GE GLM064, IC086GLM064, IC086GLM082, IC086GLM104, GLM082 User Manual

Automation & Controls
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Programmable Control Products

PACSystems* Ethernet Switch GLM Series User Manual GFK-3030

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GFK-3030 December 2017 i

Table of Contents

PACSystems* Ethernet Switch GLM Series User Manual GFK-3030
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Figures ................................................................................................................................................................ iv
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Revisions in this Manual ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 PACSystems Documentation ................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 System Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 3
IO-Devices on a PROFINET Network .................................................................................................................. 3
Ethernet Devices on an Ethernet Network ..................................................................................................... 4
GLM System Capabilities ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 GLM Product Differentiation .................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 GLM Features .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 GLM LEDS ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 3 Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Mounting ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
DIN-Rail Mounting ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Panel Mounting ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Power Connection ...................................................................................................................................... 9
GLM Switch Current Draw ....................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Grounding .................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.4 Alarm Relay Output ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.5 Ethernet Connections .............................................................................................................................. 12
RJ45 Connections ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
SFP Connections ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.6 LED Operation ........................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7 System Reset ............................................................................................................................................. 15
3.8 Console Connection ................................................................................................................................. 16
ii PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030
Chapter 4 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................ 17
4.1 Import the GSDML file ............................................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Associating the IO-Device with its Controller .................................................................................... 21
4.3 PROFINET Cyclic I/O Data ....................................................................................................................... 23
Slot 1: Device Status ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Slot 2: Port Status ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
Slot 3: Port Alarm & Port Settings & Status ................................................................................................. 25
Slot 4: MRP Group 1 Status .................................................................................................................................. 27
Slot 5: MRP Group 2 Status .................................................................................................................................. 28
Slot 6: Ring Group 1 Status .................................................................................................................................. 29
Slot 7: MRE Group 1 Status .................................................................................................................................. 29
Slot 8: MRE Group 2 Status .................................................................................................................................. 29
4.4 PROFINET Acyclic I/O Data ..................................................................................................................... 30
Acyclic Device Data –Subslot 0 ......................................................................................................................... 30
Acyclic Port Data – Subslot 1 .............................................................................................................................. 32
Acyclic MRP Group 1 Data – Subslot 2 .......................................................................................................... 33
Acyclic MRP Group 2 Data – Subslot 3 .......................................................................................................... 33
Acyclic Ring Group 1 Data – Subslot 4 .......................................................................................................... 34
Acyclic MRPe Group 1 Data – Subslot 5 ........................................................................................................ 35
Acyclic MRPe Group 2 Data – Subslot 6 ........................................................................................................ 35
4.5 Assigning Device Name and IP Address .............................................................................................. 36
4.6 MRP Settings for IO-Devices .................................................................................................................. 37
4.7 Download from PME to CPU ................................................................................................................... 38
4.8 Hot Standby CPU Redundancy Considerations .................................................................................. 38
4.9 Discovery Tool .......................................................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 5 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................................ 41
Setting up and Sensing Alarms ......................................................................................................................... 42
Power Alarm ................................................................................................................................................................ 43
5.2 External Alarm Circuit ............................................................................................................................. 44
Appendix A Command Language Interface (CLI) ........................................................................................................ 45
A-1 Operator Interface ................................................................................................................................... 45
Login ................................................................................................................................................................................ 45
Connection Interface .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Login Screen Description ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Execution Modes ....................................................................................................................................................... 46
Getting help ................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Terminal Key Function ........................................................................................................................................... 47
Notation Conventions ............................................................................................................................................. 47
GFK-3030 December 2017 iii
A-2 Summary of Commands Descriptions.................................................................................................. 48
A-3 Command Descriptions .......................................................................................................................... 49
Initialize Mode Commands .................................................................................................................................. 49
Enable Mode Commands ..................................................................................................................................... 50
Configure Mode Commands............................................................................................................................... 71
VLAN Mode Commands ........................................................................................................................................ 91
Interface VLAN Mode Commands ................................................................................................................... 94
RingV2 Group Mode Commands ...................................................................................................................... 97
Spanning Tree Commands .................................................................................................................................. 99
sFlow Configure Commands ............................................................................................................................103
SNMP Configure Commands ............................................................................................................................105
Qos Function Commands...................................................................................................................................109
IGMP Functional Commands ............................................................................................................................113
MVR Functional Commands .............................................................................................................................115
MLD Functional Commands .............................................................................................................................119
Loop-Protection Configure Commands......................................................................................................122
LLDP Configure Commands ..............................................................................................................................123
RFC2544 Testing Configure Commands ....................................................................................................125
GVRP Configure Commands .............................................................................................................................127
Voice VLAN Configure Commands ................................................................................................................128
Profile Alarm Commands ...................................................................................................................................129
Appendix B Supported Ethernet Commands ............................................................................................................. 131
iv PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030

Table of Figures

Figure 1: GLM064 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................1
Figure 2: GLM082 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................1
Figure 3: GLM104 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................1
Figure 4: Typical PROFINET System with GLM Switches ..........................................................................................................................3
Figure 5: GLM Switch Bottom Panel...................................................................................................................................................................5
Figure 6: Front-Panel LEDs .....................................................................................................................................................................................6
Figure 7: DIN-Rail Mounting ...................................................................................................................................................................................7
Figure 8: Panel-Mounting ........................................................................................................................................................................................8
Figure 9: Dual DC Power Input Connections..................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 10: Ground Connection ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 11: Alarm Relay Output .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 12: RJ45 Pinout ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 13: Ports 1 & 2 Copper Connections ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 14: Fiber-Optic Cable with LC Duplex Connectors .................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 15: Attach Fiber-Optic Cables to Installed SFP Socket ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 16: Console Port ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 17: Console Cable Wiring ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 18: PME Toolchest Feature .................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 19: Toolchest Data Types ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 20: Select PROFINET Device .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 21: Import GSDML Command ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 22: Browse to Folder and Select GSDML file for Import ......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 23: Toolchest Displays Newly-Added Device ............................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 24: Add IO-Device to PROFINET Controller .................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 25: Select IO-Device from PROFINET Device Catalog .............................................................................................................. 21
Figure 26: IO-Device Installed Under PNC001 ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 27: Assign Starting %I & %Q References for Cyclic I/O Data ............................................................................................... 23
Figure 28: Properties of IO-Device ................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 29: Inspector Form for IO-Device ....................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 30: Accessing the MRP Parameters of an IO-Device ................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 31: Set up MRP Ring Ports ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 32: MRP Group2 Data Tab..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 33: Launch Discovery Tool .................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 34: Discovery Tool in Progress ............................................................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 35: Listing of all Detected Devices ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 36: GLM Switch Parameters Set in PME ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 37: Set Port Alarm Active or Inactive Using PME ....................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 38: External Alarm Circuit ...................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 39: Login Constraints ............................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 40: Telnet Login Screen ........................................................................................................................................................................... 46
GFK-3030 December 2017 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1: GLM064
Figure 2: GLM082
Figure 3: GLM104
The PACSystems GLM series Industrial Ethernet Switches deliver high quality Ethernet operation over a wide temperature range and can tolerate an extended power input range. These switches are ideal for harsh environments and mission critical applications. They may be DIN-rail mounted or panel-mounted.
This document includes a product overview and covers installation, configuration, operation and diagnostics.
Chapter 1. Introduction
2 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030

1.1 Revisions in this Manual

Initial release.

1.2 PACSystems Documentation

PACSystems Manuals

PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual
PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer’s Reference Manual
PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual
PACSystems TCP/IP Ethernet Communications Station Manager User Manual
PACSystems Memory Xchange Modules User’s Manual
PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User Manual
Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer Getting Started
Proficy Process Systems Getting Started Guide
PACSystems RXi, RX3i, RX7i and RSTi-EP Controller Secure Deployment Guide
PACSystems RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET I/O Controller Manual

RX3i Manuals

PACSystems RX3i System Manual
PACSystems RX3i Ethernet Network Interface Unit User’s Manual
PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Scanner Manual
In addition to these manuals, datasheets and product update documents describe individual modules and product revisions. The most recent PACSystems documentation is available on the GE Intelligent Platforms support website
GFK-3030 December 2017 3

Chapter 2 Overview

2.1 System Overview

IO-Devices on a PROFINET Network

GLM Switches are treated as PROFINET-IO devices. The host PLC will therefore use an embedded PROFINET port or a PNC001 PROFINET IO-Controller Module. All physical connections use standard Ethernet connectors (RJ45 or SFP).
Figure 4: Typical PROFINET System with GLM Switches
Chapter 2. Overview
4 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030

Ethernet Devices on an Ethernet Network

The GLM switches contain a number of features which cannot be accessed over PROFINET, but are available over Ethernet. The user may choose to install a separate Ethernet network for this purpose, or run both PROFINET and Ethernet on the same physical network. Refer to Appendix B, Supported Ethernet Commands.
Care needs to be taken that connection to an Ethernet networks does not expose the application to outside interference or monitoring, and does not impose heavy traffic on the PROFINET network, which is intended to service IO-Devices in a timely manner. Refer to the PACSystems RXi, RX3i, RX7i and RSTi-EP Controller Secure Deployment Guide, GFK-2830.
Within the RX3i, the user may install an ETM001 module in a rack controlled by the host PLC CPU, or may use an embedded Ethernet port within the CPU itself to provide the Ethernet features. .If none of the Ethernet-only features will be used, no dedicated Ethernet function is required.
The following features, which are outside the scope of this manual, may be accessed over Ethernet, but may not be accessed over PROFINET:
Virtual LANs (VLANs)
Access Control List Security (ACL)
Quality of Service (QoS) features
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

GLM System Capabilities

Function Name
System Max Value
VLAN Limitation
Privilege Level of User
RMON Statistic Entry
RMON Alarm Entry
RMON Event Entry
IPMC Profile
IPMC Rule / Address Entry
ICMP Type / Code
MAC-based VLAN Entry
IP subnet-based VLAN Entry
Protocol-based VLAN Group
IP Interface (for management)
IP Route (for management)
Security Access Management
MAC Learning table address
IGMP Group
Chapter 2. Overview
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2.2 GLM Product Differentiation

Product differentiation within the GLM Series of products lies in the number of standard RJ45 Ethernet connections and Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) ports offered, as follows:
Number of RJ45 Ports
Number of SFP Ports
IC086GLM064 6 4
Figure 1
IC086GLM082 8 2
Figure 2
Figure 3
Note that the final three digits of the GLM part numbers convey the information about the intrinsic port configuration.

2.3 GLM Features

Each is a stand-alone Ethernet switch that may be mounted on a DIN-rail, or panel-mounted. Refer to Section
3.1. Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +75°C (-40°F to +167°F). Each is equipped with the same bottom-panel (Figure 5), which includes a dual 12Vdc-58Vdc power input, a
ground stud, an alarm contact, a reset pushbutton and an RJ45 port suitable for attaching a console. Each of these features is discussed in Chapter 3.
Figure 5: GLM Switch Bottom Panel
Chapter 2. Overview
6 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030


Figure 6: Front-Panel LEDs
Each GLM Switch product is equipped with a common set of LEDs, as shown in Figure 6:
One LED for each of the two permitted power supply inputs (P1 and P2)
One LED for the Alarm Contact (ALM)
For each Ethernet port, there is an amber speed LED and a green Link Activity LED. The appearance is different for the RJ45 ports (suitable for copper cables) versus the SFP connectors, as indicated in Figure 6.
LED Operation is detailed in Section 3.6.
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Chapter 3 Installation

3.1 Mounting

The GLM switches may be DIN-rail mounted or panel-mounted.

DIN-Rail Mounting

Figure 7: DIN-Rail Mounting
1) Attach the DIN-Rail bracket to the mounting surface with the bracket and screws in the included
accessory kit.
2) Hook the top edge of the DIN-Rail latch attached to the GLM switch over the top edge of the DIN rail.
3) Push the bottom of the GLM unit towards the DIN Rail until the bottom latch snaps into place.
Chapter 3. Installation
8 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030

Panel Mounting

Figure 8: Panel-Mounting
1) Prepare two pilot holes in the mounting surface 172mm apart, per Figure 8.
2) Attach the top and bottom panel-mounting plates to the rear of the GLM switch chassis using the
screws provided in the accessory kit.
3) Secure the GLM switch to the mounting surface with a pair of M4 machine screws.
Chapter 3. Installation
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3.2 Power Connection

The 6-pin terminal block on the bottom panel contains connectors for two DC power inputs. Each is indicated with polarity signs, as shown.
Figure 9: Dual DC Power Input Connections
The GLM Switch may be powered from one or both power inputs. The specified voltage range is 12Vdc–58Vdc. The 6-pin terminal strip will accept AWG 28~14. The wire should be stripped back 6~7mm. The screw torque
limit is 2Nm. The P1 and P2 LEDs on the front panel indicate the status of these two power supply inputs, as shown in
Section 3.6, LED Operation.

GLM Switch Current Draw

The maximum current draw at 24Vdc (nominal) for each of the devices is shown below:
Max Current @ 24Vdc (nominal)
Note: Each DC power input should be connected to a suitably-fused power supply.
Chapter 3. Installation
10 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030

3.3 Grounding

Each GLM switch must be properly grounded for optimal performance. A ground screw (chassis ground) is provided as part of the bottom panel, as shown below. Loosen the ground screw, insert the stripped end of the ground strap, then tighten the ground screw to secure the ground strap in place. The other end of the ground strap (which should be as short as possible) should be securely connected to earth ground.
Figure 10: Ground Connection
Chapter 3. Installation
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3.4 Alarm Relay Output

The Alarm Relay Output is located on the two terminals in the center of the 6-pin terminal strip on the bottom panel.
Figure 11: Alarm Relay Output
The Alarm Relay Output may be connected to an external device. It is a Normally Open Relay. The state of the Alarm Relay is indicated on the ALM LED, as documented in Section 3.6, LED Operation.
Refer to Section 3.2 for wire size and stripping information. Figure 38 diagrams a typical external alarm circuit.
Chapter 3. Installation
12 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030

3.5 Ethernet Connections

Ethernet connections use either RJ45 (electrical) or mini-GBIC (optical) interfaces. All Ethernet connections are located on the faceplate. Refer to Figure 1 through Figure 3.The number and type available for each product in the GLM series is discussed in Section 2.1.3, GLM System Capabilities.
The activity and speed of each port is indicated separately, as documented in Section 3.6, LED Operation.

RJ45 Connections

GLM Switches use standard RJ45 connectors for their electrical interfaces. For example, on GLM082, Ports 1-8 are electrical only.
To connect to a PC, use a straight-through or a cross-over Ethernet cable
To connect the GLM Switch copper port to an Ethernet device, use UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) or
STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) Ethernet cables.
Figure 12: RJ45 Pinout
T/Rx+, T/Rx-
T/Rx+, T/Rx-
T/Rx+, T/Rx-
T/Rx+, T/Rx-
Figure 13: Ports 1 & 2 Copper Connections
Chapter 3. Installation
GFK-3030 December 2017 13

SFP Connections

GLM Switches provide SFP connections using an optical (mini-GBIC) interface. For example, on GLM082, Ports 9 and 10 are SFP ports.
Figure 14: Fiber-Optic Cable with LC Duplex Connectors
Figure 15: Attach Fiber-Optic Cables to Installed SFP
Prepare a suitable SFP module and install it into the GLM optical port. Then connect the fiber optic cabling that uses LC connectors (or SC connectors with the use of an optional SC-to-LC adapter) to the fiber optic socket.
Never attempt to view optical connectors that might be emitting laser energy. Do not power up the laser product without first connecting the laser to the optical fiber and properly installing the protective cover.
Laser light, which may cause damage to the eye, will be produced as soon as power is applied to the laser source.
When a fiber optic connector is removed during installation, testing, or servicing, or when an energized fiber is broken, there is a risk of injury to the eye. Exposure to optical energy may be hazardous to the eye, depending on the laser output power.
The primary hazards of exposure to laser radiation from an optical-fiber communication system are:
Damage to the eye by accidental exposure to a beam emitted by a laser
Damage to the eye from viewing a connector attached to a broken fiber or an
energized fiber.
Chapter 3. Installation
14 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030

3.6 LED Operation

P1 On Green
P1 input power is within specification
P1 power line is disconnected or supply power is not within specifications
P2 On Green
P2 input power is within specification
P2 power line is disconnected or supply power is not within specifications
Alarm On Red
Alarm contact energized
Alarm contact not energized
Copper ports Link/Act
On Green
Ethernet link up but no traffic is detected
Flashing Green
Ethernet link up and there is traffic detected
Ethernet link down
Copper ports Speed On Yellow
A 100 Mbps or a 1000Mbps connection is detected
No link or a 10 Mbps connection is detected
SFP port Link/Act On Green
Ethernet link up
Ethernet link down
SFP port Speed On Yellow
SFP port speed 1000Mbps connection is detected.
No link or a SFP port speed 100Mbps connection is detected
Chapter 3. Installation
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3.7 System Reset

In the event a GLM switch becomes unresponsive, press the recessed Reset button located on the bottom panel. The reset pushbutton reboots the GLM switch without the need to remove power from that switch. Resetting a switch is normally not required. The Reset button is recessed in order to avoid accidental use.
Chapter 3. Installation
16 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030

3.8 Console Connection

The Console port, located on the bottom panel (Figure 16), is intended for administrative functions, and its use is optional. It uses a terminal emulator or a computer with terminal emulation software, connected as follows:
DB9 connector connected to computer COM port
Baud rate: 115,200bps
8 data bits, 1 stop bit
No parity
No flow control
Figure 16: Console Port
To connect the host PC to the Console port, an RJ45 (male) connector-to-RS232 DB9 (female) connector cable is required. The RJ45 connector of the cable is connected to the Console port of GLM Series; the DB9 connector of the cable is connected to the PC COM port. The wiring for this cable is shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17: Console Cable Wiring
Console connections should not be permanent. Once any administrative functions have been performed, disconnect the PC used for that purpose. Leaving a computer connected would expose the application to security risks. Refer to the PACSystems RXi, RX3i, RX7i and RSTi-EP Controller Secure Deployment Guide, GFK-2830.
Refer to Appendix A, Command Language Interface (CLI), for related commands and syntax.
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Chapter 4 Configuration

Configuration is accomplished using Proficy Machine Edition (PME). Each GLM device has a corresponding GSDML file, which must also be imported.
The GLM Switch Device is always used as a PROFINET IO-Device. Select a suitable PROFINET Controller within the CPU and “add” a new IO- Device to the corresponding PROFINET Network. The PROFINET Controller may be an embedded PROFINET Controller Port in the CPU, or a PROFINET Controller module located in a rack controlled by a CPU. Refer to the corresponding CPU manual for instructions on how to set up an embedded PROFINET Controller LAN. Refer also to the PACSystems RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET I/O Controller Manual, GFK-2571, which covers further details on embedded PROFINET Controllers and on setting up a PNC001 PROFINET Controller module.
If the GLM Switch Device is to be used as an Ethernet Device, select a suitable Ethernet Controller within the CPU and “add” a new IO- Device to the corresponding Ethernet Network. The controlling Ethernet Device may be an embedded Ethernet Port in the CPU, or an Ethernet module located in a rack controlled by a CPU. Refer to the corresponding CPU manual for instructions on how to set up an embedded Ethernet LAN. Refer to the PACSystems RX3i Ethernet Network Interface Unit User’s Manual, GFK-2349, for instructions on locating an ETM001 in a suitable rack/slot location, then setting up its Ethernet LANs and adding devices to those LANs.
Chapter 4. Configuration
18 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030

4.1 Import the GSDML file

Browse to the folder containing the GSDML file, then import it using the Toolchest feature of PME, as shown below. Alternately, use the Have GSDML button shown in Figure 25, and perform the import as configuration progresses.
Each GLM Switch Catalog Number has a unique GSDML file associated with it. Note that you will only need to import any given GSDML file once. The file can then be used to define the
parameters associated with each GLM switch of the corresponding type added to the network. If a newer version of a GSDML file becomes available, it will reside in the Toolchest alongside older versions.
The user has the option to change the version of the GSDML file associated with each installed GLM Switch device.
If all GLM switches have been associated with a newer version of the GSDLM file, and the older version of the GSDML file is no longer required, it can be deleted from the Toolchest.
Figure 18: PME Toolchest Feature
The Toolchest offers a drop-down list of various data types:
Figure 19: Toolchest Data Types
Chapter 4. Configuration
GFK-3030 December 2017 19
Since the GLM Switch is to be used as a PROFINET Device, select PROFINET Devices from the drop-down list (Figure 20).
Figure 20: Select PROFINET Device
Right click on the PROFINET Devices line item. At the bottom of the resulting drop-down menu, under Assistants, select the Import GSDML command.
Figure 21: Import GSDML Command
Chapter 4. Configuration
20 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030
The resulting dialog box allows you to browse to the desired folder and select the GSDML file.
Figure 22: Browse to Folder and Select GSDML file for Import
The Toolchest now displays the newly-added device:
Figure 23: Toolchest Displays Newly-Added Device
Chapter 4. Configuration
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4.2 Associating the IO-Device with its Controller

Each GLM Switch device has to be associated with the PROFINET Controller which will be controlling and monitoring it. Figure 24 shows that the PNC001 module located in Slot 6 of Rack 0 (the Main CPU Rack) has been selected. Then with right-click, the menu item Add IO-Device has been selected.
Figure 24: Add IO-Device to PROFINET Controller
Since the device being added is associated with a PROFINET-IO Controller, it will be selected from the catalog of available PROFINET Devices (upper left portion of Figure 25):
Figure 25: Select IO-Device from PROFINET Device Catalog
Use the Have GSDML button in Figure 25 to select the GSDML file associated with the previously selected GLM catalog number. This interface allows you to browse to the folder in which the GSDML file is located, and select the appropriate file. In Figure 25, expand the tree using the “+” icons and select the IO-Device from the catalog list.
Chapter 4. Configuration
22 PACSystems PROFINET Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches User Manual GFK-3030
Once selected, the IO-Device will display as having been installed under the previously selected PNC001.
Figure 26: IO-Device Installed Under PNC001
Also note that the constituent ports of the new IO-Device are also displayed in Figure 26. The data from the associated slots (shown in Figure 26) is treated as Cyclic I/O Data (RTC) by the PROFINET
Chapter 4. Configuration
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4.3 PROFINET Cyclic I/O Data

Cyclic I/O Data is that data obtained by the PROFINET Controller from each PROFINET IO-Device in a cyclic manner. The default transfer frequency of PROFINET cyclic data is 128ms. The GSDML file supports three possible values: 128ms, 256ms and 512ms.
PME is used to assign base references to the Cyclic I/O Data of each GLM IO-Device. Each slot of the GLM IO-Device has a Settings form, such as that shown in Figure 27. Double-click on the slot to bring up the corresponding form.
If the Slot has Output values (as defined by the Direction column in the following tables), it will require
a base reference in %Q. The lowest order bit in the Output table will correspond to the selected %Q reference value, which must be a multiple of 8, plus 1.
If the Slot has Input values (as defined by the Direction column in the following tables), it will require a
base reference in %I. The lowest order bit in the Input table will correspond to the selected %I reference value, which must be a multiple of 8, plus 1.
In the case of slot 3, where there are matching input and output settings, GE recommends selecting the same %I and %Q references, as this will avoid confusion when debugging and in project documentation. For instance, if %I00129 is used for the Port Alarm Inputs, then use %Q00129 for the Port Alarm Outputs. Also note that 16 contiguous %I and %Q references are required to accommodate all the Port Alarm flags (in both %I and in %Q). Finally, do not allow any other devices or device slots to overlap the selected %I and %Q settings.
If PME is allowed to automatically assign the next available %I and %Q references, there will likely be no alignment between the %I and %Q bits assigned to any given GLM IO-Device. This will work fine, but may cause confusion when debugging.
Figure 27: Assign Starting %I & %Q References for Cyclic I/O Data
The constituent data content is documented in the following sections:
Slot 1 (of the GLM Switch Device) contains Device Status.
Slot 2 contains Port Status.
Slot 3 contains Port Alarm Settings & Status.
Slot 4 contains MRP Group 1 Status.
Slot 5 contains MRP Group 2 Status.
Slot 6 contains Ring Group 1 Status
Slot 7 contains MRE Group 1 Status
Slot 8 contains MRE Group 2 Status
The Status Flags are discussed in Chapter 5, Diagnostics.
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