Safety Information ........... 2
Installation Instructions ...3-1 o
Step-by-step instructions .... 6-10
Operating Instructions
Breaking a salt bridg_ ........ 19
Cleaning the nozzle and
venturi assembly ............ 19
Features ................... 13
Service .............. 11, 14-16
V(ater softener system ..... 11-16
Care and Cleaning ......... 17
Troubleshooting Tips ..... 18-20
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . .Back Cover
Parts list/catalog ......... 92-25
V_'arranty (U.S.) ............. 96
_'arrantv (Canada) .......... 97
La secci6n en espa#ol empieza en la pagioa 29
de Agua
Modelo GXSF27E
System tested and certified by NSF International against NSF!ANSI Standard 44 fl)r the
chemical reduction (laims specitied on the per/brmance data sheet.
Sistema probado y certiticado pot NSF International contra norma 44 de NSF/ANSI para
las afirmaciones de reduccidn de los productos qufmi(os especi/icadas en la hoja de datos
de flmcionamiento.
Write themodelandserial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
To find these numbers, lift
the cover and look on the
rim below the control panel.
7247182 215Cl173P009 49-50150 02-05Jfl

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of electric shock,
property damage or personal injury.
_: Check and cmnl)ly with vour state and local
codes. You must tollow ti/ese guidelines.
::Ji::Use care when handling the water softening
s_:stem. Do not turn upside down, drop, drag
or set on sharp protrusions.
?_:Water softening systems using sodimn chloride
(salt) for recharge add sodium to the water:
Persons on sodium restricted diets should consider
the added sodium as part of their overafl intake.
Potassium chloride can be used as an alternative
to sodium chloride in your softener
The _ater softening system _orks on 24 xolt-60 Hz
electrical power only. Be sure to use only the
included transformer
iJi::Transformer must be )luo,_ed into indoor
120 xolt, grotmded outlet only.
_: Use clean water softening salts only, at least
99.5% pm'e. NUGGET, PEI,I,ET or coarse
SOLAR salts are recommended. Do not use rock,
block, granulated or ice cream making salts.
They contain dirt and sediments, or mush and
cake, and will create maintenance problems.
::Ji::Keep the salt hole cover in place on the softener
tmless servicing the trait or refilling with salt.
A WARNING:oo.o, use with water that is
microbiologically unsati _ or of unknown quality
without adequate disinfection befi)re or after
the system.
This water softening system must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used.
_: Install or store where it will not be exposed to
temperatures beh)w fl'eezing or exposed to any
type of weather: Water fi'eezing in the system will
break it. Do not attempt to treat water over 100°E
::Ji::Do n0tinstall in direct sunlight. Excessive sun or
heat may cause distortion or other damage to
non-metallic parts.
Properly ground to cent)tin with all governing
codes and ordinances.
Use only lead-free solder and flux for all sweat-
solder connections, as required by state and
federal codes.
_: Softener resins may degrade in the presence
of chlorine above 1 ppm. If you have chlorine
in excess of this ainount, you inay experience
reduced life of the resin. In these conditions,
you may wish to consider pro'chasing a (;E
point-ofent_ T household filtration system with
a chlorine reducing filte_:
A WARNING:Disc.,-d.lluilusedpax'ts
and packaging material alter installation.
Small parts remaining after the installation
could be a choke hazard.
Tile water softening s}:stem requires a minimum
water flow of three galhms per minute at the inlet.
Maximum allowable inlet water pressm'e is 125 psi.
]f daytime pressm'e is over 80 psi, nighttime
pressm'e may exceed the maximmn. Use a pressm'e
reducing \:dye to reduce the flow if necessarx:

Installation instructions.
A_ CAUTION: Certain plumbing skills are needed for installation. If you are unsure about
any part of the installation of this product, consult a professional plumber.
Unpacking and Inspection
Be sure to check the entire softener for any
shii)ping damage or parts loss. Also note
(lamage to tile shii)ping cartons. Contact the
transportation company for all damage and
loss claims. The ii/antlf_lCttli'ei" is not
responsible fl)r damages in transit.
Important Installation Recommendations
Read entire manual. Failure to follow all guidelines and rules could cause personal injury or
property damage.
_: Before you 1)egin installation, read these
Installation Instructions completely. Then,
obtain all tile materials and tools you will
need to make the installation. Failm'e to
properly install the softener voids the
W[I IT[I n IV.
::Ji::Check local codes. Tile installation m ust
conform to them.
::Ji::In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
Plumbing Code 248 CMR shall be adhered to.
Consult with your licensed plumber.
::J?::Use only lead-h'ee solder and flux for all
sweat-solder connections, as required bv
state and federal codes.
_: Connect tile soliener to tile main water
supply pipe before or ahead of the water
THESOFTENER.Temperature of water
passing through tile softener illtlst be
less than 120°F.
Small parts needed to install tile softener are
packaged either in a bag or on a cardboard
sheet. To avoid loss of the small parts, kee I)
them packaged tmtil you are ready to use them.
Be StlYe not to discard components hidden in
Maximum allowable inlet water pressm'e is
195 psi. If daytime pressure is over 80 psi,
nighttime pressure may exceed tile
maximmn. Use a pressure reducing wflve
if necessary: (Adding a pressure reducing
wflve may reduce tile flow.)
::Ji::Tile softener works on 24 volt-60 Hz
electrical power only. Be sure to use tile
included transformer. Be sure tile electric
outlet and transformer are in an inside
location to protect ['l'OlIl i/loisttlre.
_: See Where to Install the Softener section fl)r
more derails.
A WARNING:Do use with water
that is microbiologically tmsafe or of
tmknown quali W without adequate
disinfection befi)re or atier the system,
The water should be tested periodically
to verif)' that tile system is peril)truing
_: Use care when handling tile softener.
Do not ttlFn upside down, drop, drag
OI" set on shay l) l)I'otI'/Isions.
_: Small parts remaining after tile installation
could be a choke hazard. Discard safely.

Installation instructions.
Plan How You Will Install the Softener
You must first decide how to mm in and out
pipes to the softener. I,ook at the house
main water pipe at the point where you will
connect the soiiener. Is the pipe soldered
coppe_; glued plastic or threaded galwmized?
What is the pipe size?
.4,WARNING:Use..l, le,,d.,ee
solder and flux to prevent lead poisoning.
Where to Install the Softener
::Ji::Place the sottener as close as possible to a
sewer drain, or other acceptable drain point
or standpipe.
::Ji::It is recommended to kee I) outside thucets
on hard water to save sott water and salt.
_: Do not install the softener in a place \_here it
could fi'eeze. Freeze damage is not covered by
the warranty.
_: Do not install the softener where it would
block access to the water heater or access to
the main water shutott.
Put the softener in a place where water
damage is least likely to occur if a leak
develops. The manufacturer will not repair
or pay for water damage.
See Yypical Installation Illustration, Fig. 1. Use
this as a guide when planning yore" particular
installation. Be sure to direct the incoming hard
water supply to the softener valve inlet fitting.
The valve is marked IN and OUT See illustration
on page 5 to help you prepare.
_: A 120-volt electric outlet is needed to plug
in the included transtormer. The sottener
has a 10 toot power cable. If the outlet is
remote (up to 100 filet), use 18 gauge wire
to connect. Be sure the electric outlet and
transformer are in an inside location, to protect
from wet weather. Be sure the outlet is
unswit('hed to prevent accidental shutolt.
_: If installing in an outside location, you must
take the steps necessary to assure the sotiene_;
installation plumbing, wiring, etc., are as
well protected ti'om the elements (stmlight,
rain, wind, heat, cold), contamination,
wmdalism, etc., as when installed indoors.
Outdoor installation is not recommended, and
voids the warranty.
_: Keep the softener out of direct sunlight.
The sun's heat may distort non-metallic
parts and may damage the electronics.
Toolsand Materials Required for Installation
_: In and out fittings included with the softener
are 3/4" (nominal) Col)per sweat tubes.
You should maintain the same, or larger,
pipe size as the water supply pipe, up to the
sottener inlet and outlet.
Use the included bypass valve to install the
sottener. The bypass wflve allows you to turn
off water to the soltener fin" servicing, but
still have water in the house pipes. The in
and out fittings referred to above connect to
the bypass valve with the included nuts and
wash ers.
::Ji::Use coI)pet; brass or galwmized pipe and
fittings. Some codes may also allow CPVC
plastic pipes.
If additi(mal drain hose is needed tot wove
and salt tank drains, it can be ordered from
GE Parts at 800.626.2002.
::Ji::If a rigid wdve drain is needed to comply
with plmnbing codes, you can buy the parts
needed to connect a 1/2" coI)per tubing or
plastic pipe drain.
::Ji::Clean nugget or pellet water sottener salt is
needed to fill the brine tank, see Step 8 in
the Step-by-Step Installation Instructions.

Typical Installation Illustration
24V transf(
Salt hole
,_. HAl
-_ "_'---Hardwater
"_-__...._L Hardwaterto
_ Union (not supplied) (2)
(_-_ Installation nut (2)
_ opper tube, 3/4" (2)
Washer (2)
• Pulloutfor softwater service
NOTE: See Drain Hose Connections section.
• Pushin for bypass
NOTE:Fittingssuppliedare for
3/4" copperplumbing.If youhave
1" plumbing,do notusethe coppertubes
andnutsincluded.Buy1" NPTfemale
1" NPTmalethreadsof the bypassvalve.
Useifwater supplyflows fromthe left.
Hard water
,_ To softener
Optional 3-Valve Bypass Installation Illustration
Adapters for this installation are not supplied with the softener. Toorderthese adapters,call GEParts800.626.2000.(Askfor Part# WS6OX10006.)
Softwater ,_..,_ ...... MAIN
120-voltoutlet ¢4
24V I_l! Outletvalve
I_RPIPE outsidefaucets
_-___-_ ____
Inlet valve
(2) • Openthebypassvalve
Coppertube,3/4" (2)
Installation adapter (2)(see above)
3/4" copperplumbing.If youhave
1" plumbing,donot usethecoppertubes
andnutsincluded.Buy1" NPTfemale
1" NPTmalethreadsof the adapter.
.... _ Hardwater
3-Valve BypassSystem
Forsoft water service:
• Opentheinlet and
• Closethebypassvalve
• Closetheinlet and
Useifwater supplyflows fromthe left.
Hardwater (_
_, Tosoftener

Step-by-step installation instructions.
i_g:Turn off the gas or electric suppl) to the water heateL in the possibilit} that the water _i_. 3A
heater ma} be drained while draining pipes.
i:g:Turn off the water supp]) to pipes to be cut and drain tile house water pipes,
i:g:Open both hot and cold timcets at tile lo_vst location possible.
NOTE:For easier installation, remove file top covei; Release 9 clips at rear of tile cove_:
Rotate coxvr ti)rward and lift up.
• Remo_v plastic shipping plug and wire fi'om valve outlet.
supportare firmly in placeinthe I utlet
NOTE:Besuretheturbineand ' __;_;
port and observe the turbine
valveoutlet. Blowinto the valve _ Ta_blsn:p;_[
for free rotation, t
• Push the b}pass vane (lubricate o4"ing seals with silicone g_'ease) into both ports of
the valve as shown in Fig. 3%
• Snap the 2 lm'ge plasdc clips in place, fi'om the top, down as sho_m in Figures 3A
ml(t 3B, Be sure they snap into place. Pull on the bypass valve to make sure it is held
securely in place.
Be sure file installation suriiJce is lexel and smoofll. Sharp objects under the rank ma)
ptxxlcttxre it. If needed, place tile tmlk on a section of 3/4" thick (minimum) pb'_)od.
Then, place shims under the pl)'_)od as needed to level the softener
i-c--- Clip
O-ringseal goesinto
the outer grooveonly.
Theclip snapsintothe
inletor outlet
(pushall the way in)
,&CAUTION:Obser.eall tle ca,.,,,lsas,o. o,nle.,lle anal
outlet phmlbing'. See illustrations on page 5. Fig.3C
SOFTENER VA[YE INLET PORT. If house water flow is from the left, use a
plumbing crossover as sho_m in Fig. 1, pag> 5. If house water flows up from tile
floor lexvl, ttxrn tile bypass valxe upside ctoxm as shoxm in Fig. 3C.
• If making a soldered copper installation, do all sweat soldering before connecting
pipes to the bypass valve. Torch heat will dmnage plastic pm'ts.
• _'\]len turning threaded pipe fittings onto plastic fittings, use care not to cross-thread.
• Use piI)ejoint compound on all exmrnal pipe threads,
• Supl)ort inlet and outlet phmlbing in some manner (txse pipe hangers) to keep the
weight off of the valve fittings. Fig. 4[
• Use file In'ovided drain hose (20' length included) to attach to the valxe drain
fitting. To keep wamr presstxre ti'om blowing the hose oft; use a hose clamp to secure
in place. Cut the necessm? length and use the remainder in Step 5.
• i z)cate the other end of the hose at a stfitable chain point (floor chain, sump,
launch 3 tub, etc,) that mrminams at the sewex: Check and comply with local codes.
IMPORTANT'.If more drain h()se is needed, it should be orctexed from GE Parts at
800.626,2002, The water softener will not work if water cannot exit this hose during
• Tie or wire the hose in place at the chain point. High water pressure will cause it to
whip during the back-wash and thst rinse cycles of rechargv. Also provide an air gap
of at least 1½" between the end of the hose and the drain point. An air gap pre_vnts
possible siphoning of sewer water into the soflenex; if the sewer should "back-up."
• Elevating the chain hose ma) cause back pressure that could reduce the brine
draw during rechaxge. If raising the chain line overhead is reqtfired to get to the
drain point, measure the inlet water pressure to the softener first. For inlet pressures
between 20 and 50 psi, do not raise higher dlan 8' abo_e the floox: For inlet
6' presstxre above 50 psi, the drain line ma) be raised to a maximmn height of 14'.
O_U connectto floor

To adapt a copper drain tube to the soiteneL use a hack_m to cut the barbed end fl'om the
drain fitting as shown in Fig. 4A. Rotale file drain fitting st) file cutting blade clears file xahe
housing u) pre\ent damage to valve. But a compression fitting (1/4" fi:male pipe thread x l/2"
O.D. robe) and needed tubing fi'om p)ur It)cadhardware store.
• Insert tt/e rubber gxommet into tile 3/4" diameter hole in tile brine tank sidewall as sho_ql in
Fig. 5.
• Push the end of tile hose adapter elbow into tile gxonm/et as shown in Fig. 5.
• Attach a length of hose (use remaining hose Ii'om Stop 4) to the hose adapter e/bo_. Use a
hose clamp to hold it in place.
• I_ocam tile other end of the hose at the drain point. DO NOT ELEVATE this hose higher than
the elbowson tile bdne rank.
NOTE:This drain is %I" safieff only. If the cabinet (brine rank) should o\er-Iill with watel; tile
excess is carried m the drain.
If plumbing is metal, to maintain electrical gromld continuity in tile house cold water piping,
iusmll tile included gTotmd clamp as sho_n ill Fig. 6.
• (;lean pipe with emery paper in the area _dmre the clamp is to be iusmlled.
• Install grounding clamps as shoxnl, making sure damps fit li'eely arotmd pipe.
• Make sure lock x<@mr is ill place.
• Handtighten scre_, then one more fll[Imrn with scre_ddver
NOTE:When repladng ml existing soltenel; also replace grounding clamps.
If removing soltener completel b hard-plumb the water line with same t_pe of pipes as the
original to assure plumbing inmgrit} and ground confimlit_ over the lile of the home.
CAUTION:To avoid water or air pressure damage to softener inner parts, be sure
to do the following steps in exact order.
• Fully open 2 cold soft water faucets nearby the softener.
• Place bypass valve in "bypass" position by puslfing the stem inwaxd.
• Fully open the house main water pipe shutoff valve. Observe a steady flow from both faucets
opened in step A, above.
• Place bypass valve in the "service" position I_NACTLYas follows. I@'EP SO_3" WATER
SLOWLY pull or slide the valve stem (out) towaxd the service position, pausing several times to
allow the softener to pressurize slowly.
• After about 3 minutes, open a HOT water faucet for 1 minute, or mlfil all air is expelled, then
dose. NOTE: If water appears cloudy or has salt}'"u_ste,allow to run for several more minutes,
or until cleaI:
• Close all water faucets.
• Check your plumbing won for leaks and fix rigbt awayif any axe fomld. Be sure to observe
previous caution notes.
• Tunl on the gas or eledric supply to the water beater. Light the pilot, if applicable.
1/4" NPTthreads
1/2" O.D.
-_@°mmet/i Donotconnectto
1/4" NPTX 1/2" O.D.tube
££_,,-_ Hoseadapter
e--- Hoseclamp
] \\valve drainhose.
I _ Tosewerdrain
• LiR tile salt hole cove£ Add about 3 g'4llons of _<_terinto tile rank.
Do not add into the brineweg.
• Fig rank wifll NUGGET, PELI.ET or coarse SOI.AR wamr softener salt
with a purit_ of 99.5% or hi0_er Do not use rock, block, gramdated
and ice cream-making salts, or salt with iron-removing additives
(except for Diamond (2I')rS_] _ Red"Out c'>brand salt). Maximum sdt
su)rage capacity is approximatel} 200 Ibs. Keep the salt hole co\er
closed unless set\icing the unit or refilling with salt.
NOTE:Ifthe softener is installed ill a humid basement or other damp
area, it is bettor m flUthe tank with less salt, more frequently. Eight} to
100 Ibs. of salt will last tor se\eral months, depending on _<_mr
hardness, fiunily size and water softening S}rSml_ modeh
• To gain access to the U'ausfbrmer/po_er cord assemb(v, remo_e the
salt hole co\er fi'om tile softener. Undip the mt)s on the rear of tile
top co\er and rotate the cover 11pwaYdstOremox e. DO NOT PUI 1_
• The softener works on 94 xolta;(lHz electric powei: The included
transf6rmer dmnges standard 120-xoltAC house power to 24 \oiLs.
Plug, the transformer into a 120-volt outlet only. Be sure tile outlet
is alwa}s/i\e so it cannot be switched offb} mistake.
• Replace tile top cmer
• Replace tile salt hole cover

Step-by-step installation instructions.
Programming the Control
CONTROL SETTINGS REQUIRED upon installation and
alter an extended power outage.
EI,ECTRI(:AI, OUTI,ET, 12:00 PM (flashing), and PRESENT
TIME is displayed. Program tile control as instructed bel_m'.
If __--I_-- -is flashing, use tile Up • button to set tile
correct model code as fi)llo_vs: S1_2 fin" GXSF27E. If wm
pass by tile correct code nmnbe_; use tile DOWN • i)utton.
Then press the MODEbutton to accept the correct model.
_: A "beep" sounds while pressing buttons tor control
programming. One beep signals a change in the control
display: Repeated beeps mean tile control will not accept
a change ti'om tile button you have pressed, and you should
select another button.
::Ji::To program tile control, p)/i will tlse tile UP •, DOWN •
and MOOEbuttons.
_: Use the MODEbutton to select the desired control fimction.
I. Press tile MODEbutton until PRESENT
TIMEappeax_ in tile display.
2.Press Lrp • or DOWN • button to set.
The UP button ad\m_ces tile time; tile
DOWN button inoves tile time in i'eveiNe.
If tile present time is between noon and midnight, be sure
PM sho_vs in the display. If the present time is between
midnight and noon, be sure _] shows in tile display:
NOTE:Each press of an UP • or DOWN • button changes
the time bv one minute. Holding the button changes the time
at a rapid rate.
3. \_]/en the present time is correct, press MODE to accept.
I !.-IF'_
I. Pressthe MODEbutton until
HARDNESSappeax_in the display.
2. Press UP • or DO_VN • button to set your water hardness
nmnber in tile display. DOWN decreases tile hardness xdue.
UP increases tile hardness xdue.
NOTE'Each press of a button changes tile display by 1, between
1 and 25. Above 25, the display changes 5 at a time (25, 30, 35,
etc.). Holding a button in changes tile nulnbei_ at a rapid rate.
3. When the display sho_vs yore" water hardness (in grains per
gallon), press MODEm accept.
NOTE."If there is dear water iron in your water supply, you will
need to increase the haacd_mss setting by 5 for each 1 ppm of
clear water iron in your water supply.
You cm_ get the grains per gallon (gpg) haacd_mss of your water
supply from a water m_aJysis laboratory. If you are on a
municipal supply, call your local water department. Or call
Legend Tecl_fical Services, an independent laboratory, to
request a water haaxlness test kit at 1.800.826.8553, extension
47. If your report shows hamd_mss in parts per million (ppm)
or milligrmns per liter (rag/l), shnply divide by 17.1 to get the
equivalent nmnber of grains per gallon.
I. Press the MODE button until l _£_E!IjRECHARGETIMEappea_ in tile display.
NOTE.'A flashing 2:00 _/I (ii_cto_y delimit)
shouM show in the display: This is a good time tot recharge
to start (takes about 2 houi_) in most households because water
is not in use. HARD X_;_TER is b}passed to house tinlcets
dm-ing rechmge.
If no chm_ge is needed, go to step 3. To change the rechmge
starting time, tollow step 2.
2.Press UP • or DOX4'N • button to set tile desired rechaxge
start time. Be sure to observe tile f_dVIor PM as w)u did when
setfng the time ot day,
NOTE.'Each press of a button changes tile time by l horn;
Holding tile buttons in changes tile time at a rapid rate.
3. Press the MODE button to accept.

Optional Control Settings
The controller display has several options and teatures.
This display contains s?'stem diagnostics
infimnation to assist in troubleshooting n r-tr'f
problems with the _Ailtei" Sot_tenei: See 0B P
page 15.
To access the Sysmm Diagnostics, press and hold the MODE
b/itton li)i" 3 seconds.
To return to the nomml displa 5 press the MODEbutton 2 times.
' blUU----
X._]mn the SALT EFFICIENCYflmmre is ON, the unit will operate
at a salt efficiency ot at least 4000 grains of hardness removed
per l)otmd of salt. This mode of operation is the most efficient
setting tot salt usage, because the system will tend to rechmge
more olten, with less salt usage. Turning the feature OFF will
tend to lengthen the time between recharge cycles, which will
provide the most eftident usage of water; but may use more
salt. The degree ot difli_rence between these two cycles is highly
dependent on the water usage and hardness at a particular
NOTE: Califi)rnia Regulations require this teature to be ON for
installations in Califiwnia.
To access the Salt Eflicienc}; press and hold
the MODEbutton fin" 3 seconds. The System
Diagnostics display will al)l)ea_:
Press the MODEbutton again and the Salt
Efficiency display will ai)i)em:
To change the setting, press the UP • or
DOWN • buttons to toggle the leature
ON or OFF. Press the MODE bumm to
I r- n
]f there is an error code detected, the displa_ ] I-.7.I- I- U I
will flash Err to signal that the sottener L.............................................................................................................
requires se_Ti('e.
See page 14 ti)r inflmnation m assist in troubleshooting
error codes. Once the problem is corrected, disconnect the
transfom_er fi'om the wall outlet momentarily, and plug it back
in. The nomml display will apl)ea_: The motor may rim fin"
several minutes, as the unit resets. If the problem is not
corrected, the error code will reappear in 6 minutes.

Step-by-step installation instructions.
Sanitizing Procedures
Tocomplete the installation, do the following
sanitizing procedures.
Care is taken at the factory to kee I) your
water sotiener clean and sanitary: Materials
used to make the sotiener will not infect or
contaminate vour water supply and will not
cause bacteria to t()i'ill OI" gI'oW, However,
during shipping, storage, installing and
operating, bacteria could get into the
softeuer. For this reason, sanitizing as
tollows is suggested when installing.
NOTE: Smfitizing is recommended by the
Water Quality Association for disinfecting.
I. Be sm'e to complete all installation steps,
including programming the control.
2. Pour about 3/4 oz. (1 ½ tablespoons) of
common 5.25% unscented household bleach
(Clorox, I,inco, Be Peel), White Sail, Eagle,
etc.) into the brinewell. Refer to illustration
on page 5.
3. IMPORTANT." Press and hold lot 3 seconds
the taceplate RECHARGE@ button to start
an immediate recharge. RECHARGEbegins
to flash in the displa> The bleach will be
drawn through the water softener, and out
the drain. This process rakes approximately
2 hours.
4. If, after sanitization, water fl'om the house
fimcet tastes salty or has a slight col(n; this is
a preservative ti'om the resin tank. Tm'n on
the cold sott water fimcets and drain tin" a
tew minutes or until clear.
NOTE:When the sanitizing recharge is ovex,
all remaining bleach is flushed from the
conditioner and veto" house COlD water supply
is hilly soft im m ediatel> However, yam" water
heater is filled with hard water and as hot water
is used, it will refill with soft water. When all the
hard water is replaced in the water heater, hot
only and mixed hot and cold water will be hilly
soil If you want totally salt water imm ediatel>
after the above recharge, drain the water heater
tmtil the water runs cold.
A WARNING:,,,,(),,dod,aiuthe
water heater, rise extreme care as the hot
water could catlse burus. Turu the water
heater off prior to draining.
Rated Cat)acity* 11,100 grains with 2.2 lbs. oI sah
23,700 grains with 7.0 lbs. of salt
28,900 grains widl 11.7 lbs. of salt
Rated E/l]ciencv':* 5,070 grains!lb. @ 2.2 lbs. of salt
Amotmt of tligh Cat)acity Resin (lbs!cu./1) 38.0/0.73
Resin Tank Nominal Size (in., dia. x heigh0 8 x 40
Service Flow Rate (gt)m) 6.5
\rater Supply Maximmn IIardness (gpg) {)5
\rater Supply Maximmn Clear Water Iron (t)pm)':** 4
\rater Pressure 15mils (min.-max. psi)**** 20-125
Pressure Drop at Rated Service Iqow (psig) 11
Water Temt)eratm:e limits (min.-max. OF) 40-120
Maximum Flow Rate to Drain (glint) 2.0
These b}btems con[oll// to NSFiANSI 44 for the specific capacity claims as xs.rified and substantiated b_ test data.
* _l_sting was performed using pellet grade sadiron chlolide as the regene_ant salt.
** E_ciency rating is valid only at the lowest sta_d salt dosage. These softeners were e_cien(_ l_t_(1 acco_ling to
_'_"*: Extel/t of h'Oll rl.ml)\_ll ma} \_1 i_ith COllditil)ns. The _apa(ity to r(,t-hlce deal !_at(,l" ill)n is stlbstantiated 1)_
_'(_\ test data. State of Wis(onsin lequiles additional treatmellt if _att,r supply contains gl_atel" tha]l 5 ppm
(lear watel iron. [se of Diamond (;i _tal _ Red-()/It _ o_ Stlper hen ()tit _ _dll implmv iron lenlo_al. Reler to
Cleaning Iron Out of the Water Softening System section.
***:*: Canada _o_;ing p_ essm'e limits: ] .4-7.0 kg/tm _.
3 3/8"
411/4" .,_._ 16"--_,-

About the water softener system. GEAppliances.com
When tile water softening s):stem is providing
sott water, it is called "Service." During service,
hard water flows fl'om the house main water
pipe into the water sottening system. Inside the
water sottening system resin tank is a bed made
up of thousands of tiny; plastic resin beads. As
hard water passes through the bed, each bead
attracts and holds tile hard minerals. This is
called ion-exchanging. ]t is much like a magnet
attracting and holding metals. _hter without
hard minerals (soft water) flows fl'om tile water
softening system and to the house pipes.
_Mter a period of time, tile resin beads become
coated with hard minerals and they have to be
cleaned. This cleaning is called recharge.
Recharge is started at 2:00 AM (Iactory setting)
by tile water softening system control, and
consists of five stages or cycles. These are
Automatic Hard Water Bypass During Recharge
For emexgency needs, hard water is awfilable
to tile home dm'ing tile recharge cycles.
Salt dissolved in water is called brine. Brine is
needed to clean tile hard minerals fl'om resin
beads. To make tile brine, water flows into tile
salt storage area during tile fill stage.
However,youshouldavoid usingHOTwater
becausethe water heater will fill with the
Dm'ing backwash, water travels up through
the resin tank at a tast flow rate, flushing
accumulated iron, dirt and sediments fl'om
tile resin bed and to tile drain.
During brining, brine travels from tile salt
storage area into tile resin tank. Brine is tile
cleaning agent needed to remove hard minerals
fl'om tile resin beads. Tile hard minerals and
brine are discharged to tile drain.
The nozzle and venturi create a suction to
move the brine, maintaining a very slow rate
to get the best resin cleaning with the least salt.
Brine Rinse
After a pre-measured amount of brine is used,
the brine wdve closes. _'Ker continues to flow
in tile same path as dm'ing brining, except fin.
tile discontinued brine flow. Hard minerals and
brine flush fl'om tile resin tank to tile drain.
Fast Rinse
Backwash is tollowed by a last flow of water
down through the resin tank. The tast flow
flushes brine fl'om tile bottom of tile tank,
and packs the resin bed.
_Mter thst rinse, tile water sottening system
rettlrns to sott water selwice.

About the water softener system.
Breaking a Salt Bridge
Sometimes, a hard crest or salt bridge forn_s in
the salt storage area. It is usually caused by high
humidity or the wrong kind of salt. When the
salt bridges, an empty space torms between tile
water and salt. Then salt will not dissolve in the
water to make brine.
If tile brine tank is full of salt, it is hard to tell
if wm have a salt bridge. Salt is loose on top,
but the bridge is under it. The following is the
best way to check tot a salt bridge.
Salt should be loose all the way to the bottom
of tile tank. Take a broom handle or like tool,
and carefully push it down into the salt,
working it up and down. If tile tool strikes
a hard object (be s/tt'e it's not tile bottom or
sides of the tank), it's most likely a salt bridge.
Carefltllv break the bridge with the tool.
Do notpound on tile walls of tile tank.
If the wrong kind of salt made the bridge, take
it out. Then fill the tank with nugget or pellet
salt only: In lmmid areas, it is best to fill with
less salt, inore often to prevent a salt bridge
fl'om limning.
Pushtool intosalt
bridgeto break
Cleaning the Nozzle and Venturi Assembly
A clean nozzle and venturi is needed for the
water softening system to work properly. This
small trait makes tile suction to move brine
fl'om tile salt storage area to tile resin tank
dm'ing recharge. If it becomes plugged with
sand, dirt, etc., tile water softening s):stem
will not work and you will get hard water.
To get to tile nozzle and venturi, remove
the water softening system top covet'. Be sure
the water softening system is in service cycle
(no water pressure at nozzle and venturi).
Then, while holding the nozzle and venmri
housing with one hand, remove tile cap. i,ifl
out tile screen sui)port and screen, then tile
nozzle and venturi. Wash and rinse tile parts in
warm water tmtil clean. If needed, use a small
brush to remove iron or dirt. Also check and
clean the gasket.
NOTE: Some models have a small flow plug
located in tile nozzle and venmri, and/or
a small cone shaped screen in the housing.
Be sure to check and clean these parts,
if vo m" model is so eq uiI)ped.
Carefltlly replace all parts in tile correct order.
I,ightly lubricate the o-ring seal with clean
silicone grease or petroleum.jelly and place in
position. Install and tighten the cap, by hand only.
Do not overtighten the cap.
Nozzle& Venturi
IMPORTANT"Besuresmallholesin the gasketare
centereddirectlyoverthe smallholesinthe nozzleand
*Install with numberedsideup,concavesidedown.

Normal Operation, Control Displays
During normal operation, tile present time of
dav and AM or PM show in the control display
area. When tile demand comlmter determines
a recharge is needed, RECHARGE TONIGHT
begins to flash in tile display ahmg with tile
present time. RECHARGETONIGHTflashesuntil
tile next recharge start time, then changes to
RECHARGE, which flashes until the recharge
is {)vex',
Feature: Optional Recharge Controls
Sometimes, a manually started recharge may
be desired or needed. Two examples:
::_)::YOIX have txse(1 XlXOX'e wateI" than txstxal
(house guests, extra washing, etc.) and
VO/X may xxxxl otxt of sott water befi)l'e tile
next recharge.
_: Tile system ran o/xt of salt.
Use one of tile fl)llowing teatures to start
a recharge immediately, or at the next preset
recharge start time,
Toud/ (do not hold) tile RECHARGE @ button.
RECHARGE TONlGHT flashes in tile control
display area. A recharge will occur at tile next
preset recharge start time. If you decide to
cancel this recharge, touch tile same button
once XllOl'e.
Press and hold tile RECHARGE 0 button until
RECHARGE NOWstarts to flash in tile control
display area. Tile water sottening system begins
an immediate recharge and, when ()vex"in
about two hours, you will have a new suI)ply of
soft water. Once started, you cannot cancel this
Feature: Memory
It electrical power to tile water soltening system
is interrupted, tile control display is blank, and
tile blue indicator light is off; but tile control
keeps correct time fin" about 6 hours. When
power is restored, you have to reset tile present
time only if tile display is flashing. All other
settings are maintained and never require
resetting unless a change is desired.
If tile time is flashing after a long power outage,
tile water softening system continues to work
as it should to provide you with sott watex:
However, rechaxge may occm" at the wrong time
of day/mtil you reset tile control to tile correct
tim e of (lay
Feature/Service: Automatic Electronic Diagnostics
Tile control computer has a sell=diagnostic
flmction for tile electrical system (except
input power and water xl/etex'). Tile computer
monitors tile electronic components and
circuits fin" correct operation. If a malflmction
OCC/XIN_ aXl ex'x'ox" code al)l)eax's ixl tile
control display.
Tile chart on Error Codes shows tile error codes
that could appear and possible reasons fi)r each
code. See Manually Initiated Electronic Diagnostics
to flu'tiler isolate tile deflect.

About the water softener system.
Service: Electronic Demand Time Features and Service
Toremove an error code:
Service: Timer/Softener, Service Checkout Procedure
If you are not getting soft water; and an error
code is not displayed, use the procedures below
to find the problem. First make the tollowing
visual checks.
I. Is there electrical power to the outlet the
water softening system transformer is
plugged into?
• Motor
• Wiring harness
or connection
to switch
• Positionswitch
• Control
Z Correctdefect.
4. Waitfor at least6minutes.Theerror code will return if the reasonfor
theerror codewas not corrected.
• Control
• Motor
• Control
2. Is there sufticient salt in the storage tank?
3. Is the sottener bypass wove directing water
for sott water service?
4 Is the valve drain hose open to the drain,
not more than 8' above the sottener, and
unobstructed? If hose is above 8', see page 6,
section 4.
If you do not find a problem with the visual checks,
continue below
switch or
• Control
CONTROLSHOWS I Electricalpowerwasoff.
WRONGTIMEANDDAY, _ Resetthecorrecttimeof
CONTROL_ powerto control [ NEEDED
DISPLAY (outlet,transformer, I POWEROKI___ I CONTROL
BLANK. powercable,all
l Checkelectrical I__.C NOPOWER].__ REPAIRAS
connections). I DEFECTIVE
Investigatereasonfor I
I functon.

Service: Manually Initiated Electronics Diagnostics
I. To enter diagnostics, press and hold the
MODE button until (000 --) shows in the
A The fixst 3 digits indicate water meter
operation as fi)llo_:s:
_: 000 (steady) = soft water not in
use...no flow through the metei:
?_:000 to 199 (continual) = repeats display fin" each
gallon of water passing through the Ineter
Water Switch(B)
_._lfile in this diagnostic screen, the following infi)m_ation
is available and may be benefidal for wuious reasons.
This inlom_afion is retained by the computer fl'om the
fi_t time electrical power is applied to the control.
::Ji::Press and hold the UP button to display the mmg)er
of days this control has had electrical power applied.
?_:Press and hokl the DOWN button to display the
number cff regenerations initiated by this control
since the SR code number was entered.
2. Press the MOOEbutton and hold in three
se('on(ls until a SelM('e ]_atino (-o(le_ 5R ' ''_| |
appea_ in the display, f f
Forcorrect water softeningsystem
operation,the modelcodemustbeSR22formodel GXSF27E.
Toreset the code, press the UP or DOWN button until the
COITeCt ntllIlbeF shows.
If you don't get a reading in the display; with fimcet
open, pull the sensor fl'om the wflve outlet port. Pass
a small magnet back and fi)rth in front of the sensm:
You should get a reading in the displa> If you get a
reading, shut off' water suppl B tmhook the in and Grit
plumbing and check the turbine fin" binding.
The letter (P) and dash (es) indicate POSITION switch
operation. The letter appearing ineans the switch is
closed; the dash means the switch is open. Use the
button to manually ad\ance the valve into each cycle and
check correct switch operation.
Valvein service,fill, brining,backwash
orfast rinseposition.
Valverotatingfrom one positionto another
3. Press the MODEbutton to return m the present time display,
If the code was changed, make ALL the timer settings.
NOTE"It the c(>ntrol is left in a diagnostic display (>ra
flashing display when setting times or hardness, present time
automatically retm'ns if a button is not pressed within fi)m"

About the water softener system.
Service: Manually Advance Recharge Check
NOTE:The control display must show a steady
time (not flashing).
I. Press the RECHARGE @ button and hold in
fin" three seconds. RECHARGE NOWbegins to
flash as tile water soDening system enters tile
fill cycle of recharge. Remove the brinewell
cover and, using a flashlight, observe fill
water entering tile brine tank. If water does
not enter tile tank, look fl)r an obstructed
nozzle, venturi, fill flow plug or brine tubing.
See Care and Cleaning of the Water Softener
System section.
2.ADer obser\ing fill, press tile RECHARGE @
button to move tile water softening system
into brining. A slow flow of water to the drain
will begin. Veritk' brine draw fl'om tile brine
tank by shining a flashlight into the brinewell
and observing a noticeable drop in the liquid
level over an extended period of time.
NOTE: Be sm'e a salt bridge is not preventing
water fl'om contacting salt. See Care and
cleaning of the water softening system section.
If the water softening system does not draw brine,
i_i' nozzle and/or venttlri dirty or deflective.
N defective nozzle and venmri seal.
_: nozzle and venturi not seated propedy
on gasket.
_: other inner wdve defect (rotor seal, rotor
and disc, wave washe_; etc.).
::Ji::restricted drain (check drain fitting and
NOTE:If water system pressure is low, an
elevated drain hose may cause back pressure,
stopping brine draw.
3.Again, press tile RECHARGE@ button to ino_,e
tile water soDening system into backwash.
I,ook for a fhst flow of water fl'om tile drain
hose. A slow flow indicates a plugged top
distributor, backwash flow i_lug or drain hose.
4. Press tile RECHARGE@ button to Inove tile
water soDening s):stem into tast rinse. Again
look for a tast drain flow. Allow the water
soDening system to rinse for a few minutes
to flush out any brine that mav remain in
the resin tank fl'om the brining cycle test.
5. To return tile water soDening system to
set\ice, press tile RECHARGE @ button.

Care and cleaning of the water softening system. CEappliancescem
Checking the Salt Storage Level and Refilfing
Brine (salt dissolved in water) is needed fin"
each and every recharge. Tile water for making
brine is metered into tile salt storage area by
tile water softening system wflve and control.
However, you must keep the tank supplied
with salt.
When to refill with salt: Check tile salt level a
tew weeks after you install tile water softening
system and periodically after that. Refill when
tile tank gets less than 1/3 flfll. In hmnid areas
it is best to refill with less salt and more often,
to avoid torming a salt bridge (see page 12).
Never allow the softening system to use all the
salt befi_re you refill it. X4]thout salt, you will
soon have hard water.
Cleaning Iron Out of the Water Softening System
Your water softening system takes hardness
minerals (calcimn and magnesimn) out of
the water. Also, it can control some (see the
Specification Guidelinessection) "clear water"
iron. With clear water iron, water from a fimcet
is clear when fi_t put into a glass. After 15 to
30 minutes, tile water begins to chmd or turn
ItlSt colored. A water softening s):stem will not
remove any iron that makes tile water chmdv
or rusty as it comes fl'om tile fimcet (called red
water iron). To take red water iron out of water;
or over tile IllaxiIlltlIll of clear watei" ii'on,
an iron filter or other equipment is needed.
Use clean water softening salts only; at least
99.5% pure. NUGGET, PEI,I,ET or coarse
SOI,AR salts are recommended. Do not use rock,
block, granulated or ice cream making salts.
They contain dirt and sediments, or mush and
cake, and will create maintenance problems.
A CAUTION:Waterso,teningsa,twith
ironremovingadditives:Some salts may have
an additive to hel I) tile water softening
system handle iron in tile water SUl)l)ly.
Although this additive may hel I) to kee I) the
water softening system resin clean, it may
also release corrosive tirades that weaken
and shorten tile lift _ of some water softening
systeln parts. GE recomn/ends using only
Dianmnd Crx:stal <': Red*O/W: brand salt.
IMPORTANT"It is important to mix tile resin bed
cleaner with water (tollowing tile manufacturer's
instructions), pour it into tile brinewell tube
(see page 5) and recharge tile softener
immediately. Do not pour tile resin bed cleaner
in with the salt, as it will not be as efli_cdve in
cleaning tile resin, and can catlse damage to
tile softener if it is left in tile brine tank ,fi:,r an
extended period due to tile corrosive gases that
are fl)rmed.
GE recommends using only Diamond Crystal '_
Red*Out e_brand salts with h'on Fighter '_
additive to hel I) kee I) the resin bed clean of
clear iron. If vour water SUl)ply has clear water
iron, periodic resin bed cleaning is needed.
GE reconllnends using Super Iron Out '_brand
resin bed cleaner to thoroughly clean veto"
resin bed if veto" iron content is high. Clean
tile bed at least every six months, or more
often if iron appears in tile soft water between

Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting -tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the
following pages first andyou may not need to carl
for service.
NO SOFF WATER--Most Common Problems:
Check the following before calling for service:
• Not enough salt--should be at least 1/3 fifll.
• Bypass valve in "Bypass" position--lmob should be in the "OUT" (service) position.
• Hardness setting mo low. Check hardness setting and adjust. Verify hardness of
supply wamr fiom local wamr company, wamr test or call the (;E Answer Cenmr
• Salt Bridge--salt solidifies above wamr level so that brine wamr is not in contact
with salt. See the Breaking a Salt Bridgesection.
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
No soft water Faucet or fixture where smnple was
taken not plumbed to soft water
NOTE"Be sure sample is from a faucet
that does not mix soft and hard water.
For example, a single lever kitchen faucet,
if the cold side is plumbed to hard water.
No salt in the brine taafl¢ or
salt bridged
Transformer unplugged at wall outlet or
power cable to softener not com_ected.
Fuse blown or circuit breaker popped
on circuit to electrical outlet.
Electrical outlet on a circuit that can
be switched off
Mmmal bypass valve ha bypass position " Be sure tile b)])ass xalxe stein is positioned propelty, with tile
Valve drain hose pinched, plugged,
elevated too high or otherwise
" To couselwe salt, tile installer Ina) have isolated sonle fixtures
(outside timcets, toilets, etc.) fl'om soft _ter From the outlet
of tile water sottening s}stem, trace tile water flow path,
in house phunbiI_g. If sod water is not directed to a tilucet
or tixmre where wanted, consult a phunber
Check fin" a salt bridge oi, if tile tank is elnpt); refill with
recoullneuded salt. Press (fi)r 3 secouds) tile RECHARGE
button to staxt an immediate recharge and restore
sod water suppl}:
" Check fi)r a loss of electrical power to tile water soflelfing
system, due to any ot these conditions and correct as needed.
With tile power supply restored, observe tile ti_ceplate tilne
display and read Programmingthe Controlsection.
NOTE:Theelectricaloutletfor thesoftenershouldbe continuously
liveso# cannotbe accidentally switched of_
knob in tile OUT position. Obserxe instrucfioi_s on tile decal
at the end of the stein.
" An} restliction in this drain hose ma) prevellt proper
operation of tile nozzle aud xeutulJ aud reduce or prexent
blJue draw duriug rechar ,e
Nozzle mid venturi dirty, incorrectly
assembled or dmnaged
• Reter to Cleaningthe Nozzle and VentudAssemblyinstructions.
_]th water pressure to tile water sottelfiug s)'stem off', take
tile nozzle assembly apart. Inspect, clean and replace as
needed. Any toreigu particle(s), scratches, nicks, etc., in the
passages can preveI_t operatk)I_. Be sure holes in file gasket are
centered O\reI" holes in file housing,