By purchasing the Homespring Water Purier System, you
have taken the rst step in providing safer, great tasting water
for your entire home.
The Homespring Water Purier System (the System) is an
advanced Point of Entry (POE) water ltration system that
uses ultralter membrane technology to provide a physical
barrier to bacteria, parasites, viruses, and particles. The
System requires minimal maintenance and will provide you
with years of cleaner, safer, better tasting water. Simply follow
the information found in this manual and schedule an annual
maintenance visit with your Homespring Dealer.
The System must be installed in strict compliance with
provincial or state laws and local laws and regulations. The
System should only be used to lter water less than 100
(38oC) and must be protected from freezing.
Dealer and System Information
Dealer’s Name
Legal Disclaimer
This manual outlines some of the basic principles of household
water collection, treatment, and discharge and some of the
features of the Homespring Water Purier System. It is not
intended to be a denitive dissertation on the principles set
out above, nor is it intended to be relied upon by anyone but
Homespring Customer Care (“Consultants”) and Qualied
Technicians. Any other reliance is expressly excluded.
The Homespring Water Purier System must be installed by a
Homespring Authorized Technician and properly maintained
in accordance with the Operations and the Owner’s Manual.
Failure to properly maintain the System will compromise
performance and/or result in the failure to control water
Servicing Information
All service and maintenance must be performed by a
Homespring Authorized Technician. Should service be required
during or after the warranty period, or should you have any
questions regarding how to use your Homespring Water
Purier System, please contact your Homespring Dealer.
IMPORTANT! - Read First
Dealer’s Phone Number
Model Number
Qualied Technician
Customer Care Number 1-800-279-9404
Emergency Customer Service Number
Membrane Module Serial Number
Backpulse Tank Serial Number
Backpulse Tank Pressure Setpoint
Installation Date
Supplier Contact Information
Pentair Residential Filtration LLC
5730 North Glen Park Road
Milwaukee, WI, 53209
Tele: 262.238.4400
Fax: 262.238.4404
• Read this manual carefully prior to using the System.
• Permanently locate this manual near the System for
future references.
• Periodic checks of the System are required to ensure
safe and ecient operation.
• Annual maintenance by a Homespring Authorized
Technician is required to validate the limited warranty.
• Cost of all maintenance visits is the Owner’s
• Most tools referenced in this manual are available
through your Homespring Dealer.
• During servicing of the System, the water supply in your
home will be temporarily interrupted.
It is important to read and understand the following safety
warnings to ensure reliable service from your System.
All System Parts and Components must be installed in
accordance with all local building and plumbing codes.
WARNING: Biological
The System is not intended for the treatment of water
from an obvious contamination source (such as sewage or wastewater).
Biolm and pathogens already present in home piping
lines downstream of the System could migrate into
ltered water unless the piping has been properly
sanitized. All household piping and distribution lines
should be sanitized prior to consuming the ltered
water using proper sanitization procedures (see your
local Health authority). The System owner should verify
the water outlet quality at the outlet sources by having
it tested by an approved or qualied water testing
laboratory prior to consumption.
The System must be commissioned and maintained in
accordance with the Owner’s Manual by an Authorized
Service Person. Failure to properly maintain the System
will compromise performance, shorten the life of the
System and may lead to delivery of contaminated
water. Consuming contaminated water could result in
serious injury or possibly death.
The System must be installed on a cold-water supply
line only. Failure to do so may cause System damage,
leading to personal injury and/or physical damage.
The System has been designed and tested to oer
reliable service, provided it is installed, commissioned,
operated, maintained and tested in strict accordance
to the safety instructions contained in this manual.
Failure to properly maintain the System will compromise
performance and/or result in a failure to control water
quality which may lead to delivery of contaminated
water. Consuming contaminated water could result in
serious injury or possibly death.
To avoid System damage, ensure that a Stainless Steel
Prelter or Carbon Prelter is in place during operation
of the System. Failure to do so will void all warranties.
In the absence of either lter, abrasive damage to
the System may occur. A damaged System may
permit contaminated water to enter the household
distribution system causing illness or death. Irreversible
and premature fouling of the System may also occur
resulting in System replacement at the owner’s expense.
Cap when System is under pressure.
Do not attempt to remove System
WARNING: Winterization
The System will be damaged if frozen. The System must
be winterized according to the Winterization Procedure
described in this manual.
The System must be winterized prior to temperatures
falling below 32°F(0°C). Failure to do so may cause the
System to dry, freeze, become damaged, and will void
all warranties. Operating a damaged System may lead
to personal injury, and/or physical damage.
The System must be kept wet at all times after
installation. Do not let the System dry for longer than
12 hours. Failure to do so may damage the System
causing personal injury, physical damage, illness and/
or death and will void all warranties.
Premature fouling of the system is not covered by
the warranty. After the installation of the System if
any noticeable pressure drop occurs, call your local
Homespring Authorized Service Person.
Except in emergencies, do not open the Bypass Valve
(if applicable); Bypassing the System may contaminate
water supply and water supply system.
Always wash hands thoroughly with soap and water
after performing any servicing procedures on the System.
Do not plug the Controller transformer in the electrical
receptacle if there is water on the electrical wiring or
on the power supply. Dry o all components rst. ONLY
OEM parts supplied by the manufacturer are to be
used when installing or servicing the ltration system
(System). Failure to follow this instruction may result in
System damage, serious personal injury, death and/or
property damage. Use of non-OEM parts will void the
manufacturer’s warranty.
WARNING: Emergency Bypass
If System is equipped with a Bypass Valve, do not
open Bypass Valve except in emergencies. Opening
the Bypass Valve will permit potentially microbially
contaminated water to enter the household water
distribution system. Drinking contaminated water may
cause serious illness and/or death. Do not drink the
water if the System has been operated in bypass mode.
If the System has been operated in bypass mode and
if the water is being drawn from a well or surface
water source, the System and the household water
distribution system should be disinfected again once
returned to ltration mode.
If the System is in bypass mode, the Controller must be
unplugged. Failure to do so may cause System to dry
and become damaged, leading to personal injury, and/
or physical damage and will void all warranties.
A bypass is not required for proper operation of the
System. However, some local plumbing codes may
require a bypass. If a bypass is to be installed, the
procedure described below is to be followed in order
to provide water in an emergency or during System
Bypass Procedure
1. Close Inlet and Outlet Valves. (If ball valves are
installed, turn the handles perpendicular to the
water pipe.)
2. Open Bypass Valve (If ball valve is installed, turn
the handle in-line with the water pipe).
3. Unplug Controller.
To return to ltered water service:
1. Close Bypass Valve. (If ball valve is installed, turn
the handle perpendicular to the water pipe.)
2. Open Inlet and Outlet Valves. (If ball valves are
installed, turn the handles in-line with the water
3. Plug in the Controller.
4. Follow the System Membrane Cleaning section
under G. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE in this manual
to re-commission the System.
BioVir Laboratories
NELAP* and California Department of Health accredited
*National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation
Program (NELAP) Accredited #05234CA
The Homespring UF200 Series Water Puriers have
been tested by BioVir Laboratories Inc. and found
to meet all the requirements of the USEPA’s Guide
Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water
Puriers (OPP Task Force Report, 1987) as interpreted by
the BioVir Laboratories specically for the Homespring
UF200 Series Products.
The test results were:
**Bacteria Reduction: >99.99999%
***Virus Reduction: >99.999%
*National Environmental Laboratory Accrediation
Committee (NELAC) Accredited #05234CA
**Tested with E.coli bacteria
***Tested with MS2 Coliphage
Water Quality Association
The Homespring UF200 Series Water Puriers have
been Tested and Certied by the Water Quality
Association (WQA) to the USEPA’s Guide Standard and
Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water Puriers (OPP
Task Force Report, 1987) as interpreted by the WQA and
to NSF/ANSI 42 and 53.
Water Inlet to the HouseFiltered Water to
All sales, commissioning and maintenance personnel are
required to participate in a Homespring Certied Technician
training program to ensure that they have been trained to
maintain and diagnose the system. Since the primary usage
of the system is to remove bacteria, certain parasites, and
certain viruses from drinking water sources, this certication
program is important and mandatory for both safety and
liability reasons.
All eorts must be made to ensure that installations are
performed in a careful, sanitary manner for the safety of the
homeowner, home occupants, and technicians.
The following section outlines the installation procedures,
the tools required in the installation, and the commissioning
NOTE: The images in this manual may appear slightly dierent
than the actual system or parts.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of
severe injury, illness, death and/or property damage,
read and follow all instructions. Use only factory
supplied parts, where required.
System Conguration for Standard Installations
For households on a municipal system, locate the water
main, which connects the household to the municipal supply
line. Usually this is near the water meter. For private pump/
pressure tank style systems, locate the outlet of the pressure
tank. The system must be installed downstream of the water
meter or pressure tank in order to provide treated water to the
whole household.
The system is installed directly in-line with the home supply,
following the water meter or pump and pressure tank.
Diverted Line for nonfiltered water
(e.g. Exterior taps)
1. Inlet Valve
2. Bypass Valve
3. Outlet Valve
4. Drain Solenoid Valve
5. Drain Hose
6. Advanced Plus Controller
24 VDC
System Installation Location with other Water
Treatment Devices
If other water processing devices are currently installed in the
home, the system should be located as shown in the diagram.
Household Faucets
Pressure Ta nk;
Sediment Filter;
Sand Filter;
Water Softener;
Figure 1
A water softener can be placed either before (upstream) or
after (downstream) the system. If the softener is downstream
of the system, it is recommended that a supply line of hard
water be plumbed to the kitchen so that ltered, mineralized
water can be utilized in food preparation and for human
If a chlorinator is used to control bacterial and virus growth in
pipes, a stainless steel prelter may be installed in the system
instead of a carbon prelter.
UV Light
Water Softener
Figure 2
NOTE: A dedicated line, diverted from the main water line,
may be installed upstream of the system for all exterior taps,
pool or hot tub makeup valves, and irrigation systems. This
arrangement will extend the life of the system membrane.
System Conguration for Optional Surface
Water Option Kit
Systems purchased with the surface water option kit are
installed at the same location and in the same manner as a
standard system, with the exception of additional parts, which
must be installed, as shown. Additional parts include an inlet
solenoid valve, check valve, and external prelter.
24 VDC
1. Inlet Valve
2. Bypass Valve
3. Outlet Valve
4. Drain Solenoid Valve
5. Drain Hose
6. Advanced Plus Controller
7. Inlet Solenoid Valve
8. Check Valve
9. External Prefilter
Figure 3
NOTE: The inlet solenoid valve of the surface water option kit
creates a non-pressurized draining of the system. The entire
drain line, including the oor drain, must be below the drain
port of the system.
WARNING: When treating surface
water sources, an external prelter of 20-microns
(e.g. Pentek S1-20BB) nominal micron size is required.
Failure to provide this level of preltration may lead to
system damage and will void the warranty. A damaged
system may cause serious personal injury, illness, and/
or death.
Tools, Supplies and Parts
The following list of tools and supplies are required for the
completion of this installation:
• 5/8" Hose for Drain
(comply with local
plumbing code)
• 2' x 2' Patio Stones
(required only for
heated oor)
• Unscented Chlorine
Bleach (Clorox) - 5-6%
or 12%
Tools Supplied with Integrity Test Kit
• Integrity Tester• Housing Wrench
• Cap Wrench• Two Pressure Gauges
• Silicone Lubricant -
• Digital Air Pressure
• Two 1/4" Tubings
Spare Parts (recommended)
WARNING: Tools used to install the
system should be maintained in sterile condition so that
the risk of cross-contamination is minimized. Bacteria,
parasites, and viruses can live for long periods of
time. As a result, dangerous organisms can be carried
from one installation or maintenance site to another
and may potentially cause serious personal injury,
sickness and/or death. Proper tool care and disinfection
procedures will minimize these risks.
• AA Batteries• O-ring
• Inlet Solenoid Valve• Drain Solenoid Valve
• Air Relief Valve• Advanced Plus
• Stainless Steel Flex
• 1/4" Mini Ball Valve
with Plug
• 3/4" Inlet/Outlet Fitting• 1/2" Nipple
WARNING: Ball valves are
recommended for use as the bypass, inlet and outlet
valves. Gate valves have a tendency to leak, allowing
unltered water to mix with ltered water. The result
may cause personal injury, sickness and/or death.
• Drain within 20' (610 cm) and up to 72" (183 cm) high. If
the system is to be equipped with an inlet solenoid valve,
the drain cannot be higher than the drain port of the
system for proper draining.
NOTE: All outlets downstream of the system will provide
ltered water. A dedicated line, diverted from the main water
line, is recommended to be installed upstream of the system for
all exterior taps, pool or hot tub makeup valves, and irrigation
systems. This set-up will help prolong the life of the system
Part Identication
Air Relief Valve
Backpulse Tank
System Cap
Inlet port
System Casing
Drain port
Outlet port
Preparing for Installation
Pre-Installation Inspection
Prior to beginning the installation, check for the following:
• Space near point of entry of water supply
• Footprint and height clearance
Footprint: minimum 18" x 18" (46 x 46 cm)
Height Clearance: minimum 74" (188 cm)
• Indoors with ambient temperature between 40-90°F
• Drillable oor, patio stone, or wood base. Patio stone
must be securely anchored to oor
• Electrical outlet, uninterruptable 120VAC, within 6' (182.8
• Existing water equipment (e.g. water softeners, lters
upstream and UV downstream)
• Recommended household water pressure is 30 psi
minimum. If water pressure is less than 30 psi, adjust
backpulse tank pressure. Refer to Step 4 in the System
Installation section.
System Base
Figure 4
Air Bladder
System Installation
The system is shipped fully assembled, except for the
system base. Attach the system base to the backpulse tank,
using the supplied 3/8" bolts and washers.
Figure 5
Stand the system upright carefully.
NOTE: Cut open the plastic bag before standing the system
The pressure may require adjustment depending on the
water system of the home. Refer to the table below to ensure
proper tank pressure. Air can be added or released from the
air bladder valve as required. Backpulse tank pressure should
be set approximately 5 psi below outlet pressure.
WARNING: Handle the system with
care. The outside surfaces of the system may be
slippery with a food-grade preservative used in the
manufacturing process.
The backpluse tank has been pre-pressurized to
approximately 30-35 psi from the factory. Conrm the
backpulse tank pressure. If the backpulse tank pressure is less
than 30 psi, add air using a pump. Recheck the pressure after
15 minutes to ensure that there are no leaks in the backpulse
backpulse tank to greater than 35 psi. Higher pressures
may cause the tank's bladder to burst, leading to
ineective daily cleaning. Ineective cleaning can
greatly reduce the life of the system, leading to
personal injury, illness, and/or death.
Once the backpulse tank pressure is checked, adjusted, and
set, record nal pressure on the service tag and on Page 3 of
this Manual.
WARNING: The Homespring base
must be used and securely anchored. Failure to do so
may result in damage to the system and will void all
WARNING: Be sure to always verify
and set backpulse tank pressure. The Homespring
system must be empty when checking pressures.
Outlet port
Pipe Assembly and Installation
Ensure that all threaded connections are tted with NSF
approved plumber tape or pipe dope (for potable water) to
prevent leakage.
For systems being installed on surface water applications, the
surface water kit must be installed.
Turn o water supply where the water enters the home.
Plumb the inlet pipe at approximately 48" (122 cm) and the
outlet pipe at approximately 20" (50 cm) o the ground. Install
water shut-o valves on the new plumbing. The terminal ends
of the new plumbing must be a 3/4" MNPT adapter in order to
use the supplied stainless steel ex hoses.
The two inlet/outlet tting assemblies are shipped
pre-assembled, with the mini ball valves and plugs already
installed. Ensure that the plumber tape at both threaded ends
are in good condition. Assemble the inlet and outlet tting
assemblies as shown.
Inlet Fitting Assembly
For models
equipped with
Surface Water
Option Kit only
Inlet port of
Mini Ball Valve
with Plug
Inlet Valve
Inlet 48”
Outlet 20”
Figure 7
NOTE: The water bypass in the gure only bypasses the
system. This conguration may be required according to the
local plumbing code in your area.
Stainless Steel
Flex Hose
3/4” MNPT
Inlet Solenoid
Figure 8
The directional arrow on the inlet solenoid valve must point in
the direction of the water ow.
Outlet Fitting Assembly
For models
equipped with
Surface Water
Option Kit only
Stainless Steel
Flex Hose
of System
3/4” MNPT
Mini Ball Valve
with Plug
Figure 9
The directional arrow on the check valve must point in the
direction of the water ow.
Install the drain solenoid valve (normally closed) to the
1/2" nipple to the drain port of the system. The directional on
the drain solenoid valve must point in the direction of the
water ow (i.e. away from the system). Install the nylon elbow
to the ow exit port of the drain solenoid valve.
Applicable to Systems in Non-Surface Water
Applications Only:
Connect the inlet and outlet tting assemblies to the 3/4"
MNPT ends of the new plumbing with the supplied stainless
steel ex hoses.
Applicable to Systems Equipped with the Surface Water
Option Kit Only:
Select a location on an adjacent wall, with adequate support
(e.g. wall studs), between the stainless steel ex hose of the
inlet tting assembly and the inlet line of the new plumbing.
Follow the instructions described under the Surface Water
Option Kit Installation section in this manual to install the
external prelter. Connect the stainless steel ex hose on the
inlet tting assembly to the external prelter. Once nished,
connect the external prelter to the 3/4" MNPT end of the new
inlet plumbing.
Stainless Steel
Flex Hose
To ¾” MNPT end of
the new Inlet
the system to the oor with the supplied 1/4" x 2-1/2" anchors
(for concrete oor) or use screws (not supplied) for wood oors.
NOTE: If the system is being installed on a heated oor, use a
2' x 2' patio stone, that is securely anchored to the oor, for a
base. Do not drill the oor.
Apply plumber tape to the 1/4" threads on the air relief
valve. Using a hex key, remove the plug that is located at
the top of the system cap. Thread the air relief valve into the
opening. Do not use tools to tighten the air relief valve to the
system cap as it may cause damage. Loosen the black cap of
the air relief valve 1-1/2 turns to allow for proper venting. Do
not use pliers to take out plugs.
Inlet Fitting Assembly:
Follow the instructions in the Pipe Assembly and Installation
section to assemble the inlet tting assembly. If the surface
water option kit is installed, rotate the inlet solenoid valve
Final Plumbing Assembly
Fasten a drain hose to the nylon elbow of the drain
solenoid valve. Run the drain hose to a oor drain, sink or
dedicated drain that can accommodate the pressure and ow
created during a ush/drain cycle. The drain hose must be free
of kinks and leaks. Fasten the hose to the oor or wall and
direct the hose into the drain with an elbow or clamp. Ensure
that the drain hose can withstand the pressure of the home’s
water supply.
Figure 10
Connect the stainless steel ex hose of the outlet tting
assembly to the 3/4" MNPT end of the new outlet plumbing.
Securing to the oor. Drill a 3/8" hole through the feet of
the system base.
Figure 11
To level the system, insert the supplied shims beneath the feet
of the system base. Check with a level. Once leveled, fasten
The local plumbing
code may require
an air gap to be
installed at the
drain line.
Drain hose must be
anchored down to the
floor or wall and
directed down into the
Figure 12
All systems will have a pressurized ush sequence during the
cleaning cycle. Depending on the controller program selected,
the system may also have a draining sequence. Refer to the
Setting the Controller section for detailed information on
ushing and draining cycles. The following are recommended
drain line discharge set-ups for the systems.
NOTE: Drain conguration must comply with the local
plumbing codes.
For Systems That Have Only Flushing Sequences (Program
1 or 2):
The oor drain and/or drain hose may be raised above the
drain port of the system. The entire drain line must be leakproof, The oor drain does not have to be in the same room as
the system.
As an alternative, the system may be drained directly into a
laundry tub. The laundry tub is usually above the drain port of
the system.
For Systems That Have Both Flushing and Draining
Sequences (Program 3 or 4):
The draining sequence is non-pressurized. Because the system
is completely emptied under only atmospheric pressure during
the draining sequence, the entire drain line, including the oor
drain, must be below the drain port of the system.
NOTE: Systems installed in surface water applications must
have ushing and draining cycles.
Dedicated Trap Drain:
The trap drain must be installed in accordance with local
plumbing regulations. Ensure that there is an adequate air gap
between the drain and the main discharge line. If a dedicated
trap drain is installed in a system that undergoes both
draining and ushing cycles, ensure that the dedicated trap
drain is below the drain port of the system.
The cold water pipe is often used to ground electrical
outlets inside the dwelling. If grounding connection(s) to the
cold water line exists downstream of the system, the
grounding path might have been broken after this installation.
To restore the grounding path, attach a ground wire across
the inlet and outline lines of the system. Refer to the local
electrical code for the ground wire gauge, ground wire
material, and connection method requirements.
Installing the Controller
WARNING: To ensure personal safety
and that the internal fuse in the 24 VDC transformer is
not blown during installation, install the plug from the
transformer into the controller terminals labeled 24
VDC before plugging the transformer into an outlet.
Use the provided plastic anchor if necessary. Ensure that
the controller is within the proximity of the system so that the
cables can reach the drain solenoid valve and the inlet
solenoid valve (for systems equipped with the surface water
option kit only).
Drill a hole suitable for a #8 screw on an adjacent wall. Insert a
#8 screw in this hole and tighten the screw, leaving a 1/4" gap
between the screw head and the wall. Drill a hole suitable for
a #8 screw on an adjacent wall. Insert a #8 screw in this hole
and tighten the screw, leaving a 1/4" gap between the screw
head and the wall.
The transformer cable should also be long enough to reach
the electrical receptacle. Do not connect any cables at this
Inlet Solenoid
WARNING: Grounding protects home
occupants from electrical shock. Broken grounding
may cause personal injuries and/or death.
Drain Solenoid
Figure 13
Mount the controller using the keyhole located at the
back of the controller on the screw head. Level the controller.
Remove the controller front cover and drill two additional
holes suitable for a #8 screw into these two holes and secure
the controller to the wall by tightening the two screws. Use the
plastic anchors if necessary.
Plus Controller
24 VDC from
Solenoid Valve
To Drain
To Inlet
Solenoid Valve
Figure 14
Setting the Controller
NOTE: Electrical power to the controller must be ON to
activate the ushing and draining sequences. The batteries
are for keeping the time in case of power failure and will not
activate the ushing and draining sequences.
NOTE: Once the controller is set, the controller will remember
the start time, program number, and ush/drain interval
settings (if applicable) even if the electrical power to the
controller is interrupted.
NOTE: When the system is undergoing a ushing or a draining
sequence, very little or no water will be available for use in the
dwelling. If possible, select a time for the ushing and draining
when no water generation is required. Normal operation will
resume once the ushing and draining sequences are nished.
Follow these steps to set the Controller:
Setting the Clock
Ensure the transformer is not plugged into the electrical
receptacle. Connect the power supply cable from the
transformer to the 24 VAC terminals on the controller. Polarity
is not important.
Connect the drain solenoid valve cable to the “drain”
terminals on the controller. Refer to Figure 14.
Applicable to Systems Equipped with the Surface
Water Option Kit Only:
Connect the inlet solenoid valve cable to the “inlet” terminals
on the controller. Refer to Figure 14. Polarity is not important.
Install the two AA batteries (provided) in the controller.
Replace the controller front cover and plug the transformer
into the electrical receptacle.
WARNING: Use only the supplied
electrical transformer. Failure to follow this instruction
will void the warranty.
Figure 15
1) Press NEXT twice until “SET TIME” ashes on screen.
Press ENTER.
2) Press the UP and DOWN arrows to set the hour. Press
3) Press the UP and DOWN arrows to set the minute. Press
Setting Flush/Drain Time
Figure 16
1) Press NEXT three times until “START TIME” ashes on
screen. Press ENTER.
2) Press the UP and DOWN arrows to set the hour. Press
3) Press the UP and DOWN arrows to set the minute.Press
NOTE: Check with homeowner. Select a time of day that
water usage is not expected in the dwelling. (e.g. 2:00 a.m.). The
controller will store this setting.
Setting the Program
Choosing a program:
Water ClarityAdvanced Plus Controller
Low Turbidity
Less than 0.5 NTU
Medium Turbidity
Peaks to 1.0 NTU, less than 72
min. per day
High Turbidity
Peaks to 5.0 NTU, less than 72
min. per day
Very High Turbidity
Peaks to 10.0 NTU, less than 72
min. per day
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Program 4
NOTE: If surface water is the source, select either Program 3
or Program 4 in this application.
Program 12 ushes2.5 min7.5 gal
Program 24 ushes6 min15 gal
Program 3
Program 4
2 ushes & 1
2 ushes & 2
8.5 min13.5 gal
16.5 min19.5 gal
Approx Water
Consumption Per
Cleaning Cycle at 5
Setting the Flush/Drain Interval:
Figure 18
1) Press NEXT ve times until “t:01” appears on screen.
2) To change the ush/drain interval setting, press and
hold the UP and DOWN arrows together and press
NEXT. Release all buttons and repeat to shift to the next
interval. There are ve interval settings to choose from:
Interval Setting
t:011 time24 hrs
t:022 times12 hrs
t:044 times6 hrs
t:088 times3 hrs
t:2424 times1 hr
No. of
Flush/Drain Cycles
per Day
Time Interval Between
Flush/Drain Cycles
NOTE: Under conditions of turbid water and high usage of
the system, select a ush/drain interval setting appropriate
to the specic application. Increase frequency of ush/drain
cycle if the system TMP rises too quickly. Increasing the
number of ush/drain cycles per day will prolong the life of the
system; however, more water will be used for system cleaning
Figure 17
1) Press NEXT four times until “PROGRAM” ashes on
screen. Press ENTER.
3) Press the UP and DOWN arrows to set the Program
number. Select the appropriate Program for your
application. Press ENTER.
Controller Functions
A. Manual Flush
NOTE: For use when the instructions in this manual or the
Owner's Manual call for a manual ush.
To manually ush the system, press NEXT once. “MANUAL”
ashes on the screen. Press MANUAL FLUSH to open the drain
solenoid valve. If the MANUAL FLUSH button is held down for
5 seconds, the drain solenoid valve will remain open for 5
minutes. To interrupt ushing, press MANUAL FLUSH again.
The drain solenoid valve will be closed automatically after 5
minutes if not interrupted.
B. Light and Alarm Function:
The green light on the controller indicates that the system is in
operation. The green light will be ON for 10 months from the
rst commissioning of the system.
WARNING: The green light is NOT an
indication of the integrity of the membrane inside the
Surface Water Option Kit Installation
WARNING: For all surface water
installations, the Homespring Certied Technician must
inform the homeowner and home occupants that the
entire water supply and distribution system of the
dwelling must be disinfected prior to use.
1” x ¾”
1” x ¾”
At the start of the system’s 11th month of operation, the
yellow service indicator light will come on. This is an indication
that the system’s annual maintenance is required.
After 11½ months of operation, the yellow service indicator
light will begin to ash and an audible alarm will start to beep.
To temporarily silence the alarm, depress and hold the UP and
DOWN arrows together for three seconds. The alarm will come
back on in seven days after this command is executed.
To permanently turn the alarm o, depress and hold the UP
and DOWN arrows together and press ENTER. “A oF” (alarm
o) will appear on the screen. To turn the alarm on again,
repeat the above step. “A on” (alarm on) will appear on the
To reset the controller, press NEXT and ENTER together and
hold for three seconds. The yellow light will go o and the
green light will come on again.
Mini Ball
with Plug
Figure 19
The surface water kit is purchased separately from the system.
Install this kit in surface water applications.
For convenience of servicing, install the external prelter
between the inlet valve and the inlet tting assembly.
The inlet solenoid valve (normally open) must be installed
as part of the water inlet line and the check valve must be
installed as part of the water outlet line. Refer to Step 2 in the
Pipe Assembly and Installation section.
Mount the wall bracket to the wall.
Attach the external prelter head to the wall bracket
using the four supplied lag bolts.
Remove the plastic wrap on the external prelter
cartridge and insert the cartridge into the external prelter
Ensure that the O-ring is seated at the lip of the external
prelter housing. Screw the external prelter housing into the
external prelter head. Tighten the connection with the
housing wrench.
The plumbing must be compatible with the inlet and
outlet ports of the external prelter.
Install the mini ball valve with plug at the bottom of the
external prelter housing.
When external prelter housing needs to be removed for
servicing (e.g. to change the lter cartridge), close the inlet
valve and depressurize the external prelter by draining the
water inside. To drain the water inside, open the mini ball valve
at the bottom of the external prelter housing. Depress the
red button on the external lter head to speed up draining. A
length of 1/4" tubing can be inserted into the port of the mini
ball valve to direct water into a drain or a large pail.
NOTE: Before installing or replacing the external prelter
housing on the external prelter head, inspect the O-ring to
ensure that it is clean and in good condition. Lubricate the
O-ring sparingly with DOW CORNING 111 silicone lubricant.
D. commissioning - vertical
WARNING: The system must be lled
with water at all times once commissioned. Failure
to do so may cause the system to dry and become
damaged, resulting in personal injury, illness, and/or
Do not turn on any hot water taps when ushing the
system during commissioning or maintenance. If
hot water is used, high levels of factory preservative,
chlorine, or MC1 cleaning agent may enter the hot
water tank and may cause personal injury, illness, and/
or death.
Disposable protective gloves must be worn during
commissioning of the system to protect your hands. At
the end of the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly
with soap and water. Do not reuse gloves. Dispose of
gloves in the garbage.
Filling and Flushing
WARNING: In surface water
applications, failure to install and/or properly maintain
the external prelter cartridge may cause premature
fouling of the system and therefore, shorten the
system’s life or damage the system membrane, causing
personal injury and/or death.
WARNING: If the system cap is not
properly tightened and/or the O-ring is not clean,
system leaks may occur. Leaks may cause personal
injury or property damage. Take care not to crossthread the system cap during cap installation. Apply
DOW CORNING 111 silicone to O-ring and threads. Spin
system cap by hand until it stops. Then tighten with
supplied wrench 1/2 turn. If cap leaks, turn o water
and turn additional 1/4 turn. Make sure vent valve is
always open 1-1/2 turns to allow trapped air to escape
When the internal prelter is removed, ensure the
thimble lter remains in place, seated in the spigot of
the prelter cavity. Removal of the thimble lter may
permit damage to the system membrane, which may
lead to illness or death.
Remove the system cap and remove the internal
prelter. Place the internal prelter in a clean, dry area. Ensure
that the thimble lter is seated properly. Replace the system
cap and tighten as described above.
For models with a stainless steel prelter, a carbon prelter
may be purchased separately if desired.
Make sure vent valve is loose (1-1/2 turns).
Using the controller, initiate a manual ush sequence.
Refer to the instructions in the Controller Functions section on
how to perform a manual ush sequence. Following the
manual ush, open a cold water tap that is downstream of the
system. Allow water to ow for 15 minutes. The system
requires a 15-minute ush to remove the food-grade factory
Figure 20
Slowly open the inlet valve half way, allowing water into
the system. Avoid opening the inlet valve quickly as this will
introduce air pockets that will take longer to escape. Keep the
outlet valve closed. Check for any leaks in the plumbing. If
present, close the inlet valve immediately and repair. As
pressure builds in the system air will begin to escape from the
air relief valve. Once air is no longer passing through the air
relief valve, the system is pressurized.
Prefilter cavity
Inlet valve
Outlet valve
Figure 21
If an external prelter is installed, depress the red button on
the external prelter head to allow air to escape from the
external prelter housing. Once water emerges from the
button, all air has been removed.
Ensure that the two mini ball valves are closed (to close,
turn the handle perpendicular to the plug/hose end). Remove
the plug from the two mini ball valves by depressing the lock
ring and pulling on the plug. Insert a pressure gauge from the
integrity test kit into the inlet mini ball valve, open valve and
observe system pressure.
The valve is OPEN when
handle is in the position
Figure 23
Close the inlet and outlet valves, leaving the inlet mini
ball valve open. Using the controller, initiate a manual ush
sequence to bring system pressure to zero. Refer to the
instructions in the Controller Functions section under on how
to perform a manual ush sequence. Once the pressure gauge
registers zero pressure, stop the manual ush immediately.
Remove the system cap using the cap wrench. The
water level should be at least 2" above the internal prelter
If the water level is below 2", open the inlet valve slowly to
raise the water level.
Figure 22
Figure 24
With the internal prelter still removed, pour 2 cups
(500 ml) of 5 - 6% unscented household chlorine bleach
(Clorox) OR 1 cup (250 ml) of 12% chlorine bleach into the
prelter cavity. Replace the system cap. Slowly open the inlet
valve to pressurize the system. Let stand for 15 minutes.
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