or baseplate and use the PLC programming software to store basic configuration information to the module to make the basic SRTP server capability functional. SRTP Client capability, the capability to initiate communications, can be added using the COMMREQ function in the ladder program. For Series 90-30 Ethernet Interface IC693CMM321-FH and later, basic Modbus/TCP server capability is available as soon you supply basic configuration information to the module, and you can use COMMREQs to initiate Modbus/TCP communications.
Directly attach your PLC to an Ethernet network. The Ethernet Interface allows you to directly attach the Series 90 PLC to an Ethernet LAN via the built-in network ports or via a user­supplied transceiver and AUI or AAUI cable, and to communicate with host computers and other Series 90 PLCs on the local network.
Ethernet Global Data. (Series 90-30 CPU364 and CPU374 and Series 90-70 Ethernet Interface (Type 2) only.) When used with the latest Series 90 CPUs, the Ethernet Interface provides highly efficient periodic data transfer between PLCs using Ethernet Global Data exchanges.
Transfer data between PLCs.
to initiate communications to other Series 90 Ethernet Interfaces, using COMMREQ functions in the ladder program.
Access data using a Host computer.
access data within the Series 90 PLC through the server capability of the Ethernet Interface. .
Communicate simultaneously to multiple devices. The multiplexing capabilities of the Ethernet Interface, along with Ethernet network’s high capacity, allow the PLC to communicate with several other devices at the same time.
Maintain compatibility with other GE Fanuc devices and devices from other vendors. The Series 90-30 Ethernet Interface, Series 90-30 CPU364 Embedded Ethernet Interface, Series 90-30 CPU374 Embedded Ethernet Interface, and Series 90-70 Ethernet Interface (Type 2) are compatible with each other. They are also compatible with GE Fanuc programming packages supporting TCP/IP Ethernet communications.
Diagnose and maintain your system, using diagnostic and station management tools. You can find problems before they become serious. In the event that communications software upgrades are needed, you can use a built-in serial port to download the software to the Ethernet Interface.
Indirectly attach to other Local Area Networks and/or wide area networks via third party IP routers.
When configured to use an IP gateway (router), the Ethernet Interface can
communicate with remote PLCs and other nodes reachable through the router.
Communicate with remote computers via Serial Line Protocol (SLIP) using modems and/or serial lines. Using third party SLIP software, a remote host computer can be attached to a
TCP/IP network.
Communicate with other Series 90 PLCs using symbolic names as well as IP addresses.
COMMREQs can be programmed to communicate with PLCs using IP addresses or Network Address names (Series 90-30 Ethernet Interface, Series 90-30 CPU364 Embedded Ethernet Interface, and Series 90-70 Ethernet Interface (Type 2)).
The Ethernet Interface provides client capability, the capability
Computer applications which use the SRTP protocol can
®Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
GFK-1541B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-3
Ethernet Interface Ports
The Ethernet Interfaces provide ports for connection to the Ethernet network as listed below.
IC693CMM321 Series 90-30 TCP/IP Ethernet Interface
IC693CPU364 Series 90-30 CPU with Embedded TCP/IP Ethernet Interface
IC693CPU374 Series 90-30 CPU with Embedded TCP/IP Ethernet Interface
IC697CMM742 Series 90-70 TCP/IP Ethernet Interface (Type 2)
Port Descriptions
10Base-T Port (RJ-45) (Module version FG or later)
10Base-T Port (RJ-45)
Auto-sensing 10Base-T Port (RJ-45)
10Base-T Port (RJ-45)
AUI Port
10Base2 Port (BNC)
10Base-T, RJ-45 port
and Series 90-70 IC697CMM742 Ethernet Interface (Type 2))
The 10Base-T port uses a twisted pair cable of up to 100 meters in length between each node and a hub or repeater. Typical hubs or repeaters support 6 to 12 nodes connected in a star wiring topology.
Auto-sensing 10 Base T / 100 Base TX, RJ-45 Port
The auto-sensing 10 Base T / 100Base TX ports are connected to a switch device embedded in the Ethernet Interface. They use a twisted pair cable (unshielded or shielded) of up to 100 meters in length between the node and another node, a hub, a repeater, or a switch. The port automatically senses the speed (10Mbps or 100Mbps), duplex mode (half duplex or full duplex) and cable (straight-through or crossover) attached to it with no intervention required.
10Base2, BNC port
The 10Base2 port uses a 0.2 inch diameter 50-ohm coaxial cable and is commonly called “thin wire”. The maximum length of a cable segment is 185 meters. A maximum of 30 stations is allowed on a 10Base2 Ethernet segment.
AUI Port AAUI Port
The AUI and AAUI ports provide the electrical and mechanical interface to the user-provided Ethernet transceiver cable, which connects the AUI or AAUI port to an external user-provided transceiver. (The transceiver cable may be separate or built-in to the transceiver.) The external transceiver is directly connected to the Ethernet cable.
Series 90-70 Ethernet Interface (Type 2))
Series 90-30 Ethernet Interface (AAUI-only Type) and Series 90-30 CPU364)
(Series 90-30 Ethernet Interface (10Base-T Type), Series 90-30 CPU364,
(Series 90-30 CPU374 only)
(Series 90-70 Ethernet Interface (Type 2))
1-4 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
Ethernet Media
Various Ethernet baseband media (10Base...) can be interconnected by appropriate hubs or repeaters. Capabilities and limitations are defined in IEEE 802.3 Chapter 13, “System Considerations for Multi-Segment Networks”. This document is published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394 USA.
The Ethernet Interface can operate on any of the following media with the appropriate user­supplied transceiver cable and transceiver. IEEE 802.3 specifies the definitive requirements of each medium.
10Base5 Coax:
“thick wire”. The maximum length of a cable segment is 500 meters. The distance between any two stations must be a multiple of 2.5 meters. A maximum of 100 stations is allowed on a 10Base5 Ethernet segment.
10Base2 Coax: 10Base-T: 10Base-F:
10Base-FP can support up to 33 nodes at distances of up to 500 meters from a passive star; 10Base-FL supports up to 2000 meters between a node and a repeater (a multi-port repeater would thus constitute a star). Additionally, 10Base-FB provides a means of interconnecting (only) repeaters by up to 2000 meters of (the same) fiber-optic cable.
amplifiers, headend translators, etc.) to support hundreds of nodes at distances of up to 2800 meters. Broadband cannot be connected to baseband via repeaters. Broadband cable plant design and installation must be in accordance with IEEE 802.7 and requires special expertise. GE Fanuc recommends you contract professional specialists for these services. Consult your GE Fanuc sales representative or field service office for help in identifying local specialists.
10Base5 uses a 0.4 inch diameter 50-ohm coaxial cable and is commonly called
10Base2 is described above.
10Base-T is described above.
10Base-F has two variations that both use the same type of fiber-optic cable.
10Broad36 uses 75-ohm coaxial cable and CATV-like media components (taps,
GFK-1541B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-5
Special Considerations for Ethernet Interfaces with Embedded Switches
Ethernet Interfaces that incorporate embedded switches (only the Series 90-30 CPU374) provide some additional connection options and have some additional installation and operation considerations.
These Ethernet Interfaces provide two RJ-45 connectors on the front of the module. It is important to realize that there is only one interface to the network (only one Ethernet address and only one IP address) provided by these Ethernet Interfaces. The two connectors allow up to two Ethernet devices (hubs, switches, other PLCs, PCs) to be connected to the Ethernet Interface. This arrangement is diagrammed below.
90-30 CPU374
10/100 Network
Port 1 Port 2
For simple installations, the embedded switch allows PLCs and other devices to be connected together without requiring any additional components.
It is also possible to daisy-chain PLCs together without additional components, but that should be done with great care. In designing a system, remember that a loss of power or reset on any Ethernet Interface in a daisy chain will cause loss of communications with all devices downstream from the lost module.
The second port, if left unused, can be used to plug in a programmer over Ethernet.
The two ports on the Ethernet Interface must not be connected, either directly or indirectly, to the same device. The hub or switch connections in an Ethernet network must form a tree, otherwise duplication of packets may result.
1-6 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
The Station Manager Software
The built-in Station Manager software provides on-line supervisory access to the Ethernet Interface, through either the Station Manager port or over the Ethernet cable. The Station Manager services on the Ethernet Interface include:
An interactive set of commands for interrogating and controlling the station.
Unrestricted access to observe internal statistics, an exception log, and configuration parameters.
Password security for commands that change station parameters or operation.
Access to the Station Manager is attained through a user-provided computer terminal or terminal emulator. See GFK-1186,
Manager Manual
, for more information on the Station Manager.
The PC Software Loader
The PC Software Loader is a separate software utility which runs on a PC in order to update the communications software stored in flash memory in the Ethernet Interface. This utility is supplied with any updates to the Ethernet Interface software.
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90 PLC Station
How to Make the System Work
There are only a few simple tasks required to get your Ethernet communications system working. These tasks are addressed in detail later in this manual.
1. Install the Ethernet Interface into the Series 90 rack or baseplate and connect it to the network.
2. Power-up the PLC.
3. Configure the Ethernet Interface using the PLC programming software and store to the PLC.
4. To add optional SRTP client capability, refer to Chapter 3 “Programming SRTP Channel Commands” . To add optional Modbus/TCP client capability (Series 90-30 Ethernet Interface IC693CMM321-FH or later only), refer to Chapter 4 “Programming Modbus/TCP Channel Commands”. To configure or program Ethernet Global Data, refer to Chapter 6, “Ethernet Global Data”.
GFK-1541B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-7
1-8 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
This chapter contains installation instructions for each Series 90 module that includes an Ethernet Interface.
Section 1: IC693CMM321 Series 90-30 TCP/IP Ethernet Interface (10Base-T type)
Section 2: IC693CPU364 Series 90-30 CPU with Embedded TCP/IP Ethernet Interface
Section 3: IC693CPU374 Series 90-30 CPU with Embedded TCP/IP Ethernet Interface
Section 4: IC697CMM742 Series 90-70 TCP/IP Ethernet Interface
Each section covers the basic features of the Ethernet Interface, its installation, configuration, and a procedure for its initial checkout on your Ethernet cable. Each section first provides a hardware overview of the Ethernet Interface and is then divided into four Installation Procedures, each providing an overview of the procedure and then explaining the detailed steps to be performed.
The installation procedures described for each Ethernet Interface are:
Installing the Ethernet Interface in the PLC - Required
Configuring the Ethernet Interface - Required
Verifying Proper Power-Up of the Ethernet Interface - Required
“Pinging” the Ethernet Interfaces on the Network - Optional
Some of the procedures require prior Ethernet cable plant design and installation.
GFK-1541B 2-1
Installing an IC693CMM321 Ethernet Interface Module
The IC693CMM321Ethernet Interface mounts in a Series 90-30 PLC baseplate. It connects to an Ethernet network either directly through its 10Base-T port (10Base-T Type only), or through its AAUI port, which requires a user-provided transceiver and cable. If using the AAUI port, you may order a transceiver from GE Fanuc (see Appendix B for information) or supply your own equivalent transceiver. .
IC693CMM321 Series 90-30 TCP/IP Ethernet Interface (10Base-T Type)
CMM321 versions EF or earlier do not have a 10Base T port.
PORT (RJ-45)
Serial Number
Label (Internal)
Default Station
Address Label
This module has several user-accessible features:
Four LEDs are located at the top of the board.
The Restart pushbutton is located immediately below the LEDs.
The Station Manager port (RS-232 serial port with an RJ-11 connector) is located on the front of the module.
The 10Base-T Ethernet port (RJ-45 connector) is located on the front of the module. It does not require an external transceiver.
The AAUI port (14-pin AAUI connector) is accessible through an opening in the bottom of the module. It requires an external transceiver.
The Default Station Address label lists the MAC address to be used by this Interface. It is located by removing the module’s front cover and looking on the circuit board.
The module’s serial number is on the silver label on the left side of the module.
2-2 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
There are four LEDs on the CMM321 module. Each of these LEDs can be ON, OFF, or BLINKING.
LED Indication Function
OK State of the Ethernet Interface
LAN Traffic on the network port
FDX Configuration of Full Duplex mode.
STAT An exception event has occurred
All LEDs are briefly turned ON whenever a restart is performed in the Operational state by pressing and releasing the Restart pushbutton (described below). This allows you to verify that all LEDs are operational. (On module versions EF or earlier, the FDX LED is labeled "SER".)
Restart Pushbutton
The Restart pushbutton serves four functions: LED test, Restart, Restart and enter Software Load state, and Restart and enter Maintenance state. These four functions behave similarly in all states except for the Software Load state. While in this state, pressing the pushbutton will cause an immediate restart into the Operational state (without performing the LED test) if the software in the Ethernet Interface has not been corrupted or erased. If the software has been corrupted or erased, pressing the pushbutton will cause an immediate restart back into the Software Load state. The following text describes Restart pushbutton behavior while not in the Software Load state.
Pressing the Restart pushbutton will disrupt Ethernet communications.
LED Test:
visually verify that all the LEDs go OFF and then ON at this time. Then the Interface performs either a restart, a restart and enter Software Load state, or a restart and enter Maintenance state, depending on the duration that you press the pushbutton.
the Ethernet Interface. When the Restart pushbutton is pressed, all LEDs go out. When it is released, all LEDs flash ON, then power-up diagnostics run, and the software on the Interface is restarted into the Operational state.
Any time the Restart pushbutton is released,
Pressing the Restart pushbutton momentarily (less than 5 seconds) requests a restart of
the LEDs flash ON. You should
GFK-1541B Chapter 2 Installation 2-3
Restart and Enter Software Load State:
bottom LED (STAT) turns ON (between 5 and 10 seconds) forces a restart and requests entrance to the Software Load state. A reload is used to install a software update into the module and is not part of normal operation. When the Restart pushbutton is pressed, all LEDs go out. After approximately 5 seconds have elapsed, the STAT LED (bottom LED) comes ON, to indicate that the Ethernet Interface will request a reload. After the Restart pushbutton is released, all LEDs flash ON, then power-up diagnostics run, and the Ethernet Interface waits for the software load with all LEDs blinking in unison.
Pressing and holding the Restart pushbutton until the
Reloading the Ethernet Interface requires the attachment of the PC Software Loader to the Software Loader port and initiating a load with the PC Software Loader. The PC Software Loader is a separate software utility that updates the communications software in the Ethernet Interface. This utility is supplied with any updates to the Ethernet Interface software.
At any time before you initiate a load with the PC Software Loader when the Ethernet Interface is in the Software Load State, you can restart the Ethernet Interface by pressing the Restart pushbutton. Pressing this pushbutton will immediately cause the board to restart. If the reload has been initiated, see Appendix C, “Upgrading the Ethernet Interface Firmware,” for more information.
Restart and Enter Maintenance State:
bottom two LEDs turn ON (approximately 10 seconds) forces a restart and requests entrance to the Maintenance state. Maintenance state must be invoked to change Advanced Parameters. While in Maintenance state, all Advanced Parameters revert to their default value. When the Restart pushbutton is pressed, all LEDs go out. After approximately 5 seconds, the STAT LED comes ON, then after approximately a total of 10 seconds have elapsed, the FDX LED also comes ON, to indicate that the Ethernet Interface will request entry to the Maintenance state. After the Restart pushbutton is released, all LEDs flash ON then power-up diagnostics run and the Ethernet Interface enters the Maintenance state.
Pressing and holding the Restart pushbutton until the
If a Restart is performed, any data being transferred by the Ethernet Interface at that time will be lost.
The Restart pushbutton is not operable during the diagnostic phase of power-up. The Ethernet Interface is in diagnostic phase when the OK LED is BLINKING fast and other LEDs are OFF.
2-4 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
Ports on the CMM321
RS-232, RJ-11 Port (Station Manager Port)
The RS-232, 6-pin, RJ-11 “phone jack” port is used to connect a terminal or terminal emulator to access the Station Manager software on the Ethernet Interface. A cable is needed to connect the terminal or emulator to the Ethernet Interface (see Appendix B, “Communications Ports Characteristics”). This port is also used to update the module’s firmware.
Ethernet Ports
The CMM321 has just one Ethernet interface. Connection to the Ethernet network can be made either through the 10Base-T connector or the AAUI connector. You must connect to just one or the other connector; you cannot use both at the same time. Note that module versions EF and earlier do not have a 10Base T port, and can only be connected through their AAUI port.
10Base-T Port
This port is located on the front of the module and it can be directly connected to a 10Base-T network (no external transceiver is needed). It uses a standard RJ-45 jack. See Appendix B for port details.
AAUI (Transceiver) Port
This port uses a standard 14-pin AAUI connector to provide the electrical and mechanical interface to a user-provided IEEE 802.3 transceiver. See Appendix B for Port details.
Do not connect or disconnect a transceiver cable at the AAUI port while power is applied to the PLC. This may blow the AAUI port fuse and/or cause permanent damage to the Ethernet Interface.
CMM321 Labels
Default Station Address Label
The Default Station Address label lists the MAC address to be used by this Interface.
Serial Number Label
The Serial Number Label indicates the serial number of this Interface.
Non-Replaceable AAUI Fuse
A non-replaceable fuse is provided on the DC power that is supplied by the Ethernet Interface to the AAUI network port for use by an external transceiver. If this fuse blows, you must return the Ethernet Interface to GE Fanuc for repair.
GFK-1541B Chapter 2 Installation 2-5
Installing the CMM321 in the PLC
For general information about module and system installation, refer to GFK-0356,
Programmable Controller Installation Manual
Equipment Required to Perform the Installation Procedures
Make sure you have the items listed below before you begin.
A Series 90-30 PLC CPU baseplate, or any Series 90-30 baseplate and a Series 90-30 CPU with power supply.
The CMM321 requires CPU version 6.50 or higher for full functionality. CPU versions
5.03 to 6.04 permit Ethernet operation with only 1 SRTP server connection.
The CMM321 requires PLC power supply IC693PWR321 (Revision K or later), IC693PWR322, or IC693PWR330.
PLC programming software: Logic Developer (all versions), Control Version 2.01 or higher, VersaPro version 1.0 or higher, or Logicmaster 90-30 version 6.01 or higher. (And a compatible PC-compatible personal computer.)
If you are using the AAUI port instead of the 10Base-T port, you will need an Ethernet­compatible AAUI transceiver and Ethernet cables. (See Appendix B for more information on the ports and transceivers.) Optional
An Appendix B). Optional
A terminal or IBM-compatible personal computer equipped with terminal emulation software. Optional
serial cable for the Station Manager port on the Ethernet Interface (see
Series 90-30
If your installation requires CE Mark compliance, please refer to GFK-1179,
Installation Requirements for Conformance to Standards
programming software, for additional guidelines.
A CMM321 can be mounted on a CPU baseplate, an expansion baseplate, or a remote baseplate. However, due to power requirements, only two Ethernet Interface modules are permitted per baseplate using a standard power supply. Up to four Ethernet Interface modules are permitted per baseplate using a high capacity power supply.
, shipped with the PLC
2-6 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
CMM321 Installation
Use the following instructions as a guide when inserting a module into a slot in a baseplate. These instructions assume that the power supply on the baseplate is to your left.
Do not insert or remove modules with power applied. This could cause the PLC to Stop, damage the module, or result in personal injury.
1. Be sure the Series 90-30 PLC baseplate power is OFF.
2. Align the module with the desired base slot and connector. Tilt the module upwards so that the top rear hook of the module engages the slot on baseplate.
3. Swing the module downward until the connectors mate and the lock-lever on the bottom of the module snaps into place engaging the baseplate notch.
4. Visually inspect the module to be sure that it is properly seated.
5. Connect the cable using one of the two following methods:
• If using a 10Base-T connection, plug the cable into the 10Base-T port on the front of the
• If using the AAUI connection, connect the transceiver cable into the 14-pin AAUI port
on the bottom of the module, secure the cable, and connect the other end of the cable to an external IEEE 802.3 compatible transceiver that is attached to the Ethernet network. SQE must be enabled on the transceiver. (Note: The transceiver cable may be either built-in to the transceiver or removable.)
Do not connect or disconnect a transceiver cable to the AAUI port while power is applied to the PLC. This may blow the AAUI port fuse and/or cause permanent damage to the Ethernet Interface.
6. Use the PLC programming software or a Hand Held Programmer to make sure the PLC CPU is in Stop mode.
GFK-1541B Chapter 2 Installation 2-7
CMM321 Configuration
Before you can use the Ethernet Interface you must configure the module using the PLC programming software. The PLC programming software allows you to specify the modules and I/O that will reside in your Series 90-30 PLC rack(s). The Hand Held Programmer can used to configure the Ethernet Interface.
For the Ethernet Interface specifically, the configuration software allows you to:
Define the Status address of the Ethernet Interface.
Assign the IP address for the Ethernet Interface, and optionally the subnet mask and the gateway address.
Configure the serial ports (optional).
Configuring the Interface Using Windows-Based Programming Software
To configure theCMM321 using Control, VersaPro or Logic Developer programming software, do the following:
Control and VersaPro, from the Browser, double-click the 90-30 Rack System–Local
Rack icon. The Local Rack Window will appear. In Logic Developer, expand the hardware configuration and the desired rack in the browser.
Control and VersaPro, click the tab corresponding to the desired rack.
Click the desired slot, press the right mouse button, and choose Add Module from the menu.
(If the slot already contains a module, choose Replace Module.) The Module Catalog dialog box will then appear.
In the Module Catalog dialog box, click the Communications tab, select IC693CMM321
Ethernet Interface, and then click the OK button. The Parameters dialog box will then appear.
This dialog box will allow you to edit the module’s Ethernet parameters. To edit a parameter
value, click in the appropriate Values field. Refer to the topic “Configuration Parameters” that follows for more information on these fields.
Optionally, after you have completed the Settings tab, you can then change the default
settings of the Station Manager and Software Loader ports by clicking the appropriate tab. We recommend leaving the serial port parameters at default settings.
If you want to assign variable names to specific status points on the Ethernet card, click the
Point Reference tab. To assign a variable to a point, double-click the reference address you want. The Insert Variable dialog box will appear, which will allow you to fill in a variable name and description.
If you want to view the power consumption of this module, click the Power Consumption tab.
After you have configured all of the module’s applicable parameters, click the OK button. The module will now appear in the selected slot.
Store the configuration to the PLC so these settings can take effect.
For more information, refer to Online Help in the PLC programming software.
2-8 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
Configuring the Interface Using the Logicmaster 90-30 Configuration Software
To configure the CMM321, access the I/O Configuration rack screen in the Logicmaster 90-30 Configuration Package, and do the following:
1. Move the cursor to the desired rack and slot location. The slot may be either unconfigured or previously configured.
2. Press the Communications softkey, i.e., Comm (F6).
3. Press Ethernet (F2).
4. Press Enter to select the Ethernet Interface.
5. Configure the Ethernet parameters. Refer to the topic “Configuration Parameters” that follows for more information on these fields.
6. Optionally, after you have assigned the Ethernet parameters, press Page Down to display the serial port parameters. You can then change the default settings of the serial ports (optional). Refer to the topic “Configuration Parameters” that follows for more information on these fields. We recommend leaving the serial port parameters at default settings.
7. After you have completed the configuration, press the Escape key to return to the rack display. Press Escape again to save the configuration to disk.
8. Store the configuration to the PLC so these settings can take effect.
Refer to GFK-0466,
for more information on configuring the Ethernet Interface using Logicmaster 90-30
Logicmaster 90 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programming Software User’s
CMM321 Configuration Parameters
Ethernet Parameters
Configuration Mode:
Status Address:
bits) and the Channel Status bits (64 bits). The Channel Status bits are always located immediately following the LAN Interface Status bits. The Status address must be assigned to %I memory only. The default value is the next available %I address.
Note: Do not use the 80-bits assigned to the LIS bits and Channel Status bits for other purposes or your data will be overwritten.
Status Length:
IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP Address, and Name Server IP Address:
should be assigned by the person in charge of your network (the network administrator). TCP/IP network administrators are familiar with these parameters. It is important that these parameters are correct, otherwise the Ethernet Interface may be unable to communicate on the network and/or network operation may be corrupted. It is especially important that each node on the network is assigned a
This is fixed as TCP/IP.
The Status address is the location of the LAN Interface Status (LIS) bits (16
This is fixed at 80 bits (the sum of the LIS bits and the Channel Status bits).
These values
IP address.
However, if you have no network administrator and are configuring a simple, with no gateways, you can use the following range of values for the assignment of local IP addresses:
GFK-1541B Chapter 2 Installation 2-9
isolated network
2 First PLC Second PLC Third PLC .. .. PLC Programmer TCP or host
Also, in this case, set the subnet mask, gateway IP address, and name server IP address to
If the isolated network is ever connected to another network, the IP addresses through must not be used and the subnet mask, gateway IP address, and name server IP address must be assigned by the network administrator. The IP addresses must be assigned so that they are compatible
with the connected network. Refer to Chapter 6, “Network Administration Support”, for more information on addressing.
See also “Determining If an IP Address Has Already Been Used”.
(measured in Watts). Choices are 0, 0.50, and 0.60.
AAUI Transceiver (Watts):
that the transceiver draws from the port (measured in Watts). The valid range is 0.25 to 2.00. The default value is 0.50.
Allows you to account for the power consumption added by a serial port converter
If you use an AAUI transceiver, allows you to account for the power
Station Manager PortParameters
Data Rate (bps):
4800, 9600‡, or 19200*.
Type of parity to be used for the port. Choices are None‡, Even, or Odd*.
Stop Bits: Flow Control:
parameter has no effect.
Turnaround Delay:
are None*‡, 10 ms, 100 ms, or 500 ms.
parameter has no effect.
* Default selection for the Software Loader Port. ‡ Default selection for the Station Manager Port.
This parameter is currently not used by the Ethernet Interface. Changing this
Data rate (bits per second) for the port. Choices are 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
Enter the number of stop bits. Choices are 1*‡ or 2.
This parameter is currently not used by the Ethernet Interface. Changing this
Turnaround delay time (in milliseconds) to be used for the port. Choices
2-10 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
Configuring Full-Duplex Operation
Before setting the module to Full-Duplex operation, be certain that it is connected directly to a managed hub or switch that is manually configured for full-duplex operation on the port connected to the IC693CMM321.
The default setting for the module is Half-Duplex. The Full Duplex parameter is an “advanced user parameter” that can only be changed by using the CHPARM (Change Parameter) command in the Station Manager softwar. Refer to GFK-1186, the
Station Manager Manual
, for additional information on using Station Manager.
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications
Contrary to the recommendation of IEEE Std. 802.3, this Ethernet Interface
module does NOT support autonegotiation of half/full-duplex. Attempting full­duplex operation of this interface with a repeater or half-duplex network (including auto-negotiating hubs and switches) can cause severe network performance degradation, increased collisions, late collisions, CRC errors, and undetected data corruption.
If the module is configured in the Full-Duplex mode (see above), you can change it back to its default value of Half-Duplex by using the Station Manager CHPARM command.
GFK-1541B Chapter 2 Installation 2-11
Verifying Proper Power-Up of the CMM321
Powering-up the Ethernet Interface
After configuring the CMM321, follow the procedure below to be sure it is operating correctly.
1. Turn power OFF to the PLC for 3–5 seconds, then turn the power back ON. This will initiate a series of diagnostic tests.
The OK LED will blink indicating the progress of power-up.
2. The LEDs will have the following pattern upon successful power-up. At this time the Ethernet Interface is fully operational and on-line.
LED Ethernet Interface Online
LAN ON or blinking
FDX ON Solid if Full Duplex mode is active OFF
if Full Duplex mode is not active
If STAT LED is OFF, check the PLC Fault Table. Alternatively, use the Station Manager LOG command as explained in GFK-1186,
for the Series 90 PLC Station Manager Manual
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications
Problems During Power-up
If a problem is detected during power-up, the CMM321 may not transition directly to the Operational State. If the Interface does not transition to Operational, check the LED pattern on the Interface and refer to the following diagram and table for suggestions.
2-12 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
States of the Series 90-30 CMM321 Ethernet Interface
The Ethernet Interface is initialized by
- Powering-up the PLC
Ethernet Interf ace
(approx. 2-10
- S tori ng a new c onf igur ation to the P LC wi th c han ges f or t he Et her net In ter fac e
- Pressing the Restart pushbutton
- Issuing a Station Manager
- Internal System Error occurring when Interface is Operational
 
Failu re
, or
Request or
 
Operati onal
- Full support for client and server capability
- Uses user defined Advanced Parameters
Waiting for
Conf iguration from
(max. 2 minutes)
IP address =
Request or
Fatal System
Ye s
IP Address Received
- Client and server capability disabled
- Uses default Advanced Parameters
- Permits changes to Advanced Parameters
 
/ ∗/
Waiting for IP Address
/ ∗/
Software Load Caused by
- Rest ar t pushbu tton pu shed un til bot tom LED tur ns ON
- Station Manager
- Detection of corrupt software
Waiti ng for IP Address Caused by
- Not configuring Interface using configuration software
- Configuring Interface with IP address =
- New CPU wit h no configuration
- C PU f ailur e t o comm unica te wi th Int erfa ce
Continue to Maint enance or Operationa l Caused by
- IP address received from network BOOTP server
- IP address entered by
Ma inte nanc e Re ques t C aus ed by
- Restart pushbutton pushed until bottom two LEDs tu rn ON
- Station M anager
- Fatal System Error while in Operational State forced a restart
The LEDs are labeled from top to bottom as follows: OK LAN SER STAT
The symbols used for th e LEDs are defi ned as follows:
= ON
= Slow Blink; multiple slow blinking LEDs blink in unison
= Fast Blink
= Traffic (blinks when there is traff ic on the line)
The process symbols are defined as follows:
= Temporary condition; requires no intervention
= Decision point during power-up
= Interface State; normally the Interface remains in a State unless there is user intervention
command issued
command issued
Station Manager command
GFK-1541B Chapter 2 Installation 2-13
LED Pattern Where Stopped Possible Cause Corrective Actions
❍ OK ❍ ❍ ❍
✫ OK ✫ ✫ ✫
All LEDs blink in unison.
✫ ❍ ❍ ❍
● ❍ ✫
(Slowblink) LAN (Slowblink) FDX (Slowblink)
STAT (Slowblink)
OK (Slowblink) LAN (OFF) FDX (OFF)
OK (Slowblink)
LAN (ON/Traffic/OFF)
FDX (OFF/Slowblink)
STAT (Slowblink)
Waiting for
from PLC
Waiting for IP
Fatal Hardware Error.
Restart pushbutton until
bottom LED turns ON. Station Manager
command issued. Software corrupt.
Did not configure slot using
PLC Programmer. New CPU with no
configuration. CPU not communicating
with Ethernet Interface (Condition can last a
maximum of 2 minutes.)
Interface’s IP address has not been configured or has been configured as
Make sure the PLC has power.
Examine PLC Fault Table for clues.*
Recheck PLC Programmer
configuration. Power off baseplate, inspect the
Interface for loose components, reseat the Interface, and Restart.
Try a different slot.
If the problem persists, replace the
Interface or PLC hardware. Connect a PC Software Loader and
load new software. See Appendix C. Cycle power or press Restart
pushbutton again for less than 5 seconds to restart the Interface and clear the load request.
Use PLC Programmer configuration
software to configure the Interface then store the configuration to the PLC CPU.
Make sure Interface is in the correct
slot on the baseplate. Power cycle the PLC.
Clear faults and Restart Interface.
Use PLC Programmer to configure
the Interface with a non-zero IP address.
Use a BOOTP server to provide
Interface with a non-zero IP address.
OK and STAT blink in unison.
Restart pushbutton pressed
OK (Slowblink)
(ON/Traffic/O FF)
FDX (Slowblink)
OK and SER blink in unison.
● OK
FDX should be ON if Full Duplex mode is activated; otherwise, it should be OFF.
/❍ LAN
* Identify the PLC fault message using the PLC Programmer, then refer to Table 8-1 in Chapter 8 for corrective actions.
until bottom two LEDs turn ON.
Station Manager MAINT
command issued. Internal System Error when
Interface was Operational caused a restart and entrance into Maintenance.
If the LAN LED is OFF,
the problem may be: Network cable or
transceiver not connected to Interface or bad transceiver.
Network cable not
terminated properly. SQE not enabled on
transceiver. If the STAT LED is OFF,
an exception condition has occurred.
If you did not intend to enter
Maintenance press the Restart pushbutton for less than 5 seconds. This clears the Maintenance request.
Examine PLC Fault Table for clues.*
If you need to use the Station
Manager to troubleshoot a problem, see GFK-1186, TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90 PLC Station Manager Manual.
Connect cable and transceiver
properly. Replace transceiver. Terminate network cable properly.
Set SQE ON on transceiver in accord
with manufacturer’s instructions.
Examine PLC Fault Table to find out
why the STAT LED is OFF. *
2-14 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
Pinging TCP/IP Ethernet Interfaces on the Network
PING (Packet InterNet Grouper) is the name of a program used on TCP/IP networks to test reachability of destinations by sending them an ICMP echo request message and waiting for a reply. Most nodes on TCP/IP networks, including the CMM321, implement a
You should
it verifies that the interface is operational and configured properly. Specifically, it verifies
that acceptable TCP/IP configuration information has been stored to the Interface.
each installed Ethernet Interface. When the Ethernet Interface responds to the
Pinging the Interface from a UNIX® host or a PC Running TCP/IP Software
command can be executed from a UNIX host or PC running TCP/IP (since most TCP/IP
communications software provides a using a PC or UNIX host, the user can refer to the documentation for the general all that is required is the IP address of the remote host as a parameter to the For example, at the command prompt type:
command) or from another Ethernet Interface.* When
command, but in
Determining If an IP Address Has Already Been Used
It is very important not to duplicate IP addresses.
Ethernet Interface with the same IP address as another node:
1. Disconnect your Interface from the LAN.
2. Ping the disconnected Interface’s IP address. If you get an answer to the ping, then the chosen IP address is already in use by another node. You assigning unique IP addresses.
To determine if you have configured your
correct this situation by
* To use another GE Fanuc Ethernet Interface, refer to the
Ethernet Communications for the Series 90 PLC Station Manager Manual.
® UNIX is a registered trademark exclusively licensed through X/Open Company LTD.
GFK-1541B Chapter 2 Installation 2-15
command in GFK-1186,
Installing an IC693CPU364 with Embedded TCP/IP Ethernet Interface
The CPU364 with Embedded Ethernet Interface is mounted on the Series 90-30 PLC baseplate. It is connected to an Ethernet network via a 10Base-T port or a user-provided transceiver cable and transceiver via an AAUI port.
IC693CPU364 Series 90-30 CPU Module with Ethernet Interface
The Series 90-30 CPU364 has several user-accessible elements (only the Ethernet Interface elements are discussed here.)
Three Ethernet LEDs are located at the top left of the board. The Ethernet Restart pushbutton is located below the LEDs. The RS-232 serial port with the RJ-11 connector (similar to a modular telephone connector) is used to connect to Station Manager and to load software updates. Below the serial port are two ports, either one of which can be used to connect to the Ethernet network: the 14-pin AAUI connector (Transceiver port) and the 10Base-T, RJ-45 network port.
The default station address (MAC address) label, serial number label, and replaceable AAUI port fuse are concealed by the front cover. The front cover must be removed to access these items.
2-16 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90™ PLC User's Manual – May 2002 GFK-1541B
There are four LEDs on the CPU364: EOK, LAN, STAT, and PS PORT (on some early models of the CPU364, the PS PORT LED is labeled “SNP”). The PS (Power Supply) PORT LED is not Ethernet related; it indicates the presence of serial traffic through the serial port of the PLC’s power supply. Each of the three Ethernet LEDs (EOK, LAN, and STAT) can be ON, OFF, BLINKING slow, or BLINKING fast. They indicate the state of the Ethernet Interface, traffic on the network port (LAN LED), and that an exception event has occurred.
The three Ethernet LEDs are briefly turned ON whenever a restart is performed in the Operational state by pressing and releasing the Restart pushbutton (described below). This allows you to verify that the Ethernet LEDs are operational.
Ethernet Restart Pushbutton
The Ethernet Restart pushbutton serves four functions: LED test, Restart, Restart and enter Software Load state, and Restart and enter Maintenance state. These four functions behave similarly in all states except for the Software Load state. While in this state, pressing the pushbutton will cause an immediate restart into the Operational state (without performing the LED test) if the software in the Ethernet Interface has not been corrupted or erased. If the software has been corrupted or erased, pressing the pushbutton will cause an immediate restart back into the Software Load state. The following text describes Restart pushbutton behavior while not in the Software Load state.
Pressing the Ethernet Restart pushbutton will disrupt Ethernet communications.
LED Test:
ON. The operator should visually verify that the three LEDs go OFF and then ON at this time. Then the Interface performs either a restart, a restart and enter Software Load state, or a restart and enter Maintenance state, depending on the duration that you press the pushbutton.
restart of the Ethernet Interface. When the Restart pushbutton is pressed, the three Ethernet LEDs go out. When it is released, the three Ethernet LEDs flash ON, then power-up diagnostics run, and the software on the Interface is restarted into the Operational state.
Any time the Ethernet Restart pushbutton is released, the three Ethernet LEDs flash
Pressing the Ethernet Restart pushbutton momentarily (less than 5 seconds) requests a
GFK-1541B Chapter 2 Installation 2-17
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